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April 06, 1922 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-04-06

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doors (Continued from Page One)
ate fielder, a consistent hitter and
throws from the south side, an attri-
bute that is considered an advantage
to a first baseman by most ball -play-'
not On second base "Shorty" Wimbles
that will perform for the Wolverines.
Shorty is not a newcomer, but is play-
owing ing his first season with the Varsity.,
eath- Mike Paper has been assigned the
Wi duties of playing the third corner.

Mike is a speedy, aggressive fielder
who should fill the vacancy left by
Karpus in great shake. Paper looks
like a better fielder than Karpus al-
though his stick work may not quite
measure up to the standard set by
last year's third baseman.
In the outfield "Johnny" Shafkle-
ford, clean up hitter, Doug Roby, Ed-
die Klein and Kipke are the men se-
lected by Coach Fisher to chase the
high ones.
Many promising men who may figs'
ure in the lineup before the season'
passes are to be left at home because
of the necessity of the 16 men limit.
Coach Fisher has more than a dozen,
dependable players who will -probably
be seen in action when the home
schedule opens.

innasium cage an
batting practice
la which is to so
rly seasoning.
in Shape
fortunate of the (
as had several pr


ontinued from Page Six)
t? What year were they estab-
In what does this firm speci-

our times
ve all of
his year.
r veteran
iso work-
staff in
the open-

s set back severely last
only one workout which
ature of a practice game
Coach Lambert has ar-
charge of the squad and
weather in store hopes
men in good shape for
,game of the schedule
:ollege a week from Sat-
has also been the loser
ther but the men are all
lition and the O. S. U.

Goes South
o Michigan

No. 38-The Davis Toggery Shop, '
119 So. Main Street, is the young men's1
store .of Ann Arbor. This style head-s
quarters for fashionable young men
carries a complete stock of high grade
furnishings for men, including haber-
dashery ana shoes. The Davis Tog.!
gery Shop suits the hard-to suit. In-
dividuality is a word. properly applied
to the furnishings sold at this shop.
Style and material for every taste and
purse. "Oh, boy," have you seen the
new Varsity sport model shoe now on
display in these show windows. They
are entirely new and original. This
is the saddle strap model and has, to
-be seen to be appreciated. Solid oak
leather soles and rubber heels, and the
price is only $8.50, The haberdashery,
sold at this store is a selection from;
leading manufacturers, such as Emh-
ery, Ide and Cluett and Peabody shirts,
Wilson Bros. athletic underwear, and
Not-a-Seme hosiery. This is the home
of the celebrated Crawford shoes, the
shoe for smart dressers.
Where is this toggery shop located?
Who is the proprietor?
No. 39-This is another Studebaker
year. The celebrated Studebaker
Light Six is the car that dominates
the field this season. On October 1,.
1921, there were 117,000 more Stude-
baker cars in use than there were on
October 1, 1919. Notwithstanding the
large increase in the number of Stu-
debaker cars in operation their sales
of repair ptarts for the first nine
months of 1921 were six per cent less
than the same period in 1919. This
proves conclusively that Studebaker'
cars are standing up in service and
keeping out of the repair shops. Buy
a Studebaker and you will always be
satisfied with your purchase. Stude-
baker led the world in the manufac-
ture of automobiles in the year 1921,
exclusive' of the Ford Motor Compa-
ny, which is the largest in the world.
This is also evidence why you should
purchase a Studebaker. The Wash-
tenaw Motor Company, 207 East
Washington Street, are the local dis-
tributors for the Studebaker. Do not
fail to have the new miodels of the
Studebaker Light Six demonstrated to
you by the local deal-ers. Call at
these display and sales, rooms and
note the many advanced ideas in mo-
tor vehicles which is embodied in the
Studebaker late models. The service
and repair department of this motor
company is complete in itself. Expert
automobile repairing and overhauling
on all makes of cars. This service
garage is operated by expert mechan-
ics, all work positively guaranteed.
Who is the manager of this motor

to select that Easter hat; get it be-
fore the Easter rush and you receive
better service. A new Spring showing
of Gage Sailors now on display. This
is the home of high grade millinery
sold at moderate prices. These hats
are different, not like any that have
heretofore been shown. Exquisite,
types including fancy novelties and,
large picture and pattern hats. The
management endeavors to offer their"
patrons the best possible as to style;
and quality at moderate prices. This
together with the excellent facilities
and service offered here puts this
millinery in a class by itself. What
is the telephone number of this shop?
Name three essentials to be consid-
ered when selecting a hat.
No. 42-The Auto Parts Company
locatedrat 205 No. Main St., furnishes
service to automobile owners in and
around Ann Arbor that cannot be ob-
tained anywhere else except the large'
cities Automobile owners are very
fortunate in having this service right
here in Ann Arbor They cal supply
any and all parts either new or used
for all makes of cars This means a
great saving in both time and money
to the people of this community. This
firm also features auto wrecking,
highest cash prices paid for wrecked
or junked automobiles of any make.
If you have a car that is beyond repair
just telephone this firm and they will'
pay you a surprisingly good price for
it. In connection to auto wrecking and
auto parts these people do expert radi-
atop repairing and service on all
storage batteries. Each of these de-
partments is under the direct super-
vision of an expert in each branch of
service, when your work is done by
this firm you are assured of expert
service at a conservative figure. Sat-
isfaction guaranteed. What is the tele-
phone number? Who is the propri-
etor? 't
No. 43-You cannot help but like
the service offered by the Michigan
Tire & Supply Company. People doing
business with this concern are as-
sured of first class service at a rea-
sonable cost. This means satisfaction.
When you have tire trouble go to this
dependable tire repair and service
station located at 337 So, Main Street
and you will receive prompt and ex-
pert service. This shop is thoroughly
equipped to take care of automobile
tires of all sizes. Go to them and let
them explain in detail why their tire
service should prove to you that you
receive more value and better satis-
faction when trading with them. A
complete stock of Federal and Good-

year tires. This is the place where
efficiency and service go'hand in hand
with reasonable prices. Who is the
proprietor of this tire repair and ser-
vice shop? What is the telephone
No. 44--One of Ann Arbor's most
prominent and dependable drug stores
Is the pharmacy owned by Walter H.
Blome, successor to Alfred G. Walker.
This is the prescription pharmacy of
Ann Arbor, the management confine.$
the stock carried here to drugs and
drug sundries only. The well knownI
and reliable lines of A. D. S. andI
Penslar remedies are sold here. When"
in need of a remedy insist upon either4
A. D. S. or Penslar remedies, they are
dependable. The prescription depart,
ment is one of the most complete in
Ann Arbor. The proprietor, Mr.R
Blome, has had extensive scientific
experience in the manufacture ofa
pharmaceuticals. He was chief chem-
ist and consulting Pharmacist for
Frederick Stearns and Company, man-
ufacturing chemists, for sixteen years.
While serving in 'this capacity Mr.
Blome had direct charge of the manu-
facture of all pharmaceuticals. This
experience together with his theor-1
etical knowledge of drugs and medi-
cines makes Mr. Blome especially1
efficient in compounding prescriptions
or special formulas. This is they drugi
store where you receive expert and1
courteous service on all occasions.;
Where is the store located? ,What is
the telephone number?
No. 45-The interested of Ann Ar-
bor are most diversified in their char-
acter. Each one covering its partic-
ular line of endeavor in the highest
standard of efficiency. This is partic-
ularly true of The Economy Store, 1I
East Washington Street. This is the
store "cwhere your dollars go farth-
est." This store carries a very com-
plete line of men's and boys' furnii-h
ings, this stock is made up of high'
grade haberdashery of the latest and
best fashions. The outstanding 'ea-
ture of importance with this firm,
however, is the exceptionally reason-
able prices which they ask for this
high grade merchandise. It will pay
every thrifty man or boy of this com-
munity to investigate the exceptional
values offered at The Economy Store.
As an illustration of the values of-
fered, the writer , will quote a few
prices, heavy Oxford white shirts, col-
lars attached, only $1.75, Monito
Brand mercerized hose, only 25 cents,
the latest Spring fashions in high
grade young men's hats ranging in
prices from $3.50 to $4.50. These are
only a few of the many items of wear-
'ing apparel which is sold at this store
for such extremely reasonable pric-
es. A complete assortment of ,knit
and silk ties of the latest creation, al-
to a complete assortment of the popu-
lar sellers in both soft and starch col-
lars. We have all learned a lesson
in economy during ithe past months,
let us profit by that lesson by pur-
chasing our furnishings at The Econ-
omy Store, where your dollars go
farthest. Who is the proprietor of
this money saving store?

provement of a greater per cent of the I
students' 'soles. If you are not ac- x
quainted with John Lambert your i
soles haven't had 'the proper atten- a
tion. Why let your shoes run down o
at the heel or go with worn shabby a
looking shoes when this shoe repair C
shop can repair those old shoes so t
that they will give the same service s
as a new pair and look just as well t
also. One never looks neat or dressed s
up if your shoes are shabby. It costs a
little to have Lambert repair your I
shoes and when he gets through with t
them you will once more have a pair a
of shoes that will stand months of s
hard wear. This shop is completely n
equipped with modern electric ma-
chinery which enables you to have
shoes repaired while you wait. Guar- :
anteed workmanship done at reason- t
able prices consistent with the high k
quality of material put into the work a
has made this pioneer shop a favor- q
ite with the people of this communi- I
ty. What are the most important facts e
of advantage offered patrons of this t
shoe repair 'shop? b

the yaopl
ection of I

ing goods tc
No. 47-The extent of a man's busi- fresh every
ness success depends a great deal given to sup
upon his personal appearance. To parties, bang
be well dressed is a wonderful asset silverware f
to everyone as we are more or less necessary th
judged by our personal appearance, charge of ba
One of the highly necessary factors tion is adhe
to be considered, therefore, is well ent manner
made, perfectly fitting clothes. Ann Qualit ser
Arbor has an exclusive tailor who three impor
offers his patrons the last word in a first class
styli and properly fitted garments they are all
made of the finest imported and do- the College
mestic fabrics. When you order a tem which i
suit or topcoat of this tailor you are every detai
assured of a strictly hand tailored this bakery
garment, which is made in Ann Arbor. ig with the
Suits range in price from $45 up and g yadd
you get what you pay for from this ency and, d
reliable tailor. Etery student as' well this firm gl
as the citizens of Ann Arbor should with the C
become familiar with August C. Barth bakery and
the tailor who is the subject of this next party o
sketch. Step in his shop which is them entire
°located at 619 E. William Street and the propriet
look over the fine display. of Detmer is the teleph
woolen samples which comprise many
spring fabrics of the newest material No. 50-T:
being shown. ITn addition to fine ment of a c
tailoring this firm does dependable dicated by t
cleaning, pressing, repairing and al nity. A grc
tering. Their service is prompt and ed and well
courteous. The slogan which has won the greatesi
many friends and patrons for this tai- city can pos
for is "Satisfaction Guaranteed," this ings Bank 1
slogan is strictly adhered to at' all, strong pillar
times. Give three reasons why Barth will receive
is so popular as a competent tailor. one could p


vice a

No. g
or- 1E

i au
. higr
or ban
ely sa
or of

nown 'a
at 516.]

s as to the men who will
i for the first ,season in
rs will put an aggregation
aond. 'As soon as it was
ecided that the Gophers
epresented a call was issued
e number of men have
as candidates. They will
ever from the late start
-ith that of most of the oth-*
'hich have been practicing
ce February.
aves today on her South-
:ing 15 men. Coach Lund-
ithusiastic ov'er his 1922
with the three Ilini pitchers

, . . Ac..iy m A
No. 48-Ann Arbor Nash Company equipped bE
311 Maynard Street is the local sales bank is undE
and service agency for the ever in- ple capital
creasing popular Nash automobiles, and does a
,The new four and six models of the change bush
Nash is more than ever meeting with ings departi
favor this season. The determination interest whi
of the Nash organization from the be- account. J
ginning, has been to produce cars of Money to 1
outstanding value. With all the equip- gage and c
.ment necessary to that end-men, Safety depo,
machines and money-the Nash or- ern constru
ganization has achieved its aim. Its burglar pro
buying resources are practically lim- the same cc
itless, giving the advantage of quality sider'ation, -
purchastug as well as precedence in whether the
first call on highest grade materials. positors or
Its production advantage is summed posits whic
up in its tremendous factory which dollars. Tb
covers one hundred and one acres, section as a
thirty-three acres. An outstanding est classk;
advantage to the owner -is the fact good bankin
that Nash is represented by upward at 707 No.1
of two thousand and of the highest office is loc
type of sales and service dealers in and Huron
America. Every Nash Six is ,93 per of this Bar
cent Nash built-right in the Nash fac- of capital s

i teams a run


No. 46-"Established in 1881." What
further guarantee of reliability is
neoessary? John H. Lambert, pioneer
shoe repair man, located at 613 Wil-
11am Street. This man is continual-
ly putting forth his utmost efforts and
ability in the interest of improving
the "soles" of the people, in the years,
that he has 'been faithfully serving in
this capacity on the campus he has
been directly responsible for the im-

announcement that
r sex would be ad-
g show at '8 o'clock
theater, came an
the conditioning of
Light workouts
esterday and all of
is to do their best.
s in readiness, and
place without fail.
has passed on the
ten and after their
etroit last Monday
ying that there will
and clever boxing.
icipants remain as
d but they are sub-
nge if necessary. At
nce will be assured
ing by the best tal-

_ _
.. g
Pl. a w.dr b


" i

E, .


dspistant foot-
ps report at the
ub house at 2
' and 18. Fresh-
aving three more
iversity are eligi-

No. 40-Now that Spring is , here
everyone is dolling up that automo-
bile for the coming season. How
does yours look? Has it the fine vel-
vety gloss that it had when new?
Or has the finish become grimy and
blotched or blistered and rusty? If
such is the case waste.no time in
taking it to Johnson & Wilson, auto-
mobile painters, trimmers and finish-
ers, located at 113 So. Fourth Ave.
They are Ann Arbor's foremost au,.
tomobile painters and trimmers. Now
is the proper time to have your car
painted while these people have plen-
ty of time to let each separate coat
have plenty of time to dry. A little
later the rush season commences and
you will De compelled to wait longer
for your car. These painters and
trimmers are fully equipped to handle
high class work on short notice. They
have every facility for turning out the
best work in this line. When you are
ready for your paint or trimming job
get in touch with Johnson & Wilson
and they will be glad to inspect your
car and quote you a figure for the
work. They make or repair anything
pertaining to the leather on an auto-
mobile. Fine workmanship at reason-
able prices is paramount with this
firm. This is the means of bringing
people from many miles to have these
experts transform that last year's car
into a classy new looking job. Over
what motor company are these paint-
ers and trimmers located?
No. 41-At the Puyear and Iints
MIllinery, located gat 828 So. Main'
Street, we find fresh from the leading
houses, as well as an exquisite array.
of original designs of these expert ar-
tists' own designs a most complete
stock of high grade millinery from
whihs en lect. A hat to meet the



Afn absorbing tale' of
the gambling table and
the race track, where
clean sportsmanship
vies with cropks,gamb-
lers, and birds of prey.


Life's nothing more
than a sporting chance
after all. Put and take,
win 'or lose, chance
K7Zeatestrace gambles with fact and
perforce must take part
drama ever in life's great derby.
~ --
Scenario LyAu1 J ILSloan&
i TYDurcted bil'Pchanrdtcd

All men entered in the golf
tournament must pay $1.$0 at
the intramural office before
starting play. No scores will be
accepted otherwise. j
lave your typewriter clean'ed dur-
e vacation. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nick-




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