Political Reforms on the C A Communication The Sunday Magazine. illegal methods. Such votes could be The system of counting the ballots ig the past two years there cast out. could be revised to advantage. The' een caustic criticisms of our Another familiar abuse is the dead- counting of the votes is now done by ballot, that is casting votes of those a committee of students appointed by system of conducting campus who have left school. This is done by the Student Council. Might not those is. This criticism was just. 1 those whose campus ambitions have appointed by the Council be inter- ttempt to describe the defects been stronger than their scruples. If ested in the outcome of the election? present system and to propose we -are to have an intelligent and Is there not a possibility that this uggestions as to their remedy. representative campus vote we must counting committee might take advan- confine the ballot to those who are at- tage of its particular function to favor criticism arises from three tending college. The Registrar coffld some particular candidate? Such a first, the voting of women publish a list{ of students who have possibility exists. If the system of s; second, the vote of the withdrawn, which could be used at elections is to be complete, it must an class; and third, the fraud- registration booths to prevent the necessarily allow some unprejudiced se of election methods. false registration of such students. body to compute the returns of that ampus election. The Student Council might appoint seven State Street merchants to count the votes. A sufficient num- ber of these men are willing to. do their utmost to secure a fair campus election. There remains but one point, a dif- ferent scheme of advertising the can- didates. In the past candidates have not been known well enough to the voters. About ninety per cent of the votes have been cast at random. Such a system is not a desirable one. Some methods by which the candidates can (Continued on Page 7) ir u rEn E t r E t rur: tt ut t r ut r r r u nruuuutu ui r ui ru n: u rr E r inus t i r i uE : asly states tat only male students shall vote on Union offices. The wo- men, because of their ignorance of this provision, have voted on these offices and their votes have been counted, due to the impossibility of identification. Under the present sys- tem of long ballot, Union as well as other offices, have been placed on one ballot, and the women have voted on them all. By instituting a short bal- lot for the women, upon which would appear only those offices on which the women students are entitled to vote, this evil could be eliminated. This needed change would only necessitate the printing of two forms of ballot. The most discouraging problems arise from the ALL-CAMPUS-VOTE of the Freshmen class. This vote should be limited to the affairs of that class. The reason for this is found in the analogous position of the nat- uralized citizen of this country. The Government does not allow anyone to vote unless. he has been living in the country a certain length of time. The reason for this is obvious. So it is with the Freshman calss. The Fresh- men generally have not sufficient knowledge of the qualifications of the candidates to vote intelligently. If the Freshman vote is permitted it will open the door to "vote grabbing," which is extremely undesirable. The only way by which fraud can be eliminated is to actually determine and define the legal vote of the stu- dent body. A system of registration by which there might be separate booths for the classes of each college, would bring this about easily. Actual registration need be held but once a year. Some officer within the class could prepare a list of the students in that specific class and upon registra- tion each student would be given a registration card and his name would be checked off from.. the class roll. The card would be presented at the actual voting to those in charge of the booth, who then would check the registration with the duplicate card and also with the votes cast at the election. This would afford a double* check on the voters and eliminate the possibility of any student's voting fraudulently. Officers of the class would man the registration booths. Under the present system all ballots for the several colleges are the same. There is nothing to prevent the "swap- ping" of ballots by some ambitious candidates or one of their zealous fol- lowers. They would go to a booth and request blank ballots and mark these as they willed, depositing them at some other booth. The solution of this would be to give each school a different colored ballot. Fraud could be detected at once upon the appear- ance of a variety of colorbd ballots in the ballot-box of one booth. It would be evident that some candidate's num- ber of votes had been increased by "Clothes do not make the man, Neither do they make the woman, But-how they help!" The Spring Wraps The essential item in every Spring wardrobe is the Wrap. If your wrap is possessed of that elu- sive thing we call style, if it is becoming, and the material is beautiful, people will forget your oth- er belongings. Choose your wrap, therefore, with r- more than ordinary care, lavish upon it a few ex- tra dollars and it will pay large dividends in sat- isfaction. And of course we have the wrap you want and should have. Wraps from the foremost makers in the country -the same wraps you will find at 4C Marshall Field's in Chicago or Newcomb Endi- cott's in Detroit but decidedly lower in prices. A lady bought one of our $69.50 wraps this week and after buying said: "I spent an afternoon shopping for a wrap in Detroit, and your $69.50 wraps are the same identical ones I was asked $95 and $100 for." That explains why we sell quite a number of Detroit ladies each season. You'll need a Spring Wrap and we are showing an immense line from $17.50 Sport _ r Wraps to $85 Dressy Wraps, in all the new cloths. If we can give you what you want and incidentally save you a few dollars, why not put us to the test? THE ILLS COMPANY 118 MAIN STREET The Shop of Satisfaction ' t i11i1IIIIIg ill III111 i HI~I 1Illlil i ll u ll llilliil ii l~ltl1111Ii1111i1111111 111111111111111111111111111I f IIIIi f11111111111~ilH w r a s w w r s i s w s 0 s s ' i s s s i ' w l i r!' i w SIR -i i w w i w w i w s N- s w i w w s s w w s s w s w o on s s w w- _ w s s s w s wsi w s s s w s t s s s s s s . w -, s s s we s s s s i sr w + r r .; w i WAM no s w i s rre s s s s s s r w s s r w w am i s r r r i r i i . r r- r r w s a i s r i r r i r r. i r r i i r i r i i r i i r r i r r s i r i s i i r i i r ff l