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Women To Sell
lay Day Roses
?or League Fund
"Buy a rose for May Day, and for
the benefit of the Michigan League
campaign fund" will be the request
in vogue tomorrow. Roses will be on
sale at the booth in University hal
and in the Library for 15 cents each..
A similar flower sale was held on
St. Patrick's Day, when green carna-
tions were sold. At that time, the
committee was unable to supply the.
demand for flowers, so every effort
has been made to have an adequate
supply so that everyone may buy a
rose tomorrow..
Masques' Play, "Yellow Jacket,"
Declared Artistic, Enjoyable;
Decorations, Costumes Please
ciate oneself from all the
(By G. D. E.)
World's Fastest Time in Two Mile
Run, 7:493-5, Made at
* Philadelphia
(Special to The Daily)
Michigan, entered in both the
Drake and Penn relay +, placed in
^both meets. The Wolverine teams
took fourth in the mile, half mile
and two mile relays. 1llMcEllYen
tied for second in the high jump.
At Pennsylvania Hoffman placed
second in the javelin throw.
When a play is good the audience
never fails to disgust mie, and I can
never fully enjoy the business. A
perfumed biddy on my right slopped
two tears on my coat sleeve at a sad
moment and a twain of chicks in front
discoursed in harsh whispers all
through the, performance of "The Yei-
low Jacket." And thg herd as a whole
was under the apparent belief that
the thing was a burlesque of some
For my part, I thought that it was
an excellent and enjoyable fantasy,
one to be :studied and enjoyed and ap-
preciated, and not one to cackle at.
But I confess that one must disasso-
standards and tenets to view such a
performance, from all the staginess of
melodrama, from the pathos- of tra-
gedy, from the laughs of comedy, and
from the cheap glitter of vaudeville.
'The play, of course, was only pseudo-
Chinese and much American was
written in it, or at least spoken into
it. The romance might have been
found in a score of Grim's and Ander-
son's fairy tales and the thing as a
whole lacked the Oriental pessimism
which I have been studying of late.
"The Yellow Jacket," therefore, re-
fuses classification, and it is well..
Some of its delightful quaintness
(Continued on Page Ten)
Directory and Athletic Program Jobs
to L. C. Carter, '3, and
E. E. Hartwlg, '23
Rotation of Names, Officers
Councilmen at Booths Make
Elections Fair.
(B? Associated Prss)
Des Moines, Ia., April 30.-Sensa-
tional racing and brilliant perform-
ances in the \fled events resulted in
an -avalanche bf broken records in the
13th annual Drake relays' today. A
world's record, was shattered in the
four mile relay, a new American mark
was set in the javelin throw and a
new intercollegiate record created in
the running high jump.
The University of Illinois took 6 1-5
seconds .of the record for -the four
mile relay,,covering the distance in
17:.45, the former record of 17:51 and
1-5 was made by the Boston A. A., nine
years ago.
Milton Angier, another Illinois per-
former, shattered' the American rec-
ord in the javelin throw when he
heaved the shaft 202 feet, 9 1-2 inches.
The, former 197 feet, 5 1-4 was made
by James C. Lincoln of the New York
A. C. in 1920."a
The new high jump record fell to
the honoro fLlad Osborne, also of
Illinois., who cleared the bar at 6
feet, 6 inches in the running high
jump, a height never before reached
In intercollegiate competition, accord-
Ing to Knute Rodne of Notre Dame, re-
feree. After bagging the lion's share
of the honors, the Illinois team also
set a new record for the Drake quart-
ter mile relay, winning in 3:20 and
Perhaps the most thrilling 'race was
the one mile college relay which went
to Center college of Kentucky, in :31
and 4-5. Merriman, after running a
punishing race in the second quarter,
fell in a collapse. He set a desperate
. pace and made up at least 30 yards
for his team.
The Occidental college team of Los
Angeles won the half mile relay while
the Michigan Aggies won the two mile
college relay.
The biggest upet wsas the defeat of
Joie Ray, of the Illinois A. C., holder
. of seven world records. Ray was
vanquished by Ray Watson, an under-
graduate of the Kansas Aggies, in a
special one mil'e match race in 4:24
and 3-5.
(By Associated Press);
Philadelphia, April 30.-Racing to
victory in the world's record time of
7 minutes, 49 and 2-5 seconds, the Un-
iversity of Pennsylvania two mile relay
team took first honors on Frankln
field today in the 28th annual relay
carnival with Penn State and George-
town runners. This contest on time
was the outstanding feature of a ser-
ies of team and individual track and
Rel tdompetitions "such as is seldom
Switnessed otide the lympic games.
While Pennsylvania with its recrd
breaking' team stood foremost in the
lime light, Cornell, Syiacuse and
Georgetown won relay titular places
and Thompson of Dartmouth, Elconey
of Lafayette, Ralph of Princeton,
Murphy, of Notre Dame, and Leroy
Brown of Dartmouth, took chief hon-
ors in the individual events.
Paintings to be Put on Exhibit
Water color paintings done by E. J.
Campbell, Lars Hotrup and Dugal
Stuart Walker are to be placed on ex-
hibition beginning May 4 in Memor-
ial hall., Dugal Stuart Walker is a
writer and story-teller as well $a a
painter. He spoke to the children of
Ann Arbor yesterday afternoon. The
exhibition, which is onen to the nbh-
Rotation of names on the ballots,
the presence of class officers and stu-
dent councilmen at the booths, and the
different colored ballots for men and
women will preclude all possibility of
fraud at the all-campus election Tues-
day, according to the committee in
charge. The counting of the ballots
will be done entirely by Student coun-
cilmen in a locked chamber to which
noo one else- will be admitted..: The
fiat report of results will appear in
the Daily Wednesday morning.
Plan is Innovation
These rules are in accordance with
the new election plans recently passed
by the council. Voters will be checked
off on the registration lists as they
cast their ballots and no one who has
failed to register will be allowed to
. The booths will be located in the
same places as for registration and
all classes must cast their ballots
there at the proper time. The officers
will be in charge from 8:45 to 4:30
o'clock. By special vote of the Stu-
dent council, the senior class of the
Dental school may vote tomorrow, as
they are making an out-of-town trip1
on Tuesday, and the senior and junior
medical classes will vote at the hos-
Daily Prins Sample Ballot
The. Daily is printing a sample bal-
lot containing the names' of the nomi-.
nees and the offices for which they.
are candidates in this morning's issue.
A list of the candidates with their
qualifications is also in today's paper
on page 7. This latter list is a contin-;
uation of the one in yesterday's paper.'
The names of the candidates for
the Union offices will be omitted from
the 'wom's ballot and those for
League offices from the men's ballot.
The names will be rotated every 500
votes to insure fairness to all the
Appointments to the managing edi-
torship of the V shigan Daily, the Gar-
goyle, the Students' Directory and the
Athletic Program for next year, which
were postponed from last Saturday,
were made by the Board in Control
of Student Publications, at a meeting
yesterday afternoon.
Marion B. Stahl, '23, was appointed
managing editor of the Michigan
Daily. Stahl has served three years
on the editorial staff of the Daily, his
position during the present year hav-
ing been that of night editor. In addi-
tion to his journalistic work, Stahl
has been active in campus affairs gen-
The managing editor's position on
the Gargoyle was given to James C.
House, '24L, who, during the present.
year has been a member of the art
staff of the campus humor publication.
Lincoln J. Carter, '23, was ,elected
managing editor of the Students' Di-
rectory. Carter was an assistant ed-
itor of the Directory this year.
Elmer E. Hartwig, '23,was chosen
to head the Athletic Program, upon
which he has worked this year as a
member of the business staff.
Alumni organizations throughout the
country listened in on the "Michigan
Night" program which was broadcast-
ed by the Detroit News station last
night. The evening's entertainment
opened with "The Victors," played by
the Michigan Varsity band, followed
by "Varsity." The Varsity Glee club
then sang a group of Michigan songs
with "Laudes atque Carmina" as the
opening number. '
"Duke" Dunne, captain of the 1921
football team, was announced as the
first speaker on the program. Other
speakers of the evening were Carl E.
Johnson, '20, Judge William Heston,
'04L, Paul Goebel, captain of the 1923
football team, Coach Fielding H., Yost,
and President Marion L. Burton, who
took as his subject, "Financial Respon-
sibilities for a State University." The
Mandolin club and Varsity . Banjo
quintette were added features of the
program, which closed with the sing-
ing of the "Yellow and Blue" by the
Varsity Glee club.
The program was received at both
the' Michigan Union and the Majestic
In addition the proceedings of the
Is lIstorian Lectijrer, Research
Worker and Head of Harvard.
History Department
Prof. Frederick Jackson Turner, his-
torian, lecturer,-research worker, for-
mer president of the American His-
torical association, and also of the
Colonial society, and at present pro-
fessor of American history at Harvard
university, will speak tomorrow after-
noon in the Natural Science auditori-
um under the auspices of the history
High in Rank
"One of the outstanding men in the
country, as a man who has' developed,
a school of research of his own, and
one of the three or four greatest men,
in the historical field," is the comment
of Prof. Charles H. Van Tyne, head of
tie history department, on Professor
Turner. That much of the lecture
would be of help to -history students,
especially to those of American his-
tory, was also the opinion of Professor,
Van Tyne.
Professor Turner 'was graduated
from the University of Wisconsin with
the A.B. degree in 1844. He received,
'a Ph.D. degree from Johns Hopkins'
university in 1890, an LL.D. degree
from the University of Illinois in 1908,
a Litt.D. - degree from Harvard uni-
versity in 1909, and his second Ph.D.
degree from Royal Frederick univer-
sity at Christiania in 1911.
Worker in Field
He served as a professor of Ameri-
can history from 1892 to 1910 at the'
university of Wisconsin, and has
served in the same capacity' at Har-
vard university since =leaving the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin. He was a mem-
ber of the board of editors of the
American History Reyiew from 1910
until 1915, and was identified with the
department of Historical research,
Carnegie Institute, 1916-17. He has
belonged to other societies, and has
served as president of two of them.
Professor Turner is the author of
."Rise of the New West."
Request for Morning Paper Granted;
Publication to Change
Naie ,
Change of the name and policy of
the Wolverine, the summer newspaper
of the University, was decided upon
by the Board in Control of Student
Publications at its meeting yesterday
afternoon. , The name of the paper
iwill be changed to "The Summer Mich-
igan Daily" and, instead of the policy.
hitherto pursued of issuing three
papers a week, it will appear every
day except Monday, carrying full As-
sociated Press news. t
This decision was made at the re-
quest of Leo J. Hershdorfer, '23, man-
aging editor, and Harold C. Hunt, '23,
business manager. Both of these men
feel\that the greatly increased attend-
ance at Summer school in the Univer-
sity warrants the step.'°r Last Year,
approximately 2,800studentsattend-
ed Summer school; this year the nuth-
ber will probably exceed 3,000:
Attention is called to the fact that'
this marks a radical departure in the
field of summer journalism since "The
Summer Michigan Daily", will be the
first college -summer paper ever pub-
lished daily. The new paper will con-.
sist. of four pages, and, in general,
will follow the policies of The Daily,
following as closely as possible a met-
ropolitan style.
The Victor
Badgers Score in Ninth
The two Badger runs were
in the ninth inning when thre
were garnered against the star
of the Maize and Blue nine. Bu
other hit was g'ranted during
entire game.
The .contest from the first w
favor of Michigan. In the seco'
ning, the Wolverines pounded ov
runs and in the inning that fol
they proceeded to make their lea
the 'Badgers more secure. The
igan swatters forced the star p
of the Badger staff to'retire, and
he was relieved by Christianson
landed on the latter for eight
bingles. Of the 14 Wolverine c
8 went for extra bases.
Knode Has Good Trip
The hitting of Knode was age
evidence. The fast first baseman
was so big with the stick in the
with Illinois yesterday, again .
through with t o long hits. In
times that 1l node was at bat d'
the week-end trip, he hit saf
times fo.r a total of 17 bases.
Wimble found the ball'for tw
hits, which drove in nmany of the
igan counters. Paier and Dixon
hit consistently,.wile Vick drov
one of the longest hits in the
for a three-bagger.
Shaefe Fields Well
The fielding of both teams was
at times. Uteritz took three
grounders ..ithout a slip and p
himself, if it needed to be p
again, an indispensible cog in th
fensive machine, Shaefe, of Wi
sin, handle.d his chances well
saved the moundsmen more than
from 'what looked to be a hit ch
against' him. The Wisconsin 'o
made some spectacular catches.
The summary.
Michigan' AB R H PO
Uteritz, as.,........2 2 1 1
Wimbles, 2b.......5 1 2 1
Knode, 11).........5 1' 3 8
Shackl'eford. rf ......4 0 1 2
Kipke, cf . . .... ...5 0 1 3
Klein, if .. ... . .....4 0 1 3
Paper, 3b ...........5 2 2 1
Vick, e.............3 1 1 11
Dixon,p...........3 2 2 0
, __
Totals.....:. ,... .36 9 14 27
"Wisconsin AB R H PO
R. Williams, If ......4 0 0 2
Shaefe, 2b .,.:......3 0 0 1
Caesar,.cf.........4 1 1 3
Elliott, ss........4 0 1' 1
J. Williams, lb .....4 0 0 13
Barryc..........4 0 2 3
Puediger, 3'b.......3 0 0 1
Dugan, rf.........3 0 0 3
Paddock,p........3 0 0 0
Christianson, p.....1 1 0 0
*Sheridan.........1 0 0 0
Totals ....35 2 4 27
*Sheridan batted for Shaefe in
Score by innings
M0ihigan.......0 2 2 2 0 2 071
Wisconsin......0 0 0 & 0 .0 0
Three base hits, Vick, Wir
Two base hits, Knode, Klein,' U
Wimbles, Kipke. Struck out by I
11; by Paddock, 3; by. Christians
Bases on balls, off Dixon, 0;off
dock, 2; off Christianson, 2. Sa
hits, Dixon.. Sacrifice fly, U
Stolen bases, Dixon. Hits, off')
4: off Paddock. 6: off Christie
Eight Hits Go for Extra I
Knode Continues to
Set Pace
(Special to the Daily)
Camp Randall Field, Madison,
.April 29.-Michigan climbed in
disputed first place in the Conf4
baseball race today when Wisc
crumbled helplessly before the
hitting onslaught of the Wolv
who handily won by a score of
Dixon's air tight pitching prov
feature of the game. Holding
Badger batsmen to four hits, st
out eleven and allowing no free
to first, he easily won his game
Paddock, whom the Wolve
knocked from the box in the
Voting Rules
1. No student shall be allowed to
vote unless duly registered.
2. Faculty and alumni members of
the Union vote for Union officers at
special booth in the Union.'
3. Women vote on colored ballots.
4. Read carefully instructions on
ballot. Do not fil to fill out stub at-
tached. Detach stub and hand to elec-
tion clerk with folded ballot.
b. Thn eba1Lots oz earn class wi l be Board of Regents .published Friday
kept separate. Members of other several other matters or various im-
classes should be careful not to vote portance were taken up including the
where the ballot specifies that only a notification of the establishment by
certain class shall vote. Failure to the women of Helen Newberry resi-
ao sso ui inseJ llAl lulod spfi eAlaesgo dence of a loan fund of $100 for the
vote. ' Iaid of women students residing in
6. The class officers of the various that house. .
classes will provide booths and be in Dr.. Louis H. Newburg, associate
charge of the balloting, professor in the Medical school, was
7. The time of election is Tuesday, promoted to the rank of professor of
May 2, from 8:45 to 4:30 o'clock. clinical investigation in the depart-
(Exception-Senior dental class will ment of internal medicine; and Dr.
vote at Dental building, Monday, May Henry Hicks, demonstrator in clini-
1, under direction of Councilman cal dentistry, was appointed to an in-
Christie.) structorship in operative dentistry.
8. Places-All lit classes in front Henrietta Scranton resigned as so-
of the Library; all engineers in Engi- cial director of Adelia Cheever house.
nearing arch; all laws in Law build- Miss Blanche Howell, of Mt. Clemens,
ing; senior and junior medical classes was appointed to fill her place for the
at the :hospital, sophomore and :fresh- .coming year.
man medical classes at Medical build- The Board accepted agift of 20
ing, combined departments, (dental, works of art which have been given
homoeopath, pharmic, and graduate by Jean Auguste Wetmore to the Uni-
classes) in Waterman gymnasium; versity.
Word has been received of the resig-
nation of J. N. Lincoln and A. R. More-
house, both of the Spanish depart-
ment, to !take effect in June of this
year. This is a severe blow to the
department because both of these men
are exceptionally competent teachers.
Mr. Morehouse intends to spend two
years studying in Har-vard and- ode in
Europe in preparation for his doctor-
ate. Mr. Lincoln will go direct to
France where he will study in the
University of Toulousse.
Y. W. C. A. nominations for the afl-
campus elections Tuesday have been
announced. Those women who will
run for the various offices are as fol-
lowsr: president, Margaret Whyte, '28,
'and Lucy Huber, '23; vice-president,
Dorothy Jeffrey, '24, and Luella Galli-
ver, '23; treasurer, Helen Aubrey, '23,
and Ruth Sutherland, '24; secretary,
Merry Wainer '23. nna nvern Ta v
twirler, whose victory against Wis-
consin puts him in the lead among
Conference moundsmen. Allowing
but four hits and no walks, and
strikrin unt Alainv e th 'A Ao'ir.a