Yh. . . .1. . .. ,. ,. .. ., " . -., , ,. . , r tiw .. . f ., ,rt .. i" . _,~ f.:' ! J ' .'4 -- ~ , .: E NOTICJE must not be larger capacity and all free ass and rubbish must such garbage cans. [on of the City Ordin- the collection of gar- ctor is not required to ;e from any residence 3provision is violated.' must b accessible at cans in the basement [ flbor can be handled arrangement with the A. WESSINGER, Health Officer. -....r WRES TLERS CLOSE[ SUCCESSFUL YEAR Elect Gilard, '23, and Clifford, '24D, Captain, Manager Respectively, for Next Season COACH THORNE PROVES BIG HELP IN DEVELOPING TEAM Michigan's informal wrestling team has finished its first year of outside competition, a season that was a com- plete success in every way. Coach Thorne-no longer comes out to Ann Arbor and the wrestlers have packed away their tights for another year. Heads Chosen The last thing done by the 192,1-22 he is now working to have' the sport recognized. :Three V eterans Lost Three of the regulars will not be back next year but sever-al good pros- pects are in view to take their plac- es. Captain Hailer, a light heavy- weight, is leaving as are Campbell and Boschan. Meeker, the hea y- weight, Jenkins at 125, and Defoe atl 115 pounds, will be back in addition to the captain. It is hoped to list a more extensive schedule next year and have the coach out here earlier so the men will be in better shape. + Five regular matches were on the schedule, and an exhibition 1n sever- al classes with, the Detroit Y. M. C. A. took place at Ann Arbor. Of these matchesonly one was lost. M. A. C. brought a team here that beat the Wolverines by a 21 to 18 score. But COACH FAIR HELLN S TWLVE MEN TO 60 TO DRAKE RELAYlS; TWO TO0 PENN 'Intramural It Varsity to Compete in Two Mile, Mile, and Half Mile lays and in Special L ents HOFFMAN ANDbNDOWSKI GO EAST FOR EVENTS AT PENN Steve Frrell will take an even dozen men with him to the Drake relays at DesMoines next Saturday., Eight men qualified for two of the relays, the mile and two mile, last la I CANDY Largest and freshest tment of popular sell- A team was -to elect a captain and man, 4 ager for next year. Red Gillard, '23, w was chosen to lead next year's team S and Eugene M. Clifford, '23D, was re- * elected manager. Gillard was 'the ® winner of the All-campus tournament * a year ago and wrestled in every 3 match this year. His greatest achieve- * ment was at Detroit against the D. A. e C. team, where he met Ackerly, the 0 Olympic games representative of this * country, and was only defeated by a decision when Ackerly wa% on top ® one and a half minutes longer than he was. Captain Gillard wrestles at 135 pounds and should- beat all his * opponentsi next year. Clifford also won U the championship in his class a year g ago in the tournament but, this year 0 he sacrificed his wrestling to - give ® more time to his duties as -manager. * He is directly responsible for sign-, ® ing up all of the matches and he did ® a great deal in'getting the 'team go- W ing this year. Through his , efforts outside competition was allowed and this defeat was revenged, for two week, and yesterday afternoon the weeks later, March 6, the Farmers veteran mentor chose four other men,: were taken over at East Lansing by two sprinters and two special event an 18 to 15 score. The first match of men, to make up the personnel of the the year wa Feb. 11, when the De- team for this trip. troit Junior College was overwhelm- The 12 men who are to make the~ ingly defeated 42 to 0. On Feb. 17 trip to Des Moines are Captain Sim- the taam journeyed to Detroit, where mons, Burke, Sargent, Simmons, Joy- Detroit Y. M. C. A. was methand de- ner, Lewis, Rankin, Douglas, Hatten- feated 29 to 18. Then matches were dorf, Bowen, Everett, and McElven. held witlh M. A..- C. on, Feb. 25' and Good Mtile Team March 6. The D. A. C. team was also In the' mile relay four speedy quart- nosed out 21 to 20 at Detroit on er- mileewiyl te r upecders, March 11..er-milers will tear up the cinders, Large List of Tryouts the quartet selected to do the work' Many men tried out for the team and consisting of Joyner, Siemons, Lewis, a large number were 'out all season and Rankin.. T~he two mile relay team ;should be taking lessons from Coach Thorne. Thorne also coached at Detroit Jun- fairly well ;balanced. Douglas, Hat- for college but he came to Ann Ar- tendorf, Bowen, and Everett,. half mil- bor three days a week. He was well ers, all run a consistent race and liked by all the wrestlers and taught should be able to put up some fair them much about wrestling ,that they competition for the other schools on would have been unable to learn Saturday. without his aid. Sargent in Sprints It may be quite surprising to find Don't forget your athletic book or Sargent, whose strong fort hitherto treasurers receipt for registijatlon. has been the hurdles, listed as one of the members of the half mile relay. Watch for the vM's." Today Is "X" team. "Sarg" has been hot-footing it Day. , down the cinders in fast time during the past week in practice and this led Steve to place him on the relay team. Captain Simmons, Burke, and Siemons are the other men who will do the sprinting in this event. Michigan will be. entered in three; special events. Captain Simmons and! Burke will run in the 100-yard dash, where they will find some mighly keen competition. Sargent will dis- play his skill in the high hurdles, while McElven will take a turn at high-jumping. Two Men at Penn Two men will wear Michigan's col- ors at the Penn relays at Philadelphia on the same Saturday as the Drake re-' lay carnival is scheduled. Hoffman' has been entered in the javelin throw, in which event he has made quite a' name for himself, being the holder of the Conferenge record. today. Lan- dowski, the demon pole-vaulter, is the other man to make the trip east. Mer- rick, of Wisconsin, and several other men who have cleared the bar at a heigh.t close to 13 feet will be on hand' to fight it out for first honors with the little Wolverine. and some unusual vaulting should be in order. Practice for the rest of the Varsityl squad will continue all during, the week. The men are looking forward to the Ohio State meet which is scheduled for Saturday, May 6, for it is likely that the great majority of them will have a chance to',get into ac- tion at that date. Don't forget your athletic book or treasureefs recelpt for registiitlon. Today Is "N" Day. In the All-campus tennis doubles tournament, the drawings were as fol- follows : Pingle-Getty, 2106-R vs. Rush- Bielfield, 2040; Tracy-Tracy, 288-J vs. Moore-Ogden, 1399; Lang-Coats, 1457- J vs. Abrosh-Ullman, 751-W; White- Passolt, 1719-R vs. Goldman-Koepp- ner, 1597-R; Ensinger-Stevens, 2276-W vs. Appel-Smock, 2034-R; Berks- Flower, 1166 vs. S. Moore-Breakey, 1504; Samuel-Marris, 2589 vs. Hill- Benham, 2574; Armstrong-Vyse,. 909 vs. Merriam-Underwood, 131; Randall- Memer, 355 vs. Crane-Perse, 2270-J; Bower-Upjohn, 374 vs. Parsons-Win- ograd, 2866-M. The remaining teams drew byes and will be notified when to play. The winner will be the team that wins two out of three sets. The results must be in the intramural of-- flee by Wednesday morning, May 3, or' the games will be considered as forfeited. -'Medals for the winners of the church and society basketball leagues have been received by the Intramural de- partment. Members can obatin them by calling at the office. Matches in the quoit pitching con- test have been scheduled, as follows: W. W. Clore, '24L, 33 vs. Wilson, 1399; (Continued on Page Five) II ~I -- FRESHMAN TRACK NOTICE All freshmen indoor track jer- seys are now at the intramural office. Men who have won them can get same by calling at this office. I ;_ofie Our new location is'in the Nickle's Arcade. Rider's Pen Shop-Adv. t .. . ..... . ; . ,.. Arcade. Rider's Pen Shon.-AM'.. ---M_ ..._ -l-l-I 'IinM llill-IIII ill-HIHI1ilHI III liIIIti111IfI11111111II .Tr i ;,:',.k ; [EY FELLAS, I JUST rrr 4 s ' # # + ' r '. " ! .. I WAITIN' 14 A ''r I SUMMER. A I _ d) . t ' 1'. I- N R. J. DUNNE, '24L, Chairman JOHN W. KELLY,'"'24L, Asst. Chairman. COM 1UTTEE EDNA A. GROFF, 22. MARION B. STALL, 23. ROBT. D. GIBSON, '23. LELAND W. KIRKPATRICK, '23E. WALTER R. KREINHEDER, '23. JAMES T. HUME, '23. CLAYTON G. HALE, '24. MIM N C P7 -PE A 4.,., N a _ 4- Ca )al n is Worthy ot YOUR SUPPORT rluuirilllllNHIir H r rrrrrrrlruurruruuinn rrr lini iruun r uuuninHu t ruunH ~u ur urru rruHgurun rutnrHH r H ur rH s rrrtu You may not know how much it means in the life of a youngster to be taken to one of these real vacation camps. If everybody will contribute just a shall amount there will be three hundred happy kids in camp next summer. The campaign starts this morning. Open your heart--and your purse-and do your bit. -6 space contributed by N. F. ALLEN & C9. 0 ''