I 11 itr4h Jut LY IDAY IN4 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SATtTRDAY, APRIL 22, 1922 ,.. .... _ IICHI6N ILIS ChOPERATORS FAIL SOUCITORS NAMED oSeMT u # ~ ~Nelvberry Movie NgtPorm ; H H E TODAY All plans are complete for the chi TO OFFER Inexpensive souvenir programs movie, "A Girl Named Mary will be sold Cap night by the Veter- T N starring Marguerite Clark, which Is to '-----anS' Memorial association to aid tn be given at 10:30 o'clock this morn- Anthracite Men Reiterate Their Chairmen Pi-k Assistants in Prepara- finishing the reading room of thelSfTfI" ingin the Majestic theater by Helen Demand for Wage tion for $1,500 Campaign Next Union. Arrangements for the sale -,.,. Newberry residence for the benefit'of Reduction Wednesday were made yesterday afternoon at the_- NFERENCE PENNANT CONTEND- the Michigan League campaign fund. meeting of the Memorial committee in MICHIGAN MUST NOT BACK WATE Florenice B. Paddock, '17, will enter- the Union. ERS OPEN SEASON WITH ta en erlespecialy rang MINERS WANT PRESIDENT 'O LAWTON, '11, GIVES STRONG These programs will represent the IN EXPANSION, HE DE- STRONG TEAMS children's songs, music will be turn- CALL NATIONAL CONFERENCE APPROVAL OF OUTING PLAN fresh pot in size, shape and color. ished by the Newberry orchestra, and They will contain the *ords to some [XON IS SLATED FOR a special comedy will be offered in (By Associated Press) Chairmen who will be in charge of of the Michigan songs as well as the URGES NECESSITY FOR addition to the Marguerite Clark fea- New York, April 21-' Athracite program of the evening as outlined MUSEMM MEN'S DORM FIRST CALL ON MOUND ture. operators who had divulged that to- soliciting various groups of students by the Student council. Tickets may still be sec ed from day they would submit to the miners and faculty members in the drive for Further Postponement of Enlargemei 'IiNines Will Employ Lineups Used the girls of Helen Newberry residence the terms on which they would sign the second University of Michigan of University Facilities Im- in Contests on Southern or at the box office, children's tickets an agreeemnt ending the strike, con- Fresh Air camp yesterday appointed Ipossi1le, Says Executive being 20 cents, and adults' tickets the. tented themselves with a simple re- m t k trLmtt , usual price, 35 cents. By calling 2338 iteration of the general demand that me to w or the cmian tif(UUiLUIITe Ey this morning, anyone who desires chil- wages come down. md aDetroitns otbefcamp ain oTUF [I AV(pMich oh April 2y) B dichigan and Illinois, the two uni- dren to be called for can be served At the close of the session of the $1,00 Wednesday, to be followed by a fore an enthusiastic gathering rsities who have fought it out to- in this way. . Joint sub-commission on wage con tag day Thursday. Detroit alumni last night at the H her for the championghip of the tracts negotiations, S. B. Warriner, It was announced yesterday by R.S- tel Statler President Marion L. Bu: gTen during the past four sea- rrt pe infor edthe opeators ahe J.Dunne,24L, general chairman, andgr ton declared that the citizens of Mic is, meet at 2:30 o'clock this after- flDtianthracite miners, with whom we John W. Kelly, '24L, assistant chair- Publications Men and igan must not bak water in the e: eren :#amelHPO JI H A YD W nome1ersnttvso heJ unHav eealcara, n m eltAdvlisPlrs Cnprn e so forsae dctoa on n Ferry field in their opening * * have been in conference since March man, that townspeople also would be Advisers sion of or tate educationalU rence game of the year. Tu n t canvassed in the drive to give 150 versity must train a generation thi 1111 'I mu ii ii ageand the deandswhih wuldATICIPATE INAUGURATION O th~lni and the Wolverines LEAVE T ESDA-Ewreut an inrdemasnwhericewofuldustnotlmttefclte ft rresnted byson g t W ines luln oegantsmall boys from the large cities a can think in terms of the world. W resentedby -strong ninesandrcoaltcWuldta t resgr a ttaerniathl hort vacation this summer. Some REGULAR YEARLY CONVENTIONS must not limit the facilities oft e this afternoon is pointed to contrary there must be a substantial merchants have offered to give mer- making of the men and women w one that may be a determining fac-Will Spend Year at University of the reduction in wages." r Editors, business managers and fac- are to put over quality into our cit 1in deciding the Big Ten champion PhiLip nles and Visit Far The coal miners will declare the chandise. ulty advisers of approximately 75 zenship. I will say to critics of o the present season. East strike off and return to work pending A letter was sent out yesterday by s enormous program we must get on Reach Ann Arbor Friday Night negotiations of a new. agreement if Robert Gibson, '23, fraternity chair- minds off taxation and on the 11,04 he Illini aggregation, headed by KALAW'S TRIP TO AMERICA congress will pass a joint resolution man, notifying a member of each fra- of Michigan have been invited to at- men and women in the University." ri Lundgren, former Michigan men- POSTPONED UNTIL 192-24 or bill applying the bitumnous coal ternity that he had been appointed to tend the first annual conference of The President's seech divided i arrived in Ann Arbor last night commission award of 1920 to all soft solicit in his house. Tags .will be high school editors. to be held here self Into a discussion of the materi will be out on Ferry field this Prof. J. R. Hayden, of the polticl coal- operations, Philip Murray, vice- given to such contributors as evidence May 25, 26, and 27. Sigma Delta Chi, expansion of the University and t rning to accustom themselves to science department, will leave Ann president of the United Mine Workers that they have subscribed before tag national professional journalistic fra- training of the student body n prop diamond before the game this aft-. Arbor Tuesday on his way t the Phi of America, declared in a debate on day. A similar campaign is being ternity; will be in charge of the con- hannes. s 3 dimon 1lfor th gae ths at; rbo Tusda on is ay o te Pil-Needs Impertiier oon. - ippine Islands, where he is to act as the coal strike tonight. conducted among the sororities and ference. 3oth Michigan and Illinois have an exchange professor in the Univer- Another requirement for the end of women's organizations, Edna Groff, .Letters of invitation were mailed The President stated that the nee imphed over weaker opponents sity of the Philippines during the the difficulty would be a recommenda- '22, being In charge of sollcitatlon yesterday to the principals of the se- of the University had been accumi ting the past week, Michigan win- coming year. tion to President Harding to call a among the women. It is requested lected high schools, requesting them lating for the last 20 years, and th g over the University of Cincinnati In addition to his year at the in- national conference of operators and that''reports bei in the hands of the to appoint their delegates and also further postponeme it o the progres onday by the score of 12 to 1, while lular university, Professoir Hayden employes to discuss the question, committee by Wednesday night. i'lnal explaining-the aims of the conference. is impossible. He stated that first at nois downed Wabash College Tues- will tour many of the Far Eastern instructions and tags will be given It is estimated that 100 editors and foremost in the future deliberatio y afternoon by the one sided score countries and make a study of colon- piout to the fraternity representatives advisers will attend, of the legsiaiture regarding the U 11 to 1. ial governments. His itinerary will b i at a meeting next Tuesday. 'Will Discuss Common Problems versity must come the completion < n meeting this afternoon the two- include Formosa, Manchuria, China Regarding last year's camp, J. Fred The purpose of the conference, the University hospital and in add lege nines,' which are probably the Cochin-China, Sumatra, Java and In- i Lawton, '11, said: "I feel the Univer- which is being held for the first time tion there must be a new nurses 'hon it college teams of the West, will dia. He will then go to Paris to make FOR I lu sity of Michfgan Fresh Air camp to this year, is to, bring together the and a Museum. to housethe pricele brought into operation. Both teams a survey of European political pon- be one of the finest things ever under- editors and advisers of the leading collection of anthropological spec re been successful In thet' south- ditions. He will return to the Un-taken by Michigan men. Having had high school publications in the state mens which are now housed in wh St iPs u and their meeteig this aft- versity in September, 1923. PLACES TO BE FILIED BY GEN- experience as chief probation officer to discuss problems of common journ- he characterized as a fire trap. oh is the first time in recent Interested in Philippines ERAL STUDENT VOTE in the Detroit juvenile court, I know' alistic interest and to promote friend- The President urged the erection ors that the Conference baseball Professor ,Iayden has made an ex- ON MAY 2 what it means for street boys to be ly relations between the different the campanile at the end of the Ma ason has st rted off with twQ of its tensive study of colonial govern- allowed a period of play under such schools. opposite the Library as a war memo ongest nines In action against each ments, and has also been interested splendid supervision. You can count A contest will be held at the con- ial dedicated to the, University gra ier. in affairs on the/Philippine Islands. Nominations for various offices were'upon me to back this work, as I be- ference when awards will be given to uates who died in the servie of the Use Southern Lineups The year spent there will allow him made at class, meetings yesterday lieve In it from the bottom of my the best weekly,,monthly and annual country. He pointed out that me 61neups in today's game will prob- to make a more complete study of our when the junior and sophomore on- heart." publications represented, and also to size does not of necessity make t y be the same that were used sue- colonial affairs. y bfuthe bymboth teams onheiru - Duelnto diculties arising in recent gineers, sophomore lits, junor lawsI those publications which have the ward excellence. iafnllyb both tests arteifeature iandcueditorialng'depart-ntAdvocates m's Dorms' ithern invasions. Lundgren will months Prof. Maximo M. Kalaw, dean and the junior medics named mem. best art, feature and editorial depart- >bably start the following batting of the college of liberal arts at the hers of their classes to run i the 11111CLUB ILLSINlments, The schools will be divided into He also pointeda out the imperat Ler: Roettger second base, Reichle University of the Philippines, with All-campus election which is to ^h e classes, according to enrollment, and necessity of increasing housing fptj fild, McCurdy first base, Vogel whom an exchange has been strrng- the prizes will be in the form of silveries at the Univerity, saying th htefield, Crdsy first base, ge wman bexchnge ' behene darng held on May 2. The junior engineer- 1 WIRELLSS ROGiA loving cups to the best publcations, dormitories for men were most dect terileld, Crossley third' base, ed, will be unable to be here during iug class selected W. H. Cotton and ituIIuuII~hl etfctso ei ilb edly a necessity to standardize a ugherty catcher, Peden left field, Professor Hayden's absence. He will, C. aug for tent con n while certificates of merit will bebest a teciit t and. awart short stop, Jackson or Barnes however, be at the University during ees. Junior engineer honor commit- 2$wENeTO SELECTEDhOTAKEaldep-rtments The President outlined hispl eher. the school year 193-1924. Professor tee nomineeswereW.J. Piper and W. EPAaMEN TO BE SELECTED TO TAKE taldepartments. ct rext y ,nd g yoach Fisher has announced that Kalaw is well known as an author t re sopomore engineers PART IN MICHIGAN Extensive Program Arranged .. a action for next year, and gave in d will start the game with the bat, and keen student of political affairs. elected C. A. Campbell and J. rl. Pcia- NIGHT EVENT ranextforte treg-ay sesn eer tion inereasons for his course' yf a g order as follows: Uteritz short He has written several books on po- hamus as their nominees for the Stu- 1AWge, '1r t tioal esint ust prest year hedsaid ye p, Wimbles second base, Knode litical conditions in the Philippines. den o il A White, '10, past national president Justreceding.Lasta adlgilaiv yarannicwslec t base, Shackleford 'right field, Is First Exchange Nominat f ffi f the E Twenty-five men selected from the of Sigma Delta Chi, and T. Hawley legislative year, and it was nece Pke center field, Klein or Roby left The exchange is the first to be ef- g werso de at Varsity Glee club will go to Do- Tappin, grand secretary of the or- ary for him to turn his attention a 4, Paper third base, Vick catcher, fected by an American university with eeng of thee two etroit April 29 to participate in the ganization, will be the principal borthe tate atre. Ion pitcher. If Jackson, a right an institution of learning in the in- c e. For presint W. A. Cotton Michigan Night radio program to be speakers. Members of the University Tier hte saidaase. ider, is assigned the duty on the sular possession. ,23E and . C. Haug, '2E were nom' sent out from th. Detroit Newg t5- department of journalism will also de- Tuis year, hn wich heas ee und by Lundren, 'Coach Fisher Professor Hayden's work here will tion. The singing of the Glee club liver addresses. Prof. J. r. Brumn, den, in which he, as cta .1 use Klein in left field, while Roby be taken over by Prof. Everett S. ated, for vie-presdent, 3. A. Fish- will be confined to the Michigan songs director of the department, will Co- dent, has come into direct cotat er, 234, and R. E. Everett, 23E; for adwl olwtesece ftedc on al icussiwl on rupscotaunidsepedrenewoateiri 1 be his selection if Lefty Barnes Brown and Dr. John E Kirkpatrick, cretary, D. D. Wilson '24E, and Han will follow the speeches of the duct round tabgroups assigned hurling duties. Dixon will both of the political science depart- H. Hubbard, '24E; and for Varsity athletes and the Michigaa of the high school faculty advisers. teest ind has helped renew their il P H.Hubard -14E;and or.tresurr, f Re gstratoolfadelga ersllcom-acoring to teresi dentai willNbe given first call in the box, if he ment. The departure of Professor W. C. Kratz, '24E, and T. R. Stevens cheers. Registration of delegates will com- y5a Un versity y, i . he wye1 >ws ip well this afternoon in warm- Hayden at this time is necessitated by '24E. The banjo quintette which created according to the President, will be up, while Liverance will be held the> early date of the opening of the The sophomore lits chose four men, much favorable comment at the spring meetings and discussions will be held bet devoetar, in which he will reserve. University of the Philippines. The from whom two will be chosen at the rt will appear with its usual of his time froconcert willwappear witheitatusualThursday afternoon and Friday. Man- affairs at the University itself. (Continued on Page Four) term there starts July 1 and continues spring elections for positions on the personnel, George M. Chute, 22E, agi until April. Professor Hayden will Student council. The four men are Charles Futch, '23M, Bruce A. Davis, ig geditors of campus publications '23A Ket Wrght '2D, ad S L:will have different sections of dele- MINEES SELECTED athi to o Orienta countries Harry Kipke. Edward Mune, Walter gates in their charge to make a tour AMpEErSil oE)fHrrnKext EwaryMraer.alerMengel, '24),, The Midnight Sons truhteofie ntePes)ul-'N IArlonetya.Scherer and George Troost. The nom- trog.teof.esi tePrslbid-1 FOR S. C. A. HEAD Members oil the Philippine-Michi- inee of eor lws are w - quartette, of H. J. Potter, '22, Walter ing Fia niht the News of the Dy gan club of the University will give a ines of the junior laws are W. C. Nichols, '23, Lucian Lane, '23 and H. ina. Friday night the visitors will at- despedida dinner for Professor Hay- Rice and L. R. Williams; those for E. Bellis, '23, will sing. tend Cap Night ceremonies and Sat- Edward T. Ramdell, '2, and Paul den tonight at the Union. the junior medics are E. H. Belote Dale Kirk, '23M, manager of the urday afternoon they will be guests atBRIEF esfor the 1923 presidency of the Professor Hayden will be accom-E H. Lundin '23A, and L.3. Bar- club, stated yesterday that the names thd interscholastic track meet on Fer- s panied on his trip by Mrs. Hayden vis , '23A, aed fo the of the other men to make the trip will ry field. The conference will come to ident Christian association at the. vi, 23A, were nominated for the be announced later. All the partici- a close Saturday night with a banquet London, April 21. - A series of i: ing Al-campus election by the - presidency of the Architectural socie- ternational trak meets between En nig d1cmps letonby ' .. ..p ants in the concert will be etertain- in the Union, which is to be held un- teratina trc met betwe En- nina.ting committee yesterday aft- ty. Other nominees are: vice-pres- fs an American universities ha Loon. . Tap Room to Have Music Tonight dent, E. L. Kline, '23A, and D. J. ed at HotelStatler.B 12. der the auspices of the Athletic asso- been arranged, according to John Lei, 2A;scrtry . .Tru, With concerts at Bay City\May12 ciaton, in conjunction with the re- coen h cm ihteU tobert-Rice, '23, and Harry Clark, C. M. Boswell, '24E, and W. C. Lewis, 23A; secretary, A. L. Trout, and at Flint May 13, and the opera ception to the visiting high school ver, of Penylai rne f were selected to represent the S. Kratz, '24E, will furnish the regular '23A, and A. K. Hyde, '22A; treasurer, Tannhauser May 20 for the May Fes- athlete. versity of Pennsylvania runners f A. for junior and sophomore stu- Saturday evening entertainment in A. R. Naser, '23A, and H. L. Farley, tical, the Glee club will complete its Committees for the conference were their meeting with Oxford and Ca at councilmen-at-large. The vice- the Union tap-room, starting at 10:15 23A. brdgasofiiaosrvrseason. The singing of the opera appointed as follows. InvitatIon--M . sidents nominated are: Episcopal, o'clock tonight. Tannhauser necessitates the postpone- B. Stahl '23, chairman N. C Damon, London, April 21. A despatch urice Rhodes, '23, and Gilbert Ap- STUDENT'S FATHER ment to a later date of a concert 23, H. B. Grundya '23, and L. t. , heLdon ageny from Genoa sa- hof, '23; Methodist, Herbert Twin- Py which had already ben arranged for dorfer, '23 , Program and entertain- the members of the sub-committee 4 , '23, and Ross Fox, '23; Presbyte- ELECTION NOm1 rATIONs PROTESTS HAZING" in Toled.r ment- . G. Prey, '22, chairman, E. R. the Russian replies were unanmio n, Claude Pickens, '23, and R -Ee S'24;Lutheran, GeorgeWelshMeiss, '23, W. W. Ottoway, '23. Reg- in declaring, on the suggestion of t r, '24;uthean , Gerge Wels, All class and campus organ- President Marion L. Burton has re- '22E Step Tickets Pat on Sale istration and reception-F. M. Smith, British delegation, that immedia ptist Morris Robinson'24, E. G izatons must place their lists of ceived a telegram from Louis T. Orr, Tickets for the '22E Annual Step '22, chairman, S. B. Coates, '22, Hardy recognition of the soviet governme ptist, Mris ins, J. A. G. nominees for office in the hands , which will be given May 12 in the Hoover, '23, and J. W. Hume, '23. would not be granted in exchange f hrae, '25M;- Disciples, . A. Mre- of the Student council election of Chicago, protesting, as interfering Union dining room are on sale in the Russia's recognition of her debt. d, '24E, and Carl -Fry, '25M. committee today. with constitutional rights, an alleged Union. Senior engineers will be giv- s ReERgnCXDRer . Failure to get nominations attempt to force his son, Louis T. en the preference until next week, BARRiSTER-VLCANDRUID Washington, April 21. - Senat ORT CIRCUIT in on time will result in for- Orr, Jr., '25, to submit to "arbitrary when the tickets will be placed on DANCE PROVES SUCCESSFUL King, of Utah, in a speech in the se BLAZE UNDER CHE BUILDING ifeiture of space on the ballot. hazing." "The action is un-Ame- general sale. The dance will be a ate today charged that the Obreg This requirement is made neces- can," says the message. summer formal and tickte 'will 0el The formal dance held by Barris- government in Mexica was "bolh Ssmall fire wasn the sary, since the names should be The Senate Committee on Student for . ters, Vulcans, and Druids at the Ann vistic." Three bqlshevists were in t small fire was r:epote FI passed upon by the eligibility Affairs is said to have admonished - Arbor Conitry club last evening was cabinet, he said, adding that the Obr emaitry bdng at 5: committee and be in the hands the Underclass Conduct committee )lI es Theter hinge l'F0aa Vwell attended by bnember of the three gon govemrment stood tor commui r afternoon when a short circuit of of the printer one week before not to mistreat Orr, when it was reTr "Wanda's Afrair" will be shown at senior honorary societies, The music fle *es in one of the tunnels beneath election. Letters should be sent ported some time ago that there were the Mimes theater tonight instead of furnished by Rogers' orchestra was - building ignited a canvas hang- to E. F. Boxell, '22L, chairman plans under foot to paddle him on ac" Hearts and Masks" which was the snappy and the seletion of music was Washington, April 21. ,, .Repub 0.The firemen were unable to locate of the election committee, Mich- count of his refusal to abide by fresh announced subject of tonight's enter- good. The preparations and refresh- cans of the senate finance committ source of the smoke at once due igan Union. man traditions. tainment. The substitution was made ments were arranged by the Zets Tau will hold their first conference i the many tunnels whi i had to be geOrr said he will come to Ann Arbor necessary by an error of the moving Alpha sorority and the proceeds will morrow on the soldiers' bonus t estigated. Little damage was done. to take up the case for his son. . picture company. go to the Women's League fund. nassed last month by the house.