WI IEI WI WW 1U1U1U1 U UUIUP ALUDIT 1150,00 ATION UNIT BEING AGITATED; iTREE SUMMER CAMPS TO BE ORGANIZED uipment for the military unit at University has reached a total e of $150,000. With the exception he isste of uniforms this total rs the cost of 400 Springfield s, the heavy field pieces for the lery corps, two heavy Browning hine guns, two light automatic ining rifles, one three-inch trench ar, one 37 millimeter gun, and dummy Jiandgrenades. Want Aviation Unit cent, agitation for an aviation unit been considered anid it is the opin- of Major Robert Arthur that such oject may be assured if enough who are not now members of the . T. C. enroll for the work. It ilikely that a flying field can be red but a thorough ground course be given if additional floor space ovided. Several such units have established at other schools and believed that one here would be essful. Summer Training e Civilian Camp association is pre- Ug for its summer camps and ap- tions may be had at the R. 0. T., fices in a few days. The Red, e and Blue camps will be run this seer as previously; civilians with- military experience" going to the camp; those with army, service ieir credit will be admitted to the o and Blue camps according to xtent of former service. Commis- 3 in the Officers' Reserve corps be given men who complete the, ing at the Blue canips. Many Organized Tours Planned Through Europe For those students who desire travel or study in foreign countries this sum- mer there seems torbe abundant op- portunity in the form of organized tours. At the present time there are more than 12 tours receiving enroll- ment at the University, two of which are being led by members of the fac- ulty. By far the large majority are being formed for the study of the life and customs of the people of Europe, al- though there is one, under the auspices of the National university of Mexico, whose main object is the study of the literature and customs of Latin Amer- ica. It also offers a course of study on the "political and legal organiza- tion of Mexico," which will doubtless' prove to be interesting. Prof. Rene Talamon. of the French department, and Prof. C. P. Wagner, of the Spanish department, to con- duct pilgrimages to France andrSpain respectively. These two tours are similar in character in that they are to combine attendance at foreign uni- versities with excursions to many points of historical interest. A new departure in the line of tours are those offered by the Italian gov- ernment, and those offered by the Uni- versity of Poitiers in France. These are under direct governmental super- Vision. The itinerary of the former is to include excursions to Tuscany, Un bria, and, mand of the interesting towns around Florence. Students who have investigated de- clare that there is a variety of foods served at the Arcade Cafeteria un- equalled anywhere else in town.-Adv. I imes Theater "Bonnie May tcatrn . Ica' i Or will be the comedy-drama film attrac- tion at the Mimes tonight and tomor- row night. The vivacious star is said to be at her best in this draina of fun and romance. In addition three reels of "Screen Snapshots" an innovaton is se creations will be shown. Thesie ,pi)c- tures show film stars in informal ap- pearances and will have their first showing in Ann Arbor at the Mim theater. Try a1-ily Want Ad. 't ,sv" -Ad. LAST TIMES TONIGHT 1 STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE , 111 South University Ave. Engineers' and Architects' Materials "TIN. .lUN T GIRT IN TIETAXI" al.)ST IN h' it iTSIi" TO SEE r. dndrs. C.arter, Friends ~4 ~1ii B R Sie Hit now. i inirtli-iak g necs~~ A } ST ATI OA ____A D DE ) BEN TURPIN IN "STEP FORWARD" Pe)PY nd Mirthful to the I ast Scene Stationery Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Books Cameras ard Supplies Candies Launsdry Agency Tobaccos s t* Wiliam WrigleyJr.,and Prosperity That business is improving in the East and that this condition is spreading to the Mid- dle West by degrees, is the opinion of William Wrigley, Jr., president of the William Wrig- ley fr. Co., Chicago. The good old American dollar is coming back into its own. People from one end of the nation to the others are getting around to the idea that the only basis for real prosperity is an honest day's work for a fair day's wage. The United States as a whole has been on a "business spree" for the past five years. Prices, up to recently, were out of all sense of proportion for the, value received. The greatest cure for hard times, Mr. Wrigley says, is to stop talking about hard times, get to work and keep money and goods circulating. "The year 1921 was regarded as a pretty bad period for lots of concerns in the East and Middle West," said Mr. Wrigley. "For us it was the best year in the thirty years I have been in the chewing gum manufacturing industry. STARTING 'WEDNESDAY YOU-JUST-GOT-TO-SEE-THIS DOUBLE-FEATURE-ATTRACTION for eleryone from Boss to Saucy Steno. TIVAL NOTES order that University lovers of may become acquainted, at least rt, with the careers of the vari- rtists scheduled for the coming Festival from May 17 to 20, and ome of the works to be rendered, es of/short articles,beach deal- ith some phase of the Festival n, will appear at regular inter-' fnder the above head. Mario Chamlee, Tenor ,o Chamlee, tentor with the Met- tan Opera company, will be the t at the opening May Festival rt Wednesday evening, May 17. progress of this young American' with the Metropolitan Opera ,ny, has been exceptionally rapid, addition to a voice of unusual aneity and power, he has much as an actor. Critics have also sed approval with regard to the tion of his style and the clear- f his diction. is particularly indicative of .ee, the man-that he desires at eriod of his recognized artistry, blicly attribute a great part of ccess to the work of his teacher, e Alberti of Los Angelos, where ee spent the early part of his Hailed as "Young Caruso" he time of his debut at the New Opera oHuse, Mario Cavaradossi osca," he waspractically un- , but since that time. he has hailed by some as-the real young so." Of this first appearance the 'vative Richard Aldrich says, "It tifying to note the favorable im- on MI. Chamlee nade last even- Ele disclosed a tenor voice of ex- quality, of unspoiled freshness, ithout warmth and color, vi- r and power, and made intelli- se of it. He sang spontaneously; ormally." Chamlee takes the place of Lu- Juratore, previously announced Wednesday evening soloist. Mr. ore ha been forced to cancel his ement due to a recent operation' pendicitis, the result of which e complete rest until the fall. Engagement Announced. engagement of Evelyn M. '24, to Burr K. Osborn, '18E, nnounced last Saturday. aim C(hapliN's on tbe job agaim "ain ou uproar at over- sin e rates. - Casli in on the Cachinnauion! 11 his very latest " "We are, spending $11I,0,00 a day this year to push Wrigley's Chewing Gum. PA The judicious use of printers' ink is the greatest selling force in the world. business on a world-wide basis, or even in - the locality encompasse . within a you have got to keep the people interested or you won't sell them your goods." If you do few blocks, BA Y ritten and DiretDed by Charles Chalin r' ___ At work he wields a wick- ed pick, 'oftimes he lays a wayward brick; He toils and boils and sweats there, there's nOt a job he will shirk. V, ZZA Li -____ .,A 14 i'OSLT EIY HI LATEST AM) BEST A 1 S -I Expressing Your Personality im"HOUSE OF YOUTH" Clothes' 11 II N II HE representative College Girl eagerly awaits, each season, the fashions from "The House of Youth" -theforemost creators of Youthful Clothes in America. For, this establish- ment has studied the College Girl verily on her native heath, and has woven her characteristics, her dreams-the veryessence of her refined, modernself- into its fashions. Have you seen the new "House of Youth" Frocks, Suits and Wraps for Spring? You will find them admirable! A certain smart shop in your town has them. If you do not know which one, please do us the honour of communicat- ing directly with us. 1 13 3 t t7f k U y-l f ate,.. L+ rEf y4i Y ry, l a Y lit Xl rf res r it * alart Pictures ensef in 'it m //L ='C THE HOUSE OF YOUTH SCHULMAN & HAUPTMAN 38 East 29th Street, New York 3 Avenue De L'Operd, Paris Every genuine "House of 'outh" garment bears this label- A \. 'II Whether you call her "newthought- er" or "nut," you'll laugh till you ache at ie stunts of this girl who tried to be "diferent." See what befel icr in one of those artist-poet xlaces where she went to "'express herself." . ., '11 LAST TIME TODAY '1 11 I - . a /ry l 11// P q + i , . Carmen A fun tale ol Eohemia. s a woman's l of slavery? 1 until you see r" beauty, bunk and ong hair the symbol )on't bob your hair this! . 1iN- DY"