l DAILY THEMIHI - 1DIL . r k. .. CHICAGO Recreation Dept. Chicago es and Philanthropy.) courses in Recreation and P 'COM!MUNITY DRA- ND PAGEANTRY , (Hull House), Chicago for Circular Fire Does Small Damage Slight damage was caused by the fire which broke out on the roof of the D'Ooge residence on Washtenaw Ave. yesterday morning. At the pres- ent time the house is occupied by Robert Frost and his family. WARXE AGAINST VIOLENCE INj TREATING WITII OFFENDER April 27, 1922. Editor Michigan Daily. Dear Sir:' I notice that, in spite of the "gentle- man's agreement" which my son en- tered into with a representative of the Students' council to the end that i t C 'C C I . E Bernese Warsaw, '22, both of whom nave shown themselves to be well $It- ted for their respective parts. The cast, as announced by J. B. Cloppet, the director, is as follows: L, d. Palmiter, '24, W. M. Randall, Grad.,. R. C. Rumsey, '23, Edward Parnall, '25, F, G. Donner, '23, T. L. Rice, '23, M. A. Ewing '24, H. F. Barrett, '24, Carl Chandler '23E, G. C. Graham, M, L. Finn, '23,0. R. Betron, '24, Bernesse Warsaw, '22, Elsie Cooper, '23, Martha Chapin '23Ed., Dorothy Avery, '22Ed., Athelie Hough, '22, Edelaine Roden, '22, Dorothy Whipple '23, Harriette Sewell, '24, Margaret.Moye, '22, Hel- ena Silver, '22, Helen Woodruff, H AVE YOU tried our new product? Ask your grocer, to '23Ed., Natalie Jordan, '23, Frances Helen Keyser, '24, Se: Jackson, '23, Madeline Scales, '22, Marion Wheeler '24. I send you a few cartons of our delicious CREAM CHEESE , ''1 r-- r i .., - , -f. 0 0 .'' t r - - J y i( Specially Priced Small size cartons retail at five cents. of SHIRTS $1l.85 VERYBODY who wears a Shirt will appreciate the wonderful value we are giving in this Special Selling of high grade White Oxford Shirts, with collars attached.r You never made a more judicious investment. than the one you will make in this event. Here are Shirts that withstand a hundred or more tubbin g. 309 SOUTH MAIN II _.J -U _.. r Sq Y the controversy about his wearing his cap might be closed, the freshman class voted yesteday to put him "on probation." As the so-called vigilance committee had apologized, though ungraciously, to my wife, and my son had according to his agreement bega wear his toque, I supposed the tter ended. Now since, by this ation, he is no longer .a member of the class, he is again wearing what he pleases. If the affair is dropped now, everybody will be happy except perhaps tle large body of freshmen who were -not at the meeting, and many ofwhom no doubt regret the folly of those who were there and voted to do so silly a ting. My letter' to The Daily last Tues- day explained fully my son' attitude, and I will not again take space to say more than that he is always amenable to gentlemanly advice and argument, but never to coercion or threat of force., I wish to make clear my stand in the matter. There is no objection to ostracizing my son, or sending him to Coventry, or voting him out of the class, but there must be no physical violence used. This is not the right of any student to undertake, and my attempt at such a solution'will bring very regrettable consequences both to the students implicated and to the University. I am already receiving letters from prominent business men who are cheered that somebody is taking a stand against the folly of those who would force every college student, no ;matter what his quality or originality, to walk the same narrow patch of mpdioerity and conventionality. Seri- ous men are looking for a place to send their sons where they can get education and not simply follow tra- ditions. 'ihere is no way in which students can do more harm to the fair name of the University of Michi- gan than by letting the idea get abroad that no student is safe here who does not follow the beaten trail traced by some little group of tra- ditional fanatics who never had an original idea in their poor little heads. Let us have a return to sanity; to a regime of live and let live. I have known and undestood students too long to believe that the majority stand for such "a narrow-minded conception of' what is worth while in life as to have sympathy with the little band of fanatics who so valiantly voted my son out of the freshman class: C. H. Van Tyne. DATE F FC PLAY ANNONCED ASMY . 9 Owing to confusion with several other events, "La Belle Aventure," the play to be given by the Cercie Francais, has been changed from May 11 to May 9.The play, a comedy in three acts, is an unusually ambi- :-Moue' offering, in that it requires a castof thirty characters. However, all members have been working on their parts since the first part ot February, .and -the play has ,already commenced to round out in good shape.' The leading roles are to be played by Lester 0. Palmiter, '24, and _ . ti Carry It With You ~ ( Do not go out in your car another day until you have taken outa policy of automiobile insurance covering fire, theft or injury to your car, or injury to a' pedestrian, injury to passengers in your car, injury to other cars, property or passengers, damage suits, etc. We take care of these. .. L / E R - INSURANCE - .11 L~$that We Make Now Furniture 1 s. --4 out of old - that we special-E 1 ize in upholstery and ref i- ishing - and fiinally that we - ~ ~ SAVE YOU MONEY iS - We also will Pack and Crate Prompt ServiCe- Satisfactory Results Ann Arbor Furniture Co. Phones 2049 - 2059 -1209 N. Fourth Ave. 'il1t111111111111111!Il11111 1111lltlltll ltllIlltlltlltllillillllilltillillllllilllll11111N course our usual standard of quality goes with the product. 209 FIRST NATIONAL: Phone 401 BANK M BLDG-. The nn Arbor Dairy Co. PHONE 423 I , . - -, f Sho ing Light Colored Fabric ,: I 4lsa SP I I f Suggesfing with all their artfulness and charm the comfort possible in wparm days at hand are these in White and all colors DANA RICHA RDSON 115 EAST LIBERTY STR-EET V 5. _,' ummer Frocks q- QUALITY. ? GUAiTr bRY. n: o -- Step Ladders a er o Pie $5i and 25 li AINTY tub frocks are in for a season of great popularity; the many interesting new styles make that quite clear. Especially lovely are the French voiles done entirely by hand, with exquisite drawn work and em- broidered dots. Slipover modes, in or- chid and rose. $25. I. Fi ** * ESIGNED for service but very cleverly styled nevertheless are summer dresses of non-crush linen.' Tailored in siiple lines.. The collars, the facings of the cuffs and of the trig belts are of white linen. In jade and heliotrope. $l5. F (Secoiid Floo~r) SUNDAY TUESDAY '9 'WOMAN'S SPLACE " f°... { . . - A n t- 1 moA ATR O r Rs i /oM A.Rc7w Keep Out The Flies And Mosiuitos Keep the filthy, germ-carrying pests out of your house - screen your windows and doors - - if you stop them, you won't have to swat them. Let usfit your doors and windows with sturdy screens that will last for several seasons. Come here for screening needs and you'll get screen satisfaction at a low price. I It is very poor economy to take the chance of' falling from a box or chair when you can et 'such well piade step, ladders as these at such small cost. These ladders are in a desirable size'for general use around the home, such as cwening windows, painting, hanging shades etc. p I Iyear's _, x "* ;' ix - I, \QJ c=.{_ I Jno. C. FISCH E CO. Uf It t l~l~ Ul iii II Main noarl,9ashingtan ' QUALITY. UP TO THE MINUTE HARDWARE snNaran ' '