THE Z I PROBABLY TODAY I Mr 5k 43UU xtl i- DAY fli tIf n ~ SERVIaCE 4 .. No. 152 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, MAY 2.1922 PRICE FIVE -. - JAVY VOTE EXPE CTED TODA ' llichianesNsights All Campus Vection Nominees . Proves Success ._____ E"A complete success" was the ver- Following is a list of nominees for the All-Campus election Tuesday, dict returned bn the Michigan Night 'May 2: program despatched Saturday evening President Student Councll from the Detroit News radio station.F; O C M S I: :alumni of the University afforded BOARD OI ARBITERS FOR SOVIET themselves the opportunity of joining Michigan Union REGIME WILL BE ESTAB- in the first wireless reunion in his- President. LCRE ory. y. LISHEDt fThomas Lynch, '23E; James Stevens, '23; Thomas I. Underwood, '23L; : Every Bild of activity in the Univer- RbrtNa, '22E. sity was represented in the program..Robert Neale, CONTROLS D3EB TS OWED For the "grads" there were talks by- Rcording Secretary BY RUSSIAN DOMINION such men as Judge William M. Hes- John M. Burge, '23; Bert Uebele, '23E. ton, -Carl Johnson, .and Judge_-James Vice-President 0. Murfin; Coach Yost discussed the Lit-Robert E. Adams, Jr., James Hume. Has Power to Remit Interests and importance of athletics in the Uni- Engineering--John W. Ross, Frank E. Camp Decide All Questions of Bond , versity. "The Greater Michigan" was Medical-George C. Stucky, 'walter Klingman " Holders the text of President Marion L. Bur- Law-Earl F. Boxell, John M. Winters - ton's talk, and Judge Murfin urged Combined Departments (Dents, Homoeops, Pharmics)-John Searle, (By Associate Press) e the alumni to visit the University oft- Gilbert T. Ely, Robert M. Winslow. Genoa, May 1.-Chief Justice Taft, ener in order to increase their inter- of the United States supreme court, est in its growth. The present student Student Council will be asked to name the chairman of body was represented by prominent At Large (Two to be elected)-Robert C. Morlarity, '24; Robert Martin, the fixed arbitral commission to be athletes, the Varsity band, and the '23;.Robert Knode, '23; Stanley Murhead, '24; Harry C. Clark, '24; Robert established for controlling the debts Glee club. - V. Rice, '23; John B. Lawton, '24. owed by the Russian government to Junior Architects (One to elected)-Howard Farley, Earl Lundin. Ioreign bondl holders, Iaccording to .KJunior Dents (One to be elected)-Paul H. Jesser i Glen F. Young. the plans arranged today. The other Junior Pharmics (One to be elected)-Frederick L, Fischer, Russel members of this commission will rep- Taylor.- resent all the bond holders and the Junior Homoeop (One to be elected)-C. H. Peache William LeFever. Russian government respectively. f; r TIONAIII IUI Junior Medic (One to be elected)-W. W. Duemling, George Belote. - Will Time Lfiit UN iJLUIIUIII1LIU I Junior Educational (One to be elected)-John Hamel, Herold Taunt. The commission will have power to Junior Engineers (Two to be elected)-W. A. Cotton, E. C. Haug. remit interests and to decide all ques- - Soph Engineers (One to be elected)-C. A. Campbell, John Pohamus. tions affecting foreign bond holders, Prof. Frederick J. Turner Denounces Junior Laws (One to be elected)-L. R. Williams, C. W. Rice. and Russia's ability to seize her obli- Tendency of Country to Junior Lits (Three to be elected)-Lawrence Snel, Albert J. Parker, gation; a time limit will ea fixed dur Separate Howard Liverance, James Hume, Nathan W. Robertson, B. E. Dunlop. 3ng which band holders may make Soph Lits (Two to be elected)-Walter Scherer, Edward Murane, George Chir own ~arrangements with the Tos~HryKpe Russian government, if they desire. COMMENDS COMBINING OF Troost, Harry Kipke. Six arbitral comunnals, one for RESOURCES FOR U. S. GOOD r M1Stdent Adisory Commiltte . every interested nation, will be set up -uir Tot eeetd-'.A Cto,'3;P ,Wte,'3 to deal with thne question of thesprop- "That American history is saturat- Junios 'Tw to be ecte A. Cotton, '23E; P. E. Watzel, '23; erty of foreigners which have been e ihscinlsm steble fH. S. ,Case, '23; B. E. Schumacher, 24L." naed with sectionalism''is the beliefof Sophomores (Two to be elected)-William Kratz, '2; D. W. Steketee, each will be named by the chairman Prof. FrRderick Jackson TurneT, head '24; T. G. Kindel, '24; .Harry Hoey, '24. of the next arbitral commission. . In of the department of American history - the plan adopted particularly every- at Harvard university, as expressed Board in Control of Student Publications thing which savored of capitulation or yesterday in his speech jn Natural (Three to be elected)-B. E. Dunlop, '23; John P. Hamel, '23, S. of E.; infringement on Russia's sovereignity Science auditorium, under the auspic- V. F. Hillery, '23; Robert O. Martin, '23; C. E. Proctor '23E; B. E. Schu- was waived. The French suggestion maher, '24L;, Paul Wtzel, '23; Nate W. Robertson, '23; John W. Kelly, that a provisional administration, es of the department of history. 'a4er pending Russia's establishment of Move to Rearrange States courts on the basis desired by West- Professor Turner said that the same Board in Control of Athletics ern Europe was not approved. forces which were disintegrating state (Three to be elected)-Paul Goebel, '23E; H. B. Homan, '24M; Leland Rush Reconstruction boundaries were destroying sectional Kirkpatrick, '23E; Robert Kode, '23; Wiliam Lchtenburg, '23; H. D. May day was a real labor day for bounaries, and that there was now a Stricker, '25M. the Genoai conference. The sub-com- movement to rearrange states into sec-" mission on Russian affairs rushed its tions. One of the factors responsible Studenf Chrisfan Assoiation consideration of the Russian recon- for this is transportation. He said that Bresident struction plans and came through he believed political party sectional- late tonight with approval of the draft ism was detrimental to the general Paul A. Rehmus, '23; Julius . Glasgow, '23; Burton E. Dunlop, '23; of the proposal. These will be con- welfare. Robert E. Adams. Jr.. '23.' sidered ,again tomorrow for the pur- He said that one of the good features Vice-Presidents pose of final editing and will prob- of our country was that the differ- Episcopal-Maurice P. Rhodes, '23.' ably be sent immediately to the Russ- ent sections combine for the national Lutheran-George Welsh, '24L; William Mackenson, '23-, ian delegation. - good in the way of resources and the Presbyterian-Claude L. Pickens, '"; Robert R. Clark, '24. like, and he cited Europe as an ex- Methodist-Herbert H. Twining. 23; Edward M. Fox, '25E. ample of the lack of co-operation in Baptist-Edgar C. Cochrane, ''M; Morris C. Robinson, '24E. I the distribution of the continent's re- Disciple-John A. Moreland, '24; Carl Fry, '25M.' Ul iUHU UL sources. PB C IN B UPOften Replaces Party Vote Engineering Society TO BE I[I IH SAy YavProfessor Turner said that s-ction- President-W. A. Cotton, '23E; E. C. Haug, '23E. and that the student often faired to Vice-President-J. A. Fischer, '23E; R. P. Everett, '23E EDR tsee the revelation of sectionalism in Treasurer-W. C. Kratz '24E. EIMAKE APPOINTMENTS AT L congressional decisions. Healso said Secretary-D. D. Wilson '24E; Henry Hubbard, '24E. MEETING that sectionalism was often far great- er than was estimated. As an exam- Architectural Society The Ap c sple of this sectionalism, he spoke of President-E. H. Lundin, '23A; L. J. Sarvis, '23A. 1922 sta ll-publications banquet:for the sectionalism of the Northeast, of Vice-President-E. L. Kline, '23A; D. J. Lewis, '22A. will be held te campus ublications saw the West and South had allied Treasurer-A. R. Naser, '23A; H. L. Farley, '23A. Thursday night in the assembly hall against it in political campaigns, and Secretary-A. L. Prout, '23A; A. K. Hyde, '24A. of the Union. s h said he thought the barriers in the ",. thehUndyv°t Northeast were at the present time Oratorical Association Three hundred twenty-five invite- dissolving. tions have been mailed to' the various President-Edward T. Ramsdell, '23; Donald J. Roxburgh, '24. resdent Maro l. Bur as to the t"POMANDER WALK" Vice-President-Wilfred Hocking, '24L; Paul A. Rehmus, '23. Prsdron,egentPTreasurer-Harold M. Dorn, '23; Ross A. McFarland, '23. Junius E. Beal, and others., Mr. Ar- NEAR COMPLETION Secretary-Marion F. Taylor, '24; Catherine J. Stafford, '24." thur C. Pound, '07, of Flint, editor and Deyegates-at-Large (Eight to be elected)-Blanche V. Kynast '24; writer whose articles in the Atlantic Donald Cook, '24; Beatrice L. Champion, '23; Albert J. Parker, '23; Mary Monthly from time to time have Members of the cast for "Pomander I. Hobson, '23; Thomas J. Donahue, '23; Celma J. Simonon, '23; F. Roland brought him national recognition, Walk," the play to be given by the Allaben, '23; Beatrice E. Sandles, '23; Frank J. Ortman, '23; Ruth S. Sther- will be the special speaker of the eve- senior women Thursday night, May' land, '24; J. K. Dunn, '24; Ronal Ryan, '24L; Frank H. Backstrom, '24; S this banet th i 11, at the Whitney theater, are now Julius B. Glasgow, '23; Walter Pear, '23; Andrew Beam,'23; Loyal Wilson, managing editors and business mana- centering their attention on the last '3 gers of publications will make ap- act. The first two acts are practically Women's League pointments for their respective staffs, ready for presentation and with a president-Frances Ames,'23 Marion Koch'23, Sa yearwick,'23. week's practice the entire play will Vice-President-Katherine ,Kuhlman, '23, Laura yMils, '23. Chemists Honor -e in complete readiness. Treasurer-Helen Delbridge, '24, Elizabeth Carson '4. The parts are a reing well taken, Corresponding Secretary-Katheriner 2 Stafod ', .Crouse, '24. 1 t'G 1tlt£ a ees m y of the charaetera having had ex- Recording Secretary-Marion Taylor, '24, Susan F itch, '24. perience in last year's Junior Girls' Senior Direcor-Margaret Kraus, Beatrice Champion. play and other dramatical work. - Junor Director-Dorothy Weimar, Dorothy Wylie, Blanche Kynast, The spring initiation banquet of Phi The costumes for .all. male charact- Frieda Diekhoff. Lambda Upsilon, national honorary ers have been completed and the Sophomore Director-Helen Brace, Edna Kadow. chemical fraternity, was held at the work on those for the girls taking Union last Saturday night. . feminine roles will be finished this W n t i s a The following mien were welcomedwe h otmsaealds ed Women s Athletic Assotyiation Ser week. The costume are all designedPresident-Grace Fry, '23, Elba Olesen, '23., Weatherill; active-J. E. Dion, grad, in keeping with the period of George Vice-President-Julia Coe, '23, Marion Willis, '24. W.e.ew ry, '2t3E,-. . DiontradI ald are expected to add much to Secretary-Josephine Connable, '23, Helen Miller, '23. grad, J. C. Perert, '2, E. S. Petty- e artistic quality of the play Treasurer---Dorothy Bogan, '23Ed, Dorothy Brown, 123. john, '22 C. M. Ridgway, '23E, p. H. Tickets will be put on sale next Senior Representative-Katherine Potter, Joyce Van. Alstyne. ohnr, r, C. M H.dgwa, '23E, . Hweek, and the play will be open to the Junior Representative-Dorothy Maitland, Lois Miller. Bherrick, grad, A. H. Stuart, '23E, E. waekpblc J. Traut, grad, H. W. Vahlteich, grad, genera puSophomoreRepresentative-Alma Crouse, Marianna Smalley. M. Van Loo, grad. -eve m o , a Speakers at the banquet were Prof. California Defeats Northwestern Y.W. C. A._ F. E. Bartell, Prof. W. P. Wood, H. J. Chicago, May.1 1. - University of President-Margaret Whyte, '23, Lucy Huber, '23., Osterhof, and Prof. R. A. Gortner, of Southern California today defeated Vice-President-Dorothy Jeffery, '24, Luella Galliver; '23. the University of .Minnesota, national.Northwestern at tennis, winning both Secretary-Merry Wagner, '23, Luvern Hays, '23. president, the single and the doubles. Treasurer-Hlen Ahrev '92 .iuth ntherlai,1 '23: -_: . .. . SIR PAUL DUKES WHO WILL speak on the "Secret' Service in Red Rtissia" at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. Sneaker Served as Secret Service Agent for British Govrern- ment HAS SEEN RISE AND FALL OF REGIMES IN TURBULEKT STATE .,, "Secret Service in Red Russia" is Dukesb English journalist, author, and cret service, willclose the series of lectures given under the auspices of the University Oratorical association at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditor- ium. Sir Paul's early education was gained in Russia. Obtaining a posi- tion in the Anglo-Russian commission at the beginning of the World war, he took a prominent part in the revolu- tionary movement of 1917 which ended byestablishing Kerenskyieat the head Works wit V. N C. A After the downfall of the Kerensky regime, Dukes became associated with the Y. M. C. A. in Moscow and Petro- grad. When the Bolsheviki expelled the "Y." workers, Dukes left for Eng- land, where he volunteered for secret service work. He was sent to Archan- gel disguised as a Russian workman. He then entered the Russian lines to take up the work left by 'Captain Cromble, who was murdered by the Reds in Petrograd. For 10 months Sii' Paul lived in Petrograd and Moscow under various guises, obtalnng a position in a muni- tions factory to avert suspicion, but finally enlisting in the Red army and placed in an. Infantry regiment near Esroadcapes in Leaky Boat Following is escape from Russia by crossing a 10 mile lake in a leaky boat with three companions, Dukes reached England, where he was knighted for his valuable services to the government. Since then he' has been appearing on 'the lecture plat- forms of both England and the Unit- ed States, telling of his experiences while in Russia. 1. No student shall be allowed to vote unless duly registered. 2. Faculty and alumni members of the Union vote for Unin officers at special booths in the Union. 3. Women vote on colored ballots. 4. Read carefully instructions on ballot. Do not fail to fill out stub at- tached. Detach stub and hand to elec- 5.o T he ballots of eacha clas will be kept separate. Members of "ether classes should be careful not to vote where the ballot specifies that only a certain class shall vote. Failure to observe this pqjnt will result in loss of vote. 6 The class officers of the various- classes will provide booths and be in charge of the balloting. 7. The time of election is Tuesday, May 2, from 8:45 to 4:30 o'clock. 8. Places-All lit classes In front. of the Library; all engineers in Engi- neering arch; all laws' in Law build- ing; senior and junior medical classes at the hospital, sophomore and fresh- man medical classes at Medical build- ing, combined departments, (dental, homoeopath, pharmic, and graduate classes) in Waterman gymnasium; arl,..- , a- -. aa i ..- - ti 1'...n PREDICT OVER 3500 BALLOTS WILL BE CAST AT BOOTHS CLAS OFFICERS AND STUDENT COUNCILMEN TO PRESIDE AT POLLS TO PUBLISH RESULTS IN TOMORROW'S DAILY Voters Warned to Place Cross Only After Names Whleh They Are Eligible to Elect Forecasts for today's All-campus election by those in charge are that more than 3,500 votes will be cast. Student councilmen and class officers will preside at the six voting booths on the campus from 8:45 until 4:30 o'clock to oversee the casting o the ballots. The votes will be turned over 'to the election committee under lock for counting by the Student council tonight. Six Voting Places The voting places will be the same as for registration, all lit classes in front of the library, all engineers in the Enginering arch, law classes in the Law building, medical classes, with the exception of the uniors and seniors, in the Medicaltbuilding, edu- cational students in Tappan hall, and combined courses in Waterman gym- nasium. The junior and senior med- ical classes will vote at the hospital. Senior dents cast their votes in .theE campus elections yesterday by special permission of the Student council. The results of their ballot will be thrown in with the rest of the votes today. Voters must take care to vote only for candidates for whic they are eligible to ballot. The votes of the different classes will be kept separate and any mistake of this nature will cause the entire ballot to be rejected. Council to Count Votes All members of the Student council who are 'not candidates for any can- pus office will report at the Union at 5:30 o'clock tonight to aid in counting the ballots. No results will be given out from the counting chamber, the , first announcements of the winners ap- pearing in Wednesday morning's Daily. No one but Student council- men will be admitted to the room. SPIR IUAL EADERSHIP t: NEEDED, STATES BROWNy YALE DEAN SAYS WORLD SHOULD BE BETTER POLITICALLY AND ECONOAF-CAL-Y That knowledge is only valuable insofar as it is related-, to .humian life, that the condition of the world is not as good politically, economical- ly, or morally as it should be, and that the great remedy for this bad condition is spiritual leadership, were the high points of the address deliv- ered by Dean Charles R. Brown of the divinity, school of Yale university yes- terday noon at the Congregational church under the auspices of the Men's clubs. "Knowledge must not be capitaliz- ed, it must not be admired, it must be used," said Dean Brown. "It must re- late itself to life. In this day we are too accustomed to admire it. I3ut this Is not the only distressing fact, for there is a lowering of the morale of the people generally. "The final forces of human society, the forces which must right the wrongs, and rectify the world as a wliole, are those of the spirit,", he said. "It is ours to develop them. But if we are to develop them as we should, we must have the proper kind of .leadership, and this ,is spiritual leadership. Our schools - thatuis some of them - train for this leader- ship." Dean Brown had a number of inter- views with students who contemplate going into Christian work. To these he aimed to give help in the way of advice based on his' experience in the ministry. THE DAILY There will be a meeting of the en- tire editorial staff and tryouts of The oR. r,'nlnni' +r.'a.v