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April 02, 1922 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-04-02

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Gargoyle -And Other Incidentals
(By G. D. E.). is better looking than I am. When I ing. There were three attacks on me, I gleaned, a truth or two, that should
When one considers the average receive my next shipment of gin I'll one of them veiled, and two direct. make the book worth reading. I in-
"humor" magazines of this country, remember the artist. But the Lord of Hosts was sure'y cline to it, not so much because of the
Well, what else is there? An occa- with me. In the same issue was a aulor's beliefs but because, along
one must give the college wit public-sional 'cartoon or two, perhaps worth sketch of James Oliver Curwood by with some really thoughtful stuff, so
tions a small hit of credit. True, they looking at, a joke here and there with James Montgomery Flagg! much maudlinity and hysteria has
are not worth much; their humor is an element of humor in it, and the ) come from the other side of the is-
cheap and gaudy; their jokes might be advertising-a great deal of advertis- One of the local reverends is to sue. --
heard in almost any livery stable or ing. Some of the advertisements are have at me this morning while I lie A book which I recommend as far
brickyard, but think how much worse funnier than the jqkes in bed and curse the church bells for as I can recommend any book, that is
they might be. Suppose, for in- I forgot the cartoon of "the campus disturbing my slumbers. But it is by saying that I shall always treas-
stance, that they were as bad as Life, politician." It will probably please obviously a good piece of advertising ure it, is Ludwig Lewisohn's autobi-
or Judge, or Captain Billy's Whizz- him immensely; more work by the for the Reverend, and I am soothed by ography, "Upstream" (Boni and Liv-
Bong. Suppose that Gargoyle went grinning Jimmy. the number of souls that I shall save eright). I can think of no volume in
through the yearly cycle of stuff that I am disappointed in Gargoyle. I by my bad example. The tears roll American literature that is its bet-
Judge goes through, or that it ever am disappointed in it each month as down my- cheeks as I picture the ter, and I promise to review it at an
became serious, as does Life ,fre- it is issued, but one must not expect scuffling and snuffling in the sawdust early date; and- likewise to review
quently about dogs, Gibson draw- too much, and certainly it comes as a trail. I hope that they don't forget "The Road to the World" (Century),
ings, and the poor kids who have no vast relief after such a rottenissue to pass the plate. by Waldon Webb, '05. Nearly half of
stockings to hang up on Christmas of Chimes as the last one, and after -;his novel has its setting in Ann Ar-
eve, some of our laborious and furious I call attention to a book by Albert bor, and there are many familiar ref-
In short, it must be conceded that (especially my own) efforts in the Jay Nock (Huebsch), "The Myth of a erences. For a first novel it is ex-
the college wit periodicals, from the Sunday Magazine . Guilty Nation." Its object is to prove ceptionally good.
at least half-civilized section of - that Germany did not bring the war
America, (i. e., east of the Mississippi Speaking of Chimes, I had barely about. I dare not review it; it would Will the young Jew who very kindly
and north of the Mason and Dixon finished tooting it up and lauding its be as bad as refusing to take off my translated an article for me from the
line) are vastly above such lubberly rise from absolute zero when it comes hat as the band goes by playing "Yan- Jew sh Daily Forward by Cahan please
magazines as the aforementioned out with one of the worst issues ever kee Doodle." However, I mention i telephone me. I have been unable to
Life and Judge. published. The cover was absolutely to the few unbiased students of his- find his address.
The great danger which threatens repulsive, and in the whole issue tory and political science. The au-
the. University humor publications is there was but a luke-warm article on thor may be wrong, but even so, even A book sale in Ann Arbor offers
the moralizing influence of the col- Harvard and a criticism by Herman if he should be nine-tenths wrong, sme bargains, especially in the
lege environment. I do not mean to Griffith against myself worth read- I there should be a point or two to be works of Conrad.
say that such periodicals as Gargoyle -
should take on the aspect of La Vie, -- -----------_--_---------
Parisienne, though certainly there
would be no deterioration in such a
step. What I mean is that the very
flying in the faces of the Heaven-sent
with a risque and ribald jest or two
has a flavor that appeals to youth(
with red blood corpuscles and a well-
working pancreas. Certainly no real
art can be expected, and so let usT
have zest, a kicking over the 'whiffl IsO ~ V O D m O S
tree, a playful shying at, perhaps, a
Sunday.scholmagazine flying in the
wind, and the consequent running
away and the throwing of the sanc-
timonious into the ditch.
The last issue of Gargoyle offers is a t h e m e which we con-
-ew of such delights. Once in a while
something with a naughty air bobs il) in of
up, but I note that it is a more fre- Stantly maintain inClothesOf
quent occurrence among the ex-
changes than among the Gargoyle's exclusive and s
own squibs. Indeed, the editor him-
self takes a prayer-book in hand and
moralizes a bit on "The Man Who quality.
Has Never Been Kissed" affair.
What I like about Gargoyle is its~-
occasional flings at revered institu-
tions, its playful digs at some pom-
pous faculty imember, and its ten- The Ne Spring Suits"'-
dency to sting the other publications
and thus keep them on their mettle.
Outside of the squibs, however, I and Top oats
find little in this month's Gargoyle
which interests me, and obviously the
squibs are hardly to be reviewed, ex-
cept possibly to point out the archaic are conclusive evidence that one may be
and senseless ones, and that is too
much of a job.. smartly groomed at little cost.
The cover is not badly done, but it
is without point;. there is neither
sense nor humor to it. Without
doubt, the best part of the issue is the 7
Prefaces, and even these are banal of Our Latest Fabrics
enough in spots. But,. on the whole, F
the Prefaces are usually more in-i
teresting than the bits of humor
which they call attention to.
The burlesque of the Smart Set
artscle leaves me between the devil
and the deep sea. If I praise it, I'll
be accused of writing it; if I condemn
it, I shall be put down as a soreha KA R L M A L CO L
However, -I can discuss the cartoon
of myself, for it is signed, done by60 EA T LB R Y S E T
that grinning, red-headed young devil 604EAST LIBERTY STREET
Jimmy House. Several of my friends
have been rather indignant about the "QUALITY FIRST - ECONOMY ALWAYS"
business, but I really cannot see why.
As a matter of fact. it pleases me
greatly, for the simple reason that it

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