I:. . iI i 1 .. y '1 . 't .. ". _; I 2. Steve -Ou r Coach FOOTBALL MEN TO SCRIMMAGE ON SAT. TO BREAK MONOTONY OF SPRING GRIND uOHI (From the Athletic Journal of April) "Michigan students affectionately call Steve Farrell the 'Grand Old. Man' and the grand old man he is, for he has not only been a wonderful athlete, but also has been and now is a great coach; furthermore he is a sportsman and a gentleman." AND Coach Wieman is getting some real results from the spring football prac- tice. Many of the men are fast losing the excess weight taken on during the winter months; and as the signals are called are getting into the play with a snap that is characteristic of play- ers at mid-season. A few of last year's veterans are out, but the greater part of the squad is composed of freshmen and men who are new to Yost's .system. More than 45 m'nen are out in uni- form for practice. The purpose of the. spring practice is to teach the new, men the rudiments of the game, so as not to waste any time next fall when the heavy work starts. Blocking, tackling, signal drill, and punting comprise the daily routine, and the. candidates for next fall's Varsity are learning these fundamentals so well that two games will be held between four teams to be picled from the squad. The games will take place at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, on Fer- ry field. The personnel of the differ- ent teams has not been picked, 'but Coach Wieman promises that the1 games will be full 'of action. KAPPA ALPHA THETA GRANTED PEBJIIISSION FOR GARDEN PARTY Permission has been granted the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority to hold a Garden Party on the night of Fri- day, May 19, the proceeds of which are td be turned over to the Woman's League Fund. Two orchestras have been secured for the occasion and continuous dancing will be an added feature from 8 to 1. Tickets for the affair may be obtained from members of the sorority or at Graham's Book store. The number of tickets has necessarily been limited and only 200' tickets are available for couples and 100 for single admittance, the prices to which are. $1.50 per couple and $1.00 for stags. Tickets go Monday. Chicago Doctor Talks Tc Dr. C. Judson Herrick, of versity of Chica.go, will add members of the Undergradu ical sociesty at 8 o'clock in amphitheater of the Medical His subject will be, "Mind At ative Factor in Health and Di U. OF 31. RADIO CONCI Satur'day night at Eight o'clc the Varsfy'Band and voices y over the radio. Installed b and K. Radio Supply Co.-A Patronize Daily Advertiser tne Conterence s affair will be the' first round tate at later :h, and ponent vill of- in the t * . . '! _ : the S P' k V A * . - 1j . j 1- 11 es S T E V E FARRELL, MICHIGAN'S veteran track coach, whose fame as a coach and former athlete will live long in the memory of American sportsdom. ALL-CAMPUS TENNIS NOTICE I f- (. w 11 " f "' i , ' , . .. i E Results of all matches in the first round ;oE the All-campus singles tennis tournament must be in Eby .Monday noon or the matches will be considered for- feited. k - '' ... ., 'I~ 4;' NOTICE I am.buying old clothes and paying the highest prices. ,$3.00 to $10.00 for suits. Call 1677-W or bring them to 203 N. Main St. Dave Mordsky.-Adv. If I1 ! Cigars and Cigarettes Smoking is a habit, for the most part, pleasing and non-harmful. All popular brands car- ried at standard prices. No long-shots. Fresh stock and quick service. -.,, ,. .: I S invoke with 'I~j Q _'i_ EY 1 U 'RADS CYIGA1 ffiCAND)IESf S ]LUNCHES i SODYAS tr~y to treat yog itrht' Ua VA I . B. K. . o. I quality clothes is the question -I ley's Old Fashioned OCOLATES (Made in Madion, WIs.3 60c lb. RS DELICATESSEN- 119 E.Lberty st.- ,. Kuppenheirner GOOD CLOTHES 4 is the answer. Men who want the comfort -and satisfaction of quality, men who want the economy of quality, :men who always insist upon qual- ity-always wear Kuppenheimer good clothes: )VE THE DANGER ther of our offices and look over our y Deposit Vault Equipment - el at ease knowing your valuables are sited in your individual box behind - those massive doors n invement in good appae N. F. 112 Souith Main Stroet Go. Is NOMINAL [CS BANK 830 South State B (Nickels Arca