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April 01, 1922 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-04-01

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a. (11:$0 a. m. Saturdays.)


Number 134

T: Academic Promo}ions: 4
owing members of the University Faculties, at the meeting of
f Regents hold March 21, 1922, received promotions into ur
professional ranks, Their names are herewith publicly re-
ise of the fact that such advancements are matters of the utmost
he University at large. These promotions are made in accordance
:ommendations of the Deans of the Schools and Colleges of the
nd by the authority of the Board of Regents.
E. Forsythe, Department of Hygiene and Public Health.-
1', Hunt, Literature,. Science, and the Arts.
gh Nelson, Engineering and Architecture.
. Pawlowski, Engineering and Architecture.
twin Sauer, Literature, Science, and the Arts.
Travis, Dental Surgery.
F. May, Department of Hygiene and Public Health.'
Scholl, Literature, Science, and the Arts.
:th Welch, Literature, Science, and the Arts.
Clavel, Literature, Science, and the Arts'.
ionaldson, Literature, Science, and the Arts.
S. Everett, Literature, Science, and the Arts.
'. Fairman, Engineering and Architecture.
G. Grim, Literature, Science, and the Arts.
Holmes, Literature, Science, and the Arts.
C. Klocksiem, .Engineering and Architecture.
I Angus Macdonald, Dental Surgery.
). Mitchell, Department of Hygiene and Public Health.
0. Raymond, Literature, Science, and the Arts.°
. Sawyer, Literature, Science, and the Arts.

will be
4:15 p.

ering and Architecture:
a meeting of the Faculty of these colleges on Monday,
m. room 411, engineering building.

be a rehearsal of the University Choral Union at the Univer-
Music, Sunday afternoon at.2:30 o'clock, at which time Fred-
nductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, will be in charge.
is urged to be present and to be in his seat promptly at the,

Di C
Finish Business Matters at Final Con-
ferences of4 the Two Organ-
Final conferences of the oraniza-
tions of state educators were held yes-
terday. .,'Addresses by Prof. H. A.
Brouwer'and Dean Walter Miller clos-
ed the meetings of the Schoolmasters'
club and the Michigan Academy of Sci-
ence, Arts and Letters which have been
in session during the week. Officers
wede elected for the coming year and
final business matters were closed.
Prof. H.. A. Brouwer, of the geology
department, who is acring here as ex-
change professor, delivered the final
lecture of the Academy of Science in
Natural- Scielce auditorium yesterday
afternoon, when he gave data of inter-
est concerning the islands of the trop-
ics, especially the Dutch East Indies.
Professpr Brouwer introduced his
lecture with some slides on the topo-
graphy and vegetation of the islands of
Sumatra and Java, and gave details
concerning the population and biolog-
ical features of this section of the
Science Academy Officers .
Officers elected at a general meet-
ing of the Michigan Academy of Sci-
ence, Arts and Letters yesterday aft-
ernoon in the Natural Science building
are as follows: R. A. Smith, state
geologist at Lansing, president; C.
D. La Rue, of the University botany
department, secretary-treasurer; W.
W. Bishop, official librarian; and P.
S. Welch, editor-in-chief.
New members elected to the Acad-
emy are: Adelbert Ford, Dr. John D.
Finlayson, Dr. Forrest L. Dimick, Carl
Brown, W. W. Bishop, Harold D. Judd,
Herbert R. Becker, Hugh Smith, J. M.
Hoover, N. I. Robinson, W. C. Mac
Lachlan, Edward.Fuller Holden, and
Lewis I. Ramsdell.
Theodore A. McGraw, of the Detroit
'Medical college, and Louis Klein, of
Park Davis and company, Detroit,
were th speakers at the biology con-
felence held yesterday afternoon in
room 214 of the Natural Science build-
ing. The subject of Mr. McGraw's
talk was "The Refation of the Endoc-
rine Glands to Body Growth and De-
velopment." Mr. Klein spoke on
"The Biological Aspects of Endro-
Lecture by Case
"Strikingly modern characteristics
in a skull discovered this fall in South
Africa may lead to the discovery. of
a race of men that are closer ancest-
ors of ours than the Neanderthal men
of Europe," Prof. E. C. Case, of the
paleontology department, told the sec-
tion of anthropology of the Academy
of Science Friday morning.
The problem of the transmission of
culture 'tis discussed by Prof. Camp-
bell Bonnef of the Greek department.
In connection with a talk on race as
a factor in crime, Prof. A. E. Wood, of
the sociology department, explained a
chart which he has made showing the
relative amount of crime among the
different races and the respective
causes. A discussion of the invoca-
tion of spirits in Batak religious cere-
mony by Prof. H. H. Bartlett, of the

botany department, ended the morn-
ing program.

Schoolmasters' Club Officers
William Prakken, principal of High-
land Park high school was elected
president of the Michigan Schoolmast-
ers' club for the coming year, at the
annual business meeting of the or-
ganization at 9:30 o'clock Friday morn-
ing in Hill auditorium.
Other officers elected were: Mrs.
Bessie Priddy, of Michigan State Nor-
mal school, vice-president; J. W, At-
kinson, principal of Battel Creek high
school, member of the, executive com-
mitted, L, P. Jocelyn, of Ann Arbor,
is permanent - secretary-treasurer of
the club,
Dean Walter Miller, of the Univer-
sity of Missouri, gave an illustrated
lecture before the last meeting of the
Schoolmasters' club on cities in Sicily
and the architecture of their buildings
about the time of the Aeneid.
Frayer' Speaks to Librarians
The Library conference was opened
by, a speech of Prof. W. A. Frayer of
the history department. Following his
discussion, members of the staff of the
Library completed the program by a
series of book reviews of the year's
latest books.
Plans for the formation of a state
committee to foster and encourage the'
#preading of art appreciation in the
public schools of the state were the
chief matters of discussion at the meet-
ing of the art conference Friday aft-
ernoon in Alumni Memorial hall.
The same officers who now are serv-
ing, Miss Alice V. Guysi, of Detroit, as
chairman, and Mrs. C. C. DeWitt, of
Ypsilanti, were re-elected for the com-
ing year.
The annual luncheon of the Women's
league will be held at noon today in
Barbour gymntasium. All alumnae are'
cordially invited to attend. The pro-
ceeds .are to go to the University of
Michigan league building fund.
Former Emperor Critical
Funchal, Madeira, March 31.-The
condition of former Emperor Charles
of Austria Hungary, who is suffer-
ing from pneumonia, today took a
turn for the worse.
Many. Are Killed in Battle
Londckn, March 31.-Seven hundred
men belonging to two French col-
umns were killed or wounded in a
surprise attack by tribesmen in Mo-
louya Valley of French Morocco.
Improvement in Industries
Washington, March 31.-Improve-
ment in the basic industries, especially
railway equipment, steel, copper and
other metals, has been the outstand-
ing feature in the business develop-
ment during the past few weeks, the
Federal Reserve board declared iny
monthly review today.I
"RIDER for PENS."-Adv.

harm the foliage, but tnat it w:
ably destroy the flowers which
that fewer seeds will be prod
Former University Professor BecomesIEN Al ONION
Head of Michigan Agriculture

David Friday, '08, former professor'
of economics at the University and
nationally known as a tax expert, will
be inaugurated today as presidenlt of
Michigan Agricultural college.
For the past few weeks he has been
studying the problems peculiar to the
college with the view of eradicating
some of the friction between engineer-
ing courses given there and those giv-
en at the University.
At a recent mass meeting, at which
the study body was given the privil-
ege of seeing and hearing the presi-
dent-elect, he spoke of the great fu-
ture of the institution and the increas-
ed scope of the work to be undertaken
soon. Hestated that a chance would
be given,.to everyone to demonstrate
their capabilities.
Professor Friday was associated with'
the University fbr 13 years during
which period he held many govern-
ment appointments in the field of eco-
nomic research and survey.
Ann-Arbor Still
Remains in Grip
Of Sleet Storm'
Ann Arbor is the scene upon which,
nature has enacted an appealing trag-,
edy. and now is' strewn with fallen
trees and the choicest of their branch-
es twisted into multiform shapes.
Ruthless and vandal in her power, she'
has borne to the ground the limbs of
lofty and majestic trees, scintillating
with their icy jackets.
Trains are still running off schedule
due to bad tracks and interceptions of
dispatch lines, telephone service is
badly crippled, more than 1,500 poles
being down in Ann Arbor and its vicin-
ity (lone, interurban trgins on the D.
J. & C. line have been held up many
times. on account of phone disconnec-
tion with the dispatcher's office, and
many neighboring roads including the
Whitmore lake and Chelsea roads are
blocked with fallen trees, making the
possibility of traffic, thereon impossi-
A number of University forestry pro-
fessors are pessimistic as to the out-
come of the storm; not that it will

Arrangements have been co
for the matinee dance to b
from 3 to 6 o'clock this after
the Union. The dance is beit
under the auspices of the Al'
sorority and the proceeds will
tributed to the Michigan Leag
paign fund as the individua
contribution from that sorority
'The affair is in accord w
general plan that is being
out for financing the camps
the women's building-that of
all women's houses undertal
special entertainment where
funds raised will be given. fo
value received, and not as dc
Waring's orchestra will fur:
music and there will be tal
bridge which may be used I
who do not care t-dance.
are on sale at Graham's and
book stores-and at Calkin's and
er's drug , stores. - Single ad
tickets are $1 and ticketsfor
are $1.50. Refreshments -
served during the afternoon.
Chimes is now on the press,
appear on the campus next T
according to astatement issue
editor yesterday. The issue v
chiefly with track and field -
and is being rushed through
that it may be given to the
before spring vacation. As tb
issue appeared only last wee]
necessitated an unusual hurry
ting this issue to press. and
the printers supplied with c
corrected proof.

EARL V. MOORE, Actihg Conductor.

in this course will meet Monday morning as us-


Phi party at
its recital at



Room Bible class meets
club meets in room 302
ien meet at Masonic'
te students hold card and
rty in Barbour gymnas-

40i's Bible class
oom, Lane hall.
of Intelligence"
I by the student
Christ, South Uni-

IV. D. Henderson will
esbyterian Young Peo-
by University Symphony,
ill auditorium.
alf-hour at the Presby-

Bob- Clark, will lead Presbyter-
Young People's society on the
, "The Use of the Quiet Hour."
lit canes that were ordered be-
March--17 are now at Wagnerk
company's. Those who - havel
>rdered theirs as yet should'-dol
efore spring vacation.I
se whose applications for tick-
L0 the Military ball have been
;ted and who have not already
d for the tickets niay get them
time from George Lott, '22E,
'man of the ticket committee, at
South Statestreet.
han, Shepard, and Yorke Win
Malcomsoni, Berst, and Rob-
bins in Trio of Games
iahan defeated Malcomson in
d and final match of the second'
in the Union three cushion bil-
urnament, Thursday, by a score
o 18. The match lasted for 68
e first match of the round, play-
lnesday afternoon, Shepard de--
Berst 25 to 21. This match was
erized by a great deal of safety
q both men.
e defeated Robbins in the sec-
ch Wednesday night, by a score
3. The match took '75 innings
s considered very slow as Rob-
iys around 45 to 50 innings con-

Prof. Ralph H.' Curtiss, assistant
director of the Detroit Observatory,
left last evening for Washington, D.
C., to attend the American section of
the International Astronomical Un-
ion, meeting, beginning Monday, in
preparation for the meeting of the
International Astronomical Union in
Italy, on April 20.
t Committees composed of astrono-
mers who have specialized in differ-
ent phases of astronomical research
will present reports before the dele-
gation that will ,go, to Italy.' These
delegates will take the reports of the
American section of the union to Italy
for presentation there.
Professor Curtiss will present the,
report of the committee of which he
is a member on "Classification of Stell-
ar Spectra." Other members of this
committee are: W. S. Adams, assist-
ant director of Mt. t Wilson; P. W.
Merrill, of Mt. Wilson; Miss Annie J.
Cannon, of Harvard; Prof. Harlow,
Shapley, director at Harvard; Prof.
H. H. Russel, director of Princeton
Observatory, and W. H. Wright, as-!
tronomer at the observatory.
PAdriac Colum, Robert Frost and
members of Whimsies staff and their
friends were the guests of Prof. R. W.
Cowden, of the rhetoric department,
at his home on Olivia street Thursday
evening. During the evening Mr. Colum
read a number of his poems and a gen-,
eral literary discussion was carries
-paansuao aq ou sn ja
'qtsll pIno& e& a &gei uld o} siwau
qnap ezotu 0744 moaj i~ttdap 04 pamiol
-IV aaen' an uil 'H -saasamas -oAw'l
&Lana aauo nq semoz I TadV -ueaap
, Snq si, - palljuo aq plno ujdPej2
-wand slig j IMg plnOA puR -- anq,
ip aas patua~r
-utom aul Ii lgndel3aaua2 eti4 of uado
unmoii aq Aum Avid ,syap Jolunu uaq
uae pu "pepuedsns ua q a'e salna
08':O 'sanotg aetns asa eqi un
gsei enou Avw seaouep ;T42u Aepp
-esngu o gou peoeadxae ee Sae 4IgM.la
mopeoax o unoumn genaa. siuapn s
SMolp AMou sumap at aj UotionI AL
-suep aq4 o urlamu
1 n 2ut&olloJ x'ipalsas peounouuuh
~eauartuAuoauII u1sna 'pu Xned,,
pe.iep ueaeq eAVtI Aegt esneaeq Apoq
wuapnws aq u.1Ao2 mou itaITA suov
-'lnsea pun salna lip .jo IAotua-j

Freshman lits are
mail their class di
Johnson, 1443 Was
nue at once. No
for Fresh Frolic tic

/ WAR'

"RIDER for
Lost somethi
The Daily will

5th AN K


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Banners, Pennants, Pillows, etc.

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Write Your =Easter Greeting
On some of our superfine and
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Or, better still, send her a box for
her own personal use. We are
specialists in high class papeteries*
and we are showing some very fine-
examples of paper making in its
best form put up in attractive
boxes. We know of no more -ac-
ceptable and practicable offering.
7 ickels' Arcade
The Stationery acid Typewriter store.
Engraving and Embossing a specialty.


_ Style :Quality-
Price -
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Telephone Murray Hill 88oo
Our Representative will be at the

Monday and Tuesday
April 3 and 4

round in the tournament NOI YIIOHJ IKIHO)K
off nExt week. J0 111SUI SV SA IOTIOI NO
rs at Tap Room Tonightj
.s Syncopating Melodians"
the entertainment tonightL.U L UI
room of the Union. TJA ii -r'nnnu rut

J ,3V

with Samples of Ready-made Clothing,
Furnishings, Hats and Shoes
For Spring-

Send for "The Care of the



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