THE MICHIGAN DAI Y Aspo J:). :9: t~ NO ----------- glog"All 01 i ol I III .01*mMolo "N No RE5TLINS TEAM W A '. BE LOSE BOUTS I Teams of THROWS HIS KECIHNIE DRAWS >lnation wrestling th the Detroit Ath-f ght resulted in the ig the wrestiling ng the boxing meet the crowd of 500 1 pleased with the go on were the wrestlers. aggressive 115 pounder, t Borsits of D. A. C. in the, 3oth men were exceedingly lever with Borsits holding ,vantage due to his longer He tried a half Nelson and proceeded to ride De- a body scissors. DeFoe rd but Borsits was awdrded d match Jenkins of its of D. A. C. Bor--f a hold but was con-' rnkins with body h Jenkins fought man was awarded ?8. lx On of And itage apie Champ an at 135 pounds osition in Ackerly rly was the light- ampion of the 1920 illard was subject body holds and although Ackerly he as unable to e grapples . D. A. C. lecision. Michigan's 145' n, in the next meet a half Nelson and ed in winning the e next match by D. A. C. man se- Campbell at 158, Bacon. Nahikian used his left nice- ly in the third round buts -having a hard time keeping away from Ba- con's right. The round went to Nahi- kian and contrary to earlier bulletins the bout was awarded to Michigan. Bernbaum of Michigan at 125 pounds met Wolgast of D. A. C. In the next bout. Wolgast had a good left and kept 'sinking it to Bernie's stomach but due to the Wolverine's cleverness the first round was even. Wolgast's left began to take effect on Bern- baum's mid-section in the second round and in a fast exchange Bern- baum had the worst of it. Round two went to Wolgast. Bernbaum held out: well in the third round but Wolgast out-generaled him.. This bout was awarded to D. A. C. Michigan was awarded the 130 pound bout when the D. A. picked to box Libonati failed to show up. In the 135 pound McKelvey of Mich- igan faced Stith of D. A. C. The first round was even.with McKelvey show- ing some clever stuff. In the second round Stith cpught McKelvey with a right on the chin and the punch daz- ed him. He dropped to take the count of nine, intending to get up before 1 seconds were counted. Stage fright evidently got hold of him because he got on his knees and stayed there for the count, arising immediately after and willing to box, but Referee Devero. claimed that McKelvey waited too long. The bout went to D. A. C. by a knockout. ARC9AD E Coming Soon 4 - AHARLES (CHIC) SALE America's foremost delineator of rural types' "HIS NIBS" Lives seven different characters REMEMBER h1MHIN VAUDE VILLE 1 An Exceptional Picture ALSO ETHEL CLAYTON --- in --- ""HER OWN MONEY" *M!elechnie in Fast Draw McKechnie of Michigan and Gotrech- er of D. A. C. at 155 pounds boxed a fast three round draw. Round one went to McKechnie, who made good use of his right. Round two was even with Gotrecher beginning to beat Mc- Kechnie to the punch. The third round went to Gotrecher, who had solved the Wolverine's right.aMcKechnie's won- derful, spirit was accorded comimenda- tion. In the last bout Wolinitz of Michi- gan and the veteran, Hartman, of D. A. C. met at 160 pounds. In the first round Wolinitz displayed clever- ness that surprised Hartman and the round' went to the Wolverine. Woli- nitz came out in the second round and shot a quick succession of rights to the veteran's chin. Hartman became aggressive and held the round even, Hartman led with a left to the stom-; ach and a right to the chin in the third round and Wolintz )pecame grog- gy. He tried to come back but the attack dropped him for the count. The bout went to D. A. C. by knockout. Coach Sulliyan felt that the boys conducted themselves well for their first public appearance and stage fright was the hoodoo. Carl Johnson, '20, was master of ceremonies. Intramura Items ....,. MAY FESTIVAL TICKETS PUBLIC SALE AT UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MlUSIC/ day, evening, March 13. This will be round will meet for the *finals Wed.. the last chance for the men who have nesday, March 15. The time will be to show up to continue in the match. announced later through The Daily. Following are the names of those qual- ifying in the first round but who have Discuss Muscle Shoals Question failed to appear for the simi-final Alpha Nu debaters discussed the round: G. Jerome, '23, R. H. Krouse, question, "The United States govern- '24, H. Parker, '23, Kauffman,' '23, ment should accept Henry Ford's Mus- Meads, '22, Gunttin, '23, H. Schule, cles Shoals propostion," Friday eve- '25, and W. Sweet, '23. Of the 24 men ning. After some heated discussion the who have qualified for the semi-final, house -decided for the affirmative. al have shot except the above men. A short preliminary drill preceded The five high men from the semi-final the general- discussion and the call for SA URDAY MA R.CH 18, 8A.M. MAtORDERS Received not later than THURSDAY, MARCH 16,,4 P. M., will be filled in advance in order of receipt. Please address orders, with remittance to cover $7.00, $6.00, $5.00 or $4.50. (If Festival Coupon is returned, deduct $3.00) to CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary, Uuiversity School of Music, Ann Arbor, Michigan. freshmen nounced. Due to the negligence of somne of the men entered in the foul shooting contest, the tournament has taken a little longer time than expected. A fin- al opportunity to continue in the tour- nament will be given these men at the gymnasium from 9 to :10 o'clock Mon- FRATERNITY HOME AVAILABLE Not a residence but a reqj fraternity home ready to move into. Fine prop- erty for large fraternity that can 'handle a high grade place and location. Write Box 253, care Daily, or phone 106-M for private interview.-Adv. You'll find many bargails when you read Michigan Daily Ads.-Adv. y ,n Won the ien the I wrestleI refused to show up. Haller Wins Handily in Haller, Michigan's light eight representative, scored the 1 of the meet when he threw " of D. A. C. in eight min ith a head lock and wrist gan's heavyweight, Meeker, trough with the deciding match ched a Michigan"victory by the decision over McKinley a aid of body and arm holds. Thorn Pleased Thorn is well pleased with formance of the Michigan. s' the D. A. C. grapplers were, class men. This meet shows lh the proper backing the Wol- applers can rank with the bestl te wrestling teams. of M. A. C. proved an efficient for the matches. Sullivan's boxing team went' and the 115 pounders, Nahi- Michigan and Bacon of D. A. in the opener. Bacon was [off his feet in the first round, ae up immediately. Both boys a little with Nahikian 'having er of the round. In the second, acon's left began to find Nah face 'and the Wolverine was coming. The round went to t- M4 PPR Welc prof apparel mo YEAR&C0 4 - a Spring Of eryone is ca SPRING APPAREL SPJNG FABRICS Monday, Monday Tuesdy EA attei a will be the p. aa - - ptt tiful carnat - time Fisch( give the foll March--The Enterpris Selection-Spring 3)1 Concert Valse-Carri Overture-The Lion's7 Descriptive Fantasle- Selection-The Fortun Fox Trot-April Showm " t Selections-Il Trovato March-TheWp .. " w 4 OPENIN.L "G f1 tryouts OPOS of spring's come arrival and the nounced changes in )des WM. GOOD- )MPANY announces pening to which ev- )rdially welcomed. NEW ACCESSORIES HOt FURMSHINgS Marhen 1th evening 7 to 9 ---- T March 014th 4e .5 S1 II " 40 " 01 4 t . *+ .6 " I 1 i Fk $ .. -' '4 Jy rY .., b -4 _ I I Good looking shoes are a big factor in that neat appearance which all peo- ple admire. k TURE complimen- to the women who nd Monday evening resentation of beau- ions. :At the :same ers Orchestra will owing program: ser .....................Scat aid ..... ... Lebar ssima .................Voelker Bride ................. Zimmerman =Vision of Salome.........Lampe ne Tellbr ...................Herbert 'ers ..................witi .re .......... . . . er .... .. ...... ... . . Holzman We have just received an unu- sually fine lot of Spring Foot- wear. The latest in style and best in quality. Come look them over. mom ._ ,. ..,_,. AU Dietzel ASHINOTON S8T. 'I , WN GOODYEAR e f!n P N C' i