.~U .f ATEUS'i l l. . : . 4' r.. rne I it TODAY ,ve been muailed, out by Girls' play commxittee to d houses expaning the aticket sale for "Pomand- 'he first sale will be open iily, from 2 to 6 o'clock mroon, while the sales .d Wednesday afternoons n to the geeal public. be sold at the box office torinin all three days. ng tickets will be on sale the Whitney theater. ave been distributed all; bor announcing the play. is are in the hands of the many of the details of the ng worked out. me commuittee reports that s are practically finished very Way adapted to the S C$EIMN jArcade -- Constance Binney in "The Sleep Walker." M ajestic - "Bouaght and Paid For." Rehearsals .foir the senior" play will tie as follows: F'riday at" 4 o'lock, acts 3, 1,' in N'ewberry hall;. at 7:15 o'clock,. acts 3, 2, University hall. Sat- urdlay,8.30 to 12 o'clock, acts 1, 2, 3, M.uffin and Hornpipe -men .due at 9 o'clock. At 4 o'clock, Act..3. Mofrtarboard society will ,hold a meeting' at 10 o'clock Sunda~y morning a Gt Hlelen Newberry residence. All girls who have signed up .for wo crk in the candy booth in University h ail are requested to report t 'the hours they are signed up for. Under thie present arrangements Fany ~girl who fails to take charge of the booth at the tine she is accountable for will be .fined $2:00. Houses that .wish to have candy on sale may do so by sending a rep- resentative to the booth and signing. up for the. amount taken. W hitson ; - -eniirs; ~Harvey vs. Phil- lips, WVolszynski vs. Troy, Blanche Smnith v-s. Gamble. Evreryone holding tickets for "Y ellova Jacket,", or money. for tickets sald is asked to settle from 2 to 4 o'clock this afternoaon at the booth in University hail No .final report can be given until all the tickets are ac-' counted for. "RIDER for PENS." Nickle's Ar- cade,--Adv. will apprecee' a special Mo cther's Day bob Your M1other o f candy [07'77 f I Orpheun -- Frank 'Mayo "Across the Deadline.'' Rae-"A -Certain Rich Man." in r frlother 's day, Play 14th WVue~th-"Marry the Poor +Girl,": with M4r. and Mrs. Carter De Haven. FRIDAY - S'ATURDAY Frank Mayo '/t' IN 709 M. Unirersity to THE ST AGE "Across the TOIDAY' en's league part- afternoon, mark- of a series ofI have as a fea- Mlummers, "Sup- he play will be rell Angell 'hall will be followed shments in Bar- arge crowd will e party and help a success. atest styles, from .t 0. D. Mrrill's, Adv. Fridlay and Saturdaiy IMimes-Union-"T'he 13;th Chair,"° S by IBayard Veirin. I It was incorrectly stated in yes- terday's issue of The Daily that tick- ets for the '221 annual Step might be secured for $6.00. These tickets ark selling for $3.00. Students who have investigated de- clare that there is .a variety of foods served at the Arcade Cafeteria un- equalled anywhere else in town.:-Adv. 100 visiting cards printed from your' plate, $1.75. 0. D, . Morrill,17t Nicke's_ Arcade.-Adv. "RIDER for PENS." Nickle's Ar- cade -Adv. The followiing tend~s matches must b ke played off' by tonight:. Freshmen,. Baikker. vs. H igley, Kinigsley 'vS. R fanckr, HoulIe vs. Jarvis, Mountain vs. N'\otle , How ell vs. Mansfield, Harshr vs. Hastings; .sophomores, Steele vs. Craigie, B urdick vs. Waterworth, Early vs, Kenaga; jutniors, Wires.. vs.; Watermran, John sen vs. Ely, Hailer v . Binenting, Christian vs. Phelps, Coe vs. I i . i , W t : _.. .... . ... .._ .,, Deadline" 1 ATINEE s 2:s00-4:00i AIflJL TSC...... .....,:....SOc .KIDPI.!. .."........... r i l!c , :, FEEI\G: r7:00 - ADULTS ............ KIDDIES ........... WOME desiring summer: em- ploy ment ,please be' at the West Parlor, Barbour Gymnasium, Sa.t ur da Y motning, May 6, at 10 o'clock. NOW PLAYINCG II r ,. y IL \x \ IF- FIVIp WIVES IS PO LGAMY, AND TWO W iIXES IS B i4'AMVY, XS ONE W IFE iIONO TONY? i , T~ec Kn > fT ii z 1 £; i/coi w r-s r4, lV .,, ,.. -- - . -; r. r _ , _ = . ' t t , , , a i G l '' ' ; __ LJt Ct w V ti f f EVER SYMP7J ANT CAN'T BABY M ILK ,.PV P Women's and Misses' newest suits with k~nee length coats, are instantly appealing, because they are very smart. Faultlessly tailored in Twrill weaves and Piquetines in navy and black. They have few adornments. Narrow, slendeiilng belts, free swing- ing. back panel. .brought about by slashed sides. A typical youthful style is pictured. 1 I r $49.50. ~6'5 $75 OUSE S ' Newest Styles $7:50 1O IC)i /71 WILY DOES THE BILL: } COIME AFER~ IlE C00 , F ROM iThE FAMOUtS STAGE t:Succ Ess v AT4 h y r "x , . . _ _ z: : ,, .; TIED. A4 OF? ADDED- ATTBAIJR TION THE SUNSHINE KIDDI 'K r e ,r a .Are Playing' to O3 h MELOJDY ;LAN E . Capacity Houses Because They Are the CGleverest Children on the With a Chan~ge of Feature Numbers Scottish Dance, "Sheem Tres," Fanny Brice's "I'm An Indian," and Others. kL i - t Y+ tt: t t it nit t ittr imlii 9 otrnuiu uu uuiiiuiirnn un uuuinnu te Flanneis For Suiiner Formn There's a Differen~ce 'TI KER CO P A Y ,OT tATEST.yaT WILLAM ST The Home ot Better Clothes, Hats and Furnishings at Fair Prices