(A Review by G. D. E.) It is only when my enemies have been especially denunicatory that I feel happy, that I fall into a mood decent enough to do.justice to a really good book; and for the last week they have been as thoroughly dull and ob- tuse as a Sunday school class. In-, deed, I suspect them of being members of some such organization. In consequence, I feel incapable of doing a good review of one of the best books published in this country for over a dozen years. It is "The Mind in the Making," (Harpers) by James Harvey Robinson. Robinson has apparently tired of the great national palaver about Democracy, the Freedom of the World, the Soul, Business First, Normalcy, Hundred-per-cent-Americanism, of the daily newspapers, of historians who respect all the hocus above mentioned, of Congressional speeches and Rotary clubs, and of such sporadic phenom- ena as "The Man Who Has Never Been Kissed," of Frosh-bites, of the national system of education; in brief of all the expressions, results, prod- ucts, and hullaballoo of the knaves and fools with which this country seems particularly blessed. Having professed history in one of our great universities, and perhaps still profess- ing it for all that I know, Robinson probably felt a peculiar and unremit- ting pressure of nonsensicalities, and no doubt the pressure brought about a reaction which now allows us to read a vigorous and clear-headed bit of thought and writing. What has Robinson to say? Namely, that only the men of science have shown consistent progress; that the social and political reformers are still accepting, respecting, and attempting to apply outworn Ideas; and that the religionists are not helping matters at all by being still further behinid; that the vast majority of men are still hidebound In prejudice and engrossed in finding "good reasons" rather than "real reasons" for the things they be- lieve. This last is, in truth, the back- bone of the book.- Robinson goes on to demonstrate that the average American is automatically for or against an issue immediately it comes up, but without any particular reason except that he must fall on one side or the other. Having fallen he seeks evidence which tends to corroborate and fortify his "wisdom." But, regardless of this center of gravity in his book, Robinson is at his best when he writes of the sus- picion with which new ideas are re- garded. He amply demonstrates that a change of attitude is almost impos- sible to the general run of mankind, and that the leaders themselves are against any change, usually for the simple reason that a change means new leaders. Anything that departs from the normal in any real fashion is greeted as heretical. "Thus an athe- ist is looked upon as a fool or agent of the devil; thus a socialist is re- garded a bomb carrier with lice in his whiskers; thus is anyone, for that matter, who distrusts the present gov- ernment, looked upon as a radical and a dangerous fellow; thus are Havelock Ellis books hermetically sealed in the libraries or entirely bar- red from the shelves. (It reminds one of the days when the Russians barred obstetrics from medical books on moral grsunds), and thus is any one who doubts or flouts the current trend of morals rushed to the nearest calaboose or regarded as a lewd and untrustworthy individual. Let a man suggest, for instance, that there is airy Professor Tells the Truth poetry in the biological aspect of love, pulse and counterpulse, eruptions and liberties are deprived right and left; and he is instantly heralded from all interuptions that have attended pro- reformers go snooping up back alleys pulpits as a carnal "free-lover" who is with search-warrants. snifihig for sure to fry in hell, and the profes- gress and civilization.e goes from zephyrs of evaporating liquor; spies sorial critics impale him on their pens Greek to Galileo, and alas, from Gali~ flood all the music and dance halls in their next book on the great liter- leo to W. Gamaliel Harding, and thus and forums; and Christian zealots bar ature of America! winds up his book with a survey of books from the mails. "Normalcy," and the "Safety and San- All this may ha By now, some of you are thinking ity" of ideas. The picture is painful while ts may epten in one block that you will not enjoy this book, that to behold. God wot, I am no social- while a man gets tunked on the dome its writer is only another flippant and ist; indeed I am opposed to their theo- in the next, the police either being flamboyant attacker of sacred tradi- pies, but if our government isn't more none the wiser to the latter action or tions, a shallow and pretentious fel- reactionary than those of the Mettern- not caring a whoop about it. Big con- low, such as myself, only vastly better ichian era, then may I be sentenced cerns swallow up the little ones and because he has had a book published. to strangulation in a vat of carbolized fight any new and dangerous enter- Well, ,il are, in this case, erring alcohol. Big business utterly domi- prise to its death, or to its engulfing. Well youlchareig ininthisttcasem Thus the rubber interests hav~e fought slightly. Robinson takes up the busi- nates the country; Justice can be ness with utter solemnity. He ddes bought at only profiteer's prices, and (Continued on Page 8) not joke about the appalling spec- tacle; there is neither froth nor frenzy; the chapters of his book were not written between cocktails. One thing that particularly delights A t me is Robinson's treatment of theV % ..JJk "soul." He shows that this is no sub- lime conception, that it is no product of the superior mind, that, on the con- trary, the most primitive and barbar- Agents for the ous peoples have held the theory of the soul, and that, as men become 9G l be-W * k more civilized, the less certain they G lobe - W ernike are about it. .Robinson might haye gone further along this line if he had Sectional Bookcases Filing Cabinets cared to. I cannothelp but wish that he had buttonholed an immortalist Filin Cabinet Sup li and made him tell at just what stagegs the soul came in evolution, or how O F soon it comes from heaven before or ,office Furmture after the fusion of sperm and ova But still, perhaps I expect too much Special Discount Prices and so I humbly applaud Robinson as far as he went. Won't someone next Get our Prices before take up and show this matter of "will- placing your order - power" to be merely one reaction of graduates, are not aware of it, and the nervous system overweighing an- other. To be sure, this has already been shown in the medical books, but nine-tenths of persons, even college hence they gravely accept the so-call- ed "will-power" 'and memory experts (especially those with active' pineal Wahrs University Bookstores eyes) and all other quacks and soulfulWs reformers. Wholesale and Retail But I digress. Robinson sketches Books - Stationery - Office Supplies briefly the history of science and thought, and shows the flux and lag __ -_-_-__ ---__ --_-----_-_---------------------_-_-----_-- The Successful BusinessMan -always majors in the study of thrift. It doesn't matter whether he receives his education at Michigan or in the University of Hard Knocks, thrift, consistent, well-balanced thrift, must al- ways be counted as one of the required subjects. A bank , account is a good promoter of the thrift habit THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK RESOURCES OVER $5,000,000.00