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May 04, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-04

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u1111 Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of the
I i tuE L ni H MAN s
rn public speaking department, has an-
ii11 IlI i l ll unced a artal lit of men who will
peak under .the auspices of the Uni-
OF UNION OP ERftversity Oratorical.assciatin next
' , .Year...
SThe men whose services have been
-INATIN secBOARD ALSO PICHseured are: Irving S. Cobb, humor-
~tIATN44BORD LS PIKSist, whose illness prevented his ap-
COMMTTEE READS FOR pearing this year; Ex-senator W. S.
1928 SHOW Kenyon, of Iowa, now U. S. judge, and
- Glen Frank, editor of the Century
ik for Next Year's Production to MICHIGA-TIGER
Be Selected Soon from Four.
'rank ECamp, '23E, was named_
,eral chairman for the 1923 Union t
ra at'a meeting of the nominating Detroit Alumni Now Negotiating for w
imittee of the Union yesterday aft- Baseball Contest June 5 with r
oon. Committee heads for next / Cobb's en b
r's production were also appointed. s
ssistants to the general chairman EXPRESS CONFIDENCE INm
1 be William C. Kratz, '24E, and QUALITY OF TEAM'S PLAY
vis Stoneman, '23. The stage man-
r will be' John Briscoe, '24E. Michigan' fighting baseball nine m
airmein. named are: Properties, has greater elds to conquer. Fisher's e
as S. Campbell, '23; costumes, diamond men, who have swept all op- g
'leton Hill, '24; make-up, Thomas position aside this spring and who t
ndel, '24; publicity, Robert C. Mor- have only recently scored decisive c
ty, '24; and program, Sidney Sar. victories over Illinois and Wisconsin,
on, '22. Norman Kolb, '24E, will be rated among the best collegiate teams t
trician. in the country, will play the Detroit i
ihef mmittees appointed for the Tigers June 5 if negotiations now un- v
Cra will be In charge f similar der way are successful.-f
r a the MieUnion theater. The Detroit alumni of the University are a
rk at the imes- nioeted late this of the opinon that the Wolverine nine S
sonne he first thing in the fall is about the best in college circles,
ing or t earsongpera will; and want to see Fisher's men in ac-
book for next years opera willbe tion against Ty Cobb's Detroit Tigera
ected soon by the book committee. team. Bob Clancy, '07, is head of at
ur books have been submitted, from committee appointed by the .Detroit
ich the best will be chosen. alumni, to arrange a date with the
Tiger management when the Wolver-
Sines can meet Cobb's men. After an
T RITD interview with President Navin and u
10/Lb I BmLIII ,I, Manager Cobb of the Detroit club yes-
'ITfl terday Clancy arranged for June 5 as T
Iivuut ini, SAYS a tentative date.
'! The Tigers have a game with Cleve-
land but, according to President Na- P
If our chemical and dye works are vin, efforts will be made to change the- p
protected by a tariff or embargo- Cleveland contest to a later date in E
d Germany becomes the leading order to make room for Michigan on
emical country of the world, she will Navin field on the afternoon of June 5.
ain be in a position to attempt to Clancy, in speaking of the proposed
iquer the world," said Prof. A. H. game, laid, "There are a lot of De- U
hite, of the chemical engineering troit alumni of the University who be-
partment, in- a talk on "Chemical lieve Michigan can beat Detroit and if
Lfare" to the American Legion there is a desire for the game out at
eting last night in the Union. school it can be arranged."
Professor White told of Germany's
sition as the leader in the chemical Sbri'n ,Serenade
rlid with America as .her new andg
e rival in that line. "Germany has an
fal in that line. "Germany has one ,;jL+ v v
ligo plantalone that in two days - flt
old be 'changed from making dyes S Ci c-orJ .ay .40
o a producer of thousands o, ____
unds of deadly gas daily." Moonlight and balmy evenings have
'America," he said,."is new in the Monihadblm evigsae
emical business, and our plants will at last arrived and the annual spring
ye to be protected. If they are not, serenade by the Varsity, Glee andc
e cheaper German dyes will be im- Mandolin clubs in consequence is b
ted and our own supply cut off. scheduled for next Wednesday eve-
this happens and we are stripped ning, May 10. The complete musical
chemical plants, ii nase of war we and vocal organizations will take partc
11 be without any means of making in the tour which starts from Helen
ses. As.the next war will be one of Newberry and Betsy Barbour dormi-
emists, much mroeedscNrolfislefW tories atm8 o'clock. r d a
.emists, much more devastating than The men will then proceed to Mar- ,
cm ast ore, it is .evident-what then tha Cook ,building' and the following $
sition of the chemicalless country sororities: Alpha Omicron Pi, Gamma
i1 be.ht Phi Beta, Sorosis, Kappa Alpha The-
w'_ta, Kappa Kappa. Gamma, Delta Gam-
ma, Delta Delta Delta, Pi Beta Phi,
and Alpha Chi Omega. Varied selec-
tions will be sung and played. - The
~banjo quintette .which ,recently' af- ]
...,.. ...y, tdf ord ed dan ce m usic by radio for alum -
]ra fretTogeter Ends Astivtmes ni in Moble, Ala., will play some late
, ., r Year ' music
The Glee club received many tele-
Michigan Boosters will hold their grams of congratulation for its work
al meetipg of the year next Mon- at the Michigan Night radio program
,y night at the Union in the form last Saturday. One of the incidents1
'a general get-together. prominent was the return of the banjo musicI
en in the athletic world, among the from Fort Wayne, Ind., by feephone,.

izini and the faculty, will be pres- so that people waiting in the Detroit!
t to deliver short snappy talks on News offices could hear music fromt
e work, value, and aims of the or- Fort Wayne sent out of their ownt
.nization, - plant.
At this time all committees who have -
orked this year will hand in concise White on State-wide 'Campaign
ports with suggestions for carrying Prof. A. E. White, of the chemical
the work next year. senior Boost- engineering department, is represent-
's will make their nominations Rf ing the manufacturing, interests of'
iphomores to act on the committee the state in the "Selling Michigan t ,
aft year at this meeting alsq. All Wolverines" campaign this week. A
e Pniversity and town Boosters are group of 14 men, including Professor
:pected to be present. White, will visit eight of the larger,
cities in the state in the interests of'
Players Elect New President .this campaign.
Robert $. Tubbs, '24L, was elected.
esident of the Players club at a Lorch Speaks lefore J-Englneers
ecially called meeting held yester- Prof. Emil Loroh, of the arehitectur-
iy afternoon. The previously elected al college, will talk before the junior
resident, Maxwell Erbaugh, '22, re- engineer assembly at 10 o'clock today
Lntly resigned his position follow- in room 348, Engineering building, on
a a decisonn not tn retunn to the 'Tmha a+.iA ~ ar arAmn.+ Thia.ns-


plena iry Session offers Scheme
Future Economic Standard
of World


(By Associated Press)
Genoa, May 3.-The soviet plenipo-
entiaries are "not at all delighted"
with the project of the powers for the
econstruction of Russia. Such is thej
rief summary emanating from soviet
ources of the Bolshevik views on the
memorandum from the Allies.
Ignores Loan Proposals
The fact that the document does not
mention recognition of the soviet gov-
rnment and ignores the suggestion of
governmental loans is said to displease
he communist leaders who are now
onferring with Moscow.
All the leaders expressed satisfac-
ion at today's plenary session, believ-
ng that it embodied the inauguration
of far reaching +ffort to improve the
inances of Euro e. The financial code
at Genoa has been written, declared
Sir Laning Worthington-Evans, chair-
man of the financial commission, who
believes it would prove as important
as the historic Justinian Civil code,
he basis of world jurisprudence.
Limas Paper Issues
The essiantial points are limitation
of the issue of paper money, fixing
parity with gold, economizing in the
use of gold and co-ordination of gold.
The United States, said the chairman,
with almost half the world's gold,
could join in the future study of the
problem without involving itself in
political difficulties and could help
Europe as well as herself.
Tickets for the Senior Girls' play,
"Pomander Walk," which is to be
given May 11 at the Whitney theater,
will be put on sale to women from 2
to 6 o'clock Monday afternoon. A sale
open to the general public will be held
from 2 to 6 o'clock Tuesday and Wed-
nesday afternoons.
Mail orders for tickets will be ac-
cepted after todfty. All applications
should be sent to Harriet Gustin, '22,
business manager of the play, at 1520
South University avenue. Each appli-
cation must be accompanied by a self.
addressed and stamped envelope.
All tickets that remain unsold will
be placed on sale, at the Whtiney the-
ater Thursday. Prices will range from
$2 for all seats on the main floor to
$1.50 and $1 for seats in the balcony.

Only $9,500 of the $30,000 needed for
the Salvation Army citadel has -beeni
raisel .so far, according to H. E.
Roulfs, associate director of the
campaign. To make up the deficit the
campaign will be extended to the end
of this- week.
Several teams have not as yet been"
heard from, and a number of sections.
of the city have not yet been covered.
Returns; from the campaign among
faculty members, which so far has<
produced $500, are not complete, while
fraternities and sororities are also
delinquent in their reports.-
Expect 2'75 Busi ness and Ettorial
Workers at Publications
" -Dinner
Staff members from all University.
Ipubli' a~tions, numbering more' than
275, will attend the annual banquet
given by the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications, which will be held
at 6:15 o'clock tonight in the Union
assembly hall. Invitations have al-
ready been issued to all registered
workers on the edtoinal and business
staffs ofrscthool publications and prac-
tically all tickets issued.
Mr. Arthur C. Pound, '07, of Flint,
editor and writer,.will be the prin-
cipal speaker of the evening. Speech-
es will also be made by Brewster P.
Campbell, '22, and Vernon F. Hillery,
'23, retiring managing editor and busi-
ness manager, respectively, of The
Michigan Daily.
The newly appointed managing, edit-
ors and business managers of the
various student publications will be
called " on for short talks, and will
announce their staff appointments ,for
next year. Prof. Morris P. Tilley, of
the English department, will act as
toastmaster.y s
Several numbers by the Glee club
quartet, and thesinging of the "Yel-
law ancl. Blue," will.'close the banquet.
ariusc stdStudentswlb
cOlledffer hTalig dih l
yroPramr To y


Lansing, May 3.-The baseball game
between Michigan and M. A. C. sched-
uled for today was postponed on ac-
count of wet grounds, due to the re-.
cent rain.
Continuation of the fellowship in
creative arts now held by Robert
Frost is the probable result of the
favorable report made by a commit-
tee to investigate the feasibility of
the fellowship at the meeting of the
deans of the various colleges with
President Marion L. Burton this morn-I
ing. -
The committee expressed the belief
that the fellowship has been a great
success, and recommended that aper-
manent endowment for the fellowship
be sought. It was also recommended
that creative artists should be select-
ed, and that holders of the fellowship
should be men of national reputation.
In a communication from Prof.
Louis A. Strauss, of the English de-
partment, the fellowship was highly
praised and it was suggested that if
the endowment is 'continued, the' ap-
pointment be given to Mr. Frost.
It is not known whether Chase S.
Osborn, prominent alumnus and for-
mer governor of Michigan, who donat-
ed the temporary endowment, will re-
new the fund or not.
Elfin ger To Talk'i

Represents Michigan in Northern Or-
atorical Association Meeting
Julius Glasgow, '23, who recently
won the University Oratorical con-
test, leaves today in company with
Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, of theI
public speaking department, for Ur-C
bana, where he will represent Michi-
gan in the Northern Oratorical league
contest on Friday night.
Glasgow, who will deliver the ora-
tion "Parting of the Ways," will com-
pete with students from the universi-
ties of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Il-
linois, and Northwestern. The winner
will take the Frank Louden prize of
$100, and the one taking second hon-
ors will receive $50.
The Chicago''Alumni medal, given
to the winner of the University Ora-
torical contest, was presented to Glas-
gow jugt prior to his final tryout yes-
terday afternoon in University Hall.
Glee Club Board Eleets Manager

In conformity with a custom inaug-
urated a number of years ago where-."
by the efforts of such students as
have made special progress in the
various departments of the School of
Music. may be rewarded by an ap-'
pearance in Hill auditorium, the twi-
light recital at 4:15 o'clock this aft-
ernoon in Hill auditorium will be
turned over to advanced students of
the school. .
The men and women who will ap-
pear have been - adjudged by the fac-
ulty to be especially talented in their
chosen arts, and have prepared num-
bers of professional quality for the
Those who will take part are G e
E. Clark, '22, S. of M., pianist; Ester
D. Hollands, S. of M., soprano; Jose-
phine Connable, S. of M., violinist;
Richmond Gardfier, S. of M., baritone;
Mary Louise Maxwell, S. of M., pian-
ist; Thomas E. Dewey, '23, S. of M.,
baritone; Norman Lockwood, S. of M.,
pianist; Doris M. Howe, S. of M.,
'contralto;- and Max Ewing, '24, S. of
M. Accompaniments will be played by
Evelyn Pace, S. of M., Mary Louis
Maxwell, and Leonard J. Brooks, '22L.
Team to Play Ohio State Saturday at
Columbus Announced
John M. Winters, '23L, captain, H.
Smith, '23, F. W. Steketee, '22, E. T.
Broderick, '24, substitute, were chosen
to represent Michigan on the Colum-
bus golf links against Ohio State Sat-
1 urday. If the personnel of the team

Dean John R. Effinger will give a
lecture on the play "La Belle Aven-.
ture" at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon
in room 207, .appan hall. The talk,.
which is to be in English, will insure
a morecomplete apprecation and un-
derstanding of this .comedy, which is
to be given on Tuesday, May 9, by the
Cercle Francais.
According to members of the fac-
ulty, who are .directing the work, the
rehearsals have been going forward
successfully. . The play promises to
be one of the fine student productions
of the year.
Starting this afternoon tickets will
be on sale at the bookstores. General
admissiofn will be 50 cents, reserved
seats $1. Admission is free to asso-
ciate members. Associate member-
ship cards and 50 cents wilt entitle
holders to reserved seats.
Discuss New Law
Club In A9lumns
The recent gift to the University in
the shape of the new Law club and
dormitory is made the principal topic
for discussion in the issue of the
Alumnus that will be mailed tomor-
row. Several views of the proposed
building are used 'o illustrate the ar-
Prof. C. H. Van Tyne's trip to Indi a
is fully described and commented up-
on in another article. His views are
quoted as to he Indian situation and
detailed descriptions of some of his
work given. .. -
An account of the Cosmopolitan.
club's spring trip and a detailed re-
production of the report of the March.
meeting of the Board of Regents are
also included in this issue.
Mother's Day To Be May 14
Mother's day will be observed on
Sunday, May 14, this year. The vari
ous churches throughout the city ar
already making plans to provide fit
ting services for commemorating the
day. Florist shops here are receiving
advance orders on flowers for the oc

Clos Decsions Mark'Baotlng
Races For Cass and AU.Capus
Final reports from the All-camj
election corroborated yesterday's e
ly returns with regard to the ma
offices. Vernon F. Hillery, '23, led
president of the Student council w
a total of1,561, John W. Ross, '2
receiving 823.
Thomas Underwood, '23L, was ele
1ed president of the Union with a Y
of 871. Thomas Lynch, '23E, the ±
candidate for the office, received'
votes. The other candidates w
Robert Neale, '23E, with 389, "
James Stevens, '23, with '54 voi
For recording secretary, John
Burge, '23, received 1,166, and B
Uebele, '23E, 775.
Robert E. Adams, '23, received
for literary vice-president and Jaz
Hume, '23, 407 for the same off
Engineering vice-president, John
Ross, '23E, 402 to Frank E. Can
205 votes. '.Medical vice-presid
Walter Klingman, '23M, 141'
George Stucky, '23M, 94. For I
vice-president, Earl F. Boxell, '2
led John M. Winters, '23L, with
to 98 votes. In the combined
partments the vote went, John Sea
'23P, 112, Gilbert T. Ely, '24D, -83,
Robert Winslow, '23D, 59.
Student Council Picked
Candidates for the Student cot
received votes as follows: candide
at larg, Robert Kngde '23, 1,
Stanley 'Muirhead, '24, 987, John
Lawtons, '24, 616, Robert V. Rice,
592, Robert C. Moiaity, '24, 421, R
ert Martin, '23, 367, and Harry Cla
'24, 314. The two highest ca
dates were elected among junior l
Howard Liverance received
James Hume, 158, Burton Dun
135, Lawrence Snell, 14'2, Albert
Parker, 133, and Nathan Roberti
,111, the three highest candidates
ing chosen. Out of.the sophomore
Harry Kipke polled 257votes, Wa
SScherer, 153, Edward M1urane,
and George Troost, 76, two:b
elected; junior engineers, E C. pia
94, and W. A. Cotten 9; sophon
engineers, John Plhamus, 8, an
A. Campbell, 84; junior laws, C.
SRice, 33, -and L,. R. Williams, 30;j
fr medics, George Belots, 44, a-d
W. Duemling, 42; junior educatio
Herold Hunt, 16, and John Hamel,
junior homoeops, C. H- Peachey, 7,
William LeFever, 3; junior pharn
-Russell Taylor, 8, and Frederick
Fischer, 6; junior architects, I
Lunlin, 22, and Howard Farley, 17
" The candidates elected to the E
dent Advisory committee were, f
the junior class, Paul E. Wa
1,065, and W. A. Cotten, 944, and
the sophomore class, D. W. Stek
1,186, atnd W. C. Kratz, 811, the o
candidates being T. G. Kindel, 760,
Harry Hoey, 646.
t Three Elected to Board
Vernon F. Hillery, '23, John W.
ly, '23, and Paul Watzel, '23, "
the elections to the Board in Cotr
of Student Publications with 1
- 970, and 955 votes, respectively.
other candidates were B. E~. Diii
'23, 581, Nathan W. Robertson,
-568;Robert 0. Martin, '23, 556, E
Schumacher,'24L, 518, John P. Ha
'23, 477,- and C. E. Proctr, '23E,
s The Board in Control dt Athle
to which three candidates were e
ij ed, received votes as follows:
- Goebel, '23E, 1,914, Robert Knode
d 1,479, H. B. Hoffman, '24M, 926,
e land Kirkpatrick, '23E, 598, H.
Striker, '25M, 399, and William I
tenburg, '23, 395.
Robert E. Adams, '23, was e
n president of the Student Christial
soiation with a total of 531 'v
- The other candidates were Burta
Dunlop, '23, 380, Julius B. Glas
- '23, 337, and Paul A. Rehmus, '23,
The vice-presidents of the St
g Christian association were electe

- ' follows: Episcopal, Maurice P. Rh
e '23, only candidate; Lutheran, Wi
M. Mackeneen, '24L, 47; and G
Welsh, '24L, 34; Presbyterian, R
R. Clark, '24, 210, and Claude L.
- kens, '23, 92; Methodist, A. Ross
- '23, 211; and Herbert H. Twining
n 145; Baptist, Morris C. Robinson

can be improved by new men VWho can casion, the carnation receiving rn

James C. Stevens, '23, was elected outscore these, they will have a preference.
manager of the University of Michi- chance to make the team.
gan ,Glee club at the meeting of the The schedule of the season- is as fol- Bevenidge Wins Nomination
board in control last night. He will lows: Ohio "at Columbus May 6, Pur- lndianapolis, May 3.-Defeat of Un
act as manager during the year 1922- due at Ann Arbor May 13, Illinois at ited States Senator Harry S. New, Re
1923 and will assume his duties at Ann Arbor May 22, Chicago at Chica- publican candidate for renomination

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