(A Review by R.
Louis Hemons 'Mar
-aine (Macmillan) iso
rare novels which ares
ten thatthe reader finds
ualizing the entire story
incident and character 1
as he reads, the printed
by ever intruding upon I
ness. This effect Hemon
a rigid economy in the
details, by an unaffected
that is not natuialism, a
by a clear, concise, an
diction. The result of
presentation of material:
piece of literature.
Hemon was a Breton
the Lake St. John coun
Quebec, in "1912, ands
year and a half amon
folk of this bleak region
harshness of their lives,
cle of their pleasures,
working of the soil throi
summer that they may
the long winter-all thi
orded admirably. Here
illiterate for the most pa
ously religious, drud
plainingly day after da
the. coming of a visitor
a holiday, a time to be
ward to for a year, a tri
occasion of momentous
yet, modifying the ess
ness of their life, is a pr
ty, a sort of gentle wis
This wistful quality
noticeable in the noble
Maria, the daughter of l
delaine, a Canadian
She has grown up in th
vironment, used to the1
the long distances, the h
labors. She has come t
as the only possible life
comes the time when lo
seek her hand. Her ra
bilities is necessarily
finds, however, a man w
ly loves. This is Franc
manly characterwith a
romantic and the advent
But Francois is lost in
the priest tells Maria th
for her to mourn.his de
was not betrothed to him
enzo offers to take her to
matograph and the othe
the 'great cities in the S
brief time she entertain
leaving her isolated homn
ing Lorenzo. But Madai
aine falls ill and finall
household duties natur
Maria, the eldest, and
that escape is impossibl
dreams come to an end
practical matter of accep
remaining suitor, Eutro
neighbor of the Chapdelg
Thus the 'story ends
quietly aceptingthe m
short youth is over. S
down now and attend to
chores of her househol
her mother, sh can no
up under them. A sad
beautifully told with ch
The present translatio
smooth and clear Engli
By Maxim Go:
(A Review by C.
In his novel "Three
new edition of which
been published by K
Gorky presents one of
pictures of the life of
lower classes. He is, a
lentless and cruelly ho
-realistic portrayal of t
too low for, among the people he has Gorky's treatment of the story is,
a n -A u t o looked up to, there is neither truth on the whole, good. It is true that
a n t'I0lt ' nor cleanliness.I he sometimes puts philosophical and
Life among the poor is frankly evil idealistic speeches into the mouths
and vile, and Ilia finds the lower
AINE" conditions under which the poor live, middle class far worse. The wife o f characters entirely incapable of
D. S.) but throughout this work he shows the Commissary of Police is infinitely uttering them, but in the main his
d touches of a restraint that was want- more degraded than a courtesan he people act and speak naturally. Curs-
n. of those lng in "Foma Gordyeeff," "Creatures formerly loved, while the business ing, praying, drinking, and brawling,
inell it- That Once Were Men," and other of and social sham disgust him until they are real examples of the half-
shimself vis his earlier novels and sketches. he cries, "I feel as if nothing were savages Gork gre u among and
"Three of Them' is the story of the of any damned good whatever"; and kwthoroughly. The book abounds
rincident by i oddsrpin.Te r l
by character, lives of three boys, Ilia, Jacob, and again, "Pillage, robbery, theft, drink, a gor descripthens.are y olorf lfor
page scarce- Pashka, who grow up together in the all sorts of vileness and disorder-- whole li e port ayed is bleak and
is conscious- squalor and vice relieved only by the our lives consist of nothing but that. the oly pca y ile and
achieves by fleeting moments of pleasure which As the year pass Ilia is finally no fdas. Only occasionally will Gorky
selection of they derive from the religious -stories longer able to stand the hypocrisy fon aebrightlit, and then but
selecton offor the brief instant that some char-
naturalness of the devout Grandfather Jerimiah about him. He finds truth nowhere, acter
nd, above all, and the songs, of the drunken revel- sees dishonesty in everything. Even is life
d unadorned ers of the house. in the courts of justice he dis-
this skill in The paths of the three lead in dif- covers . thieves condemning honest For the middle class with its thin
is truly a fine ferent directions. Pashka escapes men. "Generally speaking, justice is veneer of pretense Gorky has no
and begs his way about the country a light comedy, a tiny little comedy," pity, but toward the people of the
who went to in an effort to free himself from the says an acquaintance. Love is lowest depths of society he exhibits
try, north of dreary life of the house. Jacob, a honorless nd business fraudulent. a feeling of sympathy and fraternity,
stayed for a physical weakling, remains with his When Ilia had once been discharged for experience has shown isim the
g the simple father, dreaming, between blows, for honesty his employer's parting utter hopelessness of their lives. The
n. The cruel over the Greek philosophers and the advice had been, "If one man is hon- three boys he depicts cannot rise
the tiny cir- mysteries of life. Ilia, the leading est and nine are rascals, no one wins, above the station of their birth in
the constant character and the "smug eitizen" of and the man is lost. The majority spite of their half-conscious yearn-'
ugh the short the story, takes the middle road. He are always-in the right-that is how ings and desires for something bet-
live through wants truth, commercial success, and you must treat honesty." At a din- ter. Heredity and enyironment hold
s he has rec- physical cleanliness; and the story ner party, in a fit of protest, Ilia de- them down, letting them think at
are a people, is the tale of his struggle for these. nopnces society, tells the company times that they have broken away,
rt, superstiti- Finally, by means of work and crime, that the hostess is his mistress, and and then, after giving them a taste
ging uncom- he becomes successful in a way and confesses that -he is a murderer. He of what they might have been, pounc-
y. For them is able to set up a shop with the is taken by the police but escapes to ing upon them and drawing them
is an event, money of a man he has murdered. dash out his brains; and thus dies back much like a cat playing with a
looked for- But he finds he has put his ideals the victim of a false social order. mouse.
p to town, an
import. And
ential rough-
'imitive beau-
is especially
figure of
Samuel Chap-
is,simple en-
heavy snows,
eavy physical
o accept this
for her. Then
vers begin to
nge of possi-
small. She
hom she real-
ois Paradis, a
touch of the
urous to hire.
a storm, and
at it is wrong
ath since she
. Latey Lor-
see the cine-
r wonders of
tates. For a
s thought of
e and marry-
me Chapedel-
.y dies. The
ally fall on
she realizes
e. Thus her
in the more
ting the only
ape,' the one
3nwith Maria
an. Her too
he will settle
the drudging
d until, like
longer stand
tale, but one
arm and re-
n is put into
ish by W. B.
[EM" .
S. P.)
of Them," a
has recently
nopf,- Maxim
his greatest
the Russian
s always, re-
nest in 'his
he revolting
A Scarf of Color
to Complete Your Costume
mAME Fashion has expressed a
; favor for color this Spring and
in keeping with this decree are the
many gay colored scarfs of silk. A
delicious blue with Roman stripes
on the edge will wear nicely with a
grey, tan, or blue wrap while the
brighter reds, hennas, and orange
color tones are be com1 ng with '
tweeds and chinchilla wraps. There
are many scarfs to choose from and
the prices range from $3.50 to $5.50.
The Vogue Neckwear
for Nelv Jelvelry Expresses a Spring Theme
HE black and white vogue finds delightful NCHANTING riew neckwear has been
expression in the new jewelry. There are fashioned from checked gingham and fin-
strings of beads to adorn frocks, new lighten-fished with a bit of hand-work: Silk rating has
been used for vests to wear with a suit., In
ing ornaments for hats, and favorite Chinese the Springtime. there is nothing more smart in .
friendship or good-luck rings without which th pigieteei ohn oesati
appearance than a fresh-organdie collar on
Milady feels but indifferently dressed this sea- your frock or suit. There are many new ideas
son. worked out in Spring neckwear.
(Main Floor)