I L L ETIN (11:80 a. x. Saturdays.) , MARCH 21, 1922 Number 124 a.r: .ew..... .a.,r Directors and Superintendents: tention is called to the action taken by the Board of Regents, , authorizing a ghange of method which the Deans had previ- ved, of making all promotions to the ranks of Assistant Profes- te Professor, and full Profesor. In accordance with this action )motion is in the future to be made without an actual commu- he Board of Regents pbinting out why it is recommended. I id you that at the conference of the Deans held Jan. 18, 1922, the requested to submit for the consideration of the Regents at meeting- communications in the usual form regarding all acad- tions involving the professorial ranks, it being understood that endatiops for all such promotions ir any one school of college esented in a single cmmunication. This will be found recorded tes of the conference'of the Deans held Jan. 18', 1922. My object his Bull'etin is to remind you, that the communication on this ether with other papers to be presented to the Regents at their larch 31, must be received at this office not later than 5 p. m. larch 23. M 1. L. BURTON. of the Sigma Xi and the Junior Research Club: ,et in joint session this -evening (Tuesday) at 8 o'clock in the ance' Auditorium. Professor Francis W. Kelsey will speak on icoveries of Papyri". The lecture will be followed by an ex- n 6 of the General Library, in charge of Professors Boak, Bon- ski, Robbins, and Sanders. HAROLD. R. SNOW, Sec. Jun. Res. Club. PETER OKKELBERG, Sec. Sigma Xi. re-up examination for the first blue-book will be held in Room A, iorial Hall Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock.' H. R. CROSSs. . Engineers: or John C. Parker of the Electrical Engineering Department will Freshmen at 11 a. m., on Wednesday, March 22, 1922; in Room ring building. All Freshmen will call on their Mentors for re- g the week of March 27 to April 1. This is an important As- C. E. WILSON, Head Mentor Freshman Engineers.' loquum: ysics Colloquium will meet at 4:45 p. m. on Tuesday, March 21, 3 Physics. Mr. J. M. Cork will speak on "X-Ray Spectra". All re cordially invited to attend. R. A. SAWYER. a1 Club: meeting will be held this evening at 8, in Room 401 Mason essor V. C. Poor will present "On the Electrokineticenergy". the Faculty and graduate students are invitel. W. W. DENTON,' Secretary. oard: vill be a meeting of the Oratorical Board Wednesday afternoon in Room 302, Mason Hall.. : 0. W. RUSH, President. meeting of the Acolytes scheduled for tonight will be postponed A. C. BENJAMIN. ill be a meeting of Phi Sigma on Tuesday, March 21, at 7 p. m. in Natural Science building, at which there will be an election of s. C. W..CREASER. ill be a try-out Tuesday, March 21, at 4 p. m. in University Hall to pick casts for the programs for the rest of the year. All mem- a are urged to try out. R. B. RITTER, President. OPEN SPRING GRID DRILLS APRIL 18 (Continued from Page 4) later date when good weather is practically assured. Following the custom of past years, invitations to report for practice on, Sept. 15 will be sent to the men who show up best at spring practice. Coach Yost is hopeful that all possible can- didates who have even considered fe- porting do so on April 18 and remain out for spring practice in order that more material may be added to Michi- gan's vein. - In answering a question regarding the kind of work that he thought best for football men during the summer months, Coach Yost said, "It is my. opinion that hard, inside work is bad for athletes. On the contrary, out- side work which is not extraordinarily hard is preferable. Work where men practice co-operation with others, and learn to shift about hastily is much preferred to actual hard manual la- bor." ADELPHI MEMBERS TO GIVE EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECHES Adelphi House of Representatives will hold an extemperaneous' speaking contest at 7:30 o'clock tonight in their room on the fourth floor of University hall. Each member will pick a topic from a list to be posted before the meeting and will be allowed two min- utes to speak on it. The six best will be selected and will compete next Tuesday night for a trophy. This contest will be open to visitors and every man interested in public speaking is urged to attend. ORCHESTRA CONDUCTORS ARE OFFERED TRAINING AT UNION Training in the conductiig of or- chestras will be offered to members of the Union orchestra and other men who. may be interested. Captain Wil- son of the Varsity band will discuss the important points in orchestra di- recting and will demonstrate them at the meeting of the orchestra tonight at the Union. Practice will also be given those who take the directing work. 50 TICKETS TO BASKETBALL BANQUET REMAIN ON SALE There are 50 tickets at :Graham's for the campus at large to the basket- ball banquet to be given at the Arm- ory Thursday night. "M" men and honorary societies will also be given their reservations at the same place. Hall Undergoes Second Operation Registrar Arthur G. Hall, who was taken to the St. Joseph sanitarium some time ago to undergo an opera- .ton, recently underwent 'another op- eration from which he is recuperat- ing. The hospital authorities an- nounce that Dr. Hall is feeling better and is regaining his strength slowly. Illinois Wins Debate' Illinois affirmative team won in the Illinois-Wisconsin debate at Urbana. The question debated was "Resolved, That the war debts due the United States from her allies in the Great War should be cancelled." . Canes should be ordered im- mediately at Wagner ind Co.'s since it takes from three to four weeks to obtain them. WALTER WESBROOK, Chairman Cane Committee. Programs and announcements may be ordered between the hours of 2 and 6 o'clock, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, at the I..booth in University hall. J. STEDMAN, Chairman Program Committee. Patrontse Daily Advertisers.-Adv. I I. } , Michigan's Favorite College Price $4050 Wah'sUniversity Book A W- . - #4,rauI Dry Cleaning Is, y o u r g a r m e n t s iora s l n. ez x u i 1 1 1 0 Ann Arbor's Only Cleaners NOT I 0PHONE13 "Unlucky for Spots" A C - - - -_ -_ to inr w Means H+l 'S GOING CO staff meets at romen meet in Sarah ell hall. 18 to 37 of the Bbost- U,'nion. appa Psi. dinner 'at tin- CHIMES TRYOUTS Sophomores desiring to try out for Chimes editorial staff should report to the editorial of- fces, third floor of the Union, be- tween 4 and 6 o'clock any after- nopn before March 25.1 Edwin M. Beresford, '22, president of the Cosmopolitan club has. written a "Plea for Cosmopolitanism for the March Chimes.-Adv. Lost something? A Classified Ad in The Daily will find it for you.-Adv. BE SURE THAT ALL THE MILK YOU DRINK COMES FROM THE Do you wonder why some pegple have so much pep and vim? Per- haps they follow the old rule of -drinking a quart' of milk a day. 41WL Ann Aibor Dairy Co. Phone 423 REMOVE THE DANGER Step into either of our offices and look over our - Safety Deposit Vault Equipment You will feel at ease knowing your valuables are safely deposited in your individual box behind those massive doors TE COST iS NOMINAL FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK 191.105 South alin Street. m South State (Nickels Arc Hardware Co. A Store of Individual Shops 308-10-12 SOUTH MAIN ST. IM of Glee club pion. us Education rehearse at hals. officers p club meets at Union. club meets at Union. search club and Sigma ets in Natural Science IDNESDAY club meets at Chamber; inn. Brouwer speaksIn Na- auditorium. Subject:,' of Mountains." Mud practice in tul- club meets at Union.{ lub meets In room 3068 maportant. De Molay conyocation auditorium, Ann Arbor club meets in room 302 NOTICES pplcations can be made n the Union. gouts will be held this 4 o'clock for casts for ing plays, "The Maker "The Cook. and -the Thep Glittering Gate," ilosophy of Butterbig- embers of the club are routs., s on sale on the cam- -A ~3. A PLUMBER WH~O IS FULL OF"0PEP.,-_ IS APT TO HAVE A DAND Y' ,R EP WE'RE full of pep and we're got a good rep but at that we watch our step. Each plumb- ing job accomplished by this shop lives up to, the character of the work which won us such an envi- able place in the business of this community. Beranek & Martin 1 I- mml mml mmw IT mmu U UID" IIIt imm KN "Ht wt Umt no Imbf 994 Illt m4 HIM" MAI 1It Ut li 11 MINI illl II 1112 W MlIN mmg WAN umm Oil mll emu mUt Mm mu4 "'"II 11111 9U4 U lwl ima III YOU claim that you are unable to dupli- Cate the meals you used to eat at home-we agree with you, for no one can equal Mother's cooking-but--try uttle's Vit'ls (Second only to Mother's) Phones 174176 M POGO jumpings tic a .-,, "POGO" The Great Craze fc Young and Old. York" o Quality Service Cleanliness TU T TLE'S LUNCH ROOM, MAYNARD ST- Get a POGO STICK at S'CHU MACHE 820 NO. MAIN ,ST., Phone 245 4 1, Auv. IIIl+ ~u~ni~us.E~nnsE!E~i~u~ju~:'pi~~uu---------------------------IE----I I For Electrical Washtenaw Electric Shop Telephone ('. 11