RAT WARMER. TODAY I 001 rAif ian 4 -4:) at, ~11 DAY AD ,: No. 132 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1922 PRICE p t: SENRS INORSE .F OR ' . 'EXERCISE LIT, CLASS COUMIITTEEMEN AD.- VOCATE COMMENCEMENT PROPOSAL SAY ALTERNATIVE IS EXCLUSION OF ALUMNI Dates for ,Major Events of Gradua tion Week Announced by W. B. Rea, '22 Committee chairmen of the senior literary class went on record yester- day in favor of holding the Con- mencement exercises on Ferry field this year, or if this plan is found im- practicable, for the exercises in Hill auditorium to be open only to the rel- atives of. seniors. The latter ar- rangement would exclude faculty members and alumni. Offers Best Solution It was the opinon of the commit- teemen "that, whileAholding the exer- cises on Ferry field might possibly de- tract somewhat from the impressive- ness o the occasion, it would be bet- ter to have the ceremony where all relatives of seniors could attend. If the exercises are to be held in Hill auditorium again, the, committeemen believe' no tickets should be reserved for others until all the relatives of seniors have been provided for. Announcement of dates for the sen- for literary festiviies of Commence- met week was made by Walter B. Rea, president of the class. The senior literary banquet will be held at 12:15 o'clock, Thursday, June 15, in the Uni5n and the senior re- ception and' ball, which is to be for- mal, will be held at 9 o'clock the same evening in the Union. Alumni registration will start at 8 o'clocl- Friday, June 16, in Alumni [emorial hall. The senior literary class rday exercises will be held on the campus at 10 o'clock that morn- ing. At 2:30 o'clock that afternoon th Varsity baseball team will play the alumni baseball team on Ferry field, and at 8:30 o'clock in the eve- ning a student entertainment will be given in Hill auditorium. Alumni to Meet The annual aluni meeting will be held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, June 17, in Hill; auditorium, after which will be the 'alumni luncheon at 12:15 o'clock in Barbour gymna- sium.,, At 1:30 o'clock there will be an alumni mass meeting in Hill audi- torium, and a baseball game at 4 o'clock. The Varsity band will give a concert on the campus at 7:30 o'clock that evening, and at 8:30 o'clock will be held the annual senior promenade, followed by the senior re- ception at 9 o'clock. The baccalaureate address will be given at 8 o'clock Sunday evening, June 19, in Hill auditorium. The Commencement procession will form at L:30 o'clock Monday morning, June 19, and the Commencement exercises will begin at 10 o'clock. 22 girls Choose Annual Play Title "Pomander Walk" by Louis Parker was the play chosen by a representa- tive vote of the senior women for their annual production. A committee, head- ed by Christine Murkett, submitted a number of plays to the women for their approval before a decision was CONVOITION TOMORROW' Rockefeller Institute Head to Speak To Whole University Dr. George Edgar Vincent, president of the Rockefeller foundation and formerly president of the University of Minnesota, will deliver the address at the first of the monthly convoca- tions to be held during the remainder of the school year. The convocation, will be held at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning In Hill au- ditorium, and all classes will be ad- journed during that hour to fnable the students and faculty to attend. DENYOPENSH owING O F J.-6IRLIS' PLAY, STUDENT PUBLICATIONS' NOTICE COURT, ASSISTANTS NAMED Managing editors and business managers of The Michi- gan Daily, Michig'anensian, Gargoyle, Chimes, Students' Directory, Athletic program, the managing editor of the Wolverine and any other publication officers needed, will be appointed for the ensuing year by the Board in Control 'of Student Publi ations on Saturday, April 22, 1922. Applications for any of these positions will be received by the Board at any time prior to said meeting. Applications and recommendations should be addressed to the chairman of the Board, Prof. F. N. Scott, and may be mailed or handed to him or may be filed with Miss Allen at the Board office at the Press building. The Board rules relative to appointments are as follows: Sec. 3. On or before the first day of May of each year, the managing editor and business manager of each of the publications under the control of this Board, shall recom- mend, by letter to the chairman of this Board, members .of their staffs to fill the positions of managing editor and business manager, respectively. The letters of recommen- dation shall set forth the names of the men on the staff con- sidered available for the place, their qualifications and terms of service on the publication in question and the rea- sons for choosing the person receiving- the highest recom- mendation before the others. - See. 4. At any time before the date set for the appoint- ment of the business manager and managing editor of pdb- lication or publications under the control of this Board, any student in the University may make appltcation for either position by letter addressed to the chair~an of this Board, setting forth the experience and qualifications of the appli- cant for the position sought. All such applications will be considered by this Board at the time of making the ap- pointments.h E. R. SUNDERLAND, Business Manager of the Board in. Control of Student Publications. Program Of Combined Music Cubs Sho.vs ..ineTraining Throughout Four Workers with Basketball ager Chosen by Board Man- STATE EDUCATI CONVENE IN MEETINGS1 Four assistant basketball managers were appointed last night at a meet- ing of the board of directors of ath- letics. The men to receive appointments were: R. H. Kraus, '24E, R. E. Wright, 024, R. C. Gleason, '24E, and Cornell Walbridge, '24. The question of presenting cheer- leaders with managers' "M's" was also brought before .the board and approved. Iothing definite has as yet been done in regard to this matter. TO DEDICATIE NEW L IB60RY FRIDA9Y Regent Clenfeits, Donor of Building, Leads Ceremonies in Laying Cornerstone LIBRARIAN W. W. BISHOP TO GIVE CHIEF ADDRE§S I Senate Committee's Aetion Said Be Due to Influence of One Member to CAMPUS SENTIMENT FAVORS LEAGUE FUND PERFORMANCE Public 'performance of the Junior Girls' play, "Scepter and Serenade," was refused by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs, according to. re- ports received yesterday. The com- mittee was petitioned by almost the entire cast, after the final perform- ance, for permission to give a public performance of the play for the bene- fit of the University of Michigan Lea- gue campaign 'fund. Rumors are cur- rent to the effect that the unfavorable, action of the committee is largely traceable to one member, whois said to have forced thee decision through intimidation. Sentiment on the campus for sone weeks back has been strong for a presentation of the play which men mght attend. Opinions expressed. seemed agreed ,that the first night should be resrved for junior and sen- ior girls, which would be sufficient to maintain the tradition, but that there- after the play should be thrown open to men and women alike. The Junior Girls' play originated as a "stunt night," an amateurish af- fair, given by the junior girls for the seniors, and with attendance restrict- ed to these few. Since then it has grown to such proportions that three performances are given of a very elab- orate production, planned, according to Prof. John L. Brumm, director of the play; for public presentation. After the three performances in Ann. Arbor, to which only women are ad- mitted, a general performance 4ras been given in Detroit, thus nullifying the old-time exclusiveness of the af- fair. The consensus of opinion of those interviewed seems Lo be that the time' has come to give at least one general performance in Ann Arbor.. Not a few prominent men and wom- en on the campus, among them high' University officials, have expressed their hearty approbation of the idea when interviewed on the subject, and considerable disappointment has been evinced by them since the action of the Senate committee. L r Creation ",Sung :ay Large Chorus, A pears Tonight (By Delbert Clark) From the majestic progression of Laudes Atque Carmina" to the rous- ing strains of "The Victors," the spring concert of the Varsity Glee and Mandolin clubs last night in Hill aud- itorium was a complete success. Not a single weak number marred the pro- gram, and it was thickly sprinkled with,gloriously good ones. The care- ful, intelligent training ,of the direct- or, Frank L. Thomas, was much in evidence throughout, especially in the ensemble numbers. Notable among the Glee club offer- ings were The Soldiers' Chorus from Gounod's "Faust," Beethoven's "The Heavens Are Declaring," and "The Song of. the Vikings," by Fanning. "Ole Uncle Moon" and "The Old Songs" were given as encores to an insistent audience It is almost unfair to say that any one of the numbers was better than another. The Mandolin club with its two offerings did exceedingly well, without any evidences of nervousness or lack of preparation. Robert R. Dieterle, '23M, succeeded as always in making a strong appeal to his audi- ence. Thee. ever popular Hawaiians, is , EOIO OF SCIENCE" TO, TALLHERE TNIGH Tang and Tavares, took the crowd by storm, as did the banjo quintet, the Varsity quartet, and the Midnight Sons' quartet. Potter, witlh his Ha- waiian guitar voice, was much in evi- dence in the latter, " It is pleasingly evident that the Glee club has made a sensational comeback, and has retaken its place high among Varsity attractions by sheer force of merit, based on careful leadership and training. T- Refusal to Obey Orders of Under. class Conduct Committee Causes Recommendation ELECTION DATE CHANGED FROM 1tAY TO 2 BY VOTE Laying of the cornerstone of the3 new Clements library will take place tomorrow afternoon. The ceremony' will be brief and simple. Regent W. L. Clements will lay the cornerstone and Librarian.William W. Bishop will deliver a short address. A teinpor-' ary platform will be built to accom- modate 'the Regents and others par- ticipating in the formalities, while the students and faculty, who are urged to' attend, can occupy the space in front of the building. The time for the event will be announced tomorrow. A copper box containing several documents wil be set in the corner- stone The following statement ac, companies these papers: "This day was laid the cornerstone of the Cle- ments Library of American History, in the presence of the Regents, the faculty and the students of the Uni- versity of Michigan. William Law- rence Clements, of Bay City, Michigan, Regent of the University and donor of the building, laid the stone. Wil- liam Warner Bishop, Librarian of the University, made the address. "This box contains copies of the Regents' proceedings, of February, 1920, April, 1921, and September, 1921, .in which appear the terms of Regent Clements' gift to the Univer- sity, the catalogue of the University for 1920-1921, a list of committees of the. Board of Regents, and copies of The Michigan Daily and the Ann Ar, bor Times-News." This Vtatement *ill be signed by President Marion L. Burton, Presi- dent-Emeritus Harry, B. Hutchins, Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the University, and by the Board of Re- gents. Several distinguished guests, among whom are Dr. George Edgar Vincent, president of the Rockefeller founda- tion, and Chancellor E. H. Lindley, of the University of Kansas, are ex- pected to attend the ceremony. ACADEMY OF SCIENCE, SOHO0. MASTERS' CLUB CONTINUE SESSIONS SHORT TERM INSTITUTE ENDS WORK YESTERDA President Burton Heads Speakers List with Address This / Morning' Thirty-three separate meetings state educators will be held here I day, four of which will be address by nationally known speakers-. T Michigan Schoolmasters' club and t Academy of Science opened their cc ferences yesterday and the Sho: Term State Institute held its fi meetings. Prof. A. Franklin Shull,; of te ology department of the Universi gave the presidential, address whi opened the 1922 meeting of the Midl gan Academy of Science, Arts, a Letters, last. night in Natural S ence auditorium. His subject.wJ "The Factor of Safety in Researci "The use of theoretical research apparently insignificant problems the education and training of new, experienced investigators proves t necessity for every scientist's starti his career with a certain amount elementary researqh," said Profess Shull. Members Elected - Election of new members and brief discussion of business -matt marked the geral meeting of t academy at 2:30 o'clock yesterday a ernoon. Several of the more important d coveries made by Prof. F. W. Kes on his two recent rtips to Egypt we discussed by him at the opening me Ing of the Schoolmasters' club held ,the auditorium of Newberry hall + night. 'Slides of the district and of tle 'n finds were shown during the ta Among the finds discussed were th wooden school tablets containing ercises in the Greek and a number Greek papyri, including a busini letter and several legal documents This manuscript will be moved to" 'Freer galleFies in Washington, D. after the work of editing has b finished. Short Term Ins tute Dr. William H. Bijrnham, of Ch university, opened the morning me ing of the Short-Term institute y terday morning in Lane hall with lecture on "The Inhibitions of Heal ful Mental lkctivity Incident to Education of Normal Children." "C of the'most unfortunate inhibitions a sense of inferiority," declared: Burnham. "Individualism and Leadershi was discussed by Chancellor Ern H. Lindley, of the University of K sas, who stated that "1here are 1 000 ways for a man to make a livi He called attention to the fact tht a democracy there will be lead springing up for every need.,:" great leaders have been good folli ers." The afternoon session of the Sh Term State institute was opened Dr. Burnhani who spoke .on " Contributions of Mental Hygien "Mental hygiene, as well as physi hygiene, is an important phase of ucation," he said. Dr. Burnham lieves that even students in the hi er schools would be greatly benefl if. the schools would contain in tl curricula, courses that would furt the cause of sound physical't mental advancement. Chancellor Lindley, delivered last address of the institute on dividuality in Relationship to Lea ship and Democracy," The spea gave a vivid description of the e days. in the Paloose valley of. IJI A sinilarity was drawn between -I pioneers of those days and their p a cendants who follow in their fi steps with the microscope. Classical Conference Meets - "American Excavation. of a I e Prehistoric Site in the Peloponnes h was the subject of the 'illustrated ture delivered by Dr. James P. F - land, of the ancient language dep a ment, yesterday afternoon in New - ry hall, which was the first of a f ies of three lectiures delivered tl o yesterday, all of which together c - prised the Classical institute of - program of conferences. to Dr. Swain displayed slides du his lecture showing the ancient ho t of the Peloponnesus built more t o two milleniums ago, which are t first true houses of which we Y, any record. These houses, loc d about eight miles north of My :e ''USES OF PSYCHOLOGY" TO DISCUSSED BY J. M. CATTELL BEI Presentation of the play is to take ace on Thursday, May 11, as well as e Friday evening of Commence- ent, June 16. Another performn.nee ay be given if - patronage war- .nts it. Work on the play will start imme- ately. Tryouts for the cast are call- a for 3 o'clock Monday afternoon in .rah Caswell Angell hall unless no- ce to the contrary is given. There e 18 main characters, offering a triety of types and giving all wom-' i a chance to take part. The com- ittee asks that those who intend to y out read a copy of the play, which in besecured at the bookstores. The embers of the cast will be chosep by ecificcharacters, instead of through 'oups. ormal Alumni HaYe Dinner Tonight Former Western State Normal stu- mts will entertain faculty members nd teachers at a dinner to be given the Union at 6 o'clock tonight. This rent is an annual reunion of Western Haydn's oratorio, "Creation," will be given by a. high school chorus of 400 voices and a' splendid group of soloists, under the direction of George Oscar Bowen, as a compliment;:ry concert to the Michigan Schoolmast- ers' club at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium. The concert will be unique in that the "Creation" is a work not often attempted by a high school chorus. Mr. Bowen and his pupils have been working on the oratorio for some months, and promise a rendering of the work whidh will be of the highest calibre. The soloists secured for the occa- sioz. are Muriel Margarel-Kyle, so- prailo, William Wheeler,' tenor, and Carl Lindegren, bass. Miss Kyle, foremrly prominent in Philadelphia musical circles, and recently located in Detroit, has made a special study of the requirements of the soprano' role in the oratorio, a role for which her voice is well adapted. The oratorio will be accompanied by 'Ava Comin, pianist of the School of Music, Margaret Mason, pianist, and Earl V. Moore, organist. The former pianist will play the solo ac- companiments, while the latter will accompany the chorus selections. Seat's for members of the School- masters' club will be reserved on the main floor. After -they are seated the general public will be admitted to the side sections on the main floor and. to the seats in the two balconies. The "The Uses of Psychology" will be the subject of a lecture to be given 4t 8 ooilock tonight in the Natural Sci- ence auditorium by Dr. J. McKeen1 Cattell, editor of "Science" and form- er professor of psychology in the Un- iversity of Pennsylvania. Dr. Cattell is president of the Psychological cor- poration, of which former President James tsurrill Angell and Prof. WV. B.I Pillsbury, of the, psychology depart- ment, were directors. . He is also associated with several other magazines, prominent among which are "The Scientific Monthly," "The American Naturalist," and "School and Society." Dr. Cattell has the distinction. of having received the first professorship in Psychology ever bestowed by the University of Pennsylvania..f VISITORS WELCOME AT DAILY TONIGHT Visitors' day has been declared at The Daily, and those wishing to see how the paper is written and printed will be escorted through the office from 7:30 until 9:30 o'clock this eve- ning. At this time members of the staff will explain to the visitors how the news of 'the campus is secured and how the paper is made up ready for the press. During the visiting hours the night staff will be at work on Friday morning's paper. Members of the Schoolmasters' club and other organizations in convention here at present are especially urged to avail themselves of the opportunity to see how the student publication is Election day was changed from May 3 to May 2 at the neting of the Student council held last night at the Union. This action was taken to al- low the president and vice-president elect of the University of Michigan Women's league to attend the confer- ence of presidents of Women's clubs at Ithaca May 4. The change in date will enable the winning candidates to leave here on time. Recommendation that L. T. Orr, '25, be dismissed from the University was acted on favorably by the coun- cil last,night. Orr has been tried by the Underclass conduct committee and by the council for refusal to abide by the Michigan traditions and, upon careful investigation of Orr's record, he was found-to be an undesirable stu- dent. The recommendation will be taken to the University officials by a committee appointed for that ,purt pose.- Proposal for the campaign to re- store the library of the University of Louvain was considered unadvisable at this time although the council did not definitely oppose the idea. The members emphasized the fact that all proposed drives for money to be con- ducted on the campus should be ap- proved by the council before being carried out. This same action also included other campus activities and the council disclaimed any connetion. with the send-off of the track team last Friday. In accordance with Section 3 of Ar- ticle 9 of the Constitution of the Stu- dent council, the places held by Wil- liam Brown, '22D, and Herbert Van Ewegen, '22P, were declared vacant. This articles refers to the attendance of meetings by the members. Two new representatives will be elected by the respective classes to fill the va- cant seats. l r t l t. t i z : t Colum Describes,. Development Of Irish Literature Illustrating each succeeding phaseI in the development of the new na-l tionalistic literature of Ireland with readings from various well known poets, representative of each stage, Padraic Colum opened the series of talks which are to be given here by modern poets yesterday afternoon in Hill auditorium. The famines of '46 and '47, the en- suing lassitude and despondency and the loss of the ancient bards, 'the cus- todians of the old traditions were all explained in their relation to the d - velopment of the literature and lan- guage. Another great influence was the rise of the theater and the co-opera- tion between the players=and, the lit- erary men of the time. Padraic Coluni himself was one of the first contrib- utors to this movement. y present- ing on the stage dramatic lyrics deal- ing with the simple peasant people they helped to form a national Irish language.. He 'pointed out the deadening ef- fects which oratory and journalism have on the development of good lit' erature in any country. Because of the fact that they reduce everything to a "common deno.nination of expres sion" Padraic Colum stated that ora tory and journalism are "death on style." The last half of the hour was spen lin the reading of his own 'works, som of which are still in manuscrip ,form. A little volume of poetry smacking strongly of the soil an everyday folk, "Wild Earth," wov i i i i i i i 11 '24 ENGINEERS NOTICE Dean Mortimer E. Cooley will address the sophomore engineer assembly at 9 o'clock this morn- ing in room 348, Engi Mfering building. 'I