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March 22, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-22

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Defending and attacking the college
professional athlete, articles, by J. A.
Bernstein, '22, and Wilson Smith, '24L,
are the headline stories of the March
issue of Chimes which will be sold on
.the campus today. Another article
deals with the history and develop-
ment of the Soph Prom. Snapshots)
of the members of the Prom committee
and of Proms of the past are used to
illustrate the article.

baas of G. D. E., are also features
which will be published.
Edward Beresford, '22, president of
the Cosmopolitan club has written a
4Plea for Cosmopolitanism" This,
wit} a history of the progress and de-
velopment of the intramural depart-
ment by W. H. Merner, '24, are articles
of general interest.
"Lone Caribou-Michigan's Poe " an
account of the work of Lew Sar t, a
decorative page poem by Hardy Hoov-
er, '23, entitled the "Ballad of Dead
Ladies," pictures of recent workouts
of the track and baseball teams in
Waterman gymnasium, and the usual
departments. all add to the attractive-
ness of this issue of Chimes.;


Take Steps if
comes De.

Fiction is
"Out of' the
liot, '23, atn
Man," by Hai
icism of Crit
'22, and son

lished by two stories,
i," by Wallace F. El-
'The Brotherhood of
Hoover, '23. A "Crit-
n,".written by S. T. B.,
eplies to the literary

1 I Y 1 I YY.Y Ill i l, I rt YIIY Y.I!

110 eIa s O VV LiU Ji 4.M1l I
D get a settlement in
oal strike called for
irly in the bitumin-
ile the department of
possibilities of legal
inger results to pubs Sections Hold Separate Conclaves To
lfare, it was learned Hear Specially Prepared Re-
House and cabinet search Papers
Ation is contemplated
s, of the labor de-,
ias represented the Many prominent educators will be
rect negotiations in in Ann Arbor next week for the 27th
no comment to make annual sessions of the Michigan Acad-
a United Mine Work- emy of Science, Arts, and Letters
pension of work on which will be held on Wednesday,
the bituminous and 'rhursday and Friday, March 29, 30, 31.
reached Washington, Many members of the University fac-
neral Daugherty in-- ulty are actively connected with the
inclined to consider academy and will take prominent parts-
anch of the govern- in the three-day sessions..
some steps, particu- All of the eight sections of the acad-
nsportation derange- emy will hold meetings at this time
oned after the strike and specially, prepared papers of orig-
inal research will be read at the form-
louse, the statement al meetings. Smokers, luncheons,
effort to bring about and other forms of entertainment will
nte between the em- be provided for the visitors as part of
miners in the bitu- the regular program.
was still continuing Public May Attend
:he almost complete There will be three public lectures
rators to co-operate. given during the course of the sessions
of a great coal sur- and all who are' interested are' espec-
;ized as a most im- ially invited to attend at this time.
the government sur- These lectures will be given Wednes-
was said, that with day and Thursday nights and Friday
nuing in, non-union afternoon.
s would prevent any Prof. A. F. Shull, of the zoology de-
stries and would pre- partment, is president of the organiza-;
of coal prices. tion and will give the presidential ad-
liity Not Felt dress Wednesday night. Prof. C. H.
reviewing the legal Cooley, of the sociology department,
dful of department Prof. W. A.. Paton, of the economics
> defend railroad op- department, and Prof. C. H. Grifflitts,
injunction against of. the psychology department, are vice-
rike suspension last presidents in charge of various of the

Boosters' Club Makes Plans for Huge
Crowd at Armory Tomorrow
Members of Michigan's basketball
team will be the guests of honor at a
huge informal banquet to be given by
the Boosters' club at 6 o'clock tomor-
row night at the Armory. More than
300 people will be present at the af-
fair which is expected to be one of the
largest events of its kind ever held
Captains to Speak '
The feature of the evening will be
the presentation of "M's" by Prof.
Ralph W. Aigler, of the Law school,
and the two short talks by Walter B.
Rea, '22, captain of this year's team,
and by Gilbert C. Ely, '24D, newly
elected captain. Professor Aigler will
talk on "Detrimental Influences of the
Campus on the Athletic Teams."
Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the philos-
ophy department, will also address the
"The Michigan Tree" or "Fruits of
Service" will be the subject of a talk
by Coach Fielding H. Yost. In this
talk Coach Yost will tell the rewards
that come to a coach after years of
service. All the other coaches of
Michigan's athletic teams will be pres-,
ent at the dinner. The feelings of the
town Boosters toward the organiza-
tion and the University will be ex-
pressed in a talk by C. W. Graham.
Besides all the Boosters, reservations
have been made by all the honorary
societies on the campus, and by many
other students.
All Members Contribute
The town Boosters have contribut-
ed largely to making the dinner a suc-
cess by their donations. The pro-
grams were given by Haller and Ful-
ler, Goldman Bros. and Calkins-
Fletcher company. The tickets were
donated by the Campus lunch, and all
the photographs in the program were
given by the Lyndon company. Due
to these/ donations, the management
is able to devote all its resources to
the dinner itself. Kennedy's orches-
tra has offered to furnish the music for
the entire evening. In the programs,
miniature pictures sof the basketball
team will be pasted as souvenirs of1
the dinner.
Only a few tickets remain at Gra-1
ham's for sale to the campus at large.
Members of the campus honorary so-
cieties and the Boosters can obtain
their tickets at the Union between
4:30 andq 5:30 o'clock today.

Period Would Allow Graduates Time
to View Student Activities
and New Buildings
President Marion L. Burton express-
ed yesterday his unqualified approval
of the plan proposed recently for a
homecoming week. The plan as out-
lined by The Daily calls for a full
week of activities late in May, dur-
ing which the May Festival, the
Spring games, senior Swing-out, and
Cap Night would be held. The week
would ,be officially one of homecoming
for Michigan alumni, and the various
spring events would be concentrated
in a few days to give the pjlumni an
opportunity to witness Michigan life
at its height.
Is in Hearty Accord
"I am heartily in sympathy with the
movement," said the President. "I
think it would be a *ne thing for the
alumni to return to Ann Arbor for a
week of homecoming, and I believe
that such a period would be much
more effective if held in the spring
than at any other time.
"Homecoming days.such as we have
had, coming on the date of some foot-
ball game, show only;,,one side of Ufni-
versity life. They are too closely con-
nected with fotball to the exclusion
of other University ilnerests, and last-
ing as they do for a, single day, the"
homecoming of the alumni is too
hurried; they come, see a football
game, and go home again.
"A solid wok, or at least several
days devoted to a celebraton of this
sprt would not only show the gradu-
ates some of the best activities of our
University, but would also allow them
the privilege of viewing the campus
and the buildings which have been
erected since their tme.
Problems Arise
"We would have, of course, to con-
sider the housing problem, so that
every visitor could be provided with
satisfactory quarters. That is always
a situation that must.be squarely fac-
ed. Then, too, there is the thought
that homecoming week would come
close, to fnal examinations, and pro-
vision would no doubthave to be made
to equalize the burden of the added
"I am, however, strongly in favor
with the idea as a whole. It would be
a fine thing both for the alumni and
for the University as. an institution."
MARCH 31 i
Chaperones, details of the dinner
and a general plan of decoration for
the Sophomore Prom which will be
given Friday evening of March 31 in
the Union ball room, were announced
on yesterday by John P. Bernard, '24E,
chairman of the Prom committee.
The list of chaperones, which is
made up completely of faculty mem-
bers and their wives, is as follows:
President Marion L. Burton and Mrs.
Burton, Dean Mortimer E. Coley and
Mrs. Cooley, ,Coach Fielding H. Yost
and Mrs. Yost, Dean Joseph A. Burs-
ley and Mrs. Bursley, Dean W. H.
Butts and Mrs. Butts, Dean John R.
Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Prof. R.
M. Wenley and Mrs. Wenley, Prof.
Emil Lorch and Mrs. Lorch, Prof.
Jesse S. Reeves and Mrs. Reeves,
Prof. Evans Holbrook and Mrs. Hol-

brook, and Prof. Peter Field and Mrs.
The dinner, which, is a traditional
feature of the. Prom, will be served
in the main dining room and the
women's dining roomof the Union. To
avoid overcrowding the dining rooms
the guests will be divide into three
groups, each of which will enter the
dining room at an hour to be designat-
ed on checks which will be given out
at the cloak rooms. The first of the
groups will descend to the dining roon
about midnight.
Decorations will be carried out en-
tirely with flowers and floral crea-
tions, one of the features being a
shield done in the class colors and
constructed with flowers. The deco-
rating will be in charge of the Blu-
Maize shop. No corsages may be
worn by guests, according to thei
Evans to Give Next"'Twilight Recital
Works of Yon, Ferrata, Martini and
Verdi will make up the program of
the next twilight organ recital to be
given by Harry Russell Evans at 4:15
o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Hill

Confliction of dates has caused the
Varsity Glee club to change its spring
concert date from Thursday, Mar. 30,
to Wednesday, March 29. A Michigan
song program is being arranged with
several specialty numbers such' as the
banjo and mandolin quintette, a comic
song quartette, and new selections of
Hawaiian music by Tang and Tav-
Plans for the trip during the spring
recess have been abandoned. Sveral
week end trips to towns in the state
are being arranged instead. The man-
agement of the combined clubs is
preparing a style of concert for March
29 which will not only emphasize fine
vocal music but will be varied and
snappy in every detail.
Near Last Film
Willlie aSovu;
"Alice in Hungerland" will be
shown on the screen at 8 o'clock to-
morrow night at Hill auditorium un-I
der the auspices ,of the Washtenaw
Committee of Near East Relief: The
unique film is a story showing Alicel
in her travels across the sea among
the orphanages in Asia Minor, Con-
stantinople, and the Russian Cauca-
The pictures show vividly conditions1
actually existing which were brought
on by the ravages of war and famine.]
They also take up the reconstruction1
work being carried on by the Near
East Relief as authorized by con-
The admission of 25 cents, which
will be charged at the door, will be
used as a relief fund for the benefit
of the Armenians. Because resources
have not been received in sufficient
quantities; children are dying on thei
streets of Armenian cities who might
have been saved but for the indiffer-
ence of many who have not seen the
importance of their contributions, it
is said. The death rate, which is re-1
ported to be increasing,took a bigger
jump during the winter months.
,Methods of increasing the interest-
in all branches of athletics at the
University were discussed at a meeting
of all coaches, captains, and managers{
of all sports last night at the Union.
Expressions from the men present
brought forth the idea that some plan
should be evolved by which the stu-
dents should begin as freshmen and
continue their activities is some sport
throughout their college term. ri
"Everyone should take "some part inl
some way," said' Coach Fielding H.
Yost. "It is a question of sticking to
the job for anyone to develop into a
good athlete, and we should have more
men out as freshmen who will remain
interested enough to work for the
four years..' It is to the advantage of
each student to work out in some
sport, for he will derive untold bene-
fit from the physical training."
The meeting was primarily for the
purpose of securing close co-operation
among, the coaches, managers, and
captains of the various teams, and
from the campus, towards athletics..
Zeta beta Tau
Buys New 'Home
Zeta Beta Tau, general fraternity,
now located at 807 South State street,
has purchased the estate of Prof. Stan-
islaus Zowski, of the engineering col-
lege, it was announced yesterday. The
property is located at 200 Washtenaw
avenue. It is comprised of an acre
and a half of land upon. which stands

the present Zowski home.
Extensive improvements in the.house
now on the property, in order to fit for
fraternity use, are being planned. Re-
modeling will probably begin July 1
when the estate is to become the prop-
erty of the fraternity.
It is expected that the property will
be ready to receive the fraternity by,
the opening of school next fall.
Apparent misunderstanding among
some students, relative to the require-
ment of taking physical examinations,
led to an announcement yesterday by
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the Health service, that upperclassmen
were compelled to take the examina-
tions. The announcement holds only
for juniors and sophomores who have
received an appointment to take their
examinations. There is no necessity
of seniors calling up the Health serv-
ice for appointments.
Watch for the "'s." Today is "M"


ere his Prof. I. D. Scott, of the geology de-
partment, is secretary of the academy,
a position which he has held for the
past six years. Prof. P. O. Okelberg,
of the zoology department, is librarian
and Prof. P. S. Welch, also of the zoo-
lRSIT logy department, is editor-in-chief.
Faculty Men Are Members
Membership of the academy at pres-
ent totals more than 325 and includes
[OVING many members of the University facul-
L6 ty as well as members of the facul-
ties of M. A. C., Hillsdale college, and
other state institutions together with
profes- others not actively connected with any
versity, such institution.


Instruction Copies Giiven to
District of Union Excep
Nova Scotia
(By Associated Press)
Indianapolis,Ind., March 21.-
mal call for a suspension of
all unin coal miners, issue
from the 'headquarters here
United Mine Workers of Amer:
recting all members of the or
tion employed in and around
thracite and bituminous distri
discontinue work and cease -
tion of coal at midnight on
March 31, 1922."
To Continue Suspension
'The suspension,. the order
would continue "until ternmina'
action of the policy committee
United Mine Workers of A
and until officers of the 3,00(
locals scattered throughout the
try have been a .vised of th
mittee's action.
In accordance with districte
cal agreements the order sah
unions must permit a sufficie
ber, of men to remain at worli
sure the proper care and pr
of all mining property.
The union's policy committ
meet next Friday at Cleveland
sider conduct of the suspensi
the concluding paragraphs of t
admonished miners rqgardlng
contracts during the suspenslo
paragraph read:
Requests Made -
"The present situation in t
ing industry calls for the exe
good judgment, moral couraj
loyalty by every member of th
ed Mine Workers of America.
procedure must be followed
times. There must be no vio
no disturbance of public pe
guided in all your actions by I
icies of your organization and
out your instructions and order
you by the duly accredited oll
your union."
Copies of the call were i
every district of the union exce'
Scotia, where ift was said tih
tract 'with the operatorsd tl
expired, but that arrangemer
been imade for the men contin
work. Western Canadian pr
however, are included in the f
sion order and also every uni
field in this country.
Campus wide discussion has
ently been favorable to the es
ing of a Homecoming week fo
igan in which the Spring gan
May Festival, Cap Night, and
out could all be included. As t
for the May Festival is drawit
the subject probably will be di
in detail at the meeting of t
dent council tonight at the Ui
The matter of monthly conv
is another important questio
may be considered by the o
night. 'At the, meeting of the
held last week, the petition
Student council for a monthly
cation was presented but acti
deferred until today's meeting.
the deans pass favoralbly on t
tion, the council will consider
plans, for its desires to start 1
ular convocations this year.
Plans for convocation as fav
the Student council at its meet:
two weeks ago, included arrani
for an 11 o'clock meeting to
once each month. Prominent s
could be brought to address
meetings, it was pointed out,
the same time, the convocatio
enable the President to bri

things to the 'attention of the
as he thought necessary.
Twenty-five waiters are neE
the basketball banquet to
night,' according to the comm
charge of the Booster club's

The Schoolmasters club will also
- hold meetings in Ann Arbor next week
but the two organizations are in' no
9 way connected and do not hold' official
- joint meetings. The Michigan Academy
of Science= Arts, and Letters is affili-
ated with the national organization
- known as the American Association
for the Advancement of Science.


....l.c..2'..;... ' '.,.

neering de-
The dupli-
college engi-
the Univer-
will Abe re-
slature con-

"Recent Discoberies Of PapyriT
Is Subject Of Prof. Kelsey 's Talk


v lay

a com-

"Recent Discoveries of Papyri" was
the subject of a lecture by Prof. Fran-
cis W. Kelsey, of the Latin depart-
ment, delivered before a joint meet-
ing of the society of the Sigma Xi
and the Junior Research club last
night in Natural Science auditorium.
Describes Manufacture
Professor Kelsey began his lecture
with a brief description of the man-
ufacture of papyrus by the ancie'nt
Egyptians. He explained that, until
about 1575,' there was little definite
knowledge concerning this subject,,
but that recent discoveries, notably
those of Professor Grenfell of Oxford;
university, have made quite clear
much that was hitherto not under-
stood. Of especial importance in this
field of endeavor was the discovery by-
Professor Grenfell in 1910 of about 60
invaluable 'documents buried on the;
site of an ancient monastery in'

sor of French
olt Junior col-
ternoon at 4:15
f Tappan hall.
of,- laf.r- wil"l

entiflc importance, revealing many
features of the social, commercial, le-
gal, scientLL.n _d religious life of the
times. Prof .or Kelsey's intimate
knowledge of this subject has been
derived from first-hand study inj
Egypt, from which country the has
only recently returned.
Inspection Made
At the close of the lecture the audi-
ence adjourned to the: Library, where
the papyri referred to by Professor
Kelsey were on exhibition. Profes-,
sors Boak, Bonner, Robbins, Karpin-
ski and Sanders, each of whom is now;
at work upon the papyri bearing upon'
his own subject, were present to ex-
plain the documents. '
Professor Kelsey declares that from
12 to 15 years will probably be re-
quired before these scholars now
studying and translating documents
will have completed their task..
Parker to Address '25E Men
Freshman Engineers will hear an
address by Prof. John C. Parker, of
the electrical engineering department,
at their assembly at 11 o'dlock this


,t -

ortant papyri were then
e screen, first in their
ition, then in transla-
ave been made. Many,

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