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April 18, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-04-18

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01 i









._ _ ___ _

aign Extended So Alumni Clubs
Will Have Chance to
agre reports from students who
ited funds for the completion of
Union swimming pool during
ig vacation marked the progress
he drive' at headquarters at the
11 yesterday afternoon.
total of a little more than $1,400
been turned in, but this amount is
g augmented as students return
additional funds. It is believed,
no reasonable estimates as to the
amount secu'ed during the vaca-
will be aVailable until Thursday.
Alumni Btdies' Contribute
e drive has been extended to a cer-
degree, to permit alumni associa-
to contribute as associations. MUSICIANS WHO HAVE JUST COM
Toledo, association is a typicalMUIAN WH HVEJTCO
ple. It is likely that $500 will with Chairman F. B. Thomas, '22
onated there, but it will be two
s before the association meets.
same situation ,arose in other ci-
ni desire to contribute as an as-
tion and not individually.,
previous attempt to complete theE
fund was made during the Christ-
vacation in December, :192, but
funds collected at that time were -
sufficient to cover the conpletion Noted Speaker Will Lecture in Hill
e pool. It was believed that im- Auditorium in Third of Poet
ed business conditions at this'Series
would insure the success of the
. The sum needed was $28,000, HAS WRITTEN 1UANY VOLUMES
early returns do not indicate that OF BOTH PROSE AND POETRY
amount will be realized. -
Seven States Canvassed
Le tatesin which the drive to Louis Untermeyer, third in the se-
lete the pool was waged the ries of five poets who are to speak in
igest were New York, Ohio, Mich- Ann Arbor under the auspices of the
Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania American Association of University
Wisconsin. students solicited in Women, will lecture at 4:15 o'clock
y other states, but none of their Thursday afternoon in Hill auditor-
rts wereavailable yesterday. ium. Mr. Untermeyer is reputed to
r _____r____.__y_ y be a brilliant lecturer, a man of great
personal charm as well as a poet of
IIfI[ TC high distinction.
. Uses Parody in Criticism
His first book was "The Younger
.Quire"(1911), a burlesque of an an-
thology, "The Younger. Choir." Later
in the same year he published a lyric
LUDE COPY OF THE EARLIEST sequence called "First Love." Botli of
these early volumes are now out of
NEWSPAPER IN UNITED print. Mr. Untiermeyer appreciates
STATES the full value of parody as a weapon
of criticism, and his two books of crit-
,pers from the Clement collection ical parodies, ' - and Other Poets"
arly American newspapers, re- and '"Including Horace," are excellent
y donated to the University li examples of his extraordinary skill in
y, have been placed on exhibit in the cutting art.
lower corridor of the library. The He has also published a metrical
bit is cmoe of early esigh- translation of the "Poems of Hen-
centdry heets as d showsarlyrich Heine," a volume of prose crit-
Lh century sheets and shows cop- "cssThe New Era in American
alli the papers which played un icism, "h e r nAeia
Poetry," and has edited two colle-
nt parts in the early development tions "Modern British Poetry" and
urnalism. in America "io ds rn"Ao er itisPoetry, n
nong the most interesting exhib- o Well-Chosen Collection
s a copy of the American Gaz- The revised edition of the -latter is a
S(Salem) for July 16, 1776, con-remarkably comprehensive and well-
ng a news print of the Declara- chosen collection, probably the best
of Independence. Another New guide to modrn poetry that has ever
and paper of interest is a copy;uenouboded.p
he Boston News Letter, the first been published.
spaper to be published in Ameni- Mr.> Untermeyer's most important
r Oct 1 pbisd inA r-contributions to American letters are,
Le majority of the papers are of however, his volumes of serious poet-
colmnay fe runnins tatree ory, "Challenge," "These Times" and
columns, a few running to threea' N A l fteeae
fou. he ares shetis se~"The New Adam" All of these are
four. The largest sheet is a son notable for their fine intensity and
quadrupleedition of t Boston lrge vision, but it i only in "The
on, dated July 15, 1841.. It sNew Adam" that he touches the
t in length and 12 columns wide. heights of poetical achievement.

.nsing students in the University Irvin Cobb will not be able to fill
Sunday afternoon in the office of any engagements this spring, accord-
state historical commission and, ing'to a letter received by Prof. Thos.
nized a club to be known as the C. Trueblood from his manager. Cobb
ing Club of the University of is at present confined to a New York
dgan. The purpose of the club hospital but it is assured he will come
be to promote goodfellowship to Michigan next fall if he plans any
ng Lansing students on the Mich- lecture tour at all. He was to have
campus and to establish closer talked here May 2 on the oratorical
Is of interest between students program.
alumni. Sir Paul Dukes, renowned journal-;
licers of the club were chosen as ist and recent member of the British;
ws: Ernest Burhans, '24M, pres- secret service, has been secured in his
t; Arnold Piatt, '23, vice-presi- stead to lecture on "Secret Service in
Francis Amnes, '23, secretary- Red Russia." Mr. S. S. McClure, the!
surer. noted publicist, speaks ' ofk asaW
graphic and forceful speaker" and,
. Bartz, '20, Dies in Grand Rapids though "in appearance a mere youth,
cholas B. Bartz, '20, died in yet he carries conviction and can give
id Rapids on April 14 following a clearer picture of the actual state of
astoid. operation. He played on the Russia than any other man at the
3ity tennis team while in the Uni- present time." '
ity and was a member of Phi His amazing adventures in Russia

? .

Varsity Players to Again Presenti
Performance Before Ann Arbor,
Large and enthusiastic audiences,
welcomed the concerts of the Univer-
sity band on its first annual springr
concert tour throughout the state.#
Four sities, Saginaw, Muskegon, Lan-
sing, and Kaamazoo, were visited by
the 65 men composing the party.-
Alumni in all the cities were well,
pleased with the showing made by the
organization and extended invitations
for a return concert next year.
First Audience Small
The party left April 10 and went di,
rectly to Sagihaw, where the program
was given before a rather small audi-
ence. In Muskegon, the next stop,
PLEIED FIRST ANNUAL I OUR, however, they were welcomed enthu-
and Captain Wilfred Wilson. siastically and played before an audb
ence that crowded the theater. In
Lansing the band played for the gov-
ernor on the steps of the capitol and
were addressed by him. The audience
at Lansing was one of the largest on
the trip, numbering about 2,000 peo-
Lhe alumni and townspeople of
Kalamazop repeated the welcome of
nthe preceding cities and the
Passs Awy Aril atSt..Joseh'saudincealmost filled the auditorium.
Passes Away April 9 at sIt was difficult to pick out the one
After Several Weeks' outstanding piece of the concert as1
Hilness every part received its share of ap-
proval. The numbers by the band un-
WAS MEMBER OF RHETORIC der the directorship of Capt. Wilfredr
DEPARTMENT FOR NINE YEARS Wilson were selected for their wide
appeal and were well within the range,
Prof. Burton G. Grim. of the rhetoric of the band.
department, died at St. Joseph's san- Burton Hyde Favored1
itariuin Friday, April 9, after several All of the specialty numbers were
weeks' illness due to an infection of well carried out. Robert Dieterle, '23M
sang several baritone solos in all the
the thyroid gland, cities, responding time and time again,
Professor Grim was born in Arkan- to calls for encores. Burton E. Hyde,
sas in 1886 and a few months later his '25M, was a favorite everywhere with
family moved to Flagstaff, Ariz., where his huge marimbaphones. The third
of the specialty numbers, the Midnight
he went through g ammartschool and Sons quartette, consisting of Harold
normal shool.He snpent thyear J. Potter, '22, Walter J. Nichols, '23,'
1905-1906 as principal of a smallgade ucian Lane, '23, and Harold E.
school in an Arizona mining camp Belles, '23, sang several southern and1
near the Mexican border. Michigan songs.1
Was University Graduate The ,band will give one more Ann
He came to Ann Arbor the next year Arbor performance and arrangements
where he worked his way through the are being made with alumni organiza-1
Ann Arbor high school and the Uni- tions who wish a visit to their cities,
versity, receiving the degree. of /A.B. in the near future.
in 1911. In 1912 he became an in-
structor in the rhetoric department, -'
at the same time continuing his stud-T
ies in the University. He received the
degree of A.M. in 1913 and of Ph.D. in C
1918. 1
W This spring he was promoted to the
rank of assistant professor. -
Wrote Chaucer Concordance RUSSO4GERMAN AGREEMET WILL
Professor Grim was an excellent CANCEL THEI RE-
scholar. He collaborated with Prof. I1BURSEME:S
John Tatlock, of Leland Stanford uni-
versity, in preparing a Chaucer Con- ' (By Associated Press)
cordance, which is just now ready for Genoa, April 17.-The Russo-Ger-
the press. man treaty signed on Sunday at Ra-
Prof. Fred Scott, head of the rhet- pallo by George Chitcherin and Dr.
oric department, in commenting on Walter Raphenau contained the fol-
Professor's Grim's work here, said: lowing provisions:
"His death is a great loss to t1e de- The German government and the
partment. Dr. Grim was a man of ex- soviet republic renounce reciprocal
ceptional teaching ability, and was an reimbursements of war expenses as
inspiration to many students. He well as reimbursements of war dam-
seemed able to make them like what ages and also damages rendered by
he liked. He spent a great deal of their subjects in the war territories
time on his work - too much time. because of military measures includ-
He was never very strong and his ing requisitions carried out in the

overwork contributed irgely to the enemy's country. Likewise the two
seriousness of his illness." contracting parties renounce reim-
bursement of civil damages caused by
FACULTY WOMEN'S CLUB the so-called extensional laws or by
ORGANIZES FOR ATHLETICS coercive measures by state authori-
Germany renounces all claim re-
Athletic sections of the Faculty sulting in the enforcement of the laws
Women's club, under the general and measures of the Soviet republic
chairmanship of Mrs. R. H. Curtiss, as they have affected German nation-
hae eengniefr. h. Cprtiac, als or their private right or rights
have been organied for the spring ,of the German Reichtag itself as well
tivities. Mrs. Willis Shippam will be as claims resulting from measures
chairman of the hiking section during takn by the Soviet republic or its au-
her stay in Ann Arbor. Mrs. W. A. thorities in any other way against the
Paton has charge of the tennis com- subjects of the German Reichtag or
PattAranchageent hve e enmadetheir private rights provided the So-
mittee. Arrangements have been made viet government shall not satisfy sim-
for courts beginning April 20. lrcam aeb n hr tt.
Mrs. J. E. Enswiler is chairman of lar claims made by any third state.
the swimming committee and will be
assisted by Mrs. F. R. Finch, who will Dean Effinger Leaves for Conference
act as vice-chairman. Mrs. C. E. Ed- Dean John R. Effinger, of the liter-
wards will be chairman and Mrs. H. ary college, will leave for Lexington,
N. Schmidtt vice-chairman of the Ky., tomorrow night to attend the an-
gymnasium committee. ' nual conference of deans of liberal
Posture examinations will be given arts colleges of' state universities of
to members of the athletic section by the Middle West. The meeting this
Miss Marion 0. Wood at 3:30 o'clock year will be held at the University of
tomorrow afternoon, in Barbour gym- Kentucky. Dean Effinger will be gone
nasium. the remainder of the week.


rrent CausesB
Canoe Accident .f n lumi

An unknown man and girl believed
to be students had aa narrow escape
from drowning yesterday afternoon
when their canoe capsized in the swift S UI g
current of the Huron -river near the v
Saunders' boat house.)
According to onlooker's, as the canoe MICHIGAN DIAMOND MEN EMERGE
drifted into the center of the stream FROM DIXIE TRIP WITU
it was caught in the current of a large FLYING COLORS
volume of water pouring over the
The whirling motion of the current VARSITY TO OPEN WITH
was making the craft unmanageable ILLINI NINE SATURDAY
and when the girl arose to help pad-
dle in the canoe capsized, precipitat-
ing the occupants into the chilly wat., Result of ;Vrst Conference C014,61i
ers of the Huron. Between Rivals Watched as
The onlookers effected a rescue in Crucial Fightt
a rowboat reaching the girl, who was
unable to swim, just in time to pre-
vent her drifting into the spillway of BULLETIN
the dam. Neither of the unfortunates Cincinnati, Ohio, April 17. - Ui-
disclosed their identity and left the versity of Cincinnati proved easy for
scene of the accident little the worse the Wolverines in the final game of
for their experience. their southern tour, the final score
The canoe plunged over the top pf being 12 to 1. Michigan 'worked un-
the dam and was demolished on the usually well in the final contest, tight
concrete below. fielding re-enforcing Ellott, new
pitcher, who allowed only three hits
during the entire game. Uteritz and
Knode both scored homes in the
ninth, hitting the ball. far into the
left field bleachers.1
NOT D IN EtMichigan fighting baseball nine re-
turned today from its annual South-
ern invasion with flying colors. Out
Worthington Ford to Give Lecture of a total of eight games played with
Both Wednesday ande the diamond aggregations below the
Mason Dixon line the Wolverines em-
Thursday erged victorious in six encounters;
losing two contests, one to Georgia
IS ALSO AN AUTHOR, EDITOR, and one to Vanderbilt.
LIBRARIAN, AND ECONOMIST Against both these nines Fisher's
men came back in the second day's
Worthington Chauncey Ford, noted engagement and won from both of
them by comfortable margins. The
editor, author, public speaker, 'librar- showing of the entire squad was high-
ian, bibliographer, economist, and his- ly creditable in every respect for the
torian, will give two lectures here this Wolverines played a better brand of
week under the auspices of the history ball than did their opponents who'ha
w reaped the benefits of many weeks
department. The first lecture, on "A practice on the Southern diamonds.
Map of Virginia," will be given at 4:15 Play llni Saturday
o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the Michigan's hitting and fielding was
Natural Science auditorium. The lec- highly satisfactory and gives evidence
that the -team this year is equal in
ture will be illustrated, and the pub- ca to thb nis that In e ast
hie is invited. At 4:15 o'clock Thurs- calibre to thavnines that in the past
day afternoon he will speak to stu- few years have been among the best
on the collegiate diamond. In fact
dents of the history department on the showing this spring was better
Comes From Famous Family than that made on the Southern Jaunt
MrForomes fromfamous y last year and points to the Wolverines
Mr. Ford camHs from the famous as real contenders for the champion-
Ford family of Brooklyn, N. Y. His ship, Illinois, who took the Big Ten
brother, Paul Leicester Ford, is a title last year, has also completed a
well known novelist and historian, his successful Southern trip, and will
sisters are also writers, and another meet Michigan Saturday afternoon at
brother, Malcolm, was the first to hold Ferry field in the feature game of the
the all-around amateur athletic chain- year
pionship of the United States.d
Mr. Ford is noted for his work in
the Boston public library, the Library
of Congress, and the Massachusetts 4 BOOKS FOR 1923
Historical society, the oldest and most OPERA TURNED IN
famous of American historical asso-
ciations. He has been the editor of
the publications of this society since Four books for the 1923 Union opera
1909. His versatility and capacity have been turned in to E. Mortimer
for work .is unlimited. Librarian W. Shuter, director. The best book will
W. Bishop who has been a close friend be selected shortly by the book co4-
of Mr. Ford for years, says, "No 0th- mittee for the 1923 production, and an-
er man of my acquaintance has put nouncement will .be made before Mr.
out an equal volume of work of such Shuter goes to the East. Tryouts for
high quality." the show, including dancers, singers
Edited Adams Papers and actors, have been called.
He has, during his work with the They are asked to come to the Mimes
Massachusetts Historical society, ed- theater from 10 to 12 o'clock in the
ited the Adams and Winthrop papers. forenoons and from 1:30 t 2:30 o'clock
He was recently president of'the Am any afternoon except Saturday. It is
erican Historical association. He is expected that the total number of try-
the expert advisor to the John Carter outs will exceed that of last year when
Brown library at Providence, which is the record breaking number off00
the only American historical library tried out for the opera.
which exceeds the Clements library in
Mr. Ford is a well known and singu- KENTUCKY EDUCATIONAL M1EN
larly pleasing public speaker. Ar-
rangements have been made whereby President Marion L. Burton deliv-
he will comk here regularly once or ered an address before a meeting of
twice a year to speak as an outside the Kentucky Educational associgtion
lecturer. and also soke at abanquet of Mich-
igan alumni in Louisville on Thurs-
PROF.C.H. VAN TYNE day, April 13.
*Returning from Louisville he spent
BACK FROM INDIA Sunday with his son, Paul, at Culver

Military academy, and then went, to
Prof. C. H. Van Tyne,'head of the Grand Rapids, where he will spea rbe-
history department, returned last fore the students of the city high
night from India, where he spent three schools this afternoon.
months making an extensive study of '.This eVening President Burton will
the Indian government. give an address at the banquet of
At the request of Alexander Fred' Grand Rapids alumni of the Univer-
erick White, president of the legisla- sity. He will return to Ann Arbor
tive assembly of, India, he left for In- Wednesday afternoon.
dia last Nov. 15, having secured a
leave of absence from the University. REPLIES TO '"WHAT'S WHAT"
He spent three months studying the MUST BE IN BY WEDNESI)AY
government at Delhi, from Dec. 15 to ----
March 15. On his return trip to the Answers t.o the "What's What and
United States he came by way of the Where" questions, which were publish-
Philippine Islands. He will write a ed in the Thursday, April 6, issue o'
small. book on the legislature of In- The Daily, will ,be accepted .up to 1f
dia. o'clock tommorrow noon.
Prizes will be awarded Thursday
Robbins Returns from Visit April 20. Prospective contestants mad
Dr. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the secure copies of the April 6 issue b:
President, has returned from a visit applying at the business office of Th
with relatives in Westfield, Mass. Daily.



n are spoken of as constituting one of
p- the most thrilling stories ever related

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