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April 21, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-04-21

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UG U U T "The Future of the University" will
be the subject of President Marion L.
Buto when' he "addresses a joint Speaks in "CertainAzeranPts
meeting of alumni and alumnae at Commenting oi Relative
Detroit tonight.omnig nRltv
S The meeting will follow an inform.. Merit$
COSTS TO MEET al dinner at the Statler hotel in honor
S POCKETB00K of the President and Mrs. Burton. PLACES FROST HIGH AMONG
MOCUXBER There will alsp be an informal recep- COXTEMPORARY U. S. POETS
tion immediately preceding the din-
[ED IN SEN ATE Dean A. S. Whitney, of the School 'Weaving an appreciative criticism
of Education, will also speak. about his readings from representa-
CotZ ittee Amend -tive American poets of today, Louis
Be Taken Up In AUntermeyer thoroughly won his audi-
ans Today ece last night in his talk on "Certain
American Poets." Untermeyer pos-
>ciated Press) gsesses the ability to give his audience
pril 2-Launching a rather intimate acquaintance with
n tariff bill today in I111111ORcontemporary poets in a brief time.
man McCumber of the U111O UR GIMi* Yet he does not attempt to press the .
ee warned manufac . acquaintanceship into too specific
aborers and retailers Funds Will Be Solicited on Campus channels.
otetive tariff alone Wednesday Followed by Tag Reads Own Works
i survival of business, Day Thursday From his own writings Untermeyer
le a reduction of cost selected only four poems, "Prayer,"
ch of the consumer's ALU NI WILL AID STUDENTS "Qn the Birth of a Child," -"A Side
re there cbuld e a IN MAKING AFFAIR A SUCCESS Stram" and "Caliban of the Mines."
ie prosperity." These, read in a voice that in no way
educe Costs sought for effect, and which was well
aber said the way 'to Organization plans were perfected adapted to the purpose, revealed his
s for manufacturers yesterday to raise funds for the mainpro love of life and his ability to
be satisfied with tenance Of the second University of find inspiration in the everyday world.
rofits for a while and Michigan Fresh Air amp this sum- Untermeyer placed Robert Frost as
employes to increase mer. The camp was started last year the greatest of American conteinpor-
"the highest possible when students supported 150 urchins ary poets. Hd read several of Frost's
w of 'the present high for two weeks at the grounds near poems that are not included in Zis [
e added, it would be Port Huron, giving to each street lad books of poetry and stressed the fact'
the manufacturer to an outing, away from the heat of the that these poems while conscerned
ny by putting wages. -city for a short period during June, with commonplace life are full of a PORTRAIT OF PROF. R. M. WEN
legislation will open July and August. warm undertone that goes beyond su- head of the Philosophy DepartmE
'prity i the United Will Solicit on Campus perficial realism. Frost, he said, em Ives, of Detroit, and will be pres
11 not, unaided, bring R. J. Dunne, '24L, will be general bodies a whimsical and at times fan- , Michigan Union building.
declared Senator chairman of the committee which is ciful note in his poetry.
e American people asking for $1,500, the same amount In speaking of Edwin Robinson,
st,'and right, here I as was raised on the camp last Untermeyer said that he possessedI
rord to the American year. John W. Kelly, '24L, is the as- some of the same austerity and real- IITIMAT
d the American lab- sistant general chairman. Solicitation ilan that Frost does. Robinson is a FR IE (
ries.. This bill is in- will be made on Wednesday of next New England poet and this has had P
believe it will, suf- week, and a clean-up will be made by its. influence on his work. Summing
your markets against a tag day the following day. Leland up the differences between Frost and
foreign invasion, but Kirkpatrick, '23E, is in charge of tag Robinson, Untermelyer said: ;"Fro~st
hat over 90 per cent day plans. Byrites in a manner that gives the im- HAS MADE EXTENSIVE STUD' OF
cts must be consutn- Robert Gibson, '23, has been, ap pression of continuing life, while
home." pointed to take charge of solicitation Robinson 'portrays episodes that are EA E CUTIVE
Up Again. Today among fraternity men, and Walter closed and' causes the reader to pi- EXECUTIVE
MeCumber's address R. Kreinheder, '23, among independent ture life concluded."
ute between Republi- men. James Hume, '23, will be in Comments on Oppenhein "Every citizen of the United States
rats as to procedgre charge of the solicitation of the fac- "The Slave was the one poem from in he red a ca e o
it the reading of the ulty, and Edna Groff, '22, in charge o Tpeheia'a th Unee r afilling the presidential chair, the so-
s ordered. This con- the solicitation of the women of the Oppenheim that Untermeyer read as called Whighest gift' of the people,
inder of the day and campus..t said Worthington C. Ford, authority
i that when the sen- The funds to be raised on the cam- of that author. He pointed out the in history, in his address to the his-
sorrow" it would pro- pus are for maintenance of the camp fact that Oppenhiems poetry is mark- tory students of the University, in the
aorrow t wouldpro- puCaretfoumainteancegofthegcam
ideration of the 2,000 only, and the transportation expenses (Continued on Pane Eight) Natural Science building yesterday af-
mendments. of the poor boys dui Detroit, and "P aternoon. "But," he continued, "not
other Michigan cities Alumni will t elson one of the men who has received this
plythefi donate the money necessary to sup- gift, has left the office with the excep-
N ply the fixtures and the site of the tion of those ,who were assassinated,
camp. without being In some degree soured
'fii Expect Alumni Backing and embittered by their years of serv-
Descriptive booklets, explaining the "I am especially pleased at the way ice, and by the fading and failing boy-
purpose of the camp, and giving a the girls' voices have adapted them- alty of their friends." /
---number of pictures of last year's ~selves to the demands of Hill auditor- Ford has made a very comprehen-
ng made by civic or- camp, are being sent out to alumni ium," said Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, sive study of the mass of papers of
in Arbor to give this wh will aid the enterprise. Alumni director of the Chinese play, "Yellow the presidents from Washington to
Army citadel. - The at Flint and Detroit have already sig- Jacket," which is to be presented by Lincoln, and by a process of sifting
vation Army in Ann nifled their intention of backing the Masques on April 29 for the benefit of and refinement of the mass, gave in
ased rapidly and a project. the Michigan League fund.' his address the personal touch to the
lal service work for A number of prominent Michigan "- 't has been a great help to us that colder pictures of those who have been
Luchurched is a cry- students acted as supervisors at the we have been able to rehearse in the the head xecut ves of our country.
planned to erect a camp last year, when many urchins place where we are to play for 'Yel- The gr at number of Ideas that we
.ng at the southeast were given their first vacation In the low Jacket' abounds in wonderful hold as modern, appearing in- these
hington and Fifth fresh' air. The lads romped and lines that must be put over to the app ers is
L of approximately played, fished and swam in the lakes, audience if the full charm is to be quoted with Liberty is a disease that
sed by popular sub- all in a healthful environment and un- appreciated." is catching," and again,"It cannot
der the influence of University stu- Rehearsals for the play are being be denied that we are boastingnot
ty faculty members dents. pushed vigorously, four and five hours ,,"
theanselves in sym- Other universities have been main- being spent daily by the cast in Hill The lasting importance attaching
ffort and have prom- taining such camps in years past, the auditorium. A great deal of delicatethes intimpaettathin
eration in the cam Princeton, and Pennsylvania camps interpretation and individual coach- to these presidential papers is that in
I be started next being among the older institutions., lg is needed Professor Nelson a way tfey are a part of our political
The Michigan camp last year was promises the same quality of work background, and that they supply the
considered by other colleges as a' that has characterized the former personal touch so often lacking in
are slunder the active model camp, and newspaper comments Masques' plays, "Quality Street," and general history.
{eusel county chair- in the fall praised it. Louis Rei- "The Importance of Being Earnest."
astbdrare Cnviec to mann, 16, former Varsity tackle, was Tickets are on sale at the sbook SUNDAY AFTERNOON
amber_ of' Commerce .director of the camp last year, and stores and on the .campus. A limited
n the details' of the 'wllactin that capacity again, thisnumber of reserved seats will be sold MEETING CANCELED
given olut.year. for $1. The rest will sell at 50 cents. -


Twenty-Five Years



nt, that has been painted by Percy
ented by alumni to be hung in the
- .t, DATES
Nominations for Student council
members were made by two classes in
meetings yesterday, the junior lits and
the juniors .of the School of Educa-
tion. Out of a list of 12 nominees
the junior lits selected 6 men whose
names will appear on the ballot for
the All-campus spring elections whith
are to be held on Tuesday, May 2.
These 6 men. are the nominees for
membership in the Student council
and'from this number 3 will be chos-
en. Those members of the junior lit
class who-were electeol to the nomina-
tions are James W. Hume, Howard J.
Liverance, Albert J. Parker, Douglas
F. Roby, Lawrence W. Snell, Jr., and
George L. Stone.
Two men were nominated by the
juniors of the School of Education fort
membership ,in the council. These
two, from whom one will be chosen
to represent the class at the spring
elections are John J. Hamel, Jr., and
Herold C. Hunt.
Former members of the Conopus
club, a national business men's organ-
ization. met at dinner last night i
the Union and were granted the priv-.
lege of petitioning the Exchange
club, a, similar organization, for mem-
Members of the club from, High-
land Park and Detroit were present
and addressed the new members on
the history and ams of the organiza-
tion. Horatio "Good Roads" Earle, a
member of the Detroit branch of the
club, was the principal speaker on
the program.
"The most important item on the
balance shee~t is the inventory," was
what Mr. T. M. Simpson, credit man-
ager' of the Continental Motors cor-
poration, said in his talk last night
to the members of the Commerce club.
Mr. Simpson's talk was on the analysis
of, the balance sheet. He took up each
item thatshould appear on the sheet
in detail, ao later showed their ratio
to' each other. He pointed out how
much a correct balance sheet was ne-
cessary for the correct running of a
Dr. Martin ten YFobr, instructor iii
ehginering Lngls1h, has recently been
appointed local correspondent for

After Presentation, Painting WIll
ilung in Union Commemorating
2$ Years Serve
Alumni from every eorner ofvt
globe, former students, and friends
Prof. 'Robert M. Wenley, head of 1
philosophy department, will unite
the presentation of a suitable men
rial for his 25 years of service
Michigan, in the form of a portrait
Percy Ives, of Detroit. The paint
is now in final form, after weeks.
study by' the artist at his studio, a
the presentation awaits the egnc
sion of a campaign among Miclig
alumni,, who will have an opportun
to contribute to the general fund i
the purchase of the picture.'
Embodies .Spirit of Subject
Mr. Ives, one or"Professor Wenle
closest friends, is declared by crit
who have seen the portrait to h
embodied the spirit of his subject w'
unusual success. He himself d
clares it "the best thing I have el
done." His attempt is to portray I
"thinker with his puzzles and Ar
lems" and the "human being, va
ing most. the common friendly re
tions of life" and: Professor Wen]
in his own- statement is highly plei
ed with the resut. ,
The general campaign among alu
ni, to be organized by the Univers:
of Michigan club of Detroit, will pr
ably start next fall Robert Clan
'07, has been named head of the ca:
paign committee and. assistants w
be appointed in towns having bar
bodies of Michigan graduates. A 1
tal of $3,000 will be raised for '
purchase of the picture.
Will Be Hung in Union
Professor Wenley, on the preseni
tion of the portrait by alumni, w
turn it over to the University with t
request that it be hung 'in the Un
His Vervices in fostering the plans I
they building in the, days of their i
ception and in the campaigns for :
construction are felt by alumni
make this position the most app
priate one.
"Whatever service I may have re
dered to the University does not
chiefly in personal instruction,"
the statement of Professor Wenl
"but in what assistance I.may a
offered, in bringing the "Union ide
to Michigan. This may leave soi
mark. My interest in student l
leads' me to place the Union lb
among the contributions I have' be
able to make."
L. L. Renwick, Detroit organist, ad
ed another enjoyable recital to t
Twilight organ series in his progr
yesterday afternoon - a program
which every number was excelleni
executed and carefully interpreted
Mr. Renwick uses effective thou
conservative combinations -of . ste
and in yesterday's program played
program of numbers, all of which we
in harmony with the classical atm<
phere of'this artist's 'execution.
The Bach works called foxprecisi
in technique, but were two of his ,l
brilliant compositions and' did a
readily gain the support of the au
ence. These were followed by Yo
soft and melodious Pastorale "(T
Infant Jesus).
The most appreciated numbers ca
in the latter part of the recital. T
Widor Symphony' was well receivi
especially the Toccata moveme
which stood out 'in clean cut brilli
cy. Chaffin's "'Eurydice", which f
lowed the Widor number, was a
effective with its light harp-like pal
ages, contrasting with rich, full ha
monies. Renwick's "Morning So
was suggestive of his title. The p-
gram was brought to a close w
Faulkes' "Festival March," a color
work with effective chordal effects a
pulsating rythmi. / S. B. C

' Big Demand for Srenior Canes
Senior lit canes are selling rapid
One hundred fifty canes have been
ceived by Wagner and company, a
60 have already been disposed
More have been ordered, as 200 oid


Dance Tonight
arristers, Vulcans and Sine1rity (W? +.LforJ
3 their annual combin-
e Ann Arbor Country Prose And Poetry
lancing to continue
e the occasion will be A
I. Cooley and Mrs. Coo- A marked sincereity of effort dis-
is Tilley and Mrs. tinguishes the April issue of Whim-
nry M. Bates and Mrs. sies. An essay on "Cafeteria-ism," by
i John R. Ettinger and Ruth Lechlitner, '23, and a short
story, "A Point of Honor," by Law-
;ra will furnish music Conrad, '23, were perhaps the
i and Zeta Tau Alpha most successfal of the prose contri-
.ve charge of the prep- btosTh
ving of ,refrestments, butions. The poem "In a Ford," by
ph will be given to the Stella Brunt, '22, humorous and a lit-
e fund. The dance will tle pathetic, and "Pity," by Rosalie
Dunlap, ex-'24, starred as to verse
types, .
IRighl Quality Prevails
ION SENTORS The poem "Pity" is a story of pati-
ent resignation and the sorrow 'of the
ducation students mulch cartooned 'mother-in-law.' The
heir commencement point of view reveals a depth of in-
nd announcements sight on the part of the writer.
ppan hall between ( "Shades," a somewhat weird one-
hours: 9 to 10, and act play by Helen Master, gives a dia-
logue between two -men of the spirit
world, lacking in the technique of a


Word has been received by members
4 of the Union Sunday meetings commit-
DJ sis~ ngUts eS tee that Edward ("Eddie") Ricken-
+ "'* backer;'vice-president of the Ricken-
fAprl Wv riimsies backer Motor company and flying ace
in the World war, will be unable to
fill his speaking engagement at the
of h tmor and a whimsical philosophy. Union Sunday afternoon. The mes-
Lawrence Conrad's "A Point of sage from his secretary stated that
Honor," is a story of two Italian chil- he was unexpectedly called from the
dren living a tragedy. Conrad displays city on business. Committee mem-
a commendable control in treating the hers stated that the meeting would not
well-worn subject of a brutal step- be held this Sunday due to the/ fact.
father, sensitive children, and a strug- that it was too late to procure a sub-
gle for the finer things within them stitute speaker.
He 'has expressed sentiment with a , On May 7 C. C. Winningham, mana-
clean omission of sentimentality ger of a Detroit advertising agency,
Something Nes in Cafeteria will be the Sunday afternoon speak-
"Cafeteria-ism," by Ruth Lechlit- er, and on the following Sunday, Mer-
ner, is a delight to read and a delight lin Wiley, attorney-general of Michi-
to remember. Somewhat of the Pol- gan will address the meeting.
lyanna is instilled into the monoton- Alpha Nu Holds Meeting Tonight
ous smell of 'public' food. The com- Alpha Nu will hold its next regular
monplaceness of a trayed eating es- meeting at 7:30 o'crock tonight in the
tablishment is sifted to find the hidden society rooms, fourth floor, University
wealth of human nature portrayed hall. The subject for debate Ie: "Re-
there. On reading it one experiences solved, that the United States should
a wonsuming desire to visit a cafe- build a Great Lakes-St. Lawrence
teria, to get there daily if necessary- waterway." There will be six min-
and that is probably the highest com- utes instructive speech and three
pliment that can be paid. M. K. minutes rebuttal.


Musical America, said to be the I
est news publication in the Ur
States. Dr. ten Hoor took his 11
er's degree in music under Prof. I

have been
have been


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