UQl ET N a w. ssardiays.) i d SERS, EN6iNEER, DIES ' AT HOME INl SAGINlAW Collecion Of Coral Fossils Here. Declared Treasure Of Science AY 8, 1922 Number 16$R ce of the Deans this morning at 10 in the M. L. BURTON.; ly of all students of Education at Newberry :15. President McKenny, of the State Normal A. S. WHITNEY. p._ the Faculty of these colleges on Wednes- Room 411, Engineering building. LOUIS A. HOPKINS. )ral Union will be held in Hill Auditorium IWednesday and Thursday evenings at 7 iter doors at rear of building. Frederick EARL V. MOORE. 'man 20A will meet Thursday at 7 p. m. J. A. C. HILDNER. >: Johnson, of the Department of Geodesy and Surveying, eshmen on Wednesday, May 3, 1922, in Room 348 of the g. Every Freshnian is' requested to be present at this C. E. WILSON, Head Mentor, Freshman Engineers. "-, 'ill speak in English on "La Belle Aventure", in Tappan sday, of this week. "La Belle Aventure" is to be this given by students of the French Department. All who elcome. JEAN B. CLOPPET' cheon of the Romance Club will be held at the Michigan sday, May 3, at 12:15 o'clock. A..G. CANFIELD. n important business meeting this afternoon at 4:15 in all. It is irtportant that all members attend. R. B. RITTER, President: rogram will be given by advanced students of the voice, partments of the University School of Music in Hill ay afternoon of this week at 4:15 o'clock. This will e regular Twilight Organ Recital: Etude, Op. 10, No. 12 omatique (Gocdrd) Gage Clark; Birthday Song (Wood- retchaininow) ; Theme and Variations (Proch) Esther, E minoxr (Nardini) Josephine Connable; Faith in Spring, is Sylvia (Schubert) Richmond Gardner; Cainrillon de apriccio (Scarlatti); Iotus Land (Scott); Invention in y Louise Maxwell; Myself When Young (Persian Gar- :avaurneen (Lang) ; The Irish Guards (German);, Thom- sation, Valse-Prelude, Capriccio (N. Lckwood), Nor- [ght and the Curtains Drawn (Ferrata); .Death and the ty (Schubert), Doris H6'we; Romance (Sibelius); Pre- nigma (Scriabin); Shepherd's Hey (Grainger). Evelyn Maxwell and Leonard Brooks, Accompanists. The con- ime and the doors will be closed during the perform- No admission charge. (Children not admittedrexcept niversity School of Music who must enter door^ No. 5 eceipt.) CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary. MASTER OF ENGINEERING DE- GREE 'CONFERRED ON DE' "°CEASED IN 1916 William B. Sears, oldest Michigan honor man, died at his home in Sag - inaw on Tuesday, May 2. He was over 90 years of age and the oldest of Michigan men holding the degree of i Master of Eingineering. This degree] was granted to Mr. Sears in 191, Mr.Sars has long been connected] with Ann-Arbor and the University. He was bor on Nov. 25, 1831. His7 first connection with Michigan came I when he took charge of the surveysj of the old Flint and Pere Marquette railroad across the wilderness of the, pine country of this section. In 1862 he was appointed city engineer of East I Saginaw and a year later completed' the first street car line in that city. In 1866 Mr. Sears went to Minneso-' ta as chief engineer of the Winuna and St. Peter railroad, but he return- ed to Michigan the next year and took, up a position at the head of the Flint and Pere Marquette railroad again.] Continuing in this capacity for 37 years he retired in1903 and took upj the duties of consulting engineer, in which capacity he has ,served to the present day. ! Mr. Sears was for many years one] of the most active men in the civil engineering profession in the state. Hp was a past president of the Michigan. Engineering society and has been a' supporter of the University for over 50 years._ Yost Conttributes "$ Chimes 4rtcle~ Coach Fielding H. Yost' has written an article on college professionalism which will be published in 200 news- papers and magazines.throughout the United States, the official date for re- lease of the article being May 8. Stu- dents will have opportunity to obtain the article through the medium of Chimes appearing on the campus on that date and in which the article will be published. In this artile. the athletic director takes occsion to strike at all forms of American college professionalism. He flays.the spirit ofthe modern o- ege athlete that causes him to dis- card his amateur standing in the sum- mer or at any other time. Several probable remedies that would apply to the Conference controversy on pro- fessionalism are suggested by Coach Yost,.._, SALVA TION AR MY CONTINUES DRIVE Campaign headquarters of the Sal- vation Army receipts reports $5,598.50 in cash, and $3,344.25 in pledges as the results of their drive last., week. It is also reported that the drive will continue during this week because of the fact that the quota of $30,000 for the citadel was not subscribed. The faculty team at the University sent in reports that they'had received $443.00. This team is under the di- rection of Prof. J. H. Cissell, of the enginering college. Fraternity and sorority houses have all been ap- proached in regard to donations, and it is expected ' that they will give a good- account of themselves, but so far there has been no return from them. . "RIDER for PENS." Nickle's Ar- cade--Adv. Watch for the "M's." Today is "iM" Day.. Read Michigan Daily Ads and you will buy wisely.-Adv. "There are nowhere any better op- portunities to study past geologic ages than right here . at the University," declared Professor E. C. Case, of the department of paleontology, yester- day, in speaking of the coral collec- tion 1ii the munseum of the Natural Science .,building. Despite the fact that this collection of coral fossils possessed by the University is one of the greatest treasures of paleontology in the world, and is used by scien- tists as a standard'reference set, few people on the campus are even aware of its existence, according to Prof.. Case. This remarkable set of coral fos-, logic horizons. There is a rich sup- ply of the Devonian- geologic period, in "the rocks around the towns of Alpena and Petoskey. From these regions has been obtained a great variety of coyal fossils, 'all in a state of utmost perfection. Another place in which flourishing coral reefs have been found is along the southern shore of the northern peninsula near the towns of Engadine and Gould City. Here the surface of the shore is covered by many species of so-called wasp net coral, chain. 'pipe cora and organ pipe coral; One fragment, found in this place and now: in the museum here, contains over' siis was started by Dr. Carl Robing- 15 different varieties of coral and bry- er, formerly state geologist, who ozoans. gathered the fossils from Michigan Still farther north. on the north and adjacent states, and placed them shore of Drummxond's Island, is an in the hands of the paleontology de- ancient coral reef which is now ex- partment here. At this time, Dr. Ro- posed on the edge of the lake, and in minger also wrote an exhaustive sur- which the corals are in exactly the vey of the fossil corals of Michigan same position they were 80,000,000 which has ever since ranked as a years ago. The form of the reef and: standard authority on the subject. all of .the component corals and the. During the years which have elapsed shells of the animal that lived in the; since the Rominger collection was coral are all there in a parfect state first made, the University has been of preservation. The coral was buried constantly adding to its group of fos- in rock which is gradually being dis- sils until it is now wonderfully com- solved. - prehensive. Michigan's coral reefs are in every These coral fossils which are of way as interesting and as valuable immense scientific importance in as "'the more celebrated ones in the .studying the life during past geo- West Indies. In the distant past, the state is believed to have been com- Watch for the "M's." Todayis "M" pletely covered by a tropical or semi- Day. tropical sea in which the life was em tropical seas.. Te Uv.rsity is exceedingly fortunate not oly in itS possession of these rare geological specimens, but also in having them in such .a marvelous state of preserva- tion, according to those in a position to judge their value. LA1IRdE ATTENDANCE EXPECTED AT BIOLOGICAL SUMMER CAMP Early indications point to the fact that a large number of students wilt attend the University Biological sta- tion at Douglas Lake during its four- teenth season from June 26 to August 18. Doctor H. R. La Rue, of the zoo- logy department, who is- 'director of the station, announced that 22 appli- cations have been received to date. This figure represents a 50 per cent increase over the number of applica- tiops received at this time last year. The Biological station is but one of six inland stations of its kind in the country. Ohio State, Indiana, Iowa, North Dakota, and Montana conduct summer camps, but Iowa and North Dakota offer no instruction to under- graduates, while Indiana fellows the same courses which are taught dur- ing the regular school term. ' Michi- gan and Ohio State are the only uni- versities which emphasize the outdoor features and:- offer - instruction to undergraduates. Typewriting and Mimeographing promptly done. 0. D. Morrill, .17 Nickel's Arcade.-Adv. Wateb for the "M's." Today Is X'" Day. Patroni Daily Advertiers.-Adv. TIME'S FLYING-Order Them"Now 100 Cards and Plate - - 100 " from Your Plate - $5.00 to $5.85 $ 1.75 WAHR'S Vts1vers8ty Book Store OING ONd SDAY all practice, south ld. t Harris hall.- on rehearsal 'at- DEAN COOLEY TO START TEN DAY SPEAKING TOUR TOMORROW Dean Mortimer E. Cooley,. of the engineering school, will leave the city tomorrow for a ten-day speaking trip in the East in the interest of the Fed- crated American Engineering soci- etie, of which he is president. Dean Cooley will make an address at Pennsylvania State college next Friday. On May 8 he will speak be- fore the Engineers' club of Lehigh Valley at Bethlehem, Pa., thence go- ing to Schenectady, N. Y., where he' will talk before the local chapter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and a group of other en- gineering societies in that city. He will return to Ann Arbor about May 15, MUSIC STUDENTS TO GIVE TWILIGftT RECITAL TOMORROW William Wrigley, Jr., and Prosperity That. business is improving in the East and that this conditioh is spreading to the Mid- dle West by degrees, is the opinion of William Wrigley, Jr., presidentbf the William Wrig- ley Jr. Co., Chicago. The good old American dollar is comring back into its own. People from one end of the 'nation to the other are getting around to the idea that the only basis for real prosperity is an honest day's work for a fair day's wage. The United States as a whole has been on a "business spree" for the past five years. Prices, up to recently,'-were out'of all sense of proportion for the value received. The greatest cure for hard times, Mr. Wrigley says, is to stop talking about hard times, * get to work.and keep money and goods circulating. "'T1e year 1921 was regarded as a pretty ba'd period for lots of concerns in the East and Middle West," said Mr. Wrigley. "For us it was the best year in the thirty years I have been in the chewing gum manufacturing-industry. We are spending $1 I ,OO a day this year to push Wrigley's Chewing Gum. II at the Un- ib practice at - ion meeting at eing in room 2783 ding. Election'of li meets at Union. Tau club at Una neets in room 302 "The judicious use of printers' ink is the greatest selling force in the world. If; business on a world-wide basis, or even in the locality encompassed within a few you have got to keep the people interested or you won't sell them your goods." y you do. blocks, a club meets 1 hall. lano meeting in in Cir- Sun In. In- Hill auditor- at stra prac- iio i. at Union, e meeting (Continued, from Page One) Improviation, Valse-Prelude, Cap- riccio ..............N. Lockwood N. Lockwood, S. of M. Night and the Curtains Drawn.. ...................Ferrata Death and the Maiden, The Al- mighty...............Schubert Doris M. Howe, S. of M. 'Romance...............Sibelius Prelude................ ...Prokofleff Enigma .................Scriabin Shepherd's Hey .... ...Grainger Max Ewing, '24, S. of M. Evelyn Pace, Mary Louise .Maxwell and Leonard Brooks, Accompanists. R. 0. ''. C. Receives Cup. For winning the National. Rifle meet at Camp Perry, Ohio, lasthyear over a field of 13 opponents, the R, O. T. C. rifle team of the University receivedra bronze ,cnp recently as the first prize of the contest. The cup stands nearly 24 inches high. Millen's May Dollar Day and Silk Sale , / STARTS THURSDAY MORNING The Silk Event of Ann Arbor-Over 15,000 Yards Gloriously Beautiful Silks at * _ rteams of Athena meet olety meets at Whitney 1 IS Ouit, and the Chimes . 'ing. i * bold an im" I o'clock to- ssor ,White, f allege will SOPH ENGINEERS Sophomore engineers will have an opportunity to pay their dues from 8 to 3 o'clock today over the Engineering arch. No one may attend the river outing to be held soon by the class and which is to be free, unless dues are paid.- _ - ' ONE LLAR A YARD Save a Dollar a yard on your Silk purchase-.Ready at 8:30 a. m.---Extra Salespeople