~alt, I - . near future would be forced to - Well, e the committee on correspondence, e'd like permission to write home. Mother's Day Cards e iiVeity . Kern Draton'W.; KHAKI AND VACATION The government is doing everything it can to make the well known assertion, "A million men will spring to arms over night in case of war", a true one. R. O. T. C. organizations in a number of uni- versities, a nationalized militra, short enlistments in the regular army, and a well organized and grow- ing reserve are parts of a great campaign to achieve a citizen soldiery which will be able to meet emer- gencies when they may arise. Still another method for attaining, this ideal is that of conducting training camps for civilians dur- ing the summer, known as Citizens Training camps. These camps are practical training schools in mil- itary science, administered by officers of the regu- lar army. The government pays all expenses, in- cluding transportation, and furnishes food and clothing. Physically fit rnen between the ages of seventeen and twenty-seven are, eligible, and each is allowed his, choice among the several branches of the service. The government has made special provision for college men not eligible for R. O. T. C. carps, since it especially aims to give these men the advantage of military training. College menu in fact, are highly desired, as the need for trained and intelli- gent officers is particularly acute in an emergency. Any man might do well to grasp such an oppor- tunity as this. Four weeks' vacation without cost, spent partly in acquiring special knowledge, partly in outdoor exercise, and partly in wholesome recrea- tion, is at least worthy of consideration. Besides, there may be a commission somewhere at the end of it. ADOPTING OUR OWN OFFSPRING A favorite plot for the old-fashioned melodrama had a climax in which the poor orphan who had .been adopted by a wealthy benefactor discovers said plutocrat to be his father. Much like this sort of episode was the discovery of one of The Daily's own editorials in its "Others Say" column last Wednesday, - though it was masquerading under a by-line Which gave the McGill Daily credit for original publication. "College' Reputations",was evidently copied by the McGill Daily, with the omission, probably by mistake; of the proper by-line. Evidently it struck a responsive. chord, for from the date of its publi- cation in The Daily, January 6, it has been rocket- ing about the country front one college newspaper to another, until at the present time few of the larger publications have failed to run it. But the ubiquitous by+line, "from the McGill Daily", stayed ,with the editorial wherever it went, until even the author was doubtful of it's author- ship. Finall'y The Daily's clipper, drivel to a sort. of desperation by the perennial appearance of the thing decided to clip it and run it in the comtempor- ary column. He did, and gave the McGill sheet .1- - -I,., , .. PETRtOIT UXITED LIUE S An. A*rb*randJack**w TIKETABUE (sastErm Standard Tiie> Detroit Limited and Express Carr --.6:sn a. i., 7:00. a. a., 8:.. a. lm., g:o a. m. and hourly to 9:s5 p. ma. *acktan E preu Cars:(locsl stopi of An Arbor) , !9:47 A. and every tro hors t~ 9:47 p" . :-_ L:ocl Cart East Buad- 5 5 a.a., 7: 0 1. in. mad er .to hlurt ta g :.op. .,, LLSO p. mac. To Ypilanti oniy--r c:4o p a. , :tt a. ir rtgat. im. Tp Eaiia change at YpazilanatL Docal C|art W|st Bowed-7 : e a. is., a2o p. at. Lu Jackion and Kalamazoo-- Ltniit: ears 8:47. 10:47. a. in.. 12:47, 2.47, 4:47. To : ackgaad Lasing .- Limited: 1:E7 1922 1WAY 1922 S' &I T W T F' S 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 8' 9 10 11 12 18 14 15' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 '25 26 27 28 29 30. 31 HATS - SPRING - HATS Reblocked at greatly reduced prices. Turned inside out, with all new trim- wings they are as good ,as new...HIigh class work only. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 PACKARD STREET Telephone 1792 L Order Your Engraved Calling Cards Now! Script plate and 100 cards.................. .$2.75 Solid Old English plate and 100 cards.............$4.00 Shaded Old English plate and 100 cards...........$5.00 100 Cards engraved from plate ........................$1.75 The Mayer-Schairer Company AT G RA HAM'S BOTH STORES Cher ENGRAVERS, PRINTERS AND BINDERS on TELEPIHONE 1404 I12 SOUTH MAIN STilEET 'ERY n I . COAL A Clear Mind I What you can do with your mind depends to such a degree on what you have done to your stomach that you cannot aford to be indiferent to what you eat. In eating We are here to give you the best value possible for your money. We have' only the highest grades of Pocahon- tas, Hentucky, West Virgin- ia and Anthracite Coals. We also have Genuine Solvay and high grade West Vir- ginla and Pennsylvania By- Product Cokes. Quality, Quantity and Price guaran- teed. iii you have the assurance that you are eating a food that 'provides strength for body and mind with little digestive efort and a food that is a distinct help in the elimination of other foods. It is 1U0 per cent. whole wheat, steam- ed and baked to a delicious flavor, and ready to eat. Shredded Wheat is on the training table of nearly every school and college in this country. Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. a narrow margin fame is sometimes missed! ; Tomorrow will be Cane day, senior. Howdy, Ioway! THE PRUNER COAL CO., Inc. Tie Telescope 'El," serious game 1OT FOR ! JDENTS -ersity of Wis' expelled from ien for secretly onsent for the' nts of the uni- the deans and How Ro nstic! I've often wondered who he is, And how he keeps his hair so slick; I never yet have glimpsed his phiz, But still for love I'm growing, sick. He's always there when I arrive, With classic head turned toward the front, And after class although I strive To see him, 'tis too hard to hunt. His ears are exquisitely formed, I note his collars always clean. How strange, to say my heart is stormed By him, whose face I've never seen. And yet, were I to have a chance To learn my hero's .history, I'd hesitate, by word or glance, To spoil the charming mystery. - Iva Penn. Suggestions - How to get the crane out of the Clements library: "Get an airplane, fly over the building, and have one of the Westerners club lasso the crane. Then lift it out through the top." Respectfully submitted, A Member of the Easterners Club." In ,Naughty Naughty In suggesting the new dance ordinance the city seems to 'be trying to get even with this generation of University students for the acts of our student ancestors who passed a regulation that Ann Arbor streets should be paved in gold, and who at one time even elected all the city officers from the stu- dent body. . And They're in College One of the University prbfessors is departing for a trip to the Philippines. As a farewell present he was given a Panama hat. , It is hard-to believe that this is a joke on the professor. The givers must have their geography mixed. Famous Closing Lines. "What a conceited ass !" exclaimed the farmer as OFFICE 124 E. HURON ST. Phone 1950 F-i T HEATR E Starting Sunday MARY-~ PICKFORD LITELR-FAUNTLEROY u e . 41 rom - NANCC$ LJQDGSON cDvRNE:rT' IZrmQs stoiry . $%NARIO Y OERNA AD MCCONVtU. PI-JTOGRAiPi.NY LY C-Af LES QSfER PIrCTION LY ALS1CD E GREN & O3ce more Miss Pickford proves herself the greatest of all stars, bid enough to play the Mother's r d tiny enough to play th, child in a d1 al oe in- con+pabl., r ., anmu ae a m1oery or the home. Then, too, mar- ry effect: it takes the fresh- ps men from athletics and. functions; it sophisticates em less gullible, and thus e difficwlt. Weightby rea- -thy of drastic measures. As being illogical, however, the they welcome to the school married before entering, as i time to taste of married ducation is desirable, even d. No effort was made to i' WENZEL' S I, PAIN 1TING DECORA TI TV rsity it u.- AO .STOPRSS Ann Arbor 205 Michigan, Ypsilanti __ _. . _ 207 E. Liberty, A