i S J tt jIat1 DAY AND NIGT SERVICE ._ .... .. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1922 PRICE FIV .. _: ~ __ _;_ I, 0 11 1S YEAR- RE- TEN GIPLINE, as aents FUTURE ADVISERS GET EARLY START Plans for Next Year Outlined Before 450 Men at Meeting Last Night More than 450 men who are inter- ested in the work of the Upperclass Advisers for freshmen met in the Union and heard the report of the committee's work for this year and made plans for handling the work with next year's freshmen. The committee is under the direc- tion of W. W. Gower, '22, chairman. He told of the problems and results of this year's work and how the com- mittee might function better next year. The present plan of, upperclassmen advisers for freshmen is a compara- tively new one, having been started only a year ago. Consequently It is as yet not fully ,developed but its re- sults this year are considered satis factory in view of the conditions ad- verse to its success. The meeting last evening was held to eliminate if possible the difficulties of this years' work and to get an ear- ly start for next year. COUNCIL SETTLESECTO LM Senior Cane Day to Be May 7; Tug- of-War to Be Included in Spring Games CANDIDATES FOR ADVISORY ' COMMITTEE ALSO SELECTED rr, the freshman who was by the members of his * meeting Monday for re- ion of Michigan tradi- ted another chance yes- the freshmen in meeting ce Orr on probation for r of the school year, re- n to the class next year is in the meantime with and class traditions. 'anTyne, '25, the other ,n who has violated tra- placed at the same time' robation by the class ich was held yester- hall ,was attended freshmen, many of1 ;rong opinions upon g the meeting. erning Orr. was the ition made by Orr ted to membership stating of 'his own would endeavor to a Michigan student future observe all Discussion of the campus election May 2, decision on the events of the Spring games, May 12 and 13, the set- ting of May 7 as Cane day, and the agreement to drop the charges against L. T. Orr, '25, who has been re-instated in the freshman class on' promise of good conduct in the future, was the business of the Student council, which met last night at the on of the question was opened ely after the preliminarie aber of the class who spoke on the incident of the nigh ncerning Orr. He said tha tee composed of members o man class had called ,a ne and had taken Orr out uncil of war and had late: 1 a court marshal. In the rshal they asked Orr, "Do to be re-admitted to the 5?" Orr answered, "Yes, bu wanted." ppose Reinstatement opinions were offered and sion waxed hot and furious ant declared that Orr should -admitted to the class under deration - ie had broken ted traditions and for tha ould be punished. In rebut ther side asked if "a man done wrong and repente t be given a chance to make Inally moved to re-admit Orr onally into the class. The is downed and a new motion d a all trauition, was s passed 'by a larg he men on probtion to wear their fresh d will be allowed to s freshman games. -the e Union. t Conditions which are likely to arise t in the coming Spring election were f discussed with E. L. Boxell, '23L, who t is chairiman of the committee in , charge. It was specifically agreed 'r that no person who had not registered, e would be allowed to cast a ballot. Dif- o ficulty experienced in the counting of e the ballots last year caused a ruling t that no one would be allowed in the counting room and no early returns' would be announced. d It was decided to allow the senior' dental class to vote on Monday, May d 1, the day preceding the general elec- r tion. This action was. taken because n the class as a body is visiting the t Parke-Davis company in Detroit upon - election day. The ballots will be 1 kept under lock until the evening of d May 2, when all votes will be counted.. e Registration for those who, because of sickness or other suitable reason, r were unable to put their names on the e lists, will be held from 3 to 5 o'clock , this afternoon 'in the booth at the - Union. Registration may be made by n proxy in case of inability to register * at this time. s The three events for the Spring e games were decided upon. Friday a afternon the annual tug-of-war across - the Huron river will be held, and Sat- urday eve*ts on Ferry field will in- clude the obstacle race and the rope tying contest. Due-to the action takn by the fresh-: man class in re-instating L. T. Orr,1 subject to his , good behavior, the council dropped the charges that it had entertained against him. My 7 was set as the time for sen- lors to appear with their class canes. An earlier date had been considered but was found inadvisable. A warning was issued underclass- men against hazing in any manner, ' the council calling attention to the fact that such action was against t University rule. Following the meeting officers of l the council nominated candidates for the Student Advisory committee, to be s elected at the coming elections. The nominations were as follows: from the sophomores, William C. Kratz, Jr., t '24E, D. W. Steketee, '24, T. G. Kin- del, '24, and Harry Hoey, '24; from the juniors, W. A. Cotton, Jr., '23E, Bowen E. Schumacher, '24L, H. S. Case, '23, and Paul Watzel, '23. K a EVENTS TO BE LISTED . 1 ~' ' ,I The Michigan Daily desires to 1 I compile for publication a calen- p dar of all important campus I r events between May 1 and the end of school. , The dates and f names of all such events must be sent to the Calendar Editor, Michigan Daily, at once. 1 . ri ARE YOU SENDIN4 E X P ECO Y T E D T O F IL L p in9oa1hk tu e t The picture of the happ spring-board, which students Asymbol notonly of a willing cause but of a decision to gi exemplifies Michigan's spirit DONATIONS YESTERDAY FROM we can remember back a fe HOUSES BRINGS TOTAL we planned weeks in advance TO $800 that period when school t reigned supreme. CAMPAIGN BEGINS ON Last year about one hu CAMPUS THIS MORNING poorer familiesof Detroit gotten outing, under the sup at the expense of students ~ Alumni to Furnish Equipment for Va- dthe exnsesetsba ations of City Kids This lowed the example set by going to improve on the exa Summer committee now in charge to d making three hundred boys Solicitation today on the campus in feather to the cap of a great anunrestricted Tag Day drive to raise k $1,500'for the maintenance of the sec- The campus will be as o ond University of Michigan Fresh Air raise, to make the camp a su Camp for poor "kids" from Michigan and Port Huron have donate cities is expected to put the cam- lar secured in the local cam paign over the top, as fraternities, ' ing supplies, transporting t sororities and other organizations yes meeting the other necessary terday turned in more than $800. The camp will be officered by M sum contributed by the groups was ices gratis. larger than last year, and practically Already there are more every organization made a donation. in the office of the secretar A few groups which have not yet turn- the camp. Michigan must no ed in their money ae asked to make checks. payable to the University of Michigan Fresh Air "Yund and mal them today to Lane hall.P A whirlwind -campaign today on the N campus, if at all as successful as last rn year, will insure that the needed sum will be stationed at various points on the campus, and will work from 7:45 Athletic Board Votes to Systematize o'clock this morning until late in the Selection of Men Next afternoon. Tags will be sold for 50 Fall cents. Those who subscribed through organizations are asked to wear the SQUAD OF NINE TO BE GIVEN tags which have been provided for UNIFORMS BY BOOSTERS CLUB them in order to avoid being invited to subscribe on the campus. New plans for- the election and iFaculty members have alrea6y sub- maintenance of University cheer lead- scribed a substantial amount, and ers, worked out by the Michigan business men and townspeople have Boosters, have been approved by the aided. Merchants have contributed Student cotncil and the Board of Di- cash and merchandise. The campaign rectors of the Athiletic association, here is for $1,500, all of which is for and will go into effect next fall with expenses for the maintenance of the the selection of the new cheer lead- camp. Alumni are providing for the ers. This new plan was adopted aft- camp equipment. er investigation by the club and the More than 140 boys from Detroit and present Varsity cheer leader of the other cities were given short vacations various systems used by other Confer- away from the heat of the city last ence schools, and is supposed to em- summer at the first camp. It is plan- ploy the better features of them all. ned to take care of even a greater To Have Eight Assistants number this year. Unverity men will Under the new plan there will be serve as assistants at the camp, but no a Varsity cheer leading squad of nine funds are provided for their expenses, men, with the leader known as the All money subscribed here goes for Varsity Cheer leader. His staff will consist of three assistants and five the expenses of the 'boys. try-outs, who will assist in all of the games. In order. that these men may be of experience and ability they will Opens be appointed under the following rules ary ' aof eligibility: the official Varsity cheer I Jl leader 'will be chosen from the as- *+sistants of the previous year and mast Tomorrolv Night have had three years on the campus; the assistants will be picked from the last year's try-outs and must have Michigai's second annual Military been two years on the campus; and ball will open at 9 o'clock tomorrow the try-outs will come from the soph- night as the strains of "Victors" an- omore class. .noance the formation of the grand fthe new position of the Varsity cheer leader will be on a par with march. The first squad in the march that of a managerial office, the award will' be composed of Warren V. Gil- in both cases being the same. His Bert, '22E, of Detroit, Miss Caroline S. uniform and those of his assistants McGraw, also of Detroit; Newell K. will be furnished by the Boosters Chamberlin, '22E, of Lakewood, Ohio; club, which will also pay for his ex- Miss Doris Williams, '23, of Swarth penses on the trips. more, Pa.; Hamilton Cochran, '22E, of To Work Regularly Detroit; Miss Lucile Dadles, of Muske- In order that the student body will gon; George M. Lott '22, of Denver, aknow the men who are leading them aMiss Heen Wehe, of Chicago.r and can have confidence in their abil- Pr ding the grande r-cand ity, the entire squad will be picked starting promptly at 8:30 o'clock, there willnbefore theg on mene a meThis wilenable the e old men to become will be a half hour reception. In- used to their new places and will give cluded among the guests are Maj. time to drill the new try-uts. Robert Arthur and Mrs. Arthur, Maj. Those having 'suggestions as to uni- Willis Shippam and Mrs. Shippam, forms for cheer leaders are asked to Capt. Frederick W. Hoorn and Mrs. write A. 0. Cuthbert, '22E, 1016 East Hoorn. President Marion L. Burton University avenue. and Mrs. Burton, Regent Walter H. Sawyer, of Hillsdale, and Mrs. Sawyer; GIRL RESERVES CLUBS SELL Regent Frank B. Leland, of Detroit; TICKETS FOR BENEFIT MOVIE President Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Dean Henry M. Tickets for the moving picture, "Lit- Bates and Mrs. Bates, Dean Joseph A. tle Lord Fauntleroy," which is being Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean Hugh given at the Wuerth theater May 8, 9, Cabot and Mrs. Cabot, Dean Mortimer 10, and 11, are being sold at Graham's E. Cooley and Mrs. Cooley, Dean John bookstore, Quarry's drugstore, New- R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinge.r, Dean berry hall, the city Y. W. C. A., Wahr's Wilbert Hinsdale and Mrs. Hinsdale, bookstore on Main street, the Sugar Dean Edward H., Kraus and Mrs. Bowl, Century Market, Brown's book- Kraus, Dean Alfred H. Lloyd and Mrs. store, Mack's drug counter and by Lloyd, Mr. F. 'W. Jordan and Dean members of the Girl Reserves clubs. Myra B. Jordan, Treasurer Robert A. A small victrola will be awarded the Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, Secre- club selling the largest number of tary Shirley W. Smith and Mrs. Smith, tickets, and a gold pencil will be giv-. Registrar Arthur G. Hall and Mrs. en the individual selling the largest Hall, Dean William H. Butts and Mrs. number. The management of the the- Butts, Coach Fielding H. Yost and Mrs. ater requests that tickets be bought Yost, Regent Junius E. Beal and Mrs. elsewhere than at the box office. The Beal, and many others prominent in entertainment is being given for the civic and military affairs. benefit of the Y. W. C. A. girls' camp at e i i FRESH AIR CAMP NOTICE All those -desiring to sell Fresh Air Camp tags on the campus today are asked to report for' duty at the stand in front of the Library. Solicitation will begin at 7:45 o'clock and solicitors not- having 8 o'clock classes are ask- ed to report at that time. y kid swinging his feet from a are asked to wear today, is a ness to contribute to a worthy ve material aid to a cause that of helpfulness. It shows that iw years to the kid days, when for our summer camping trip, asks were forgotten and fun ndred and fifty kids from the were given a never-to-be-for- ervision of Michigan men and and alumni. Last year we fol- ennsylvania; this year we are ample. It is the object of the ouble the capacity of the camp, happy, and addingL another er Michigan. ed today to, contribute to the lars which it is necessary to cress. Loyal alumni of Detroit d the camp site, and every dol- paign will be used in purchas- the kids to ithe camp, and in expenses to be incurred. The ichigan men giving their serv- than five hundred applications y from kids anxious to attend. ot break faith with them. Voltaire and Rousseau Called Great Factors for Progess in Second Address HOUR OF LECTURE TOMORROW AFTERNOON CHANGED TO 3i "The Ideal of Progress' was the sub- ject of the lecture on which Prof. Charles Cestre, recently appointed to a chair in American literature and clv- ilization at the University of Paris, spoke yesterday afternoon in Natural1 Science auditorium. He will deliver the third of his series of four lectures on "The Ideal of Equality- and Solid- arity" at 3 o'clock tomorrow after- 1 noon in Natural Science auditorium, instead of at 4:15 o'clock as previous- ly announced,J in order to avoid con-. flict with the concert in Hill auditor- ium at the latter time. Professor Cestre spoke. of the two great Frenchmen, Voltaire and Rous- seau as great representatives and fac- tors in the field of progress. "Rous- seau," he said, "was a man of great intellect and understanding, and of depth of feeling and persuasion suf-I ficient to wield great influence upon his contemporaries. In fact his in-' fluence upon Jefferson was enormous, and that great statesman embodied many of the doctrines of the French philosopher. His influence upon his; own people was even greater than up- on our own, and it was principally through his teachings of individualism' and the sacredness of liberty that the. French revolution was brought about." In. speaking of Voltaire, Professori Cestre said that all his teachings and philosophy were moderate and rea- sonable, that they did not disprove Christianity at all, and that they yielded a great part of the light whichj later led men to adopt democratic governments.. CANDIDATES TO BE LISTED I Candidates for office at the I coming campus election may have qualifications for office printed in The Daily by turning in at that Ioffice not later than Friday night, a record of their activities on the campus. The Daily by turning in at that ( to print only the three most im- portant activities, to omit refer- ence to any club or organization that would appeal to a factional I vote, or to omit the qualifications I entirely if other candidates for a similar office do not turn in ! their qualifications. G A KID TO CAMP? BURTON S CORES N UOR oFrPLAN TO UTSALARIE STATEMENT IS CLIMAX OF C0 VOCATION ADDRESS, YESTERDAY SAYS REPORTS SHOW FAILING IN MORA Large Crowd Hears President Second Monthly University Assembly Rumors recently circulated to effect that the faculty is being m to pay for the new University bu ings through a decrease in a numi of promotions and' perhas a slii cut in salaries were denounced "malicious, -fletitious, and un da fiedly false" by President Marion Burton- in his convocation addr yesterday morning in Hill audit lum. Discussion of these repo came as a climactic peroration of address on "University Morale." In referring to the reports, President declared that the fundam tale of morale had been 'tape with in their circulation. "They v tured," he said, "to tamper with thing for which you and I live, a we won't stand for it." He anlnou ed'that information regarding how' University i administered is open any time to anyone who desires to vestigate~ Salaries Paid by Mill Tax President Burton explained t salaries and general maintenance the University are cared for out the mill tax fund, whieh. is in eff' a permanent endowment to the U versity by the state, while the bul ing program is financed 'by an tirely distinct appropriation, made that specific purpose. IHe dela that when confronted last year by 1 possibility" of receiving' for the i versity either 'the mill tax .aone2 the building appropriation alone had insisted that "if you must cut one of our legs, cut off the bul ings; the University must have me This, he said, is the dominating pol of the University, that it is not me ly a grou of buildings, but a grc of citizens, and that properly qu fled teachers are indispensible to i welfare of such an institution. In discussing University morale, I President divided his speech into t main 'heads, evidences of Michig morale and dangers for Michigan m als. 'Under the first division were g en' many striking illustrations to sh that morale at Michigan and amo Michigan alumni is unsurpassed any college or University in the cot try. Five main dangers to Michigan in Tale were pointed out as being si failure on the part of citizens to co prehend the fundamental theory of I state university; rumors, lack of tellectual modesty, and lack of ju ment. Greater accommodations for s dents were urged as a vital necess in connection with the matter of r idly increasing size, -dormitoriesA men being suggested as a solutiot the problem. Should Investigate Truth Students were urged, in the mat' of rumors, to be sure that a rep is true before allowing it to go far' er. "The real maker of morale," s the President, "is the lover of tru 'Is it true?' should be the motto.of of us. That motto should be in eve editorial office in the country, should be on every reporter's desk, i't true?" In speaking of intellectual modes President Burton remarked that seemed nowadays as though peo- recognized no limit to their kno edge, and stated dogmatically, w the utmost faith in their own auth ity, things which "before the wa would come in for rigid questioni and investigation. This tenilency, said. i; a danger to University more in that statements are oft en ma which haye no foundation of fact, a wvich give rise to wild rumors ca' ing untold injury to the institution The convocation was attended by large crowd, with many faculty me bers on the stage. Wagner's "Ma] and Chorus" from "Tannhauser" w played by Earl V. Moore, Univers organist, as a prelude, and the sembly closed with the singing of "'T Yellow and Blue."' Bulletin Genoa, April 26.-A general meeti of the Versailles treaty signatories Genoa within a fortnight is plane by the British delegation to the Gen Today kolnik, first violin, William ng, second violin, Herman viola, and Philip Abbas iembers of the Detroit Sym- liestra, will give the next the Twilight Organ series lock this afternoon in Hil mplete program will be as . 21, D major o; Andante.......Mozart (allegretto); Allegro )p. 74, for two violins )la tion (allegro ma non . ..................Dvorak o; Scherzo (vivace); ,d Variations te Cantabile from Op. ..............Tschaikovsky o from Op. 30 Tschaikovsky on the Shore (Irish . ............Grainger on Moto (theme and Dna on "Death and the f k r