but a. wil e Im; e the week. Prc ein the co, uinary mat( Wd for out. s net s been reg- Squad of 25 Neu nnis As. yet no cut has been made in the nest. squad which numbers more than 25. the various candidates have1 ranged, and it is necessary men who are out for the.. down at the courts every af Weather permitting, gall mate be played on the clay courts, the concrete court will be 'us the other courts are not in c An extensive schedule has" ranged. It includes matches best Conference teams, in ad( the annual Eastern trip.' The ence tournament will again b Chicago during. the week end frst slice1 25-27. Several practice matches with Lost something? A Classified Ad inl of the M. A. C., Pontiac, and the Detroit ten- The Daily will find it for you.--Adv. between nis clubs will help to round the team _________ been ar- into shape.Thsstpwiena17Ncl' that all It is hoped that a match can be ar- Thcaeses. typewrien-Ad7v ike' team be ranged with the faculty as 'there are_________________ afternoon. a. number of= good tennis players ches will among the professors and instructors. although Dr. Lee and Professor Boak ,assisted sed when materially in the picking and coach- condition. ing of last year's team, and around been ar- them a faculty team will be built. with the They will assist Coach Weebrook ________________ dition to again this year in the selection of the StCotfnr- team: re held in di of May "RIDER for PENS."--Adv. K FINISHING are made on Velox. hat are Eastman made and meth- Eastman approved, pius the ex- uir experts are guaranties of fin- 8LE19P A" EAT A THECL 711 Arl Near State aa4 ADRIAN-AN] SCHEDUI, EFFE Read Down Centra; A.M. P.M. Daily Daily 7:30 1:30 Lv.A 8:05 2:05 Tei 8-.25 2:25.....C 9:15 3:15 . 9:45 3:45 Ar. Any A..P.M. SUNDAYS A P.M. 3 :30 Lv.. A 4.05 Te 4:25 ... C 5:15 .. . . 1 5:5'Ar. Ant You'll find man read Michigan Dj us your films LANDER FOR Phone 294-F2 Phone 294-Fl Branch 'Store, 715 N. University Ave. 320 E. Liberty St. A TLI3fXD 1905% I 'elophone 1 ~ "Unlucky for Spots", t i * )dt.. ~ ,~ $: ~ ~ ..:~:*:~ ~Y :E' ~ ~ X1.5 "., ,i ;, f t .,r I Call Deliver 9 - ' \ 1 I? ' . 'tom I :IIS MASTE IS l , ; , 4..i. 0. * or .. o ,*." 1,l J ... d0OedTr 1' te : *1 .f '.t IN COMFORT, IN STYLE AND IIN U L T IM A T E E C O N O M Y ,H E F W R R.E A TRANSLATION OF A GENTLEMAN'S IDEAL OF FOOTWEAR r season, more than ever before, carefully dressed men are inig OXFORDS worn with warm, stout, wool hose. VAHR SHOE STORE 108 S. Main Street Representatives for NETTLETON'ยง Fine Shoes for Men .. a " LMtrng!!w...Z+'N OBLQy /mw rli iY r j There is4 quality clear through GOOD CLOTHES ; L ASSI FI'E ADVERTISING I TH IS COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 PM. The coat, vest, and trousers of a Kuppenheimer suit are each a perfect and complete work of tailoring }art. Togetheri, the three, pieces represent a satisfying investment in good appearance. I WANTED RENT-Desirable front rooms, floor, suitable for two, second ,suitable for four. Reasonable. East William St. 140-2 RENT-Splendid room. Single Double. Inquire 1122 White St. ne 188. 140-3 RENT-Pl~asant room for rent. Monroe St. 140 FARM WANTED - ;Wanted to hear from owner of farm for pale, 'for \fall delivery. Give lowest price,, L. Jones, Box 551, Olney, Ill. 140 WANTED-A furnished house for next school year or 10. Answer Box D. !t, Daily. 140-2 MISCELLANEOUS STUDENTS-Try my' good eats, $5.50 a week for 3 meals. $4.75 for 2 meals. Mrs. F. M. Celley, 314 E. William St. hone 2121-M. *140-3 PIANO TUNING-Call 715-J. Univer- sity School of Music tuner. Victor Allmendinger. Office at Res., 418 No. Division St. 140-6 o~n investment in good appearance N. F. &,LLEN 112 South Maln Street Co.