.pite of the fact that the weath- s warm for such work, more than en donned the moleskins and I out for spring football practice y afternoon. Keen competition ng shown in the individual pro- :y contest. One-half of each standing in this contest will I upon the showing he 'makes ;tournament that is to be held end of the season, and the other will depend upon the regularity attendance and upon the im-. nent shown in daily practice. ch "Tad" Wieman is devoting of his time to drilling the men p-kicking and place kicking. >ach says that next year a good kicker will be a great asset to am. This is because of the new. which gives the scoring team all on the 15 yard line in- of the old goal kick after a own. This he believes will b many opportunities for the a good drop kicker. re will also be need~for men to e gaps left in thes line by the tion of Vick, Dunne, and Wil- Several good ;prospects) have developed so far, but there is lenty of room for more. (Continued from Page Four) nine. The Irish are priming Castner to do the hurling duties. Fishers' men' defeated this Notre Dame mound ar- tist last season in two games, although in each fray the final score was close. Coach Fisher has decided to use Shultz against the Farmer team and to keep Elliott for mound duties against Notre Dame. Elliott has plen- ty of stuff on the ball and if he is able to locate the plate he should prove effective against the Irish hitters. Neither M. A. C. or Notre Dame are Conference teams acid the results of these affairs wil in no way affect the Big Ten standing of the Michigan nine, although the experience in these two, contests should sharpen the ,eyes of the Wolverine batters who will be called upon to meet Iowa in their only Conference game of the week Satur- day afternoon on Ferry field. Froh- wein, Hawkeye hurler, tamed the Illi- ni nine for six innings last week with an effective slow ball. Dixon and Liv- erance will both be in condition to hurl against the Iowans. COACH PRIMING TRACKSTERS FOR ,OHIO STATE, SATURDAY (Continued from Page Four). far above the average, and Wycoff, a man who does the mile at a fast clip. The running track is now in excel- lent shape. With the advent of ideal spring weather the team should round into excellent shape in time for the big meets which are to follow in rapid succession. If the men continue to improve at the rate they have during the past wee,, the Wolverines will un- doubtedly rank closer to the top in the coming contests. Until Saturday good stiff practice sessions will be In vogue.: Int rmu ral Items The schedule for the interclass base- ball teams is as follows: on Tuesday at 4 - o'clock, No. 1, Senior Eng. vs. Junior Eng.; No. 2, Dents vs. Senior Lits; No. 3, Laws vs. Architects. On Wednesday at 4 o'clock, No. 1, Medics vs. Junior Lits; No. 2, Fresh Lits vs. the loser of the Laws-Architects game. The final elimination in the inter- fraternity baseball tournament starts this afternoon. The very best teams have survived the past round and some very close games are expected. Sold by CALKINS-FLETCHER DrugCo. $6.0. TR EO PRI s~/ I Di PI~PS iLv LA H1..d~La I The schedule is as follows: at 4 o'clock, No. 1, Theta Delta Chi vs. Sig- ma Phi Epsilon; No. 4, Phi Sigma Kappa vs. Phi Kappa Sigma; No. 6, Phi Gamma Delta vs. winner of Psi Up- silon-Alpha Delta Phi tilt on Monday afternoon. At 5:15 the following teams will play: No. 1, Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Kappa Nu; No. 4, Xi Psi Phi vs. Alpha Rho Chi; No. 6, Phi Chi vs. Delta Sigma Pi. These games have been scheduled late because of the large number of Dents and Medics among the contestants. Independent baseball teams will play as follows: Wednesday at 4:15, on cor- ner of Church and Washtenaw, Hoff- man vs. Lister; at Ferry field, 4:45, on diamond No. 1, Deug vs. Newhall; No. 2, Scalp and Blade vs. Levinson, No. 3, Golinski vs. Taumen club; No. 4, Brasie vs. Peterson; No. 5, Forbes vs. Luke, at the corner of Twelfth and Washtenaw, Eisenberg vs. Lister. Try a Daily Want Ad. It pay.-Adv tntion! W s" t " ly fl o 6as1.F 90oJ "wObsN autale4tll ' Svpring Footwear To stisfy the taste of the most exacting i FRATERNITIES SORORITIES HOUSE CLUBS- or anyone else who has furni- ture to be repaired or new pieces to be constructed! Our equipment and workmen insure you of the most satisfac- tory service. P. B. HARDING 218 EAST HURON STREET - PHONE 381"W DETROIT - ANN . ARBOR CHIC *1 Society Brand Clothes I New gives cooler, cleaner smoking Agents fosrthe United States and Canada GROSVENOR NICHOLAS & CO., Inca 60'Broad Street New York City FOR SPRING ARE HER E I , I U 999 TAXI Pure wool fabrics combined with fine hand tailoring s 1 J ..... i. ,. .' r \; '. $35*. and up 999 TAXI U I h wwwwwow wwr awwwwmw ww m~rwwr~wwwwa White' Flannels $8.60 -$12 adhams & Co. DIAMONDS A WONDERFUL COLLECTION 0 I THIS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. of high grade diamonds chosen with the utmost care for their purity of color and perfection of cutting. RtTISING PRICES-Lower than you buy elsewhere. ' MISCELLANEOUS PLATINUM MOUNTINGS-Orange Blossom designs, and other artistic effects. WAG N ER Pot Men ST- In Arcade Theater, Sunday night, first show, navy blue silk carf. Return to Betsy Barbour House. 152 ST-Orange colored, ostrich trim- ned, cloth flower on or near Cam- us, Friday night. Phone 2911. 152-2 1n the Surveying build- ilevard, silver match ,1 reward. Call 2742. __ _. ____ 151-4, - Gold wrist watch without alls St. Can identify er. Call 1722-R. 152 - Saturday, Tuxedo vest be- en East Ann and Calkins-Fletch - s... Call 386-W. Reward. 152 '-33 1-2x4 Goodyear tire, either Ann Arbor or on Ypsi road. Call G. Hall, 511 Cheever Ct. 151-2 1-Sunday. Fresh Glee Club pin. >ck "1" with "all-fresh, '22." x T. H., Michigan Daily. 152 HOW ABOUT your summer work? Last Year students at Michigan av- eraged $1,000 per man seiling brush- es. This spring vacation they aver- aged $75.00 for their one week's work., If this interests you drop in and see me about territory before it is all taken up. Mr. H. J: Leader, 232 Nickel's Arcade. Phone 600-M. 149-21 THE FULLER BRUSH CO. offer you an opportunity tomake some real money'. during ,summer vacation. Special arrangements made for col- lege men. Come in and talk it over. Hours 3:30 to 6:00. 301 First National dank Building. 152 REAL USED CAR VALUES-Liberty Sport, Cadillac Sedan, Columbia Touring, Ilupmobile Touring, Max- well Demonstrator. Cadiac Gar- ' age, 321 So. Main. Phone 1625. 150-21 FOB SALE FOR SALE-Briok house, twelve rooms and bath, oak finish. Lot 150 ft.I front by 132 ft. deep; shrubbery, flowers, fruit. Suitable for sorority or fratenity. Phone 1411-R. 1136 Prospect St, 151-2 FOR SALE-Bargain, new tweed suit for young lady. Will sell at reason- able price. Inqtire 520 E. Jeffer- son. 151-3' FOR SALE- Underwood typewriter, No. 4; good condition. Phone 2666. Jack West. 152 FOR SALE-Ukelele like new. Worth $15, will sell for $10. Phone 215-M. . 145-21 FOUND-A Fountain Pen which holds over 200 drops of ink. !'or partic- ulars call at Rider's Yen shops, Pen Specialists. 215 Nickle's Arcade. 152-21 FOB RENT' FOR RENT-House suitable for a sor-' ority or fraternity of 25. Call 754-J. College Conversa since 1848 /, AR N OLD CO. JEWELERS. 220 SOUTH MAIN STREET Place i S . WEDDING RINGS-All Styles and sizes. comparison of selections arid prices wil pove interesting, and save you money ,. a * 1. ' ~ - - - - - EEEPr I Wait just a second I #m going step into the Flue F ront acrd g some smokes."' LADIES' WHITE KID -Gamma Phi Beta pin. n to 1520 S. Universtiy Rewat'd. Please or call 152-2 WANTED RlTED-To insure your Fountain n against loss. We emboss your me on it in gold leaf. .Rider's en shops. Pen Specialists, 214 .ckle's Arcade. 152-21 :'TED-For summer work, a col- ge man taking either law or busi- ss administration. A real tappor-' nity for the right man. 'aBx W, B., Daily. . 162 NTED-Your Fountain Pen to re- ir. . Quick, skilled service. air ices. Rider's Pen Shop, Pen ecialists. 214 Nickel's Arcade. 152-21 NTED-Boys for table waiters for a~im or . .L m m. DACM-- .l I patent leather trimmed SPO~ROXFORD white ivory sole and heel e*er. r S "vt ^t " vvvr " w * 0" ' 0rt YV Y Y " S; w S S" .... I I I I I 'We 'li stop on our way back from ;that little tennis game and get a nice cold drink.", I at $8.50 "You bet we 'will, $ kinds like that place. Fellows there are happyanytime."'' See for yourself Other Sport Oxfords from $6.00 to $8.50 I The BlueFront Cig arS Wahr's Shoe Store 1o So. Mnin St. Corner Stat and I