THE MICHIGAN DAILY -.- r } _______________________________-i LEGISLATORS MAY IEERSE TAX LAWS i I IBEA e iW O D I ripLD 7 ~ o Forecast Change of Opinion Of Former Opponents of Income Tax on Part State POSTMASTER ABBOTT URGES STUDENTS TO REGISTER "Students! If you have not already done so, fill out a pink card giving your correct address and drop it in the nearest mail box immediately," is the urgent request of city postmast- er H. J. Abbott. According to Mr. Abbott, as many as 2000 packages and 400 special de- livery letters are flooding the post- office every day, in addition to a great amount of ordinary mail. Seven trucks are being used to handle this mail and while most of it has been delivered, many of the packages and letters are being held at the 'post- office for want of definite addresses. But What a Difference in the Clothes! REP. LORD, DETROIT, SUGGESTS LICENSE FEES FOR BUSINESSES Lansing, Oct. 9.-The posibility of a revision of form on the part of op- ponents of a state income tax in fore- cast by several members of the legis- lative group that fought against the passage of an income tax measure and advocated a coroporation tax, in case the state supreme court should hold the new state corporation tax invalid. ology students. New tables have been placed in the laboratory and an im- proved lighting system installed. The capacity of the laboratory has been increased to 82 students in a section, instead of 30 as formerly. Dancing Classes Under the Supervision __of- Jeanette Kruszka Johnson --- and Phillip Rae Miller will commence at the PACKARD DANCING ACADEMY Thursday, Oct. 13th, 7 P. M. Beginners' class every Monday and Wednesday at 7 P. M. Advanced students' class every Tuesday and Thursday at 7 P.M. ENROLL .NOW Enrollment daily, 3 to 5 P. M. at private studio, 721 N. Uni- versity Ave. (above Lyndon Kodak Shop.) Phone 7884. CADILLAC NASH COLE H. E. BARKE Phone 1927 AUTOMOBILE TRANSPOR- TATION RATES BY HOUR OR TRIP Party Driving a Specialty You may pay a little more for our clothes because they are cut, styled and fitted for your personal taste. Hand tailored from imported woolens gives them smarter style and longer wear. There's a little differ- ence in the price - but what a differ- ence in the Clothes! $65 - $70 - $75 WE MAKE EVERY SUIT WE SELL. Assail Corporations At least one or two staunch support- ers of the corporation tax, and as staunch opponents of the income tax, were in Lansing recently to attend a meeting of the special tax commission appointed by the 1921 legislature. In their opinion the corporations did the worst possible thing, so far as their enmity toward an income tax is con- cerned, when they attacked the cor- poration tax. Rep. George Lord, of Detroit, who led the fight in the legislature for the passage of the corporation tax law, said that attacks upon it, if they are successful, will surely lead to a state income tax. He suggested, in case the corporation tax is held unconsti- tutional, a license on businesses in the state. Suggests License Fees The license fees would return the corporation's pocketbooks to as great an extent as the corporation tax, and further, he believes, if such a pro- cedure becomes necessary the voters of the state would be in a frame of mind to vote favorably on an income tax proposal.- Pathology Laboratory Enlarged The Pathological laboratory in the Medical building has been entirely re- arranged to meet the growing needs of that department occasioned by the large increase in the number of path- Moe Laundry 204 No. Main ANN ARBOR NASH GARAGE Across from the "Maj." Phone 2355-F1 p. A Silk and Flannel Shirts Given Special Attention Wed, ~ f 1 __ f L .. " Are you hungry for candy? DO you ever get that craving for I something sweet, something a little different from ordinary foodP And it never occurs to you what you want until it is called to your attention. You see a window fullof 5C1 RAFFT CHOCOLATES And you say,"I'll take a boxhome to the family." But on the way you take off the wrapping and look inside. And when you get home you decide not to say anything about the candy you bought, for it is all gone. Next time Tou will buy two boxes and let the family in on it too, GOODYEAR DRUG CO. DONALD SON'S 711 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE NOW SHOWING A COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS SPECIAL SHOWING OF COLLAR ATTACHED SHIRTS WHITE OR COLORED IMPORTED WOOL HOSE KNIT TIES PAJAMAS OVERCOATS WOOL SCARFS LINED GLOVES IMPORTED ENGLISH CAPS FROM AYRES & SMITH LONDON aL . kU Last Sunday noon about 32 steps from State Street an awfully hungry feeling. This is what we have to cure that feeling today: SOUP Chicken a la PrinlaniereV Celery Olives Sweet Gerkins Fricassee of Chicken, Home Dressing OR I I., Chicken Saute- with Oysters Mashed Potatoes Escaloped Corn Neapolitan Crescents Orange Sauce If you w'ant to lose that empty feeling eat at Flowers" Restaurant OR. ANGELL OUTLINES COLLEGE OPPORTUNITIES BEFORE YALE STUDENTS "INITIATIVE, INDE P E N D E N C E, PLUS CHARACTER MAKE FOR SUCCESS" "To the young student just enter- ing upon his college course there is offered as literally as never before an opportunity to train himself to play a crucial part in the world's work," said Dr. James R. Angell, president of Yale University, in a recent speech to the members of the university. "Social and political ideals are in ferment, moral and religious tradi- tions are under unprecedented strain, commercial and industrial relations are experiencing almost revolutionary changes, and more is to follow. Sure- ly never has the call for independent thinking and courageous initiative been so loud and so insistent. To meet it successfully, one must unite youth, vigor and disciplined mind, with solid well-formed character," declared President Angell. "These are gifts that the university gives to those Who earnestly seek and strive to achieve. To the sluggard or the loafer she cannot give these powers, which come only by self-exertion. One may as well hope to gain powerful muscles by idleness and inactivity as to se- cure mental grasp and intellectual strength by mental sloth and inter- mittent effort." Advanced SECRETARIAL TRAINING for Stenographers MON. & THURS. EVENINGS Hamilton Business College MAJOR and SPECIAL NOTICE Go to i Have your shoes repaired at Dieterle's and save money. Call us up and get our prices HENRY 0. DIETERLE COMPANY PHONE 1861-j NEAR WILLIAM ST. II 343 SOUTH MAIN I, for I r I 615 E. LIBERTY ST. Wall-Paper Paints WE HAVE A HOBBY I I Most people have a hobby of kind but our particular hobby some is to Oils "THE GIFT SHOP OF MAIN ST." Glass Floor-Wax HERE YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING IN GIFTS AND NOVELTIES Dancing-Wax I DECORATED GLASS CANDY JARS POLYCHROME BOOK ENDS KEWPIE POWDER PUFFS POLYCHROME CANDLE STICKS DECORATED GLASS COLOGNE BOT- TLES JAPANESE GOODS ELECTRIC TABLE AND FLOOR LAMPS SHOE BLACKING OUTFITS DECORATED SERVING TRAYS DECORATED GLASS NIGHT SETS DECORATED DOOR KNOCKERS FIREPLACE FIXTURES AND FAIRY FUEL SCHUMACHER HARDWARE CO. Polishes O'Cedar-Oil i I Brushes serve the best Sunday dinner in town. This is what we have for you today - Cream of Celery Soup Fricassee of Chicken with Biscuit Roast Veal with Dressing Croquettes Potato Salad with Sliced Ham Escalloped Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Buttered Squash Macaroni and Cheese SALADS Head Lettuce with Thousand Island Dressing Fruit Salad Cottage Cheese DESERTS Cocoanut Cream Pie Apple Pie Baked Apples with Whipped Cream Ice Cream Sunshine Cake CHICKEN DINNER Stains Varnishes, etc., 50c in fact You can always get the best everythino in Wall-Paper or Paint trade there at -- is 203 Starbuck's A STORE OF INDIVIDUAL SHOPS Restaurant 605 East Liberty St. E. WASHINGTON ST' PH_ONE 237 - Our Object is to Please at the CITY Y. W. C. A. 508-510 EAST WILLIAM STREET 308-10-12 South Main Street Phones 174, 175-M w 7 0