wn -"-+ I ts I the I is re- Mails, Morton, and Keefe will form the regular pitching- staff for the Cleve- land Indians this summer, according to Manager Tris Speaker.' In addi- tion one or two recruit pitchers mnay be carried. They will be. selected from Barton, Odenwald, May, Lindsey, Guess, Pott, and Bissonette, with the first two having the inside track. Rainy weather again greeted the Cincinnati Reds at Wichita Kans., and the game scheduled to be played with the Western league champions was called off, the Reds moving on to Joplin. Manager Pat Moran declared that the team- should remain, in the South until after the first of Apil. He also stated that if he is manager next year kie will introduce an entirely new plan for the training of the club. Cobb Pleased With Tigers Detroit Americans have been pu~t- ting in some sterling practice under most favorable conditions on their barnstorming tour during the last week. Manager Cobb is highly pleas- ed with the showinig -of the men. Spec- ial attention is being given to defen- sive plays and on bunting and base stealinlg.' The Yankees are having more than their share of spring injuries, while the other ball clubs have been blessed with unusually good luck in the mat- ter of spring time bumps and bruises. Wallie Pipp, first baseman~, reported; to the sick list today with a spiked hand which may keep him out of liis position for several days. Today thle Yanks' casualties ,have been Babe Ruth, who quickly recovered; Chick Fewster,, Bob Meusel, and Pipp. (Continued from Page Five) the team this year, including Roby, Klein, Ronan and others, but just who will take the different stands is still to be announced. The tea.m will leave on its southern trip Friday afternoon. Coach Fisher expects to take 16 mren on the 'trip. There are to be nine games played in the South, a schedule somewhat heavier than in former years. .Hugh E. Wilson, manager of the team, will accompany the team on the trip. Fisher will, announce the personnel of the team sometime late this week. Despite the fact that only 16 of the possible,~ 30 some men will be taken, Fisher will not make any additional cut in the squad. The University of Wisconsin nine opened its 1922 season yesterday in a game with Northwestern college. The Wisconsin team leaves on its an- I Ia II I !I I I I1 I i li "22 LITS N( All members of C ary class who have their class dues of$ do so at once. Che mailed to the class: 2107 Washtenaw avi of senior lits whose unpaid are now, post Istrar's offce, accor er B. Rea., president willl also leave same day as M Lundgren has field for the Il includes McCu: at second, Stei gel, -a former liter- pa Id 4 ged to to be rer' Kt II sen the in- is year. It Hellstromi At, and. Vo- at third, t I "RIDER for PENS."-- The S$heerest Ga Beautifully Cle L ~tamsI ENER4 DOES THE Swissilized Garments I Al our in menu-monotony is a prevalent disease he Na- at spring time and is best guarded- day in against by eating at the Arcade Cafe- sled in- teria. Menus changed every day. - Eleven Adv. which "RIDER for PENS."-Adv. CV-4 Sothoron, igated- de- Lost something? A Classified Ad in 'hp flaily will find it for you.-Adv. Phone 21$08 Gary c Mea~ning nd Pressing Rtepairing ~ Pleating FOR A NICE DINNER l 12 TRY VT lII South m Bgan's Campus. If experi- ence co~unts for anything Willits' Restaurant should be Ann Arbor's best eat- ing place. Try one of our dinners and be a believer. Ask for the original. your ability to choose 11 SPECIA.L STEAK DINNER .~ SP'ECIAL SUNDAY DINNER CLUB LUNCH DINNER.. .75C $1.00 On the oic / I1 40c ,60c Banquet Hall imConnecion WILLITS Phone 173 313 So. State Open during Spring Vacation. 0- SI'i I THIS /COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. 0p -varieties 'TI SING Grove. Elev- glass 125 by 1elec-; comue and 1 acre. 1 1-'L campus. Fine lawn, Modern. I9 rooms. Callj Johnson. ___ ,_31-5 ,ix Airedale puppies, ten Fred Kleinschmidt, Sa- 197 Ring 2-2. 1.34-3 )ne May Festival coup-- $2.00. Phone 290. M., 135-2 Well established prac-' ation for physician. Call 133-3j CELLANEOUS1 j LOST LOST-If the person 'who was seen to take a tan gabardine top coat which belongs to a member of the econom- ics faculty on Thursday morning, from Room 202, Economics building, does not return same to that room by Monday nioon he will be prose- cuted. _______ _135 LO0ST- Par'ker fountain pen, large size.__CallParke', 960 or 557-J, 135 U)ST-Slide rule with initials H. S. S. jCall Simpson at 2999. 134-2 LOST--Wyvern pin with initials S. H. Call 390.- 134-2 WANTED WANED- Students' to sell steam: pressure cookers. Good proposition. Inquire at Economy Garage, corner Ashley and Huron. 134-2 WANTED_ Theses accurately typed and neatly bound, Mrs. Qlark, 1443-M.13- WVANTED-To rent about a 16-room house, suitable for a sorority., 134-2 FOR RENT. FOR RENT-June. 25th to Septembe, 1, furnished five