Quite a noise has been stirgd up reasons against the doings of the Fn the campue over a couple of fresh- twain were obvious morons, ill it A e omen refusing to wear their "pots." was certainly stupid of the two to While I am strongly for this spirit oppose the yokelry in any way. (By G D. E.) as faithfully -as possible. 't'hus, when of rebellion against the sappiest. of while it is true that every 7man of B I a burly fellow of six feet ormore,traditions, I cannot help but look on genius has a hearty contempt for tra- vat k peformatoIae's ,"Arms with shoulders like a piano and with the "offenders" as other than thick- ditions and conventions, it is also true' black whiskers a yard long, pipes up headed young gents. Although they that men of genius, in nike cases out and the Man," givE by the Comedy in a shrill falsetto, the thing becomes were perfectly within their rights and of ten, come to sad ends. Thus with Club. In the main it was good and an obvious sham; wgrse, it becomes although those who advanrfd ethical (Continued on' Page 7) I laud the efforts of the producers. downright silly. Other than this and Still more do I laud the fact that they the affectations of two or three of the picked one of Shaw's plays. Though cast I have nothing but praise for the play. they might have made a better choice they might also have made one infinitely worse,- say, something like '-It pleases me greatly to see that the intended "Shavings" by the sweet Dr. Otto Heller's -'Henrik Ibsen" is old fossil, Joseph C. Lincoln. becomiug more and more popular in The leading woman, Bethany Lov- Ann Arbor. In 'my opinion, it is the ell, (the only name I remember, there best book written by any American being no programs) did extremely on the life and works of Ibsen. More - well after the first few minutes. At than that; from a critical standpoint, the start, how ver,'Miss Lovell ad I place 't not only above any Amen- a gurgly augh and a dozen or so can treatise of the same subject, but syrupy "oh's" and "sb's" that made shove the critique of Gosse and sue squirm indignantly. Inasmuch as hraodes on Ibsen. this affectedness fell away subse- Tht such a volume as Heller's quently I doubt if it belonged'to the should have been written in this part and hence it is my opinion that country as far back as 1912, when it was conceived by Miss Lovell or by only the voices of Huneker and one the director of the play. If either or two others could be heard in pro- of them thinks that good acting con- test against mob culture, is also grati- slists of such stuff he (Devil take the fying. If I am not mistaken, a pro- English language!) is mistaken. essor at this University became un- And if Saw, in the play, actu- popular about that time for lauding - ally had the girl kissing a photograph Ibsen and was finally glad to leave for of a man in the privacy of her room, other fields. l-d-- then Shaw for once made a thunder- Dr. Otto Hailer is editor of the i'ng dolt of himself. I can conceive Book Page of the St. Louis Post-Dis- of a woman doing this with someone patch and he holds a professorial about, if only " one person, for the chair in the literature department of effect, but not alone.' I can also con- Washington University. In 1918 Alfred ceive of a man, coming, full of moon- A. Knopf published his third book, * beams, "from a courting and secretly 'Prophets of Dissent.' His first book kissing a girl's photograph. Indeed, was a text on German literature. I have done it myself; but for any girl of even average Intellect to be- From my usual weekly sheaf of come that maudlin is out of the ques- threatening anonymous letters I of- tion , fer a typical sentence or two from a typical missive: For Wear in the Springtime I have this criticism to make of "In the venicular (sic) of 'the herd' "The Yellow Jacket," as played by how do you get that way? How much Masques: that it was almost self- more of your junk is 'The 0aily' A Hand Tailored Blouse destructive through having an all- Toin to publish and how much longer woman cast. True, perhaps, that the is the campus at large going to stand fundamental idea of the club is that it? Is the One est Choice its members be -all women, but it is 'One of the4Ierd.'" also true that the fundamental idea The signature isn't as sarcastic as back of acting is to represent things it looks. S HOW ING clever collars, cuffs and fronts, TUB BLOUSES emphasize their importance for Spring and Sum- Juicy -Tender - Appetizing _ mer wear. Hand tailored of fine voile in Bramly and tuxedo styles they are, attractive at $5.00, $7.50 and $8.50. "Everyone a masterpiece in the realm of fine cooking. - New Sports Skirts That is the verdict of those who have eaten one f fA WRAP around one of sports skirt of s ,homespun, novelty fab- 1 BEr SIM ER'S c. or fancy satin with fringed hemline or plain Z GRILLED 'STEAKS P bottom will add to your appearance. Priced ~One a day would makie you a football man" $5.95 $1.50 and We are at the old stand-upstairs across from the D.U.R. station on Huron Street ttmlr~ul ntiMH~ltuntulHnu Hll##u##e1Iunlnanuw#lyaluutninlfu~ll i - g= -