r ,... -_- :. . YOU WILL DO BETTERI AT-I To Satisfy Popular f Menu LEMBLE'S 530 FOREST. AVE. U ARE IN NEED O- rD SERVICE THIS ISf BREAKFAST Prunes Cdrn Flakes" and Cream Pork'Sausage Coffee Buttered Toast LUNCH Vegetable Soup hamburg ,Loaf German "Fried Potatoes Waxed °Beans Bread and Butter Apple Sauce Cake do Ck Cooa Milk We are putting out a new product. You will now be able to get delicious Cream Chee In small cartons that will retail as low as five cents. Of course our standard of quality is b~ack of every carton. STORE -s, per doz. utter, per r.y."2Mc lb.. .41c T'he Ann Arb P HOEb DINNER Steak Mashed Potatoes & Brown Gravy Beets Sliced Pineapples Parker House Rolls r: Ice Cream and Crushed Strawberries' Postum Coffee Milk Sugar ... etti or Noodles . 25c It will only Take a couple of minutes to read these :ads and L-,11 or Chef Jel " 0 "49C Milk....... they, may save you many dollars. Try it. and see. I' Did You Ever Consider- The Economy Involved When Buying Mea For Best Quality Meats at Lowest Prices Call ,e Cans'Alaska Salmon .. .. 31c' California Oranges . . .. . .. . 40c, 50c, 60c, 70c, 80c { CenturyM, Where Service and Quality ai 213 N. Main St. :es, any kind d Oats .. .25c ..25c SIOrder l[ S ( L Ory' Ji Y ,. Y 4 . " Cocoa, per lb. )er lb. .... . .~19c ...20c Your 1"'ll A(A/ DAY TO ANY PART IE OF CHARGE TRD AY, 5 P. 1M. I fllU lT --399--675-Fl1 G roceries .. UNSURPA Flour Products Ma( in Ann A * THE ROLLEI All-Purpose Flour, success years in this city. , Many h nojthing else The White (Loaf Brand is THEN COME THE MlIM . ' K: u Will Surely Like. NEW BRAND OF w On a h sa-bai ' - -y"« We are prepared to give you. the best service and will be glad to quote you prices. We wildeliver the goods at your oconvenience s - r. ..- PE FOOD PURVEYORS P'hones : 326-327-328 114-11.6 E. Washin~gton Street isewives MIMICO BREAD FLOU] MIMICO PASTRY FLOl MIMICO RYE FLOUR MIMICO GRAHAM FL( MIMICO BREAKFASTI MIMICO GOLDEN ME.A Made from the Corn Fields of, lED CAKES ( FR~ONTTHE. ALL. ARE OF ,THE SUPERLATIVELY BE; ASK YOUR GROCERS FOR THEM. M ICHIGAN MILLING CO. Y CREAMERY AND EGGS Phone 2806-J . . _ } Satisfy" Grocers 1' Time is Here AND SAY: YOU T\RIED ONE OF UR DELICIOUS trawborry, aortca kes? ' yorchnes 3elos -The Candy Witch. This little witch is al- ways giving advice to the 3 boys.' She wants -them to promote their friendships and to get along well in kheir love affairs. She n ows the value of candy gifts and seeks to impress it- upo~n them. She knows how good our candy: is- thtis why she keeps talking about it. Our candy makes good because it is made good.. , r ' h ,,, j ..* , , W ,} r ( .._.._._. T, _ tl1t %f/ . For \ y ~!Y . ' t F ~1 )U HAVEN'T, YOU DON'T KNOW ..., i ,- . ,. . CALL 393. WE WILL DELIVER PROMPTLY As, R.."IEL WHAT YOU HAVE MISSED. M e at Prloducts -I * V ORDER FROM' 228 i. MI~N ST. COLLSEGE BAK(ERYf 51,E6,E. LIBERTY W, j.. r