;1 :t'; iociety wul nod a very im- eting at 7':30 o'clock Wed- ning at the Delta Gamma nesday house- embers of the Women's Ath- jation will be allowed to vote s of the association at spring on Tuesday. Any girl who ied 100 honor points is elig- embership. Those who areI n whether they are listed as >r eligible to membership are to stop at the election table city hall today. T HlE THEATErS ' TODAY SCREEN 'i s i i i The regular practice of the Girls' Mandolin club will be held at 7:30 o'clock Thuf-sday evening in Newber- ry hall. The Girls' Educational club will meet at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening in Martha Cook building, There will be rifle practice at the Armory Wednesday and Thursday nights from 7 to 9 o'clock for all wo- men taking rifle shooting as previous- ly scheduled. Some instruction on pistol firing will be given. All wo- men interested are asked to come out at the scheduled time. Tryouts for tennis and archery. teams will be held for all classes at 2, 3, and 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Junior and senior baseball team try- outs will be held at 4 o'clock. The second round in the tennis tournament must be played off by all classes by tomorrow night. Classes for upperclassmen in ten- nis and archery will be held tomor- row afternoon. Practice hours for juniors and sen- fors in baseball are at 4:45 o'clock on Mondays and Wednesdays; for freshmen and sophomores, at 4 o'clock on Mondays and Wednesdays. A special rehearsal of the University Girls', Glee' club will he held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. At that time the ;Glee club will pra'ctice with Earl V. Moore. the songs which the club will sing. at the May Festival. It is important; that every member be present. Senior Girls' play practices will be held as follows: Today at 4 o'clock, everyone in act 3; at 7 o'clock,. every- one in act 1. The request is made by the committee that everyone be on time to the minute. All girls whbo have feminine parts in the Senior' Girls' play must be fitted for costumes this afternoon at 723 Oakland avenue. All muffin men and sailors must also be fitted this after- noon, WOMEN TO ELECT OFFICERS TODAY WITHOUT REGISTERING Today is election day for the wo-, men as well as for the mei. There seems to be some misunderstanding about this question. No pre-registra- tion is necessary for voting in the Women's league and every woman on the campus is expected to feel her own responsibility in this matter as a representative vote is desired. Vot- ing will take place in the league booth in University hall and will contniue from 9 o'clock in hthe morning until 4:30 o'clock in the. afternoon. NEWBERRY TO ENTERTAIN FORMER DORMITORY GIRLSj Invitations have been extended to all women on the camp~us who formerly lived a t Helen Newberry residence, for a tea dancea to be .given from 4 to 6 o'clock this afternoon at that dorm- itory. The Newberry orchesta will play for dancing, and it is hoped that gli women who have lived at Newberry will attend this affair.- Tea Given For Presbyterian Women There will be a tea held at Martha Cook building at 4 o'clock this after- noon for Presbyterian fwomen and all those interested in church work at home and abroad, to meet Miss Mary' E. Clark, who is here in the interest- of religious education.f EVENTS TO BE LISTED I I I The Michigan Daily desires to, compile for publication a calen- dar of all important campus events between May land the end of school. The dates. and names of all such events must be sent to the Calendar Editor, Michigan Daily, at once. i 3T .EbOG AS4 rTT1 G YELEPHOEEZI4F -W f a_ .'. I- I V :1! F LANDER FOR LOWERk) "28 LITS NOTICE Phone 294-F2 Branch Store,' I. All members of the 1q22 liter- ary class who have not yet paid their class dues of $2 are urged to do so at once. Checks are to be mailed to the class treasurer at 2107 Washtenaw avenue. Names of senior lits whose dues are yet unpaid are now posted in the reg- istrar's offce, according to Walt- er 13. Rea, president of the class. 715 N. University Ave., 320 E. L i i l jE a i f 1 ) . Arcade-May Murray in "Fascina- tion." Majestic-"Is Matrimony a Fail- ure" Orpheum - Constance Talmadge in "Woman's Place." Rae-Lois Weber in "Two Wise Wives" ueawurau ,Aui ToSe "TOO WISE with LOIS w Also Christy - RA C OKNWELo Wuerth - Wesley "School Days." B.ASE BAL GET INTO THE iGAM SPALDING EQUIPMENT cLOVES, MrrTS, BATS, BALLS, ETC. tIM ca6enaua I e ssow.. Barry in COAL Chop Suey CHINESE AND AMERICAN RESTAURANT Quang Tung Lo. 613 E. Liberty 1 Solvdy and Gas PHONES :2207 and 81 F1 THE STAGE f s youror' thn g - A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 211 So. State St. Chicago, ill. Office:o CORNWELL BL U. I I , . Mimes-Union-"The 13th Chair," by Bayard Veirin. -_-__ J. , fl oDrisk .g ' ' CocaTCola Co. " nta, Ga. NOW PLAY- ING I NOW PLAYING A brilliant drama of a girl who danced with danger in the notorious resorts of Madrid \" J ; . + . .. ..: . ,, . 4 0 i G A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION ROBERT Z. LEONARD I PRESENTS Mae Murray IN "Fascination" _ _ __ " l I .' I- 1.81 : '11 l ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY LUXURIOUS SETTING 1 1. t ,; BEAUTIF In Spain they. play the game of love for keeps. what she does. Seldom comes to the screen a hold you spellbound. UL THEME I iEGULAR PRBICES LAST TIMES TODAY / A Feast of Entertainment 'Leo Ditrichstein's Peppy Farce .S Atrioly See the frenzied passion of a jaded caboret singer and story With such a human appeal and a climax ,hat will An Exceptional Cast REMEMBER including ,"PEACOCK ALLEY" CRIGHTON HALE and how Miss Murray capti- HELEN WARE vated all Ann Arbor? VINCENT COLEMAN "FASCINATION" COURTEANY FOOTE - is greater and better than and Others , "Peacock Alley" . f y A Failure? Offered by a Company of Noted Players including T. ROY BARNES LOIS WILSON LILA LEE WALTER HIERS TULLY MARSHALL A Paramount Pic- ture that gives you the inside dope on Marriage and tells why husbands leave home. Your money back if It isn't one good long smile. LAUGHS AND FUN ADDED TwO BIG REELS OF IT "FROM SOUP TO NUTS" PERCY AND FERDIE featuring SPEED AND ACTION ID IT THRILLS AND HUMOR N U Mlatinee 2:00-: 80 Evening 7:00--8 0 Last Feature COMING 500N - THE WONDER PICTURE RUDOLPH VALENTINO I, "BEYOND THE ROOKS" Story by ELINOR GLYN L' GORGEOUS LOVE DRAMA EVI I GLORIA SWANSO " - THE 3 FILMED