*THE MICHIG5AN DAILY _____________ fill - , a 1 __B U Y Springtime is Clean-up. Clean- Up of the High Rent District" and Paint-up tine. Paint up at less cost with quality ready mixed Paints or raw materials, highest Boydell Times i e can conscientiously serve your urgent needs with right quality, the right price, and the right service. "SERVICE FOR PATRONAGE" Schienkers' Hardware Whether you intend to paint your house, paper a fer rooms, or merely intend to clean up the house and yard, the Mer- No better time than now to i selections of wall-paper for all of chants who advertise on this page ready and willing to serve you. are rooms. Our stock is complete -i fro Established 1886 218-15 W LIBERTY Get in touch with them today and make arrangements for your Spring Cleaning before they are so busy that your work TAL L PAPER will be delayed. unavoidably and unpleasantly the beautiful tapestry designs and s blended colorings to the very inexp sive patterns s ei1 n g for 10c per r We bought patterns to please all so y are sure to find what you want h We are now showing nine different lines of the best papers manu- factured and invite your inspection. ;, , I Clean Up and, Paint Up _ r DO NT PUT Orp ACG %\9 .t*'K$ GROW I you neglect your plumb- ing needs they seem to increase as rapidly as a snowball rolling down hill. If there's something wrong with your plumbing it will cost you less money to have it attended to at once than to put it off for a while. WM. HOCHREIN PLUMBING & HEATING Phone 525 211 South Fourth Avenue AND WHILE YOU ARE CLEANING-UP Remember that we, make new furni- tore out of old. Re- upholster it and Make it into fine new furniture, nice enough to grace the finest home. We also do Packing and Shipping Ann Arbor Furniture Co, Phones .2059 209 N, 4th and at prices you wish Everything paint line. in the wall C C.mH. MAJOR & CO. to pay. -par Phone 237 203 E. r n i now - i r r Wenzel's Painting and Decorating 207 E. Liberty ANN ARBOR 205 Michigan YPSILANTI SAVE YOUR BUILDINGS_ iothInside anid Outside I 0 77), ~I -- q.QUALITY. f 0 Gi4 . o Save the Surface and You Save Ail. Paint and Varnish We believe that you are interested in up-to-date methods of painting, varnishing and staining. Let us show you how to do beautiful Enamel work at the same cost and with the same labor as ordinary painting. Why not make your inside paint- ing beautiful and easy to wash and keep clean. And how to finish your walls and secure that beautiful, washable, soft finish effect so much desired. B. P. S. Paints both Inside and Outside. BerryBro's. Liquid Granite A. and B. varnishes. Also the Valspar varnish. Alabastine, all colors. Sapolin Enamels, all colors. - Johnson's and Old English wax. We carry a complete line of paint brushes. ~ , Use BOYDELL PAINTS, None bet- ter and very few kinds equal. During vacation time while rooms are empty, fix them up, the cost is very little, and watch your roomers smile when they come back! LIQUID GRANITE A Varnish. VALSPAR Varnish. RE-NEWALL VARNISH STAINS. JOHNSON'S Wood Dyes. ALABASTINE for walls, all colors. Old English, Johnson's and Jewel floor wax, EZY-WAX, Barreled Sun- light, a White Gloss Enamel. Try it! I . * 4..r D. D.LARNED 310 S. StatenStreet I 7 -. . ..r i . . JLOOK INTO IT" . .ADR MARK REG$TERE C J NO- C. FISCHER CO. " Sp t ., . .. .' ,KUi. F M y' V "L # 'w + / I 'l J . .. .y ..." ' a ITY. UP TO THE MINUTE HARDWARE Main nearWashin"ton Washington Near Main QUALITY. a 0Z I __