Uo te cast sou UU cats s at the dean's office be or their >re that, me. -- ---- I Tickets for the Junior Girls' play T will be on sale at Graham's bookstore until Wednesday; March 22, when they will go on sale at the Whitney theater. Changes in the schedule of hours for dancing classes have been announced as follows: The 5 o'clock class will u- meet at 4:15 o'clock, and the 8 o'clock of class will meet at 5:15 o'clock. In al case of conflicts, arrangements may se be made at the office of the physical y- director. The Freshman Girls' Glee club will hold an important meeting at 4:101 Monday afternoon in Barbour gymnas- ium. There will be a meetingof all sen- for women at 5 o'clock Tuesday after noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall for the purpose of deciding on the play to be given by senior women. Rehearsals for "The Yellow Jacket" will. be as follows: Monday at 3 o'clock, Yellow Jacket nd Plum Blos- som; at 4 o'clock, Yellow Jacket and Chow Wan. Tuesday at 3 o'clock, Plum Blossom, See Noi, Tai Char Shoong, Widow Ching, and Maid; at and Yellow Jacket. Wednesday at 3 o'clock, Plum Blossom, See Noi, Tai Char Shoong, Widow Ching, and Maid; at 4 o'clock, Chee Moo and Ling Wong. MEETING PLANNED FOR SENIOR GIRLS Final plans concerning the play to be given by senior women will be de- cided ,upon at a meeting of senior women at 5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in, Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The play committee has consulted with the committee on dramatics, and it has been decided impossible to give a mus- ical comedy. Several appropriate plays are be- ing considered by the committee. These will be discussed at the meeting of must be taken this week,' and the co mittee is anxious that all senior ' men attend this meeting so that a r resentative decision may be made. "22 LITS NOTICE All members of the 1922 liter- ary class who have not yet paid their class dues of $2 are urged to do so at once. Checks are to- be mailed to the class treasurer at 2107 Washtenaw avenue. Nam of senior lits whose dues are yt unpaid are now posted in the reg- istrar's 6ffice, according to Walt- er B. Rea, president of the Blasas Patronize our Advertisers.-Adv. j 4 sa. w w- -- 504 E. WASHINOTO Today - Monday William S. Hari "The Square DealI Larry Semon in "Dull( Tuesday and Wednes .THE FAITH HEALS A Paramount Spec Soon "Saturday Nigi I,.- Irish Play t time ago. t he is also 'enown and ributors to n, that was le theater i over prac- e will talk sh Players, Rehearsal for the Mummers' play, "A Twig of Thorn," will be held at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon in the par- - d COOK WITH STEAM I also recite somel aiences, being essentially Irish ant pieces and smacking strongly e soil and the common folks. 16ite, hpposite in the character sotry aned in personality IsCarl berg,"the netoet who comes on Anril 5. His book, "Chicago," obably his best known work. It nost realistic story of the Chica- ockyards and the life of the peo- connected with them. Sandberg ms about life inmoost "realistic ,There is no smoothing over the h places and decorating them for public eye. ai entertainer, he has an envi- reputation. After reading some Is own freeterse he usually takes a banjo and amuses his audiences flaying and - singing various folk "bum" songs which he, has 'ollect- the course of his travels. uis Untermeyer, the typical New :er, comes next. He is poet, chit- olitician, and business man com- 1. His poetry is reputed to be ess brilliant than the jewelry h he manufacturers. His nam long been connected with radical kments of all kinds. Most of the ry reviewing which is done in the Republic is dene by him. He is on the editorial staff of the/Lib- >r, a distinctly radical paper. ston and the aristocratic east is esented by thepoetess, Amy Low- who comes next in the series. She robably more imitated than any r poet or poetess in Ameriica. ; said that every young aspirant ee verse writing copies Amy Low- Bei being the 'high priestess" kee verseshe is interesting for her y other connections, her wealth, Eamily, and last but not least, her Bohemian ways. returned strolling bard is Vaciel say. He is 'probably more lik° a lering minstrel thantanything we hlad In the last two hundred s. His main occupation is just go- around the world singing songs reciting, poetry.rThe meter of his ry reminds one of a big bass n or of college yells. Vachel Lind- shows his difference from the oth- nodern poets in that he adores U towns and the movies. Some of mnost interesting- poems are writ- :0 movie actresses. HITECTS MAY PARTY IS PLANNED FOR MAY 26 chitectual students are planning - May party to be held in Barbour iasium, May 26. This is the third that the architects have given party and it has become their .stannual social affair. .st year the party was held May d was a. big success, many De- and local architects and alumni rning for it. The decorations were tiful and were the big feature of paty. This year the committee rorking on even more elaborate in the effort to make this party best. FOR A NICE DINNER TRYL 11IL LIUT'S aH "KNICKER BROGUE SECHRIST PRESSURE COOKER NATIONAL PRESSURE COOKER. THE See these money-saving, quick-acting cookers. you will- never, be without it again. Try one and BUILT FOR ALUMINUM WARE Cooking Utensils, REED White Enamel Ware, ROYAL Granite Ware. FERRY'S Lawn Seed. White Clover Seed. SPEED AND COMFORT A golf pattern-on a Brogue Last- Black'or Brown grained Calf-with. a plain soft toe. AUTO ACCESSORIES Pennsylvania VACUUM CUP Tires and Tubes, all lar sizes always on hand. Start out with new tires and and avoid trouble on the road. regu- tubes, ioderatly priced PROM i630b- te 310 &S. S'lg- S21 ERTr $9A.00 7I O'KANE & HERTLE 536 SOUTH MAIN ST. * Get 'em from "O. and H." and save dc Learnto Read Ai Advocates of better food (and more,. of it) will find the Arcade Cafeteria an ardent champion of their cause! tising, You Men. Expect More Tb ouGv though pirices are much lower than elsewhere ByJ. R . >: Former Advertising Manager HAMILTpN of Wanamakers phila one years 1 ,h_ ttl" lfl"tklll""/kiiiii"Yiifititikitfiiitii ttYi"t"YiittkitllitiiifittYiiil{iitititltitiitiY!"kitttiYYYY"1 "iiti"ttitiiilYltiktiitilitiiti"ttitll"lktiti"iYlYfiitiYY"11"" "Yt"tiltl YtiiiilttttittitYikiit YttttkttlYi itti' ,. R 5 s - r .. . Y . Y . .. . Y . s ,.r. - - Y G _.. Y s b. k " s ' . "1 "1111 . . k 4, .. Y i .. ,, r Y k t « Y p I y 5 Y Y i Y ' Y n Elie s J 'ilori l Y . M i 11'1 .+ Y i Y x t Y ... r " Axon rba r . .dr s .$ c tret tr+ t . c dre ss 9 3T e e m t .ildin 1 . 1 t Y Y " J ; v " " If there is anyone worthy of divine pity it is the man banks his fortune in advertising the name of a breakfast for example, and then steps into the first little nameless he comes to, and bp1ys a nameless pair of shoes or a nameles About half the min in America are interested, in one or another, In advertising, .and yet only a comparative ha of you have actually learned the benefit of reading and reE lng to it. Recently one of the largest. clothing manufacturers ] country stepped into a store and said, "Give me a suit of u "What kind?" said the clerk. "Oh," said the manufacturer, "Any old kind will do." he 'would have been shocked out of his three chins if an had said the same thing in buying clothes. That man makes about the best clothes produced, a cannot understand why more people do not buy his produc Now it is time all men took into considieration the va] advertiing and .learned to respond: to it. No man can tell the exact value of merchandise outs his own particular line. Do you suppose a jeweler knows ar about a suit of clothes, or a clothier has any absolute. knoi of jewelry? Either one of them could be skinned out of ht teeth by the other, and probably would be if it weren't for tising. It is the name not the merchandise that a store or ma turer sells. It is the name he stands back of. And it is advertising the name that makes him stand of it. The man who doesn't advertise hasn't anything to]l to. He hasn't made any claims that he has to live up to. In the name of fairness give these advertisers thei such stores choose the best merchandise that there is to t They offer you the lowest possible price and they stand back their integrity with the returnability of merchandi money back. Now turn to the advertisements in this paper for'the you are gosigto buy. ead every one of them,- large and (A small advertiser may have just the thing you want. your patronage to these people who have cleaned up ou mercial system and have been the leaders in standardizidg (I~f E~wrIsfht1f~ us. If experi- for anything aurant should bor's best eat- ry one of our be a believer. The AY s1o0 INCH 40c ,. ,, E. tc Hall in Connection I ..