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March 26, 1922 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-26

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I mericae's New Atagazines- The ye
itor's Note:-This is the third of The contents started out promis- embellished with initial and tailpiece --not excluding The Double-Dealer.
ries of articles dealing with the ingly with a unique verse byHaniel wood-blocks by Hinrichsen. Yet it is strange to note that it is
magazines. A, fourth will appear Long, entitled. "Unimportant Dialog." The contents as a whole are almost singularly unrepresentative of Chica-
a early date. The pitch is well sustained through as good as in the first number. Of the go. I suspect that Mr. Mencken's
(By R. p. S.) three stories, William Saphier's "The prophecy as to Chicago's leadership
BY n nthe entire issue, "Decadence and John Silversmith," a delicately worded and was founded in large part upon the
few years ag H. L. Menken Fenderson" by Vincent Starrett, 'Reply exotic little tale, is perhaps the best, presence of that spirit of industrial-
f the Cbticago literati into a state to an Invitation" by George Moore, although "The Secret Glory," by ism and commerce, the vigor and viril-
:ute sef-onsciousness by prophe- and "Jack and Jill, a Dock Gate Arthur Machen, an elaborate descrip- ity of the great, raw metropolis, such
that their city was destined to Eclogue" by W. ClarkRusselltwink-ltive piece plunging agreeably to a stuff as is reflected in Carl Sandburg's
e the literary center of the ling a little more brightly than their last-line climax, is not far behind. Nor poetry or in Theodore Dreiser's "The
is "Antonia and Dionigi" by Haniel Titan." But in .The Wave there is no
d States. Mr. Mencken's fore- companion pieces. .Long. The poetry again is excellent. reflection of this rugged power. The
was certainly not without But the remainder is a good man included is a hitherto unpublished-- articles and stories and verses run to
ads, for Chicago has been either steps above the. average, Arthur and not especially distinguished- romantic, gossamer things, 'subjects
home or a decidedly influential Machen, an Englishman who is unfor- quatrain by Oscar Wilde. Carl Van totally foreign to the intense mid-
r in the lives of a number of tunately too little Vhnown in this coon- Vhten contributes a fairly amusing western industrial spirit of Chicago.
tr h a toryliTt k i c trifle on "Movies for Program notes," In the two.. issues the only evidence
rate artists of the past twenty tryhgs" L ye yJMarriage of and T. C. O'Donnell, in "The Sand- outside the advertisements that the
SThese writer's are enumer- e e n o te wiched Islanders," slips up on a theme editors ever heard of their city is a
by the way, in Henry B Fuller's T. Sturge Moore; and there isa rather which he could have made a great rather crude wood-cut labeled "Chi-
byeth ay, "icMnrgB Fule's T, ugeoe;ad ttr,"h hee iagrather deal of, namely, that old chestnut of rags" -it might equally well have been
ldo-eared in The Literary Re- by a writer named Selma Derry.Allou the Rhetoric professors, theOne Book called "New Yoik" or 'Paris" or "The
a theserhave demarry. ll to be chosen for reading when ma- Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument"-
for March 11. these hs uin e orthwile te rooed on a desert island. O'Donnell and a rather pointless one-page
poetry is uniformly on a similar level, fails to mae nmuch of his material, article 'Chicago in 14."
t, in addition to those whose Three wood-cuts-of varying degrees of
s are already known, there is the merit are also included. In "Demi-Tasse," the editorial However, the editor may be avoid-
column, there are intelligent reviews ing local color purposely. At any
ger generation, which has yet to The second issue of The Wavye of "The Book-Hunter at Home" and rate, he io putting out a decidedly
n the dignity of clo'th covers. This shows a general sprucing up. It is "Venus in Furs." worth while little book. If he avoids
ration, reflecting some of the glit- printed on a better1grade of paper, il- All considered, this little periodical the fre'akish "new forms" and can
f the prophesy, has also become lustrated by some unusually fine wood- has made a better bid for a perma-- make financial ends meet, there is no
sely aware of itself and has cuts by Birger Sandzfn-two of them nent place on the news-stands than reason why his magazine should not
it ex ression before the light of printed in color,-and is attractively any similar publication that I know of be a thorough success.
city has faded. The logical mode
ing this is, of course, through
nedium of the "art" magazine.
judging from the evidence of tat-I
n Chicago, there is decidedly a a
for this sort of periodical.
try, a magazine which has been
shed in Chicago for a number of
, leads its particular field, but it -D-
no outlet for prose writing. LastL
>er there sprang up a second r't
dical, Youth, which, from all in-
ions, is headed for early oblivion.
first issue, outside of an attrac-
cover, presented nothing start-H ow often do you hear a man
There was about it a distinctthh
r of the amateurish. A few crit- say that after he has bought
elped it along with half-hearted
tragement, a band of Chicagoans quality. It always costs more to
od a burlesque which, it was
was etter than the original, and buy it in the first place but some-
og more was heard from Youth
late in January, when a second how there is a lot of satisfaction
appeared. This was as undis-
ished as its pedecessor and, un- In watching it wear.
: seriously miss my guess, it will
e last of Youth.
Nave, which first appeared in Cheap clothes betray themselves
ry, had, then, practically an _ the first time they are worn.,
field before it, This agazine,
i is p blished by Steen Hinrich-
nd pably edited by Vincent Good clothes bespeak the gen-
ett, was an entirely different tlean as long as they hold together,
r from Youth,
e first number swaggereg with a
r and sophisticated cover. It was In the long run a good suit is less
sd on cheap paper and, from its
rd appearance, it might have expenstye a morn ordinarydme. That is
alnist anything, from a Snappy why more and more people are demanding
s to a Dial. A glance at the quality these days
nts, however, 1was reassuring.
subject matter showed careful
ion. It was solid material, exe-ea
with no small degree of literary We will deem it a pleasure to
Y, and was fresh, lively, and in- show you some of our quality goods.
ing. What is more, it steered
of the "freak" stuff of Broom or
ittle Review. Even the art was
the first page was a blue splotch
ventionalized sea wave, with theM A L C O L
the editor later tellsus is "be-
I to be happily symbolic of much 604 EAST LIBERTY STREET
follows it": j1
atched two little waves
ehing to the shore. "QUALITY FIRST ECONOMY ALWAYS"
e died with a yawn
second with a roar.

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