Li Irsitte rho has at- :ational in- eering and record in ne from the erhaps the ined by anj ollege work at consin. There years of liter- ed with an all ole four years. 3ntered Massa- chnology where four years he e head of his standing from of the hardest the country. leering he be- I in law. He for a year but interest was here he has kept up his high schola ship.record by making his customs all "A's." He was made a student e tor of the Law Review and wasr cently elected to the Order of Co which is the highest honor that ci come to an American or English st dent. Prof. Grover C. Grismore, of 1l Law school, is the only other man 1 side Stason that has ever made an "A" record in the Michigan Le school Besides his law work, Stason h taught 30 hours a week in the Eng eering school since coming to Mic gan and has recently sent a textbc( on electrical engineering to the pre He is now preparing a paper on "Tee nical Education in the Middle Wesi for one of the large magazines of country. Know Your Alumni, (By Courtesy of Chimes) THE UNIVERSITY'S healthy looking countenances, the Artisitc Hemstite erect carriage of the active alert wo- Silver and Gold thr COMMON HEALTH men marching in sane footwear, were Sewing Machine Co. es Ia pleasing contrast to the usual type There is a rather extensive, though of women employees. And they were erroneous and decided harmful belief more efi-cient in their work. among certain classes, that girls Thus the old order changes. Wo- Iry should not be requ'ired to take sys- men must have systematic -outdoor U I * di- tematic physical exercises, especially recreation in order to meet the new re- outdoor exercises. "What my daughter economic and social demands. PriesAlber of, needs is rest and not exertion" is a The University should be the first $1.35; Ae an very common "come-back" to the re- to recognize this fact. tu- quirement. In other words girls are $5.00 Prince 4 the not living organisms which require VETERANS IN UNIVERSITIES Pipes $3.50. be- systematic exercise in order to live, PARTIALLY EXEMPT FROM TAX all but rather are delicate mechanisms Auto Strop S . subject to a wearing out process with Many inquiries have been received they last. every movement. at the office of J. E. Bryce, of the Vet- Gillette Safety as Responsible for Illness erans' Bureau, regarding the income Special in- Such opinions are undoubtedly res- tax as it affects men in training under P rice. hF- ponsible for much of the weakness, ill the United States Veterans' bureau. ok health, and nervous disturbances so Regarding this, the Revenue act of 'ss' frequently found in women. 1921 provides that compensation, fam- h- Fortunately we are beginning to ily allotments and allowances, are 3t, recoginze the value of outdoor exer- exempt from taxation, according to 118 the cise for women and now many forms C. W.Arndt, chief of the income tax ofrecreation areavailable for them. division, first district of Illinois. During the recent! war, the writer All those who are affected in, any - viewed with no little interest the manner by this and who would like drilling on the Mall in Washington, of more information concerning it may the women employees of the navy consult with Dr. F. B. Wahr, of the The Navy department had wisely} con- Federal board or J. E. Bryce, of the cluded that its women employees, sec- Veterans' bureau, both of whom may retaries, clerks and stenographers, in be found in the office of the Dean of order to be healthy and efficient, Students. TI na- should take daily exercise. To meet The ng this demand modified military train- not he ing was initiated. rolle Hold Regular Drills not t or Under the direction of officers of-VI he the Ma'rine Corps, numerous compan- In- as ies of women and girls were formed ty and drilled in the school of the so1- Laist Time Toda7 us, dier, squad, platoon,: and company. nt, The drills were augmented by daily A u 3? lectures on hygiene.. Assuredly the C143,, L a ' -"IN -- After the show THE come in for a MISFIT lunc at WIFE" - - - - - - fED CIGAR STORE t. Tuxedo, Velvet. Etc.: 8 ox., 700; 16 or. Tins, m, $1.45. of Wales Pipes. cut to $1.00, W. D. C. Milano Guaranteed or your money back. afety Razors, complete set with blades 89o while y Razors., with blades 35o on all Safety Blades. T9e Right Store with the Right Price. JETTER & DE FRIES EAST HURON STREET accepted it for a Do You Know Le4I which one of That Stewart Edward White is ax schools, Harvard, tive of the state of Michigan havi imbia he would been born in Grand Rapids, that his life work. He fought in the Great war as a maj at the Law school of the 144th Field Artillery, that has written such famous stories" TON TENE The Leopard Woman," The For Niners," and others equally famoi and that finally, and most importai er Border Makes he graduated from Michigan in 190 hey're Vivacious! y are a good smoke dried out, you know d right-=not too tight too loose-they're lively vacious COM-pa-ra-bly fine! II I to be increasing. and southern gov- )rcing their posi- lacloy and Cale- sniping has been :he opposing fac- was reported ma- i used. The men 'dug in," and the 1 few. :les in London the amonn De Valera bility of civil war is causing some Valera is expected n tonight from TH E GREY SHOP . nw + I I IMYI it m "The Grey Shop" it I 600 E. Liberty NUNNALLY'S SOUTHtRN CANDIES ,, ..........~i.... ...... ..................................... .................................... RH/RR/H/N////\ i~f/liH re /of Guaranteed at sfact +on .r.. r NOW PLAYING Here's WALLY With An Upper-Cut to the ing Clothes SbyFitform The Master Makers LfP*IJa ' x.I 11 ',. ,," , Clothes are so reason- getting along with, old . j I :' r ,,'.r 41 /0000 \ y, we have never seen a finer Wallace in "he of Imported and Domestic Norfolks, Conservative Sacks, ts, whatever style you desire. OTTOM TROUSERS, with , l -1 A>, 4:, : J . r i ' i " " the fair price Worlds Chan Based on the Celebrated Play, "T THE STORY BY ROUNDS TO FINISH Round One-He is branded N. G. by Dad and driven into the crool, crool world! Round Two---He is Gunboat Williams, fistic artist supreme! Round Three-He is wined and dined by society's ,creme de ia creme! Found Four'-He is knocked all groggy by two big starry eyes! And then-You'd better be in a ring-side seat when he wins! GREAT CAST INCLUDING LOIS SPECIAL ADDED THE NORTHERN TRAIL From the Short Story Classic by James Oliver Ctrwood "THE WILDERNESS MAIL" the Tragedy of the Snow Country, featuring LEWIS STONE, ETHEL GREY TERRY and WALLACE BEERY SHORT SUBJECTS Valley of 10,000 Smokes The Family Album WILSON The Champion" - 35 Us *X4O satisfy at reasonable 1 K down to CORBETT'S "ORBETT Liberty Street Just a Word or Two About Furnishings HATS New Spring Styles, $5.04 CAPS The Newest Tweeds and Styles SHIRTS By the best mak- ers in the country TIES New Grenadines sox The kind you really prefer UNDER. Anything you de- WEAR sire for Spring I oil .: .. rn r------- ..r' ] NYt t in f U f EI- A re Sold COMING SUNDAY: Tom Mix in