THE MICHIGAN DAILY LEARN TO DANCE Armory, opening October 14th. Prof Mittenthal, of Detroit, Teacher of mod ern dancing, having taught here fo two seasons with big success, has ha ten years successful experience. Mem ber of the International Association o Masters of Dancing, recently been to the 28th convention in N. Y., and will teach the following new dances: Ter- race Fox Trot, Culture Walk, and th University Waltz. These dances have made a hit in the East. The Professor is now teaching in Lansing, Grand Rapids, and Kalamazoo. Only one term will be given. Enroll the open- ing night; don't wait. You are guar- anteed to learn. Will have several ladiesdand gentlemen assistants. Class 7 to 8:30 P. M. Rates reasonable; can be paid in two payments if desired. Private lessons in afternoon by ap- pointment.-Adv. , r Cr'w^ ^^.ti NOW IS' TO SELECT Y( WE ARE SHO' LIN CORDUROYS A WITH FUR Wadhams STATE ST. I - - w . . w - w - . 1"04.^ Founta n C NEWP For All Ma Watrma HALLER & PACEARD STREET LOTS GO ON t Pakad SALE EI Pf ITT R lI Packard Homesite Subdivision, de- r veloped by the Ann Arbor Home Build- d ers Association, go on sale Thursday, t - Read circulars or call phone 2849-M for TO APE R H EE fparticulars. This Is an opening sale 0 at exceptionally low prices, lasting - 1 until 10 P. M., Oct. 15. No better op-t t portunity has been offered or will be Carnegie Tech and Colgate University e offered to secure lots of this kind at Added to Wolverine Sched- e such low prices. -Come out 1-4 mile ule r from limits or phone us and we will d take you.-Adv.c e ~OF TWELVE BIG TEN GAMESI SUBDIVISION OPENING SEVEN ARE PLAYED AT HOME Packard Homesite Subdivision opens 'sThursday. Opening prices last until1 Saturday night. They are so reason- Carnegie Instiute of Technology and able you should act now.-Adv. Colgate University will be seen here on the basketball court, the former team Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. on Dec. 29 and the latter here for two games Dec. 30 and 31. These games ..-.......-are partly to give Coach Mather a line on his men before the opening Con- ference game but should be of great in- terest for neither of these teams have ever played a Michigan court team be- fore. Opening Game Jan. 9 )UR SHEEPSKIN On Jan. 9 Captain "Bud" Rea leads ~ his men in their first Conference game of the season against Ohio State in Waterman gymnasium. The following WIING A LARGE week end is a strenuous one for Chi- E OF cago will be played here on Friday, Jan. 13, and then a trip will be taken., playing Wisconsin at Madison on Sat- urday and Illinois at Urbana on Mon- LND M OLESKINS day, Jan. 16. In this first week four Conference teams are played and three t COLLARS of these are among the strongest in the Conference. This makes it neces- sary for Coach Mather to have the team at their best early In the sea- son. After a lay off of over three weeks for the final examinations the squad C ompanygoes to Columbus for a return gam & CompanyFr with . S. U. on Feb. 11 and the fol- lowing Monday Indiana will furnish MAIN ST. opposition at Bloomington. All of the remaining games with the exception of Iowa at Iowa City on Feb. 27, are at Ann Arbor, with Wisconsin on Feb. 18, Indiana the 20th, Illinois the 25th, and a return game with Iowa here on March 4, while the final game is with Northwestern in Waterman gymnas- ium on March 6. Three TIps on Schedule There are 12 Conference games on N the schedule, seven of which are at home. The five out of town games will In P ens ,require three trips two tilts on each bonkl n Swan of the first two while on the last one to Iowa City on Feb. 27, only one game SOINTS . will be played. The second trip, to kes of Pens Columbus and Bloomington is taken kos o Pensbetween semesters, the second game with Indiana is on Feb. 13 the day the F UIL L E Rsecond semester begins. JEWELERS _________________ SOCCERITES ORGNIZE; IFIE PLAN TO ENTER TOURNEY THIS CLOLSESDURING COMING SEASON LTISING AT 3 P.M. PROSPECTS APPEAR BRIGHT IN MICHIGAN'S NEWEST WANTED SPORT WANTED-40 men to sell individual Prospects for a big year in soccer megaphones on commission at Sat- are bright, if given the necessary in- urday's game. Call in person at Daily office today between 3 and terest and support by the student body 5:30. No freshmen. 15-2 and the Athletic association. WANTED-A woman to board ten stu- Dyason Elected Captain dents only. Location preferably on Last Friday night a meeting was west side of the campus. Two held fo the purpose of organizing the meals a day. Must be a good cook. team and making plans for the com- Phone 937-M. _15-2 ing year. Dyason was chosen as cap- WANTED-Subscripton manager for tain of the team and Sanchez was Intercollegiate magazine! Good elected as secretary. These officers money to right man. Apply Box J. are only temporary, however, and ment., Michigan Daily, for appo5t- permanent ones will be chosen in the near future. WANTED-Six men students with ex- This year there will be an inter- pWience in salesmanship preferred, collegiate soccer championship tourna- work during spare hours. See Mr. Fisher at Wm. Goodyear & Co. 14-2 ment In whlch'many Eastern univer- sities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton WANTED-Dress making of all kinds, and Cornell, and a few Western col- p to dat4sE. ilian ork hourn leges will participate. Michigan has St. Phone 1780-M. 14-2 been entered and it is hoped that the student body will aid the team in cop- WANTED-Several young ladies, pre- ping the championship. ably students, for afternoon and Saturday work. Address, Mich. At present the Wolverine squad is Daily, Box A. T. 14-4 composed of men who have had broad experience in both this country and MISCELLANEOUS abroad. Captain Dyason is a veteran SANDWICHES, steaks, ice cream, who obtained much of his experience malted milk, hot coffee, anything to in South Africa. Canright who has eat delivered to your room -till 11 just recently come out for the team, P. M. Let us give you a price on has played for Ohio Western univer- tat banquetLunch 538 ore allt ksity. Vandermeulen was a member of 1526-M. Just off So. University.11-21 the team which won the Transvaal championship. Rorick is a former BOARD-Home cooking, $5.00 a week, member of the Orange Free State team, for 25. Phone 885-. 15-3 which took part in the interprovincial fUr 2. Rhone 88-J. 5-3sgames of South Africa. Tsai learned FURS- Remodeled- Relined- also to play soccer in the Hong Tong league cloth coats. Expert work. 210 No. w B play e this game lnAr- Ashley. Phone 2965-M. 15 while Baucis played this game in Ar- gentina. Sanchez is another veteran LOST ~ of the Varsity team of last year. As soon as the season has started it Is LOST-Alpha Omicron Pi sorority pin expected that many other good players between corner of South University wilene theay rs and-Church Sts., and State St. Re- will answer the call. ward. Dorothy Wylie. Phone 2949. Two Defeats Last Yea 14-2 Last year the informal team played LOST-On Sunday antique silver pin, many teams both in the state and in see with pearl. Return to 2011 Ged- Canada, and only twice did they meet Finder call 1700. Reward. 14-2 defeat. Every Monday and Thursday LOST-Leather note-book in Engineer- afternoons at four o'clock practice will Ing Bldg. Return to Gaysari, 825 E. be held for those who are trying out't AW r:1for the sanad. although all intAArted MME. KRUSZKA ANNOUNCES in the game may practice at any oth- er time as well. In addition to the informal team, this sport will be pushed by the In- R ID tramural department in the interfra- ternity and interclass tournaments which will be held this fall. These We ar tournaments will be of great aid in de- for Ladies veloping new material, assortment Who is willing to go to the Wiscon- Serge, etc. consin game at our expense? Arcade Barber Shop.-Adv. H um LLLLLCM ;TI , 5High-Top _0Boots in S Cravenetts, We ha Opening Packard Academy THURSDAY, OCT. 13TH 4 dozen oysters 12 peacock eggs Iwhole turkey 16 potatoes 3 lbs. vegetables 8 salvers *'salad 12 bottles Wine and champagne Ma SEE: ING BREECHES e headquarters for Sport, Hiking and Riding Togs and Men, also Riding Habits for Ladies. A large to select from in Khaki, Whipcord, Corduroy, Sport Hose, Leather and Wrap Puttees. ting Coats, Breeches Shoes, Munson Army and Dress Shoes, Rubber Slicker, Knee, Sport and Hip styles. Rain Coats, Slickers, Mackinaws, Overcoats, etc. ave the REG. 0. D. WOOL ARMY SHIRTS, also ts, Underwear, all kinds of Hosiery and Auto less than regular price. Best assortment of WOOL BES, STEAMER RUGS and ARMY BLANKETS priced 2.50. Tom Wye Coats and Vests Sweaters for Ledi, Gents and Children It will pay you t4 get our prices Gillette Razors with six, blades in handy case at $1.25 Surlu Supply tor 213 N. Fourth Ave. Dress Shir Gloves at I AUTO ROB up from $2 EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY __ Advance Class Instruction.....7:00 to-8:00 P. M. Assembly Dancing ........... 8:00 t0 10:00 P. M. U, STATE ST. m BOB DEEBACH'S FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA THITS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. ICSADVEI Students wishing to enroll for dancing instruc- tion may do so at Studio over Lyndon's Photo Shop - Phone 778-J. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Will share modern refin- ed home with Married student, all home privileges. South east loca- tion. Fifteen minutes walk from campus, also garage. Terms reas- onable. Phone 2926-J. 14-3 FOR RENT-A large warm°suite and double front room, down. Conven- ient location and reasonable rent. 537 S. Division. Phone 2975-M. 15-2 FOR RENT-To gentlemen-well furn- ished single room, roll top desk, steam heated. $5.00. 825 E. Uni- versity Ave. Phone 1656-J. 15-2 FOR RENT-Two single rooms and one double room, steam heat, two blocks from campus. 1224 Washte- naw. 670-R. 14-6 FOR RENT-Large, warm front suite, for two American students or busi- ness men. $5.00 each. 543 S. Divis- ion St. 14-2 FOR RENT-One suite for two men or will furnish for light housekeeping. Prices right, 618 Packard St. 14-2 FOR RENT-Room in modern house- 1 or 2 gentlemen. Breakfast if de- sired. Call 2638-W. 14-2 FOR RENT-A fine front suite at 1220 E. Washington. Handy for Medics or Dents. Phone 1047-W. 15-3 FOR SALE FOR SALE-New Handy Vol. Ency- clopedia Britannica, 11th edition. India paper, leather binding. Never used. Half price. Phone.963. 14-3 FOR SALE-Gold-plated slide trom- bone with case-high and low pitch. Excellent condition. Cheap. 530 Thompson. Phone 1579-W. 15-3 FOR SALE-New Handy Vol. Encyclo- pedia Britannica, 11th edition. India paper, leather binding. Never used. Half price. Phone 963-R. 15-3 FOR SALE-Log 'log slide rule and 1 ather case. Practically new. Call o. 7, Nickels Arcade. 14-3_ I "Wilson's "London IMPORTED OVERCOATS Warmth without Weight And Style; they carry that Snap which no other coat can carry. May we have the pleasure of showing you these Gar- ments. No charge to you whatever for a Look. It's a pleasure to show such garments. 4 TINKER AND COM PANY SOUTH STATE STREET AT WILLIAM STREET I CLOTHES - FURNISHINGS - HATS Things different than you see elsewhere 7 LOST DST-Pocketbook containing entire resources. Finder please return to TTnion fnf rRenard 1..