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March 22, 1922 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-22

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Scores Go


, .-..,

m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays.)


until 5:30 p.:


Number 125

lent of the University attd Mrs. Burton will be "at home" as
aesday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30.
be a conference of the Deans this morning at 10 In the Pres-
re Postponed:
illness of Professor Brouwer the lecture on the "Growth of
of the Dutch East Indies", scheduled for March 22, will be
1 April 5. E. C. CASE.
r Camp Davis:
ments to the first and second sessions have been completed
>tion of possible additions to the, first session as the second
ecome too large. The names of students thus far assigned to
will be posted in the instrument room, Department of Geodesy
on Wednesday, March '22. Students should form parties and,
uents to buildings as rapidly as possible.
a Series:
Russell Evans will offer the following program at this week's
n Hill Auditorium, Thursday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock: Sonata
n); Nocturne in A flat, Op. 9, No. 2 (Ferrata); Andantino in
riumphal March from "Aida" (Verdi). The recital will begin
he doors will be closed durinig the performance of numbers.
charge. (Children not admitted.)
CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary.
John C. Parken of the Electrical Engineering Department will
eshmen at 11 a. m., on Wednesday, March 22, 1922, in Room

On Sale Today
Scores for "Sceptre and Serenade,"
the Junior Girls' play, which will be
given tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday,
at the Whitney theater, make their
first appearance today when they go
on sale from 10 to 12 o'clock this
morning and from 3 to 4 o'clock this
afternoon in the league room of Bar-
bour gymnasium.
The numbers comprising the score
have been written by various members
of the junior class. Originality and
variety mark the music which was
written by Laura Mills, '23, Beatrice
Hook, '23, Louise Graham, '23, and
Marie Heyer, '23.
In direct;harmony with the melodies
go the lyrfes which were contributed
by Carribel Schmidt, '23, Elizabeth
Appleby, '25, and Helen Partlow, '23.
Some of the music shows evidences of
becoming long popular as Michigan
songs, it is said.
'Designed by Deborah Jones, '23; the
cover for the score brings out in simple
black and White the idea of the Sceptre
and Serenade, making it attractive as
well as symbolical. The programs
weredesigned by Frances Sutton, 123A,
and carry out with cohtrasting effect
the same idea, as the cover of the

De Molay degrees will be conferred on
a class of 50 petitioners.
The ceremonies are in charge of the
officers, F. H. Backstrom, '24, Master
Counsellor, J. P. Comstock, Jr., '24,
Senior Counsellor, and R. B. Paton,
'23, Junior Counsellor. All master
Masons and De Molays are invited to
attend the initiation. The otcers of
the local chapter ,of the order will go
to Albion Friday night to install a
chapter of De Molay in that city.
(Continued from Page Seven)
All University women are invited by
the committee to attend this meeting
and to participate in the discussion.
At 2:30 o'clock a tea will be held at
Newberry hall which will also be open
to the public. At this time Miss Goldy
Green of Detroit will talk about her
experiences at the Women's Industrial
college in England, where she re-
cently attended school. Mrs. Gruhzit
will talk on "Women's Position in Rus-
sia." Following these talks there will
be a social hour.

All members of the 1922 liter-
ary class who have not yet paid
their class dues of $2 are urged to
do so at once. Checks are to be
mailed to the class treasurer at
2107 Washtenaw avenue. Names
of senior lits whose dues are yet
unpaid are now posted in the reg-
istrar's office, according to Walt-
er B. Rea, president of the class.

Drop postal for order, or see JOH
Y. M. C. A., Room 20. Age



Today Is "M" Day.

First Class Food



soON I

Oh, you .will like the good old-fashioned
meals you get at
M DairyLun
512 E. William Street

ering building. All Freshmen will call on their Mentors for re- All appl cations for the second an-
ag the week of March 27 to April 1. This is an important As- nual Military Ball, to be given April
C. E. WILSON, 28, must be mailed back in the ticket
Head Mentor Freshman Engineers. committee's hands by 6 o'clock to-
morrow evening if they are to receive
Examinaton in Chemistry 104: any consideration, Hamilton Cochran,
iditions received in Chemistry 10d must be removed at the ex- '22, secretary of the general commit-
to be given Saturday, April 1, at 2 p. m., in Room 122, Chemistry 'teein chrge, announced yesterday
F. F. BLICKE. afternoon.',a
Morethan 1,200 application blanks
ncalis Lecture: have already been filled out and sent
or E. Huet, the Junior College, Detroit, will lecture this after- have already ben filled out and sent
tee Paris qui trime," ("Hard-working Paris"), in Tappan Hall, in. Memb rs of the Veterans of For-
at 4:15. Admission by associate membership cards. ' eign Wars will receive first consider-
JEAN B. CLOPIPET. ation, then all ex-service men, after
them the R. 0. T. C., and finally the
student body at large in the regular
S. C. A. PROPOSES order of preference with the fresh-
men at the' bottom of the list. All ap-
S GOING 0 OLD CLOTHES' DAY plicants who will be given tickets
will be notied immediately, and they
~ An sold clothes" day on. the cam- will have to call for them from 2 to
pus, Univesityrvices, and the Un- 5 o'clock in the afternoon March 27
WEDNESDAY versity of Michigan camp for poor 28 or 29,.at the desk in the Union,
ary club meets at Chamber boys were the topics discussed at the
erce inn. cabinet meeting of the Student Chris- F CULTY MEN WILL ADDRESS
[. A. Brouwer speaks in Na. tian association in Lane hall yester- A.I. E. E. AT SMOKER TOMORROW
ence auditorium. Subject: day afternoon. -
wth of Mountains." The cabinet decided to designate a Members of the American Institute
no Huet speaks in room 203 day in the near future on which the of Electrical Engineers will hold a
an hall, Subject, "Hard- campus could contribute old clothes smoker at 7 430 o'clock tomorrow night
Paris." for the needy students in European at the Union. All members of the
ty band practice In Um.- countries. It is planned to ask all the electrical engineering department are
[all, students to. give any old. garments invited to the smoker, including facul-
unan Glee club practice at they may have and the S. C. A. will ty members. The smoker will con-
lew men will be tried out if collect them and take care . of the sist of smokes, refreshments, and
e at this time. shipping. music.
a Delta Clii meets at Union. Walter B. Rea, '22, chairman of the All faculty members present will
ant council meeting at Un University services committee, an- speak, as well as the president of the
nounced that in the future all Uni- club. A. Maslin, '22E, will have
'au club meets at Union. versity services in Hill auditorium charge of the program. Tickets for the
ig club meets in room 806 will be held at 7:30 o'clock instead of smoker are now obtainable from the
Important. 7 o'clock. officers incharge.
r of Do Molay convocation The University' of Michigan camp
gill auditorium, Ann Arbor committee is still looking for a suita- ADELPHI SELECTS MEMBERS
yQl ble site for a permanent camp, ac- FOR EXTEMPORANEOUS MATCH
City club meets in room 2 cording to L. . Reiman,'-16, diret -
or. Several sites are under consider- Six men were selected from the
ation and alumni throughout the state members of' the'Adephi House of Rep-
THURSDAY have been aiding in the selection. Last resentativd last night to compete for
summer theacampwas.located o a ke-the final e4,mperaneous speaking eon-
ni recital-at Hill auditorium. Huron just north of Port Huron. testitoleeld rnext Tupesaynght.
1 freshman orchestra prae- test to be held next Tuesdaynight.
oom 308 of 'Union. FRESHMEN TAKE MAJORITY OF These men 'were David Gilchrist, '22,
. T. C. band practices at PLACES IN PRELIMINARY MEET Donald Cook, '24, Wilred Hocking,
hall. "24L, D. J. Roxburg, '24, Lyman Glas-
club rehearsal, instrument- Preliminary runs In the, annual in- gw ' a F. C. Lrnm ad The
, room 302 of Union. terclass indoor track meet were held men were elected from a field corn-
amore P r o m committee in Waterman gymnasium last night. prising mst of the members of Adel-
Union. There were about 250 men enteredp .
lectrical smoker at Union. in the various events. The finals of
and Blade club meets'in the meet will be run off Friday eve- DE MOLAY ORDER TO CONFER
'oom of Union. Professor ning of this week in the gymnasium, DEGREES ON FIFTY TONIGHT
speaks. the meet starting promptly at 7:30
ssor Kraus speaks in Na o'clock. ' Ann Ar r chapter of Order of D
nce auditorium. Of the possible 250 men signed up Molay will hold its second ceremonial
"Alice In Hungerland," on the entry blanks, about 200 were convocation at 7:30 o'clock tonight in
nefit of the Near East relief from the freshman class. In the ma- Pattengil auditorium in the Ann Ar-
dill auditorium. jority of events, so far as could be bor high .hool. The initiatory and
r 'Girls'. play at Whitney learned last night, the freshmen had
Women only- admitted, taken the majority of places and It is
expected that the 1925 men will win
U-NOTICES the meet Friday evening. The list of A PLQM8BER W O IS j
ions for tickets to the M. men who qualified was not obtainable FULL, OF "PEP
must be mailed back and last night following the meet but wvrill SA ' TO H AVEA
zmit hndsd 6.c ndbe published in The Daily tomorrow ~
Lmittea's hands by 6 o'clock morning. D ND
evening. ' EP____
trIcal smoker will be held Student Directories Procurable
clock tomorrow in the Un- A few student directories, bound but
re will be' talks, smokes, without cardboard covers, are now
music. procurable at the office of the Board
in Control of Student Publications, and
the "'s." Today is "M" may be purchased by calling at the
Press building, Maynard street. --
Be SURE it's a W E'RE full of pep and we're
eStsgot a good rep but at that
we watch our step. Each plumb-
ing job acomplished by This shop
R O S TIT L ~lives upto the character of the
IF IT ISN'T A work which won us such an envi-
able place in the business of this
FR OST B I TE coemuun
ALMBer, nk
2830 PHONE 2830 ,N i a t
Ebery Iflabor meets IAith fat'or Phone 4462

Through the efforts of the chemical
engineering department, George W.
Morey, of the geophysical laboratory
of Washington, D. C., will deliver a.
series of lectures on "Application of
Thermodynamics to Heterogeneous
Equilibria," beginning March 27, in
the Chemistry building. The lectures
will be of a technical nature and of
special interest to all chemistry and
physics students. Morey is one of the
foremost authorities in the country
on subjects of this kind.
Friday to Speak at Detroit
David Friday, president-elect of
Michigan Agricultural college; will talk
to the University of Michigan club of
Detroit, at noon tomorrow. Members
of the club lunch every Thursday at
the Cadillac hotel, and at the coming
luncheon many M. A. C. alumni will be
Todaty Is "W n ay..



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