4 at. 7Ivania TAKE NOTICE Garbage cans must not be larger than 20 gollon capacity and all free' from water. Glass and rubbish must be kept out of such garbage cans. This is a provision of the City Ordin- ance regulating the collection of gar- bage, The collector is not required to take any garbage from any residence where the above provision is violated. Garbage cans must b accessible at all times. Such cans in the basement or on the second floor can be handled only by special arrangement with the. collector. JOHN A. WESSINGER, --Adv. Health Officer. Lost something? A Classified Ad In The D)aily will fled it for you.-_Adv. Nell at Ithaca. vestern at Ann y, May 26, Sat- ference chain- loubles at Chi- atMinne- .I ,bastian Bach ann, IN MICHIGAN Copductor Alexander, eChoir - ciety~of Jackson ir'- 200 Voices -100 Voices 150 Voices silanti, Thurs. April 27th On account of the Varsity baseball game next game next Tuesday, all in- terclass baseball games have been postponed until the following Thurs-. day. The following teams will play on that date: Senior engineers vs. sophomore engineers; junior enginers vs. fresh engineers; medics vs. forest= era. On Friday of next week, the fol- lowing interclass -baseball games will be played:' Senior Tits vs. sophomore, lits; junior lits vs. freshman fits; dents vs. School of Education. Diamonds are now in shape for practice by the - various teams. I nterfraternity baseball_ games will commence on Monday of next week. Annoukncements to this effect will be' mailed to all fraternities and will also be announced in the Sunday. edition of The Daily.: The Independent baseball league for campus groups is being organized. To date, eight teams have organized and noifiled the intramural office of- such action. Other teams are needed as are managers for the different- teams. In- formation on this matter Is available at the intramural office in the Press building. WOLVERIXES TO CLASH T~ODAY WITH ItLIN~OIS DIAMOIND KEY ((continued fromn Page Four). lag to fear from hits laid' down in big direction. Crossley is a, reformed outfielder who has been shifted to] third base. Crossley is a heavy hit- ter and will :bear watching. Ernie Vicl and Doe Dougherty are the opposing receivers. These men were the class of the Conference last season and their play will be watched today for best performer will be in line for the All1-Conference berth. Dixon and Barnes need no introduc- tion for they met twice last, year on the mound. Jackson won the first en- counter' by a close m'argin while at Urbana when the pair, met Dixon pitched air tight ball and reversed the decision. 4 ,rW"LITs NOTICE ( Aill.members of the 1922 liter- Iary class who have not yet paid ( their class dues of $2 are urged to do so at once. Checks are to bej ( mailed to the class treasurer at' 2107 Washtenaw avenue. 'Names j of senior lits whose' dues are'yet ?unpaid are now posted in the reg- 1istrar's office, according to Walt- I er 13. Rea., president of the .class." Lost something? A Classified Ad, in The Daily will find it for, you.-=Adv 'RA EDI .J. . Ridefulr who has been in charge of the shop spent his 'vacation 'at his home and has beenf detained by sickness. Ie expects to be on the job again F'riday of this week. There will dye no particular change in their line o account of the move. They will conduct a Fountain Pen Hospital and carry a select line of popular makes of Self-filling pens in addition to their specialty, the Rider "Master-pen" which has already won many friends among the students.- Adv. Joe, Parker is open again. Go and see his 'new cafe on the corner of Huron and Fourth dive:-Adv. Try a Daily Want Ad. T 'pay. -tdv' Today Only 'COLD, STEEL" also "RONINSON'S TROUSSEAU" with Lea Moran SUNDAY Toni Mix in ~THE BIG TOWN ROUNDUP" Soon -THE FOURt HORSEMAN" 1_ What -you can do with your mind depends to su degree on what you have done to your stomach that cannot afford. to be~ indifferent to what y -u pat. Ine Shreked Whe you have the assurance that you are eating a food provides strength for body and mind with little dig( effort and a food that is a distinct help in the elimin of other foods. It is 100 per cent. whole wheat, st ed and ~baked to a delicious flavor, and ready to Shredded Wheat is on the training table of n~early every sehool and college in this country,. Shredded Wheat Co., Niagara Falls, N. i 0c No Seats Reserved Arbor may be had of Miss Rachel Haviland, 8 P.M. Harris Hal f LAST TIME 'TOR A J Youl BlameHer °"- ?- ces conspired to make her desperate- attracted an- artist-SheMade a Madl ound pact. wo- year spend - love -one vher. 4 14" co ',rI+ .t 1922 list Schaffner & M=r FINE .or Sunday DinnerI Chicken This is.a s eason of tweeds I -- ~ ""ell, Sliced Tomatoes. Strawberry Short, Caked And everything that goes to make a. nice dinner ' Where are no smarter iviabes for school,m aport, business and News 0 ay--"SMILIN' THROUGH" I ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. 12 2 F . M. plrice $1.0, WILLITS Phone 173 315 5.. State OU made your plans for sum-... ork? Students here at Mich- old, $5,000 worth of brushes ek during vacation. Come in k the proposition over and sw much you can make this r. Mr. Leader, 232 Nickel'sl *600-M. 142-21 rUNING-Call 715-J. Univer- hool of Music tuner. Victor idinger. Office at 'Res., 418 ,vision St. ._______ 140-6 NEATLY 'typed and bound. ercent of charge goes to wo- League Building Fund, Call 143-3 III organdie gowns made, The Shoppe, 711 N. University. 144 WANTED D-Four roomn apartment witl e bath for married couple. Will ease now for possession in Sep-. r.Write R. A. B., care Daily. 144' FOE 'SAL FOR SALE -- Franklin 1916 Model Touring car, cheap. Call Sommers, 410-R. '711 E. Ann. 142-3 FOR SALE -- 1920 Indian Motorcycle and side car.. Call 2282-W. C, W. Blashill. 142-, FOR SALE -- New worn only once. 1462-R. Tuxedo sixe 37, Call Conovror, FOR, SALE--At a bargain, Robert's Melotone player piano. 429 G. Di- vision. 141.4 I FOR SALE--Winchester 92-40, 6 shot. Call 6118. 6:20* P. Mv. 142=8 LOST LOST-In Lane 1401, April ,0.' eMal gold "1922" ring. Mn1xder plea". re- turn to do~k In Lvie, Vail,. Usward. LOST--Alpha bIPhin.OwNVel's natu~ on back. Finder please call 1976. Re- ward, 14l-2 LOSTWaterman fountain. pen, fancy gold band with initials J. C. Phone gamenessu zuurn swwsu j Meet M 1w AtThe FuntaU *.a h Art.h"Funti ' About the-- most popular *place in Anan Arbor to get* a. cool drunk or a light* MYi A '0 'try to twea* you ti%t, 1 Something for sale? 1 Classified h~d in The Daily will'finud a buYer.- I TWEEDS are the big style hits for spring. In belted sports models with golf back, in straight-ime sack coats they're worn everywhere byw ell dressed -men. These. were, made by Hart Schaffner& Marx, and the quality- that's built. into them guaran- tees long satisfaction. 'Money back if you don't'get it. $j35 .extra trousers that fi Idoule the life of your suit cost. $7.00 Reule Conlin Fiegel Company ; lain 5treet at Washington It I ~*' "