it, ALTH 8 Freshmen Elected to Glee Club The Freshman Girls' Glee club elected the three following new mem- bers at a meeting held Monday after- noon: Geraldine S. Truscott, Edna E. Kadow, and Charlotte Harrison. U an., 2850-M or, 1886-M arbor, 1886-M ., 1719-R 1508-J inn., 2545-M Ludington, 2309-W Vanton, 2174-R Hillsdale, 410-W. h. Hulburton, N. Y., 278-W, 2R ,oe. Pequaming, 981-W rson. E. Chicago, Ind., 1676 The University is not only interest- ed in daily exercise as a direct health measure, but it stands for the Greek ideal in all physical education and exercise. The usual caricature of the average student,-a stoop-shouldered, hollow-chested being-has only too frequently an element of truth in it. Is it not true that a large number of students, perhaps a majority are care- less regarding posture? Their move- ments are sloven-the very antitheses of culture, alertness and assertive- ness. The college student should be the culmination of all those physical char- acteristics which stand for harmoni- ous and heatlhful development, cor- rect and assertiye poise,. dexterous and efficient motions. Symmetrical. development; erect dignified posture; grace, agility, assertiveness and per- fect coordination in' standing, walk- ing, and in all other movements of the body, should be the goal of every stu- dent. "He walks like a soldier," is de- cidedly complimentary. Why not de- velop a distinctive University type of physique? Let the culmination of physical praise be, "He has the per- sonal bearing of a collegian." Every student should read and ap- ply to himself the instructions in the Infantry drill regulations pertaining to the School of the Soldier. Learn how to stand, walk and move. Trhese are health measures of infinitely great value. Further, they contribute large- ly to one's "personality." Try a Daily Want Ad. it pays.---Adv. TELEPHONE 214 F-4 Spring by Cloti Fitform The Store of Guaranteed Satisfaction The Master Makers III 113 Lawton, 450-, )untain, 668-R When Spring Clothes are so reason- able, why try getting along with old ones? Honestly, we have never seen a finer line of Clothing. ..; -4 Grand Rapids, 18 .3 SUITS of Imported and Domestic I., 1261-M S. D. Saginaw, 2900-J Mo., 1878-W Fabrics. Norfolks, Conservative Sacks, Sport Suits, whatever style you desire. BELL BOTTOM TROUSERS, with ' Wis., 1029-R 1, 2642-R 'Vt., 1681-J I I , I I many of them. 4 Traverse City, 2516-M ity, 392-R lay' issue>) 'ill make the principal address of he evening. Plans have been made to ccommodate 200 persons. Those ishing tickets may procure them om Carl Doman or make reserva- ons by callihg 2319-M. i What Is Education. Is an individual who cannot w r i t e Short- hand and Typewriting fully educated? Hamilton Business College State and William Sis. Another large Models arrived. These are the need a shipment Prices to days when you will Spring Top Coat Robin of Sport please. And this is the store where you will find what you desire. The prices are extrempely low. IT PAYS to WALK down to CORBETT'S Just a Word or T About Furni HATS' New Sprix Styles, $5. CAPS The Newe CAPS Tweeds ai Styles TOM CORBETT { 116 East Liberty Street. SHIRTS TIES sox' UNDER. WEAR er how much I eam Soda last y o u know naking them where Fitform Clothes are Sold , t MATINEE 2:00-3:30 EVENING 7:00-8:45 Adults 20cdAdults 30c Kiddies; 10c s' THURSDAY-SATURDAY f } iTh _ 0 t JeffersoE Washington Irving's "Rip Van Winkle" You Know tasted of the Liquor-and thereafter- was made an immortal; stage success by Thomas Jefferson and it is the same disting- Sh-h-h! I and I'll let you in other secret. It is rh that it was -AT- uished actor who now /' contributes a screen mas- teipiece Bootleg Liquor Savings Bank ,000.00 ip Van Winkl serve you Pathe News' . I I Snub Pa olad 4, Also Wuerth 11 Orchestra "PARD ON ME"