1 " if l SiJw $FRtr I14mn auug SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1922 'he Twain, East sand West, Meet At the 'Cosmopolitan Clubt ly Delbert Clark) T ers, who are banded together for the students, who come froin countries especially among American born stu- an d Chinese, American purpose of having an enjoyable so- whose educational opportunities are dents, to be asked to join, as it is, in Soth African and Soth cial time. Such is not the case. The on the whole far more limited than effect, through recognition of special black, hiteArwnan aim of the club is to embrace in its those in the United States. Those worth insome line or other that the black, white, brown, ann membership every nationality repre- who come thousands of miles to get the American student is elected. "Corda Fratres"-that is sented on the campus, and as a re- benefit of an education in the Univer- The administrative side of the club olitan club. sult Americans as well as foreign sity of Michigan' or a similar institu, consists of a presient and boar\l of rnational organization of. students are active members. tion can be safely assumed to be directors composed of four students, :cal Cosmopolitan club is a The club, of course, has its social representatige of the intellectual two faculty members, and two busi- as founded in Italy some side, and the members, especially the cream in their own countries. ness men elected by the club. The go. The purpose.,of the _purpose of having as members two became knowns .as the faculty men and two business men is res Association of Cosmo -y to give the club a certain stability bs when it began to broad- T he Bookm an for M arch Says: and continuity which it might lack dextend its influence to with only student membership. The ge in taland theKu-tboard elect from their own number a nes In Italy and other Eu- "The Sunday.Magazine of the 'Michigan Daily'... ....secretary and treasurer. Edwin M. stries, is to promote the In- Sundayd,'2 o ariOn. i h cosmopolitan spirit in is the most definite expression of -literary awakening in an Beresford, ', of Sarnia, Ont. Is the age or university where a acting president. ts. The organization has American collegethat we know of." The activities of the Michigan chap- roughout the world in ma- ter are varied. There are lectures aizations, that inrthe Unit- The above statement, coming as it does, in theface of some local by University professors on Interna- >eing known as the Amer- antagonism and coming from the best and most widely known per- tional subjects, several of these being ciation of Cosmopolitan givn before the eub each year, and purpose is well exptessed odical dealing exclusively with books and writers, is especially there are lectures to the club by se- rda fratres" and in the gratifying. The Sunday Magazine has consistently endeavored to find lected outside spakers,. usually men >ve All Nations is 4Iuman- the best talent on the campus for its columns, the best informed prominent in the field of hich they persons on things literary, to develop the most Lnteresting feature give lectures In Ann Arbor and the war the International or- articles. What the Bookman says leads us to believe that we have neighboring cities. Last year one of has to some extent broken not altogether failed. the foreign st dent members of the n, with a view to wideningto-. Thanks for what the Sunday Magazine has thus far achieved club. was listed as a University Ex- of the association's activi- is in no small measure due to the wide .atitude allowed it, both in tension lecturer, and received the same compensation as do the profes- sore than in the past. The scope and in spirit, and no less due to the efforts of four or five con- sors who deliver lectures on the e- rganization is still intact,, stant contributors. tension courses. A class in interna- h copventions are held to with the same free hand to carry out its ideas, with as large or tional relations and international pol- held during the Christmas larger number of talented contrilutors, there is no, reason why the ity has been organized in previous astear d athMineapis.S una ayears and is soon to be arranged for ,st year at Minneapolis. Sunday Magazine should not progress still further. this semester. Through the medium an chapter sent two dele- The Sunday Editor, of this class the members of the club is meeting. get an international viewpoint and a e two branches to the broader, more tolerant outlook upon hapter of the Cosmopolitan members from foreign countries, de- Some of the countries represented other nationalities than their own, en's club and a women's rive great benefit from this side of are: China, Mexico, Turkey, ICanada, which will, without doubt, have a former numbers some one its activities, as it enables them to be- Chile, the Philippine Islands, Argen- powerful effect on international rels- nd twenty members, and come accustomed to American ideas tins, Manchuria, Spain, Bolivia, India, tionships in the near future. about fifty. Negotiations regarding social life. Brazil, France, Porto Ripo, Japan, For the more social side of ,the coder way to bring about More than thirty nationalities are South Africa; ColombIa, Australia, club's activity, which is' not to be mation of the two clubs to represented in the clubs, comprising Armenia, Hawaii, Siam, Peru, Greece, slighted, there are annual entertain- ater unity to their activi- the pick of the nations from which Nicaragua, Uruguay, England, Pana- ments given in Hill auditorium. Dur- they come-a reasonable assumption, ma, Jamaica, Korea, Sivas, Russia, ipg the five years including 1922 the m error on the campus is according to all our standards of edu- Cuba, etc. club has planned and staged an "All nking of the Cosmopolitan cation and intellectuality-and especi- Membership in the club is by' elec- Nation Review;" a 'play by Prof. J. mde jp entirely of foreign- ally so in the case- of the foreign tion, and it is somewhat of an honor, (Continued on Page 8) Practical Possibilities of Air Travel W. Bernard Butler) of airplane transportation..Few people of passports is the fact that men, wo- having our beggage checked, that we versity of Michigan as the in America realize the extent to which men and children have to follow dif- would not be disappointed in this one may travel by air over the con- ferent rules in this regard. Men need .espect by a plane journey, for one al center and Detroit as the tinent. The service comprises three to have only a certificate issued by may have 30 pounds of luggage car- hub for the aircraft world phases: passenger-carrying, postal the police commissioner, while women tied free, a nominal charge being bility, according to many delivery, and aerial freight. must be provided in addition with a made for all amounts above the limit. ly acquainted 'with aer6-4- Travelers by air go through much family register or a marriage certifi- But the customs officers muss up one's ybem iths the same methods of routine that one cate or a marriage license authenti- belongings only at the landing fields. rlems in r this country. , encounters in land journeys, except cated by a police commIssioner, to- A high degree of efficiency in postal ee the great strides which that they must go provided with in- gether with two recent photographs. I service is maintained in Europe, for nade in the direction of air surance and a passport. !Insurance presume that it may be inferred that a man may have is letter sent via air must turn to the work of of. life may seem an important pre- the nien may be fleeing from the pO- by merely indicating the fact on the specially of France, where requisite for flying, but the fact that lice, while the married women might envelope. 'By posting a letter in the progress has' been made several companies operating great air be seeking to escape from the juris- morning at London the missive will be war. Prof. Felix W. Paw- routes have had not a single casualty diction of their husbands. delivered in Paris by plane that same the Aeronautical Engineer- indicates-that danger in air transpor- A divorced woman finds, among afternoon altho the distance covered tment, Michigan's authority tation has been reduced to a mini- other disadvantages, that she has to is about 240 miles in a straight line. n, recently received a time mum. have her judgment of divorce, while One may now go from Paris to Lon- rpane service covering the Passports are a necessary evil, for a widow has to prove that her hus- don by air to all of the greater cities urope, together with a part the boundary divisions between the band really died. Children have to of the continent and England, accord- numerous small nations of Europe do have permission from; their parents ing to a schedule maintained almost e at the French "Aero- not equal even the height of the miles to fly. Foreigners get by if they have as regularly as that of the steam and il convince even one who often attained by the planes. One of their ow4.passports. - electric lines. One may go from Paris flown of the possibilities the curious things about the securing We Americans are so accustomed to (Continued on Page 2)