stem CJAMPUS WRES1~TLI1NG TOURINEY me a pected Semifinls hve eenreaciie inaries. Semifinas hae ben rache inpounds, several weights in the AUl-campus Mc~lur, wrestling tournament. Yesterday's Galowa; s eliminated a number of the CAMEIFRON, FORMEIIR DMAIiAGtI.4 ad the matches today are ex- OF( 1HjGAN' ADIESj to take care of all preliminb Today's matches are: 125 Halberg vs. Toy; 135 pounds~, Word has been received of the e vs. Babcock; 175 pounds, death of John Duncan Cameron, '19, y vs. Wagn~er, at 'Chicago, on March 20. His death "RIDER for which measures time s of a second and may al or tactual to deter- Lous types of reaction. perim~ents ar, planned .her phases of psycho- d to athletics. eboogy of Problems whtich Dir. Griffth is 4il1 present data reveal- tion~s of the player's is moments in the game, 3the pjractical applica- ology to the coaches' blems. Such questions ntion, instinct, emotion, personality~ will be~ e problems of fight, se- le, anid mental health, ..._ I UI Starting Today I, I Four 11 " J MAJESTIC I .---.-r- 11 11 r- NOR 1M bL, A~jkI an hpd from a new angle. hie can make an~ exhaustive f athletes! under all conditions, f ith refuses 'to call his finding , bt to date his prophecies ecked so well with the results d on the gridiron that Director 'etics Hluff and his staff have lopes' for the future of "The logy of Athletics." consin Organizes Golf Men nsin is organizing its golf for the coming season's play. men from the 1921 team are' school. They will form the ii i V I AS THE DAUGHTER OF THE TROPICS IN K 1 w h " K d r a Y V !M 11 r j : ., , hesport will be n~e on the Badg- "Today Is "I" r sale? A, Claselled y will find 'a buyer.- WN SINGERS and PLAYERS N~ihts - - 50c to$2.50 Mat. Wed. - 50c to $x 50 Sat. Mat, - 5oc to $i.5o ist Famu oein M & HEATH 5 CARDEN OF GIRLS Can- this be Norma? -with a dokey for a moving van? -with a fiery togue and a six-shot gun to make the islanders work? -awith skimipy skrts and roguish eye? a girl with a m~other's heart? WE'LL SAY IT'S NORMA--A WONDERFUL, TANTALIZING, FASCINATING NORM~A YOU'LL SEE III COIWINC: "P!NROD" with W r lothes i E TWO DAYS ONLY WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Both are Joy Duval onl 'the pLett--, On the r7ght- sensible andf low. heel~ed, respectable and - bespectacled. 11 The Swry of a Girl, Who. Gave Up Rolled to Acquire' a. Roll ine Business! VIOLA BANA j SHOWING Matinee 2:00) and 3:30 ]Evening 7: 00 and 8:30 Last Feature Starts 9 pax 0a. Glass Houses" S-1FIEg I TNHIS COLUMN, CLOSES AT 3'PI .":: - r ,5 Y : -: {' . : t .'ti /' . ' ยข' _." i -1 F~OR SALIE -Large, well furnished campus. Phone 2624-M. 129-3 HIome and 1 acre. 1 1-2 f campus.~ Fine lawn, :. Modern~. 9 rooms. Call Johnson. 131-5 LJOST LOST-March 20, envelope containing French a.nd Journalism papers. Please call M. Coulter, 1287. 131 LOS--- Phi Sigma, Kappa pin. R. ~Woodmiansee on back of pin, Find- er please phone 909. 131-2 JUSCELLAiEU8 Miss Dana does not throw stones but she does g~rowy Audiences into Hysterics. See the Slow :Motion of Miss Dana in a Russian Dance Number. See the stunning gowns displayed in this beauty production Remember this Winsomne Star In TH[E FOURTEENTH LOYER wvvhich startled Ann Arbor with Its pleasing satire. "Glass n~ooses" will p~lease the mos~t diserininating Movie Fan? EXCEPIONAL A DDED SHORT SUBJEC'TS 11 I I Prom ticket, Call jA LIMITED number oti men will be 131 employed next summer by Fuller ______________ Brush Co. Applications should be NTED made at once to 301 1set National ____________ Bank~ Bldg. Hours 3-6. 129-21 1tic young graduate. WILL THE FINDER of notebook, lost ir right man in of- Friday, return the notes. They con- )shed dental prac- tain valuable thesis data. Call Address Box F. R. 293-M. E. A. Stalker, 509 S. Divi- ARIOT OF LA UGHS "TAKING CHANCES" with ' PERCY AND FERDIE A COMj THAT.1 n V 7 'Iwrn I I ) MINO rRIDAY: WIL6LIAW FARNpVM R AS lr, ""A at&&