THE MICHIGAN DAL -DAILY IWIMMINS HONOR SPORT FOR WOMEN f.0C. A. POOL OPENED TO MEN AND CLASSES ORGANIZED near the last, was given as being the very first in the minds of most col- lege girls. Sororities were, in both cases, down near the end of the column, and social entertainment like- wise. FEDERAL BOARD STUDENTS IN UNMVERSITY NUMBER 186 wilng has been raised to the a University sport for women Women's Athletic association,, for points will be given for it rdance with the regular rules n addtion,;there has been planned eries of meets, which will allow the rants to earn honor points by Llifying'for various places in these its during the year. 3V, mming facilities for women have ain greatly improved this year, due the fact that the city Y. M. C. A. has nopened for the use of women 9ai 3:30 to 4:30 o'clock in the after- non Mondays and Thursdays and ta, 8 to 9 o'clock in the evening on sdays and Fridays lAsses are being organized at these s under the supervision of Miss bel Hovey, a professional swimmer ydiver, whio held the position of a-guard and instructor at the Ann r municipal bathing beach this Amer.- Miss Hovey will give in- dtion in life-saving and diving in otion to- teaching' the regular kes. These courses are open to women who are interested in the ara Women Give rnpressions Of deal Character Z the. results of an experiment le recently by the department of chology of the University of Iowa, A, lass of 75 junior women, may taken as being representatives of popinions of college women every- ere in regard to what are the per- ml interests of an ideal college wo- aY and what order in rank of im- rtance those interests shoud take, ~ay be seen that the average col- egirl not only is able to give a ar statement of what she conid- the make-up of a perfect woman, t she is also perfectly willing to nitthat she herself does not meet srequirements set by that stand- Pach woman was asked to give a of30 interests which she con- .ered vital, in the regular order of ir importance. The second part .the experiment required each wo- k n's opinion .as to the order in ich a typical woman of their un- sity would place the various in- 'ests already listed. s_ a result, a tabulated list was med, in which were "interests" of kin'ds,' ranging all the way from irater and health, to dancing, ivies, and driving a car. In the rangement which typified the rela- o importance which an ideal wo- nwould give to these interests, a last named,- interests took a place Fdown in the :rank, while a typical %acter led the list. In the column ich represented the order in which :ypical 'college woman would classi- her interests, character received snty-third place, health twenty- ,hth, and pleasing one's parents, eteenth. In the "ideal" list, in- ,est InI young men took, twenty- rth place, but the women admitted qtr in actual practice this was real- considered third! Dancing, which W, thought ought to be considered, rNe MS FASTiIDOUS5 * " WHEN most fastidious folks that ever lived in a mod-. ern manison are pleased with our bathtubs and health accessories, that's a mighty good" sign that Mr. Everyman and his 'folks wll be pleased byv the manner in which we do their plumbing work. WMK HOCURJEIN, PLUMBER There are 186 Federal Board stu- dents now registered in the various colleges of the University as compar- ed to 100 last year this time. While the evact figures are not yet available, there is indication that the number of Federal Board students enrolled in the University will be much larger than last year's maxi- mum total of 169. The comparative figures for the different colleges are as follows : 87 Lits, 49 Engineers, 21 Laws, 8 Dents, 8 Architects, 7 Med- ics, 3 Graduates, 1 Pharmie, 1, Idu- cational. Pay your Daily subscription today. Fresh Wholesome Meals ATTRACTIVELY SERVED IN A PLEASANT ENVIRONMENT AT REASONABLE PRICES -AT THE Dining Room Telephone 1SI: - 339 SOUTH DIVISION STREET DEILICIOUS COFE CICEN DINNER ON SUNDAY STUDENT H EADQUARTERS WT CARRY AT ALL TIMIES A COMPLETE STOCK OF "BRIGHTEN- UP" FINISHES IN SMALL CANS SUITABLE FOR TOUCH-UP JOBS AROUND YOUR 'RAOS. FOIL CHAIRS, TABLES, DECORATING, WOODWORK, WALL, FLOORS, SHELVES, PICTURE-FRAMES WE HATE A PAINT, TARNISH OR 11AXIL FIXISM FOR IEVIRY PURPOS . SWING - FRAMES Many Prelty Variaties t* Select From and Prices Right. WALL PLATE AND PAPER WINDOW GLASS I. . PICTURE FR AXING WINDOW SIUDES L. E. WENZEL PAINTINO AND UNCORATINO AN N ARBOR 207 East Liberty YPSILANTI 114 Pearl (Two sTORts) I ,I' Today and a S T Cc Daily Matinees 2.00 and 3.30 Evening Shows 7.00 and 8.30 I' I: Tomorrow ANOTHER PICTURE SENSATION Regular Prices - p -mis r+ 4--t4 r 4 f f* f 4 k: :r A"*, O / i d 4 U D 45 # -.A..-C .._ _ _ ..t o w A 1 .) _ _A." ._E, .. : Jr~bd~ev run r. .~ ~ - . 11 ~1 i _ r- SIP 1 r [r." . , AMagnificent Revival of the GiganticadEthaln George KenePcd.c~ W ["Whither Guest Thou?#] Made ini Itly by Chines from the world famous nowt b H ENRYtd"S IEN KIEWICZ a9 * I~ j. e A*1'* ' tI~ ' 1 k I ...- ... , - ~ - .- - - :I "l I The wwmienof 'he ~uri~mat lbs dawn of a e The batle of the CG~I Acm w. ith airms. * A eour rtbrigwe for dwkavor of iu*O6t ee. The jeatlousy of Caear', wV., the Enwress Poppea. ADDED FEATURES BROWNIE'S LITTLE VENUS" OUNTURY OOMEDY FOX NEWS AND Majestic Orchestra Every Man, Woman and Child should sea this Show "Q UO V AD I S" Is the Mightiest. Motion Picture Spectacle of the Century. with 39.000 Players Enacting the Rise and Fall of Imperial Rome under the Reign of Mighty. Phone 52 L The burning of Rome to provide a theme for Nero's poem. The suicide of Petro ns ead Eunice, the former slave girl. The Christian captives devoured by scores of lions. 211 south Fourtli Avenue UI Nero. A PHOTODRAMATIC ,MASTERPIECE, II IW .