fessor F in ds man Skull On wn Of Campus ty se Led ge ph ' Discoveries may come, and discov-} eries may go, but a discovery has abeen made recently upon the cam- ural pus which is destined to go down in Be the annals of Anthropology'as one of remendous moment. etch- While cutting across the grass be- hind the museum yesterday, a promi- was nent professor chanced to notice, stoli nestling in the grass, what appeared ~ar- to be a large and rather weather- )res- beaten egg, and straightway com- club menced to investigate. To his sur- cond (arise he found that it was not an to egg, but the upper half of a "cranium n ° humanus!" Spurred on by hiT find- "4 is ing, he commenced to search dili- Soto- gently in and about the shrubbery,and presently his search was rewarded ed a by the discovery- of another half skull, nrch a thigh bone and a portion of a lower Il~ jaw with seven teeth in it. One of the te.eth had a cement. filling. All here pieces were in a remarkablp state of troit preservation. The Professor says reet, that in spite of the total absence of nen- facial angles, he is prepared to astate use," that these bones belong to extinct in- York dividuals. de- Sorbomne Honors Prof. Pillsbury Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury, of the psychology department, has accepted' an invitation to lecture in connec- tion with a lecture course known as' "The Series of Conferences of Louis Liard," at The Sorbonne, Paris, This will occur during the leave of absence which has been granted him in the second semester and summer in next year. Since the number of speakers on this course is limited to a carefully-selected few, the invita-1 tion is a high tribute to the position of authority which Professor Pills- bury holds in the field of psychology. Professor Pittsbury plans to spend most of his leave of absence travel- ing and conducting psychological studies and research work in Europe, particularly in France. Frederics 'raises Magazine} John Frederics, editor of the Mid-' land magazine, spent yestercay in j conference, with a number of Uni- N -r -r® * -® Have it master cleaned. It costs you no more... TELEPHONE "Unlucky for!spos" I N versity students With whom he has on The Daily Sunday been in correpsndence in regard to that it is the best atten their literary efforts. His comment he is familiar with in put on ex- d illustra- .lker. They nd, hence, and inter- astical and uing colors .dren love. loo 00 GN FUND mred over There are other aspects to this dis- covery than the purely scientific one. It is wondered whether it is absolute- ly right to prohibit persons from transgressing on the campus lawns. The professor has asked to have his name withheld, but the fact remains that if he had not disobeyed this rule the discovery might never have been made. No one knows how many siini- lar objects may be lying around wait- ing to be discovered. S. C. A. Offers Use of Typewriter A .R.. i'4+tn1 - k1LLjUlU tLtyrwLiit r '. . ,,. .:t. , , b 4 ~ . :., , r 4 w , " w rr -.;,, ... r . -- ...- , ' E v, -a .. .. r 1n11111 Stor .- Furnished by the Camera, will be the soprce of much pleasure in future years. But make sure your films are de- veloped by men who know how. Then you have the assurance of /.:, 1 . -I maximumi success at picture tak-- ing. Lyndon & Co. Amateur Finishing 7NORTH UNIVERSITY the o~rc " o .muh :peasue in . °« , ,; c .f Keep Fit ..Ir", I .1 L . P. A. tem ing on porta l e ypew r te s been placed in Lane hall by the ident Christian asociation for the e of men and women studets. The4 chine is avalable free of charge at times that the buliding is open, th the exception of Sundays. for both muscular and mental work by making at least one ,meal a day of Two biscuits make a delicious and satisfying meal, but you can eat All you wish without harm. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat, steamed and baked, and good to the taste. Very rich in energy-building carbohydrates and muscle-making proteins; liberal in vitamines. A fav~rite food of brain workers and a leading item on the menu at athletic training .quarters. Shredded Wheat is on the training table of nearly every school and college in this country. be given for' ADRIAN-ANN ARISOR 1US - ____C__SCHEDULE EFFEC'TIYE OCT. o, r az {;; ea flS*#S**'.".dTi"e NAL .63 18 4 M P.M P.M. A:PU Daily Daily 1 Iailp Daily 7:3o :3a Lv.. Adrian. ..Ar. .0 D t2 Q~n5 2:0 ,. .. ecnmaeek ...a :5 izsbo 5:zg 2:25 Clinton 6;0o5' F q15 3:13 Saline . 5:15 :tr0fr q:4.K 345 a. 8n, r ~' . !w 44e x'T0 A4M P M P W.A&PV1 Read Up STrNDAYS AND OLTDAYS P M P.M~ 3,:3o ,... Adrian ...Ar p oo 4:05 . TCcumseh. .... 8:25 4:25 . . Clinton . :o5 :.5 Ar ASaline -.15. 5 :45 Ar Ann Arbor Lvf 6...;4 S M P"M Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y. i i f, - ...Ur " '1 posits !( ,EANERS '_ ---AND --- PRESSERS. Zoo E. wASN1NLPTON. P R E S S I N G ,,1 . . w V / .; .;r " MATINEE: 2:00 -3:80 adults ... ..30c biddies.......1c EVENING: 7:00. -. 9:00 *, I Now Playin Aduits ....... Kiddies ...... say 20c * mr , ': t. ; ' a. "Nothing to D& Tili Tomorrow, Nothing to Do, You Sayl Let's Take a Trip on Memories' Ship Back to a By-Gone Day. Sail to the Old Village School House, Anchor Outside the School Door; Look In and See, There's You and There's SA Couple of Kids Once More." 628 REPAIRING I3 ISTRUOTIO N eut. John N. Ryan of the U. S. Reserve Corps, for- i the regular army is now at the stables of G. L. Mul- 26 E. Ann St. and'offers a course in Horsemanship or al instruction at extremely low rates. GET THE MOST OUT OF Ye ys Wesley. .1r j;~ "choo . Me I; arry Days" YOUR RIDING ADDED ATTRACTION The Sunshine Kiddies OF MELODY LANE . play Polo, Jump, ride cross country, play games on horseback, etc. s rates' for complete course in Horsemanship. DANCES Irish and Eccentric Scottish Sword Dance APPLICATION .; f ~ ® , u a r ' SONGS . SNaoKSAin RTA Presenting "Yoo-Hoo" and "Ma" "I Ain't Nobody's Darlin".... Rita 4 w/ +' .,_ -{ . i, i I ,..C ~' ~' ' _ .,lo _. IMPER SONA TIONS of Sir Harry Lauder By Snooks I-"