re to give you the possible for your Ve have only the mides olfPocahon- cky, West Virgin- hracite Coals. We Genuine Solvay g'rade West Vir- Pennsylvania By- I Dean IAll girls who wish to sign up their houses for baseball must do so at once on th~e bulletlin board in Barbour gym- nasiumi. Many girls who pledged specific amounts last fall to the Y. W. C. A. have neglected to pay these dues.. Im- mediately after Easter vacation the committee in~ charge of this work will resume its collecting' campaign. Ev- eryone who has not paid her pledge, should do so at that time. All girls takin~g regular gymnasium work who have not yet had their ap- paratus examinatilons, must do so at one of the following hours, at 10 or 11 o'clock this morning or at 2 or 3 o'clock this afternooin. All gymnasium classes will meet in the gymnasium at th~er first meeting after vacation, to sign up for their outdoor sport. There are still a few more Junior Girls' play scores for sale. These may be obtained at' Wahr's or Graham's bookstores. 1 "22 LITS NOTICEI I All members of the 1922 liter- Iary class who have not yet paid ( their class dues of $2 are urged to ( do so at once. 'Checks are to be Imailed to the class treasurer atj 2107 Washtenaw avenue. Names ) Iof senior lits whose dues are yet unpaid are now posted in the rg reg istrar's office, according to Walt- Ver B,. Rea,, president of the class. AL M EET By winning 36 points to 4 for the freshmen, the sophomore class took nearly every event in the annual ap- paratus meet for girls held Thurs- day afternoon,' and in addition, won the stVver cup offered to the winning class for the highest number of points earned in the gymnastic demonstra- tion and apparatus meet combined. The total number of points accredited to the sophomore class is now 81, as opposed to 56 for the freshmen. The highe'st individual scorer in the meet was Margaret Stair, '24, who' won first place in the meet with a total of nine points, by winning first place ,in three different events. Julia Coe took second place, with seven points, and -Mary Early and "' Dbrothy Rockwell tied for third place with five points each. An innovation~was introduced in~ the relay race between classes, which was won by the sophomore class, and counted them four points. CHEEVER HOUSE TO BRE OPEN DURING SPRING VACATION Adelia Cheever dormitory will be open throughout vacation. According to Miss Henriette Scranton, social di- rector of the house, there are several; rooms available at tis house forj these girls who desire them during the vacation. Martha Cook dormitory, Betsy Bar- bour house and Helen Newberry resi- dence will not remain open during the coming holidays. These 41ouses will be cleaned and in some cases partially redecorated within the next week. I FRESH LITS NOTICE IFreshman Tits are requested to ~jmail their class dues to D. E~. Johnson, 1443 Washtenaw aye- n~ue at once, No applicationsI for Fresh Frolic tickets will be Iconsidered unless dues are paid.,. TVsI erL EA.£&IO Jneu'AL ffLALIILVU XY"UU Wyvern, honorary society for junior women, is planning 'to give a dance on Saturday afternoon, April, 29, at the Union for the benefit of the University of Michigan league. Margaret Rein- eke, '23, is chairman of the affair. Others on the committee are Laura Mills, '23, Katherine Kuhlman, '23, and Gladys McConnal, '23. George Rogers' orchestra has_ donated its ser- vices for this dance. Typewriting, promptly anid neatly done. 0. D. Morrill, 17 Nickel's Ar- cade.-Adv. 1mj Capital $ 300,000 Resources $4,0 r UNITARIAN CHURCH Statje and Buren Sts. SIDNEY S. ROBINS, Minister 77 .1 I L T Gar. M~ain and YOU WILL Ll 530 F( c cImmoraity " IF 'YOU ARE IN NI OF- 'QUALITY AND SERV; _'_ T s the~ subject of the sermon, April 9 (Palm Sunda~y), 10:40 a., m. jThe organ plays at 10:35. YOU. MR. STUDENT should have use for a a typewriter. You can rent one from us for three months for $7.50 Up. Or you can rent withi privilege of buying. At any time up to r six months we will allow all rent you have paid to count against sale price of machine. There is uo obligation to buy. The offer is made to save you money if you find you wvant to own a machine after first renting I THE STORE "I"RIDER for PENS"-Adv. "; 10 lbs. Pure Cane Sugar Lean Pork Shoulder Roasts All Campbell's Soups LenBe o sslStrictly Fresh Eggs, per doz. Fresh Creamery Butter, in b 251lb. Gold Medal or Pillsbu 13l.CnCic I pk. Greenville Potatoes Michigan Cream Cheese, pe 3 Large Grape Fruit. FOUR DELIVERIES SATURDAY 'O H1IY-REO ; . ... ,. . _ I Hot Cross Buns For Good-Friday RAE for Pleasure! YOU'LL CECIL B. SAY DeMILLES' IT'S THES PEAK rA N. THE T T I Your Choice of Makes State your choice: Underwood, Remn- ington, L. C. Smith, etc. Every ma- chine is perfect-rebuilt by the famous "Young Process." This process is our own. It is recognized the country over. It is back of our iron-clad guarant~ee which makes you judge and jury.W grant io days' free trial on all our mna- chines. You run no risk. Get' Our Prices We save you 5o per cent and up on typewriters. All makes and models to select from-the. largest selected stock of miachines in America. Send for cat- alog before you rent or buy any kbere. Write today S I oods-' do. 1 I t H I T YOUNG TYPEWRITER COMPANY' 25 W. Lake St., Dept. 317, Chicago ~Phone Central 46 LEMO LE'S FOR QU TELEPHONES 407-399- I t'' w DelicilxaBranld . - - iaslIE58EU 1(O cO1N1ETION V.I'flAN OTh ER l E _ . C> e' COLLEGE BAKERY' ENE 238 516 E. LIBERTY I- I I I = ',. ' \ i ?. . 1 ! OL UEBIBD TREAIS for H~appiiwess PEARL TASSELS If PEARL AND BRACELETS The Parisian Fad that is Sweeping the Country Fi.--SAT., APR. 7-8 FRANK MAYO - in - "TRACKED TO EARTH" SUN-TUE S., APR. 9.11 4 CHARLES RAY* -- "TWO MINUTES TO GO" WED.THUR., APR. 12-13 GLADYS' WALTON --in "'THE GUTTER SNIPE" FRI.--SAT., APR. 14.15 KATHERINE MAC DONALD' - in-1 " STRANGER THAN. FICTION" 2O DJO to 1Z250 each N B. EIBLER 4. South Main Street NDOERER & SEYFREID 3East Liberty Street ANN ARBOR TWO AND TH IREE-PIE CE SUITS GRACEFUL COATS AND CAPES DRESSES FOR EVERY OCCASIQ7 NEWY SKIRT AND BLOUSE STYLI Tis but nine days from Eastqr and every woman, younh girl 'who walks about the floors of B. Siegel Co. these dal Spring wardrobes, will derive great .pMeasure in seeing all outergarments. Every department is crowded to the limit beautiful app~arel ever shown in Detroit. DELIGHTFUL APPAR DAINTY OUTFITTLNI o ~In addition to the interest: ments there is a quality equalled. And when yc k ~the surety of permanent sa of the tran~saction. Trad o ~fying because there are nc ped up with the merchar Clever Styles -Not ~ /,~i 7, REL FOR GI G~S FOR'INI stig newness of th and intrinsic vl IOU buy a ,garmen stisfaction is ahv'a ding at this sore is q disappointments Lndise. - I Seen ElsewherQ SUTN,-TUE S., AM 6. -18 JEWELL CARMEN "tNOB1ODY"l ....__ _ ,. fillfill111111111111111 DANCES FRIDAY AND SAT Tickets at _Graham~s, Slater' s and Wahr's Fischer Drug Co. and 4 e