Monday during the University udent Publications. OCIATED PRESS iC11! entitled t+ the use hr ;recited to it or not otherwise se,$ pblinsed terla . r~Arbor., M ichan. a segien rd s if aia ire- nea I. £ sentiments eax EDITORIAL STAFF 'Telephone 2414 ; EDITOR.'...........BRIWSTZR P. CAMPBELL ..............................Joseph A. Bernstein. . ..........................James B. Young SAdmG. P. Overton n P. Dawson M. B. Stahl ard Lambrecht Paul Watzel ok MeL'ike ard Chairman..................-L. Armstrong Kern >ard- Hershdorfer E. R. Muesa T. Andrews 'azine >ditor.... ...........Thornton W. Sargent, Jr. editor....................... ....George 1~. Sloan r.... ........... ..................Sidney B. Coates io................................George leindc itor..................................lizabeth Vickery r................................. .... . R. Meist A. Donahue Marion Koch othy G. Geltz j.1~. Mack B. Grundy Katlirine Montgomery ona A. Hibbard, R, C. Moriarty rry D. Hoey Lillian Scher3 . Howlett R. B. Tarr ion Kerr Virginia Tryon or Klein' NESS STAFF lephone 960 ..... ....VRNON F HILLERY .,,,,, ,,... ..Albert 7. Parker ,,.......... .....John J. Hamel, Jr. ...Nathan W. Robertson ... .......Walter K. Scherer .............Herold C. Hunt' Assistants 1. Wolfe E. D. Armantrout 1' Blum 1Edward Conlin nley Moarpe Lawrence Favrot Iam Graulich C. D, Malloch CM~altby Wallace Flower 'vey Reed Charles R. Richards rge Rockwood Richard G. Burchell to apply it to the University itself, or to any of the more dignified .of its proteges. The university is. not, and nev'e will be, a "varsity". If both terms are to be used, they must be used with dis- crimination. ~ THE NEWS' SELF-MARTYRDOM Now that the Detroit Free Press has arranged to establish a radiophone station of its own, which move has caused the Deprtment of Commerce to limit the sending hours of the familiar WWJ, - the Detroit News' station, the News has btaken oc- casion, in a long front-page editorial, to bemoan the Free Press' intrusion and to assume an air of be- nign martyrdom. Says the sorrowing News: "The Detroit Free Press decided to break in on The Detroit News service and demanded of the government that it, too, be allotted hours.......The Free Press frankly stated in its advertising that it 'preferred to wait until the experimental stage had been passed'.before getting into it. That is, it preferred to wait until the News had done all the pioneering wbrk and had built up a public service which brought instruction and pleasure to the people, be- fore attempting to interfere .with it." And then, "While the Detroit News joins with its radio friends in deeply regretting this intrusion on the now long established schedule," etc. .The News has no particular reason to feel sorry for 'itself. Despite the fact that it perhaps may have been something of a pioneer in the use of the radiophone for broadcasting purposes, it will, have to learn that any field of competition, this one in- cluded, is open to entries at any and all times. Perhaps the Free Press refrained from estab- lishing a radiophone station earlier because it pre- ferred to spend its money. getting news and con- tinuing its development as a - newspaper, rather than in obtaining a lot of outside adtertisng by air; perhaps it hasseen no real need for setting up a radio service heretofore;perhaps any number of other possibilities. At any trate, the News had best accept the situation gracefully and forget that it i a martyr to th cause of scientific advancement. It does not own the air., TO THE TEAM The Wisconsin Cardinal last Sinday dubbed you' "the wrecking crew from Ann Arbor". You well deserve the title.' MORE PLAY, LESS WAIT Despite the fact that for several years the de- mand for tennis courts on Ferry field has long ex- ceeded the supply, the situation this year remains unchanged. Players still Bock to the field when- ever weather permits, and yet often spend entire afternoons without getting any opportunity to use the courts. The .side-lines are constantly filled with students waiting for. their turns, while ther late-comer seldom gets a chance to secure a place even on the waiting list. Such conditions lead only to lissatisfaction and grurmbling, as well as criti- cism of the system which Cgermits such a state of affairs.. This year athletic officials have started work on' but one new court, which it is expected will be ready 'for use about May 21. This is a step in the right directioh, 'but will not go very far toward al- leviating the situation. Ferry field at present is large enough for a sufficient number of courts to accommodate all players vho now frequent the grounds in vain hopes of getting in at least one set during an afternoon. The grumbling and dissatisfaction are no doubt justifiable, for students are surely entitled to the full privileges which Ferry field has to, or rather should, offer. More courts, and attention to the present ones needing repairs 'will do away with' the critics and grumblers - and it is entirely with-.. in the power. of the Athletic association to bring about this desired result. thle t'elescop e 1 AT . GRAHiAM'S Mother's DETROIT UNITED LENXS Ana Arbor and Jacksos TIKE TABLE (:Esstern Standard Time) Detroit Limited and Express Cars - 6 :so a. in., ?:a s asa.,S:.o a. im., :0. a. i. and hourl to g c . acson Express Cars (local tops oafAn Arbor}, 9:47 a. s. andeery rr two hours to 9 47 p. at.. L"cal Cars East 8*und- ?St a.m., 7 .:e a. *n. and evry two Acur. t. t :sa p. a;.. n.e. ,>. >m. To Y psilanti."ol--x , :ta p; ait., y a n. m.r r* "*E- . ., 'o aliae, changi at YpsatL Local Cars West hoiaa-7:q . a. a..a :- To Jackson and Lalamasoo--Lbnitd esin 47. i1047,, . -:4p, 2.47.4:47+ 'P'. J acmnsand Lansing -'Limisted: :4.,7 p. . 1922 MAY 1922 ,. Af T WP T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1U 11 12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 '21 22 23 24 2 26 27 28 29 34;: 31" HATS - SPRING - HATS Reblocked at greatly reduced prices. Turned inside out, with all new trim- mings they are as good as E ew. High class work only. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 PACKARD STREET Telephone 1792 OfTHERS S AY: Day * - - - o m - Have it master cleaned. j- It costs you no more. ITELEPHONE . 1 ' I "U for l BOTH STORES ,, ,. w !r Ir i w a MORE ON OUR PUBLICITY SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1922 Night EditorrF. H. McPIKE ENIOlRS, - YOUR PRIVILEGE gratifying to note that so many representa- iors have signified their intention of .car- he class cane today, and their hearty ap- f the custom. As a class reaches the high- : in the undergraduate body of the Univer- is only fitting that its members be privi- > bear some emblem which distinguishes such. all number of seniors, however, seem to much timidity about appearing on the street their class canes as.does the average school ut exposing his first moustache to the vul- i often unappreciative eye of the public. ase of the analogy is sound. Deep in his e senior is just as proud of his cane as the oy is of his first moustache. Both signify nent, the one that of a successful. college n, the other that of ,supposed manhood. here is one great difference which renders lgy inadequate. The only reason that the goy hesitates to show his moustache to the public is because he fears the resulting f jokes, sarcasms, and unbearable banter, nevitably follows such a display. The hes- nior, however, has no grounds for his ti- His carrying of the class cane increases ect of his -fellow students for him. It in- n the underclassmen of the University a yearning for the day when they will be- embers of the senior class of Michigan and led to a similar privilege.', gan's seniors are going to swing their canes e today as a sign of their pride in the class "VARSITY" - back in the day's Jeffery Farnol writes' Vhen the Prince Regent of England was as "George" to the entire sporting world of and signs of a gentleman were how much : drink without becoming tipsy and how e could gamble away without being stag- he "sports" of the day began to call Ox- d Cambridge "varsities". Very likely the : hangers on, the touts and sports, cor- :he good word university and began calling peting teams "varsity" teams and the rival varsity" crews. ne the vulgar term, like bad money, drove er word' out of existence, until today all n England call the teams and crews of the ools "varsities". Finally it came to Amer- ere it is in general use today, except per- the older eastern schools, which hold the partial disrepute. a term so unsavory in origin is now ac- .nd used on all sides is a strange commen-. the influence of time. ,Today even the more organizations which bear the university's e called "varsity" organizations by the news The University itself is sometimes called (Chicago Daily Maroon) Appropos of the statement made by Dr. E. J. Goodspeed in the Tuesday issue of The Daily Maroon, concern- ing the measures that it is necessary to take, to curb undesirable publicity~ pertaining to the . University, The Daily Maroon advocates herein an administrative step which, it would seem;'from the experience of other universities and colleges, should be successful in this institution: the ap- pointment of a publicity diretor who will be a fully recognized member o the administrative branch of the fac- ulty. It has been the misfortune of this unitersity, as of all others who are located in or near a metropolis, to suffer somewhat at the hands of mod- ern journalism. Much publicity, that as "news" is welcomed by the press, and read eagerly by ithe'citizenso; Chicago, proves detrimental to the, best interests of the University. Had tpere been provided by the Board of Trustees an official who would handle efficiently all publicity much of this undesirable advertising would have been avoided. Everyeducational institution has many publicity murasures. It adver- tises, to a certain extent, the wares that t has to offer. It must announce, through the mist adequate medium, the receipt of gifts and endowments, the conferring of honors, the election of instructors, and like incidents that interest the public as wel as the uni- versity. At the same time, student correspondents are anxious to carry to their downtown papers all sensa- tional news of the campus, frequently to the unquestioned detriment of the school:' Probably a majority of the 'institu- tions of learning in the country em- ploy a publicity director, who, as the title implies, directs, and quite force- fully all publicity that emanates from the campus. We have seen that the employment of such an agency has proved beneficial where schools have the same metropolitan publicity diff- culties that are now confronting the university. We therefore feel that consideration should be given the pro- position if the desire to curb the pres- ent flux of undesirable publicity is as animate as it has been manifested, CLASSES IN JOURNALISM MAKE TRIP THROGJO DETROIT NEWS Practical experience is being ob- tained by members of the class in edit- ing of the journalism department by visiting newspaper :plants near Ann Arbor. Friday afternoon students from this class went to Detroit and were taken through the plant of the Detroit :News, one of the best equip- ped newspaper offices in the country. Officials of the newspaper acted as; guides and explained the workings of the plant to the enthusiasts, and also illustrated the different systems used. 'Another group left yesterday morn- ting to take the same trip. Mr. E. G Burrows," of the journalism depart- itsm department, will again accompany them. Wateli for canes today. "RIDEl# for PENS." Nickle's Ar- cade.--Advt - One present .our clos lighted o = ing eere was neve which it edge, -the have dev cause me - unhappin = your eye aS a ..Nlrnsug~~I Civilizati0n very menacing factor day civilization - our e, indoor work, our pc ffices, stores and factor ase in the efficiency of t er intended for the seve is now being subjected. eyes of 70% of all the veloped defects - defe ntal and physical defici ess. It will pay YOU s and not just "think" EE Mr. hi STATE ST. J Lawns and G Lawn Tools - Lawn Seed - Lawn owers - - Gard< - Garc - Gar( FPaious ';Ties Home...... . score .-...--.Co'bb ...Tee" .....phoid The kind you wear Radio. Accosso Many articles needed for si _RA DIO OUT'YFI' can be found here. American Line of Lawn from $7.75 up. Best Grade of Guaranteed L 15c a foot Star~ttling State tents of Pu b~ic 0 ificials In a Cincinnati murder case where the victim was found in the river, limbs tied, shot in the head, and. weighted down, the Commercial Tribune "makes the following astounding statement: "Coroner Stevens at once advanced the theory that the young man had been murdered and his body, weighted, tossed into the river 'by his slayer. Coroner Stevens said he believed that if identifica- tion of the body could be made the murder mys- tery might be solved." . Sherlock Holmes outdone!' "Quick, Watson, the needle." Riddles Suppose with three tens you're enthralled,. And drawing, pull another ten - You bet, re-raise, at last you call, And someone shows four aces then -. Just what would you do in a case like that? Auto VACUUM CUP TIRES AND TI Special prices for this week .:Harken. .No, Clarice, a "grind" is:not necessarily a dental student. And a "good mixer" need not be a pharmic, either. Famous Closing Lines "A beau tie," she muttered as the two suitors ''tzie1 -.' puc , ±12 : to athletic teams, the at the same time. ERM1.