t Y. ' ,: 00 4 C; I ILs _ .,. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1922,. LKE] ORj~ Capital And Labz Understand Each "If we are to have the world sen- timent for which we pray, we must ask God to- touch our lives with the power of seeing the point 'of view of the other man, the other nation, the other race," said Bishop Francis J. WITH McConnell, Methodist Episcopal bish- N op of Pittsburgh, Pa., Sunday night at Hill auditorium in his address on."So- cial Imagination." RS Edward F. Moore, '22E, acted as ACT presiding officer of, the services, and1 Dr. Thomas M. Iden, of the Upper Room Bible class, read the scripture Merely lesson and offered the invocation an fll the benediction. "It is exceedingly important in these days of upheaval and turmoil, espe- cially on the part of the public, to ex- cussing ercise that social imagination. Labor tee to- must be educated to understand the hracite problems, of capital; capital must Mtopped learn of the trials and difficulties of United the laboring man, and then, too, that Lewis, third great party, the public, must be Vorkers informed as to the problems of both," of the said.Bishop McConnell. hracite "This idea of social izmagination is o await essentially Christian," he said. "Ourt yr Must Learn To Other, Says Bishop that rich live in ease and happiness, when, in reality, their life may be more miserable than that of the poor. This deevlopment of social imagina- tion is not a sign of weakness; it is a, strength." In speaking of the pessimistic ideas which some people hold concerning the laboring man being uneducated, he said, "It is quite impossible, for instance, for the miner to expand much in a 22 inch coal seam under- ground; he must have a chance." In speaking of that "Social Imagi- nation" as a quality, Bishop McCon- nell said that through it alone could we attain to the greatness of which we dream. S'HEPARD TA1LKSON, Discusses Grouping Plan That Be UtiI~zed in New Wi l cerui negotia rs over an e the bitumin definitely, if n igning of a b orkers, Mr. Le committee wh lant resolution by the Presi vestigate the' stay ididefinite operators of, field of Ohio, Western Penn is wage contr >ledge and wh .g districts of tion missionaries are teaching it in China, new and they are succeeding wonderfully ous well. This idea teaches us that all need men are made of pretty good human asis stuff after all, and that it is possible to enjoy a society of nations. A lack ewis of this social imagination leads the hich rich to believe 'that the por are with- n to out those finer qualities which they dent possess,and leads the poor to believe coal the .ylI5. In- 'L syl- ract hich the stions by Represent- aocrat, Texas, as to ould not settle with s and districts where esumed under satis- s, Mr. Lewis insisted would not permit fix wages locally Ige of the wage scale would have. ........................................-,-,. i Claim First Victory April 3.-Union leaders victory for the striking ainers here today when seed several independent ad offered to grant all of demands if the men would eir jobs immediately. signified a breach in the ,anized mine owners was embers of the anthracite sociation. They branded had made such offers as operators of wagon production was a negligi- a the outcome of the AS . $I0 A YEAR 16 FOREIGN WOMEN, ADD FOUR MORE TO LIST eeting of the Barbour committee held yesterday President Marion L. ce, it was decided to in- nount of each scholarship $800, and also to increase of scholars from 16 to 20. ance with its policy, the 'eappointed the following scholars:. Clara Eastlake, ukui, '23, Nobu Hori, '24, umoto, '23, K'ameyo Sada- Ming-chue Cheung, 'Me- '23, Ai-lan Giang, '23M, '25, Margaret Leung, u, '24M, Shan-ming Tao, 'sao, '23, Lucy Wang, Wong, and Ashalatika 32 new applications for coming' from seven dif- tries, the following four chosen: Vera E. T. Chang China, Ai-mei Giang of de Wong of Canton, and of Peking. racunry txoncerr Series Sunday The University Symphony orches- tra, Samuel Pierson Lockwood, con- ductor, and Albert Lockwood, piano' soloist, brought the Faculty Twilight Concert series to a close Sunday aft- ernoon with a program which showed the orchestra at its best. Beethoven's Overture, "Coriolan," opus 62, opened the program with sureness in attack and marked co- operation in all choirs of the orches- tra. The rich chordal effects of this wotk were suggestive of certain of Schubert's compositions, and produc- ed the same rich emotions as that composer's work. The program ended with two more orchestrations by Albert Lockwood. That of Brahm'.s Waltzes, opus 39 is a colorful work and brilliant Tn plac- es, but the disconnectedness of the waltzes 'makes the work as a whole seem somewhat ineffective. In marked contrast was Liszt's Fantasia on themes from Motart's "Don Giovanni," which kept up the brilliancy of the work throughout and was consistent in interpretation. It was by far the best number on the program and the audience showed its appreciation. S. B. C. April Chimes To Display'Variety . f The April issue of Chimes, which will make its appearance on the cam- puo Thursday, offers a variety of reaL ing matter which will please the most critical. "Michigan's Third Cabinet Mem- ber" by Marion Kerr is a sketch of the new postmaster-general, Dr. Hu- bert, Work. George Reindel,' Jr., con- tributes "Track Talk." "Illinois" by F. Houlton Lauder is the third of four' articles on college contemporaries; Victor W. Klein gives a history of" Michigan's track achievements; and James G. Frey presents an article on Prof. Robert M. Wenley. Two stories by Emily M. Wires and Hardy Hoover, and three poems by Clement A. Smith, in addition to the customary editorials and book reviews occupy the remainder of the issue. Pharmacy Faculty Meets Today Members of the faculty of the Col- lege of Pharmacy will hold a meet- ing at 4:10 o'clock this afternoon in room 212 of the chemistry building. Due to the importance of this meet- Structures ACTIVITIES EXCEPT UNION TO TO BE NORTH OF CAMPUS Michiganrs / building program was the subject of a talk before the Ann Arbor chapter, American Association of Engineers, by Prof. John F. Shep- ard, of the psychology department, superintendent of building plans, last night at the Union. First consideration in the planning; of building sites, he said, was given to the 'grouping, insofar as practica- ble, of buildings for the study of re- lated subjecs, in order to save stu- dents' time between classes. Some institutions whose building arrange- ments he had studied had been com- pelled to lengthen the intervening periods as much as five minutes, stat- ed Professor Shepard, wasting In the aggregate thusands of hours daily. Group Related Subjects Science buildings, including the present natural science and chemis- try buildings, will in general -be grouped to the north and east of the center of the campus; activities with the exception of the Union, and in- cluding the proposed University of Michigan League buildling, to the north of the campus; and the human- ities, including law, language, and lit- erature, to the south and west of the Library, announced Professor Sh'ep- 'ard. "Scrapping of some of the present structures apparently in too good con- dition to be discarded, is desirable economically," he explained, "for if we should buy new sites at the price of real estate near the campus, and move the houses off them, the present, buildings would on such basis not be worth the land they are on," Streets to Be Closed Oakland and Haven avenues be- tween South University avenue and Monroe street; College street; and East university avenue and Church street between Washtenaw and South University ayenues, will be closed eventually, and new streets near the campus opened, Professor Shepard stated. In addition to averting outside trat- fie fron University grounds and pro- viding for extra trafic around the campus, this move will allow room to place certain buildings in positions mnore advntageous than would be possible otherwise. Professor Shepard reported prog- ress in the erection of the Dental building addition, upon which work has already been commenced, and in the planis for the following propsed (Continued on Page Eight) BOARD CONSIDER'S FILDHOUEPLAN Athletic Body Decided to Select Architect at Meeting Last Night DONATES $1,000 TO UNION SWIMMING POOL CAMPAIGN Decision to select an architect to draw the final plans of the proposed $250,040 field house which. will serve as a place to hold all Varsity indoor contests and practices, was reached last night by the board in control of athletics which met at the Union. General plans ;for the 'Held house were discussed and suggestions were brought forward by the members of the board. Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, iairman of the board, Coach Fielding H. Yost, and Prof. Lewis M. Grani, of the depart- ment of structural engineering, were selected as 'a committee 'from the board to decide upon an architect and to supervise the drawing of the final building plans. The first impetus to the campaign for the completion of the Union swim- ming pool was given when the board voted' $1,000 to the fund which the Union committee will raise during the oming spring vacation.th The board further authorized the building of a second cement tennis court on Ferry field. During the wet seasons the one cement court is much in demand and Varsity players are compelled to cut down in their prac- tice. Sandberg To Talk On frldern Poetry "Is There a New Poetry?" will be the subject upon which Carl Sand- berg will speak at 4:15 9'clock to- morrow afternoon in Hill auditorium in the second of the series of address- es by five well known poet who will speak in Ann Arbor under the au- spices- of Whimsies and the American Association of University Women. It is said that Sandbergs lectures are real entertainment and that he has a penchant for funny stories. In addition to the add'ress he wil prob- ably chant some of the -folk-songs which he has written. The lecture will be given at 4:15 o'clock instead of at 8:15 as was previously an- nounced. ' While here Mr. Sandberg will be the guest of Robert Frost. GORHAM, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, REVIEWS INCOME TAX TONIGHT F. A. Gorham, Jr., residential niem- -ber at Grand Rapids of thee Lawrence, Scudder and company, national pub- lic accounting firm, will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in the Physics lec- ture room on "A General Review of the Income Tax," under the auspices of the' Commerce club. Mr. Gorham, according to Prof. W. A. Paton, of the economics depart- ment, is an eminent authority on fed- eral taaxiton with respect to the in- come tax. START WRKCING CONitx"ND ENGINEERING CLASS ROOMS Preparations for the removal of the three condemned engineering class rooms began yesterday. The floors have been shored up to prevent furth- er trouble until the work is complete and the walls hav been braced. The entire northwest section of the build- ing, which includes rooms,. 1, 21, and 31, will be demolished. 15 New Members In Tau Beta Pi Tau Beta Pi, natinal honorary engi- neering fraternity, recently elected 15 men to active membership in the Mich- igan Gamma chapter. Only those stu- dents who receive excellent grades in the work pursued throughout their entire course and who are active in work other than their studies are eli- gtble.. The men elected to the honor are A. J. Koetsier, '22E, D. F. Herrick, '22E, B. S. Burke, '23E, W. A. Cot- ton, '23E, A. M. Courtwright, '23E, P. G. Goebel, '23E, B. F. Hausman, '23E, W. F. Moore, '23E, J. A. Packard, '23E, C. R. Paton, '23E, P. B. Pew, '23E, W. J. Piper, '23E, J. W. Ross, '23E, D. C. Seitz, '23E, and A. H. Stuart, '23E. POOL WORLERS TO HOLD BIG MEETING Over 900 Will Attend Mass Assembly at Union Tomorrow Night TO COMPLETE ORGANIZATION FOR SPRING VACATION DRIVE Workers who will solicit funds dur- ing the spring vacation to finish the Union swimming pool will come to- gether in a large mass meeting at the Union at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow night, at which final instructions will be given 'before the drive opens Friday. A prominent speaker will address the INAUGURATE PI ERATION A DISAPPRO INVOLV the adoption c college player games where Rule 13 has "Occaional ga teams not pr fessional and vidingn Coach F meeting. , man oft Need Volunteers and mea More than 900 students are expect- said tha ed to be present. The organizations possible in the seven states in which the drive for an a will be conducted intensively are to comp nearly perfected, but volunteers are admissio still needed. The lists of alumni cial per which have been placed at the desk in who pla the Union lobby have been considera- duces a8 bly shortened by students who have ceived n volunteered to take names and solicit be adjuc in their 'own way in states outside the rule, pr seven organized states. ceipts ta Students who are going to work in he playe the unorganized states as well as In or those organized are asked to be pres- drastic, ent at the meeting tomorrow night. agreed t Pamphlets describing the pool and er regar lists of alumni will be handed to the rule by solicitors. Conferen The lists will be left at the desk the Big during the remainder of the week, and to make the general chairman, Thomas J. live up Lynch, '23E, urges volunteers to take in enfor names of alumni to see.. Work in un- Howev organized states is expected to bring vious to in a considerable amount of money try into for the pool. the disc Organize Big Cities , thorities Organizations, for Detroit and Chi- ities res cago have been perfected, and a thor- vioual e ough canvass will be made in those ci- ble fonr ties. Alumni have written letters In which they back the drive and assure the rule the solicitors of their support.t ru The goal of this campaign is $28,- 000, for with the amount on hand, the pool, which requires $40,000, can be completed. [ All Chicago workers for the drive will meet at 5 o'clock this afternoon in, room 304 of the Union. The city H chairmen from Michigan will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the reading Distance Travele That Betyw Drastic action t ism out of inters tightening up 1 lengthening the re gratory athletes, intersectional con long trips and lo were the importa joint meeting of ern Conference t representatives, an held Saturday in BIG TEl ACT TI no admi Melding I the coma ans for s it this n, to enfo athlete -w ete in ai on is cha mission, ys on a ffidavits no remun dged inel ovided t akeni at I ed. -de to a ''1 I eh FLOAT THE SWIMMING POOL 'ENSIAN NOTICE f of the fraternities sec- nd of the entire women's i of the Michiganensian een received from the s and may be inspected at ing C. H. Stocking, secretary of t college,, urges that all membersI present. CAP AND GOWN NOTICE Senior lits may place orders for caps and gowns with George Moe up until Friday of,. this week. All orders must be in by then in orderdthat the caps and gowns may arrive in time for. I ISwing-out. ROBERT S. PEARE. if the be To put across the campaign for funds to complete the Michigan Union swimming pool requires the efforts not only of the committee in charge, but of all the men in the Univer- sity. If every student will solicit money from a certain number of alumni in his home town during the coming va- cation the drive can easily reach its quota. In fact, if evei man brings back but five or ten dollars, the necessary, $28,000 will not be difficult to raise. To accomplish this end, the men of the University are asked to report at the main desk of the Union as early s possible this week. There they will find alumni lists froze which they may choose a number of graduates whom the will agree to see during the spring recess. In addition to this a mass meeaing to be held Wednesday evening in the Union assembly room to discuss plans for the campaign. Michigan is in dire need of a swimming pool. The drive this year must prove a success. If every Michigan man will come back with a piece of the bacon (no:matter how small it is), the University will have a place to swim next year. room of the Union. Players To Give One Act Fantasy Members of Players club will pro- duce the "Maker of Dreams" at 8 o'clock tonight in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. A carefully picked cast, under the direction of Isabel Kemp, '22, has been working for 'several weeks to make this production a per- fect success. Special costumes, designed by Miss Kemp, are to be used in producing the desired effect of a fantasy play. The scenery was likewise planned and made with great care in the workshop of the club. A new arrangement of alights has been worked out so that 'the colors of the costumes against the black background wil show up to best possible advantage. This is expected to be the most successful performance of the season with regards to acting,f setting and costumes. Mattie Proudfoot, '23, will play the part of Pierrette, Aften Phillips, '23E, Pierrot, and Morris C. Robinson, '24,1 the Maker of Dreams. After ,the play the annual spring elections will be held and possible changes In the constitution of the club discussed. sumxmer by a del can Legion to F England. After the speec endeavor to arlsw to him by the the soldier bonu be here until 11 ping. Major Emery France with 'the try as a captai five offensives at after the Chatea was severely wo gonne drive ani America because f chosen by a una mander of the L of Commander G was decorated times, and cited Bobbins Tal Frank E, Rc President Marion Arbor yesterday Kass., where he Maj. Joh: er of the . at 7:30 o'c Union read to France, G. until assumes Dance Nets 0100 for Swimming Pool -Funds to finish the Union swimming pool were augmented by $100 made by the benefit dance given by the Theta Delta Chi fraternity last Sat- T forget to report. ti 11