L 001E111 011:SO a. a. Saturday..) IN1 Y, APRIL 22, 1922" Number 144 - and the Arts: >f the Literary Faculty erry Hall. Monday afternoon, JOHN R. EFFINGER, MOTHER OF SECRETARY SMITH DIES IN HASTINGS, MICH. Mrs. Frances M. Smith, mother of Shirley. W. Smith, secretary of . the University, died at her home in Hast- ings on Monday night, April 10, as the result of an attack of heart fail- ure. Although Mrs. Smith had had heart trouble for some time, the at- tack wasi so sudden that only her daughter was with her at the time of her death. Good BoardI For limited number of lady boarders at 523 Forrest Ave. Phone 1801-W ii She was formerly president of the of Detroit, vice-presid( Michigan State Federation of Wom- ern Surety company, en's clubs.. Smith, Ann Arbor. She is survived by her husband, one '-- daughter, Gertrude Smith of Hast-! Joe Parker is now ings, and two sons, Donald D. Smith ness. The formal ope Navigation on the Huron River antU ziniLL L vv. Rider's Pen Shop ha Calkins-Fletcher Drug open for busi- 214 Nickel's Arcade, sec ning will be the Adv. . -OW OPEN- embers of football, baseball, track, class and intra- :arry their Athletic Coupon Books with them when This is particularly important on days of games as ry Field on these days will be required to present his FIELDING H. YOST, Director. College of Literature, Science, and t*e Arts: s of students no longer enrolled in this College are gh the Dean's messenger boxes. It would be appre- ice Committee if instructors would check over their e lists in order to avoid' reporting absences for those olled. W. R. HUMPHREYS. isconsin Bonus: office Room 2, University Hall, between 2 and 5 p. m., rF. 'B. WAHR. of Research Clab: he 'Research Club announced for Wednesday, April >stponed until Wednesday, May 3. Members of the Sigma Xi, and Phi Sigma areinvited to be the guests at this meeting. H. H. BARTLETT, Secretary. ;lish Club will meet at 4 o'clock, Saturday afternoon, wberry Residence. Mr. Untermeyer will be present. interested in the study of English are cordially in- NEIL E..COOK, President. III Sounder $ Canoe Delivery Season Rentals Now Ready Last Time Today J. P. MaoGOWAN Storage. Spae -fodr Rent IN iversity Band: took the band trip rsity Health Service during spring vacation are urged to this morning between 9 and 12 F. P. ALLEN. IAIU-NOTICES GOING ON TLUDAY for senior lit baseball runt of Field house on nd'meets at University .iform, chigan baseball game a dinner ;for Prof. t the Union. om Bible class meets ar for Westerner's delta. NDAY .Men's Blible class r room, Lane hall. ociety meets at Lane king and Treatment of ill be discussed by the Church of Christ, ity avenue. ederick Cohn speaks stpdent congregation Tryouts are wanted for the senior lit baseball team. Meet in front of Field. house at Ferry field at 10 o'clock this morning. All students who so desire may appear at the gymnasium any time after 2:30 o'clock on Monday afternoon, April 24, so that new physical meas- urements of them can be taken: Freshmen particularly are wanted.. Soph Engineer baseball practice wil be held at 10 o'clock today. Meet at the south daimond, Ferry field. Fresh lits who wish t'o try out for class baseball rebort at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon at Ferry field. Ii ......... .."flto$10as64044 04fl..ff*#a N06 0144444 a*Gflsfl 1 "D iscotenmed Wives" UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Huron Sts. SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister "THE SPIRIT OF BACK HOME" - A sermon to Odd Fellows and others. 10:40 a.m. "THE SACRED FLAME"-An Easter Pageant, 4 p. m. PROF. DE WITT H. PAR- KER speaks at 6:30 p. n4., and young people's supper precedes at 5 45. April 23, 1922 SUNDAY'S CHURCH SERVICES SPECIAL TO CANOE OWNERS $2.50 reduction on Canoe Storage if paid at once What Others Say: pt. gtbrwf [piswornt Cor. Division and Catherine Ste, 7:35 A. M.-Holy Communion 10:30 A. M. - Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Chas. T. Webb. Easter music re- peated. 4:30 P. M. - Evening Prayer and Address: "Great Men of the Christian Church: Peter the Hermit." 6:00 P. M.-Student Supper. Yes, the Bible is an -open-air, out-of-door book. It smells ofI #a ';j 1 the sod and of fragrant air? It tabs of mountains and streams and valleys and fountains, of grass and flowers and trees, of skies and clouds and, snow and hail and winds and thunder and lightning, of rocks and sands and hills, and of birds. Its heroes are shepherds and farmers and fishermen and vine-dressers and fruit-pickers and plow- men and sowers and reapers,--men who live on the hills, under the stars, in God's fresh, free open air. All these voices of God still speak to men of his goodness and his love.. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Cor. S. State and E. Washington Ste. ' FIRST NATIONAL BANK Orstanized in 1863 3% paid on Savings Deposits Oldest National Bank in Michigan FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ANN ARBOR BIBLE CHAIR Huron, Below State R. ,DKWARI) SAYLES, Minister 1 REV. ARTHUR W. STALKER, D.D., Minister MISS ELLEN W. MOORE, Student Director I Iy .i 10:30 A.M-"A Record True." Mr. Sayles. 12:00 -Sunday School. Guild Class in the Guild House.. & FULLER L SEE 4:00 -Junior B. Y. P. U. 5:30-Senior B. Y. P. U. 10:30 A. M. Morning Worship. Pastor's subject: "THE IMAGE WITH FEET OFCjLAY." Special Easter Music for benefit of returned students: "Benedictus" (Gounod),. the Chorus; "Redeemed of dod" (Shelley), the Chorus; "My Hope is in the Ever- lasting" (from Daughter of Jairus) (Stainer), Mr. Wheeler. 12:00 Noon. Bible School. Student classes in Wesley Hall. 4:00-6:30 P. M. OPEN HOUSE at Wesley Hall., 6:30 P. M. Mr. Herbert Twining, Leader of Wesleyan Guild devo- tional meeting. 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. Pastor's subject: "Hail dear Con- queror" (James); the Chorus; "Alleluia" (17th Cen- tury Easter Hymn arranged by Morris). "UPPER ROOM" BIBLE CLASSES i LANE HALL See "Upper Room" Bulle- tin and Printed Schedule. Sunday Clast for Men from 9:30 to 10:15 CHURCH OF CHRIST South University Ave. F. P. ARTHUR, Pastor ord of today! s are a worldly asset. and proper care, for work. Eyes that are not efficient glasses may be needed to DEPT.-Optometrist ,Mr. Mowick in charge. DER & F ULLE R State Street JEWELERS AND,0PTICIANS l[ 6:00-Guild Social and Devo- tional Meeting. . ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CNURCN (MO.. SYNOD) Cor. Third and West Huron Sts. C. A. BRAUER, Pastor, 9:30 A. M.-Public Worship (German). 10:30 A. M.-Bible School. 11:30 A. M.-Public Worship 7:30 P. M. - Evening Worship. Wednesday Evening at 7:30.- Mid-Week prayer service. ' us Adults 30c P. M. Kiddles 10c ALL STUDENTS ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev.Leonard A. Barrett, D.D.' Minister Lewis C. Reimann, Secretary Men Students Miss Esther D. Nyland, Secretary Women Students Morning Worship 10:30 Sermon Theme: "AN OLD STORY WITH A MODERN MEANING" Student Class 12:00 Rev. A. W. Moore, Educator of India, speaks on "THE MASS MOVEMENT IN INDIA AS I SAW IT." YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING Social Half-Hour at 6:00. Program at 6:30. Margery A. Brando, '24, leads. "Growth, Physical, Mental, Spiritual." Special Notice:-Next Sunday Prof. P. Bland Blanshard will speak to the Student class ,at noon on "Fear as a Factor in Spiritual Growth." Students welcomed Illom- - , I I 10:30 A. M. - "What shall we teach for Christian Doctrine?" 7:30 P. M.-"Jesus as a Teach- er." No. 111. Bible School at 9:30 A. M. 6:30 P. M.-Christian Endeav- or. Students' Classes at Noon. Mr. Coffman's Class will discuss "The Making and Treatment of a Criminal." TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Ave. and William St. Rev. L. F. Gunderman, Pastor WELCOME LAST TIME TODAY '4tS MAY I ---- M -- AND RETURN" ai 1 1 ZION LUTNERAN CHURON Fifth Ave. and-Washington St. F. C. STELLHORN,, Pastor "No mere man could truthful- ly declare himself to be the res- urrection and the life. Jesus did, and proved His claim by rising from the dead on Easter." 10:30 A. M. (English).-"Chris- tendom's Dawn of Day." Ser- mon by Mr. Herman Meyer. 5:30 P. M. -, Student Forum. Topic, "University Men and the Ministry." Rev. M. L. Wal- lick, leader. Morning Worship 10:30 o'clock. I Rev. James F. Halliday of New York will preach at ten-thirty. His subject is: "THE TRAIL AND BEYOND." On Sunday, April thirtieth, Rev. Mac H. Wallace of Detroit will preaeh and his subject is: "THE LIFE WE LIVE." CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 10:30 A. M.--"The ing." I I 6:30 P. M. - I Meeting. 17-'nU D A iIs, Your Job" 0 ,7 iu I I