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March 12, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-03-12

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R 4




Judging from the sale of Junior
Girls' play tickets at the box office of
Hill auditorium, large audiences will
attend all three performances. The
remaining tickets, including some good
seats, will be on sale all this week
at Graham's bookstore.
The costume committee is working
out some attractive costumes for
choruses giving special attention to
color effects. All costumes will prob-
ably be ready for dress rehearsals on
Friday and Saturday nights of this
Final Concert




ate to Assent "Would
Short of National
sociated Press) f
March 11.-Secretary
s in a letter Saturday
iderwood, Democratic
and arms conference
ccasion to characterize
the American delegates
> accept some plans fori
Pacific treaty cunning-
others opposed to Am-;
3 as " a very poor and
eption of. the work in
i the conference."
W No Consideration
V added that the amen-
international inter-
led revealing the in-
)nfidential suggestions
>ns incident to the- ne-
he assuered the senate
urse of everything said
reveal nothing derugat-
taken by the American
asserted it would show
n or acceptance of any
itirely consistent with
olicies of the American
rer pact itself requires
y, the secretary said,
ingenuity in argument
cism can add to it or
gements greater than
Ll language sets forth."'
secret notes or under-
Gensis of Treaty '
e gensis of the treaty,
the object of questions
rom its opponents, Mr.
at while the "question
unimportant, after as-
given by Great Britain1
t France should be a
lf prepared a draft -of
;ed upon the various
ch had been exchanged
Be Calamity
le senate to ratify the
.ghes declared, "would
rt of a national calam-

rngs Dux And
Hu erman Here

Termination of the Choral Union
concert series of concerts will take
place at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening in
Hill auditori.um, when Claire Dui
soprano, and Bronislaw Huberman,
violinist, appear for the first time be-
fore an Ann Arbor audience.
Mr. Huberman has not been in Am-
erica for 24' years until the present
season, but has from the outset, won
the approval and commendation of all
who have heard him. Miss Dux is one
of the leading sopranos in operatic
and concert fields.
'Their program will'be as follows:'
Symphonic Espagnole... . Lalo
Allegro non troppo
Scherzando (Allegro molto)
Rondo (Allegfe)%
Mr. Huberman
Aria from "The Pearl Fishers"
(In French)..............Bizet
Miss Duxi:'
Nocturne in E flatC. ..Chopin-Sarasate
"La Capricieuse" .. .. . . Elgar
.Mr. Huberman-
Chanson Indoue from "Sadko"
(In French) .....Rimsky-Korsakow
Lullaby (In English) ..Hans Hermann
I Once Saw the Wind (In Eng-
lish) ................Kromolicki
"Cato Nome" from "Rigoletto"..Verdi
Miss Dux
Aria from "Il Re Pastore" ....Mozart
Morgen ..................... Straaiss
Ave Maria ................. Schubert
Miss Dux and Mr. Hubermran
Mr. Paul Frenkel, accompanist
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Apropos of the editorial appearing
in this morning's issue of your
paper relative to making the ceremon-
les attending Cap Night a week end
affair, will you give space to the writ-
ten wish of an interested alumna that
Cap Night be set so as to not to conflict
with our May Festival? Last year, my
husband and I deliberately missed the
first half of the Friday evening con-
cert, which is the star evening of the
May Festival series, and the last half
of the Cap Night ceremonies due to
this conflict in time. This year there
is no question about what it is we will
miss, if there is still the conifict, be-
cause we are parents of a freshman.
But we would like also to hear the
beautiful Friday evening concert.
March 11, 1922. ALUMNA.

Traces Situation from War Period,
Giving History of Lloyd
George Ministry
On the whole, the party situation in
England is more confused than it has
been at any time since the origin of
the cabinet system, according to Prof.
J. R. Hayden, of the political science
Soon after the beginning of the war
a coalition* government composed of
Liberals and Conservatives was or-
ganized. This government continued
in power until 1916, when Mr. Asquith
was succeeded by Mr. Lloyd George
as prime minister. With the retire-
ment of Mr. Asquith,'-a group of Lib-
erals broke away from the coalition
and became known as the Free Liber-
als, or Independents. The coalition
continued and included the Conserva-
tives, the Coalition Liberals, and the
Labor party.
Conservatives Retain Seats
] ' 1918 a general election was
held. The Conservatives and Mr. Lloyd
George, backed by a small group of
Coalition Liberals, remained in the
Coalition. They were opposed by the
Labor party and the Free Liberals.
The Coalition leaders simply gave the
seats in parliament from certain dis-
tricts of the Conservatives and oth-
ers to the Coalition Liberals. 5fi-t
tricts that had traditionally returned
Liberal mem'bers returned Conserva-
tive members of Parliament and this
led to some dissatisfaction among the
Liberals. The seats in parliament
were apportioned so as to give the
greatest strength to the Lloyd George
government. The Coalition was vic-
torious, but the Conservatives who

were not Mr. Lloyd George's party,
were given a majority of the seats in
the house of commons.
The Conservatives ,tended to split
into two factions, the reactionary or
"Die-Hard" element, and the progres-
sive element. This split in party;
ranks was widened as the negotiations
of the Lloyd George government on
the Irish question were continued. The
next largest factions in the house
were the Labor party, and the Free
Liberal party, the # latter being Mr.
Asquith's group. A prime minister was
in ofiae. whto did not' receive his
chief support from his own party.
The Coalition Liberals and-the Con-
servatives had been able to agree on
the war policy, but their notions as
to the peace-time policy of the' gov-
ernment were different. Many meas-
ures were adopted which were com-
promises,, and which were not in the
best interests of the nation.-
Younger Intervenes
While the prime minister was at
the Cannes conference, Sir George
Younger, who was the Coalitionist
Conservative Whip, head of the cen-
tral office of the Coalition party, and
a party leader who was subordinate
to Mr. Austen Chamberlain, announc-
ed that he considered it time for a
general election. Such an announce-
ment would have ordinarily come from
Mr. Lloyd George as Premier, or, by
agreement, from Mr. Austen Cham-
berlain, as leader of the -Conservative
party. If the general election were
held, it would mean that , Mr. Lloyd
George would resign as prime minis-
Sir George' Younger was the leader
of the "Die-HIards" who were far from
satisfied over the solution of the
Irish difficulties. It was not his place
(Continued on Page Ten)




etings, including that of
n Schoolmasters club, the
ssociation of Superinten-
Schoolboards, and the
cademy of Science, are
or Ann Arbor during the
aing March 26. Monday
y of that week the second
nization holds its meet-
day, Friday and Saturday
y of Science will meet.
ie leading teachers of the
xpected to attend the
ida a large number of na-I
own educators also will
here. Problems of edu'-
e discussed and other sub-
ortance to the teachers of
r of / special events are
the guests of the Univer-
g them are a farewell
of the Michigan Union.
)ncert and a "speechless
the Schoolmasters' club,
eons and dinners for par-
ions of the organizations
ke place, and an alumnae
,n annual affair, will be
oon, April 1, at Barbour

Regular. University services which
were to be held this evening in Hill'
auditorium and at which Mrs. Helen
Barrett Montgomery was to be the
principal speaker will not be held due
to Mrs. Montgomery's inability to ful-
fill her engagement here on account
of illness. Word was received yester-,
day from Mrs. Montgomery by Rev.
Chapman, Ann Arbor minister, saying
that her illness forbade her coming.
Mrs. Montgomery is an author, lec-
turer, and worker in civic activities.
She is now president of the Northern
Baptist convention, being the first
woman to hold a high important re-
ligious office. Formerly she was
president of the New York State Fed-
eration of Women's clubs.
Bishop Charles J. McConnell, Meth-
odist bishop of Pittsburgh, will be the
principal speaker at the University
service April 2, under the auspices of
the Methodist people. According to
the S. C. A., attempts may be made to
secure Mrs. Montgomery for the serv-
ices to be held May .
According"to those in charge of the
University services, attempts will be
made to secure Mrs. Montgomery for
May 7.
Chooses "Real Estate Opportunities"1
as Subject of Address
Judson Bradway, '04, will speak at
3 o'clock this afternoon in the assem-
bly hall of the Union on "Real Estate
Opportunities." In line with the ob-
ject of the regular Sunday afternoon
meetings, his talk will present the ad-
vantages of his particular vocation.
Mr. Brad'way spent but two years
in college, leaving at the end of that
time to accept a position in Detroit.
It was later in the same year that he
became identified with the real estate
business, spending three years in con-
nection with the Shipman Real Es-
tate Exchange. At that time Detroit
had a population of only 350,000 and
the business activities of this firm cov-
ered the city.
Being firmly convinced of Detroit's
future, he then organized a firm of his
own under the name of Judson Brad-
way Incorporated. Mr. Bradway has
been closely connected with the mote-
ment to widen North Woodward ave-
nue. He has also specialized to quite'
an extent on real estate appraising,
especially since the income tax laws
have been in force which require ex-
pert judgment of real estate value.
O. W. Rush, '22, member of the
Union Sunday afternoon meetingsl

Woodbridge N. Ferris, former gov-
erinor of the state of Michigan, was
entertained at a banquet at, 6:30.
o'clock last night ain the parlors of
the Congregational church by the Fer-
ris Institute club of the University of
Mr. Ferris was the founder of the
Ferris institute at Big Rapids, and
with but a short period during his
governorship, has been active presi-
dent of the school ever since. He
started as a farm lad, and through
dint of hard work and stinting of the
pleasures of life managed to put him-
self through the two year Medical
school of the University of Michigan
in 1873-74.
When He Was a Student,
"I was a student in Ann Arbor back'
in '72 and '73," declared Mr. Ferris
yesterday afternoon. "I was in the
University when University hall was
dedicated. It was a great event and;
Michigan was then a great school.
But since then University hall has de-
generated into nothing short of a fire-
trap. I said a couple of years ago
when in Ann Arbor on a visit that
the old building should be replaced.
"And so I was mighty pleased when
I heard of Michigan's new building
program. Not only for the sake of the
state but for the great University of
Michigan itself, do I think that this
wonderful institution should expand.
from its present cramped quarters and
soar out."
Prof. Prayer Makes Talk.
Following the banquet, were several
addresses from different people con-
nected with the Ferris school and by
Prof. W. A. Frayer, of the history de-
partment, who spoke on the subject
of "Obligations of the Educated." The
program came to a close with an In-,
formal talk by Mr. Ferris in which he
brought out the undermining influence
on the world today of moral skepti-
cism. He attributed the great war,
the partial unsucces sof the Arms
Conference at Washington, and all late
matters of diplomacy to this degrad-
ing and increasing prevalence of mor-,
al skepticism.
In closing, Mr. Ferris said, "Great-
er than the subjects taught to you
people in your class rooms . are the
personal contacts that you make on
your campus. The biggest thing of
University life is the association with
all sorts and types of men* and wom-

Mimes' second vaudeville bill 'was
well received last night by a large au-
dience in the Mimes theater. Tme per-
formance of Burton Hyde who played
a varied set of classical and ragtime
numbers onhis giant marimbaphone
drew repeated rounds of applause.
His version of."Song of India" proved
to be one of the most popular musical
hits on the #program.
The singing and impersonation num-
bers were also well presented, the ac-
tors showing a considerable improve-
ment in stage presence foom the last
The performance was completed by
an especially good Harold Lloyd com-
edy, in which the hero 'creates amus-
ing scenes in a Pullman dar.
PFlayers Club4 To
Present, Comedy
Play Wednesday
Players club will present "Some-
thing to Smile Over," a one-act com-
edy by Max Ewing, '24 S. of M., on
Wednesday evening, March 15, at 8
o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
This is the beginning of a.series of
original plays written by members of
the club to be presented by Players
club at their monthly meetings. "Smoe-
thing to Smile Over" will have special
scenery designed and constructed in
the Players workshop. The comedy
has met with the enthusiastic approval
of Prof. Roy W. Cowden, chairman of
the play selection committee, and has
been under rehearsal for ' several
months under the direction of George
Wilner of the oratory department.
The cast for the Wednesday evening
program is as fallows: Jane Bower-
sox, Amy Loomis, '22; Paul Bowersox,
David Gilchrist, '23; Gloria Nast, by
Catherine Greenough, '23; Henry Ben-
nett, Milton Landy, '23; Julia Bennett,
Dorothy Jeffry, '23.
' In addition tp the Iay, a reading of
Galsworthy's "The Little Man," will
be given by Prof. Louis ich of the
oratory department. There will be
special vocal and orchestral music.
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
In answer to the communication
published in The Daily yesterday
morning, the Prom committee wishes
to tell a few of the reasons- why the
Sophomore Prom is to be given in the
Union ballroom instead of the gymnas-
ium, and explain tie error of the wri't-
er in yesterday's Daily, in regard to
the distribution of tickets. The com-
mittee makes this explanation in the
hope that it will reduce the discon-
tent among those who, for various rea-'
sons, did not get tickets for the Prom
and who have subsequently found fault
with those who are inanaging the ar-
In the first place, the committee,
had no way of anticipating the large
number of applications for tickets to
the Prom-a number far in excess of
any previous year-and that, had this
number been knowi, it still would
have been impossible to consider giv-
ing the party in the g-mnasium.
Consider the fact that the -Hop _this
winter cost, approximately $6,000, that
nearly $2,000 was spent for decora-
tions alone, and to cover this expense
720 tickets were sold, exclusive of all
complimentary passes. From this it
is clear that had all the""applcants
for tickets been allowed their peti-
tions, the consequont income would
have, been insufficient for a party in

the gymnasium.
Second, the gymnasium is without
fgcilities for ser ing dinner and that,
if the party were given in the gymnas-
ium, this feature of the Prom would
be impossible.
"Why not,"'asks the writer of Sat-
urday's communication, "follow that
method used by the class of '23 . . .
As a matter of fact, the class of '23
discarded the method they used for
their Prom, in distributing the tickets
for their J-Hop this year. And it is
the same method they used for their
(Continued on Page Ten)

New York, March 411.-Abolt
the free trial for goal after touc
substitution therefor of a. play
line of scrimmage 'on or back
five yard line of a defensive e
and clarifying changes in the ru
garding shift plays, clipping fr
hind, and substitution, were ann
by the intercollegiate football
The action of tlv committee ii
ishing the trial for goal after
flown, the most radical step take
the introduction of the forwar
in 1906, had been reom nended
association .:of American ,f
coaches, following its ,zneeting
last September
Change Eoug Agitated
I The revision >bad been dleman
a majority of football expert
years, and since the abolitio
yeass ago, of the punt-out, many
leading coaches took up the ca
for abolishing the play. They d
ed It was useless, and harmful
game. It was understood that
Roper, Princeton coach, suggest
play for the point from a li
In regard to. the change in th
ruling, the opinion of some f4
men was that it would tend -to
damper on the playing style of
of the leading western college eJ
especially that of Notre Dame,
wierd shifts have puzzled op
teams for seeral years.,
Xick-bff Rule Altered
The initial kick-off regulatio
altered' so that if the side winni
toss selects a goal, the other tea
the choice of kicking or rec
Heretofore when one captain e
to defend a goal, the other sid
compelled to kick off. The da
rule was altered to allow the r
with the consent of both capt
decide between halves to short'
fourth period, or both periods
second half. Rules governingi
tution were adopted so that a
cannot return to a field in the
half in which he is removed.
The "one man in motion" reg
was re-written so that any pla
the scrimmage' line before play 1
must be at least five yards behi
line when the ball is snappe
action was taken to make the n
of players mandatory. The per
of the committee was not chang
K. Hall was re-elected chairma
WalterCamp\ secretary and ul
Plans for an extensive series
tures have been announced b
Men's 'du ational club, to be
erec at its regular bi-monthly
Ings. Among the principal sp
are Hon. T. E. Johnson, state
intendent of public instruction
Frank Cody, superintendent~ o
troit schools, and Prof. E. H.
dean of the Summer school.
The following officers fo' the
semester were elected: pre
Manley M. Ellis, grad.; vice-pre
Paul V. Sangren, 'grad.; sec
treasurer, B. C. Fairman, grad
The club exists for the purp
fostering good felloship amon
who plan on making education d
work, and any man interested
science of education, is eligil
membership. Meetings are re
held on the first and fourth Ti
evenings of each month at the
and are always announced i
Daily. The dues of the organ
are 50 cents per semester.
The. program for the remain
this semester has been art
Prof. E. H. Kraus, dean of the S
school, will speak March 15'o
Advantages of Summer School A
ance to School Men in the Fiel
informal reception to the (dic
school faculty will be given
28. Hon. T. E. Johnson, state s
tendent of public instruction,
speak April. 4. Michigan repr4

tives of the school book con
will 'contribute the program Ar
Mr. Frank Cody, shperintend&
schools, Detroit, speaks May'
+,t fAn eal h Mo 9 'Kw'


Experts Take
Shift Rul



First Prize Winner Gets $100 Cash
and Represents Michigan in
League Debates,
The final University Oratorical con-
test will be held at 8 o'clock Mon-
day, March 27, in University Hall aud-
itorium, ac'cording to an announce-
ment made yesterday. The following
men who won in- the preliminaries
will speak: F. H. Backstrom, '24, on
"The Greater Task;" J. Glasgow, '23,
"The Parting of the Ways;" C. H.
Smith, '24L, "Our Debt of Honor,
C. E. Forsythe, '22Ed.,\ N"Appalachian
America;" and Earl Miles, '23L, "A
Crushed Ideal."
The winner of the final contest will
receive "$100 in cash, the Chicago
Alumni medal, and will represent
Michigan in the Northern Oratorical
League contest, to be held at the Uni-
versity of Illinois in May. The win-
ner of second honors will receive $50.
Dr. Young, Jr., of Boston, Here
Dr. Edward L. Young, Jr., of Bos-
ton, is here visiting with Dr. Hugh
Cabot. At Dr. Cabot's request ho lec-
tured to the junior Medical class yes-
terday on renal stones, a subject on


was made busi-
Ilee and Mando-
succeed Gordon
igned. Kirk will
ediately. In or.
co-operation be-'
tha clhb the~

en. Do not make a mistake on edu-
cation - it begins with life end ends
with death." .
Matinee Artists Announced
Selections by the University Girls'
Glee club; Mildred L. Chase, '22, con-
tralto; Bessie I. Palmer, '25, pianist,
and Thomas E. Dewey, '23,. baritone,'
will make up the next regular program
of the Matinee Musicale society to be
given at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday aft-


Gilbert C. Ely, ' atteuded Hills-
dale co'lege for only one year instead
of three as stated incorrectly In yes-
terday's Daily. While there he com-
peted for one gear in football, basket-
ball, track, and baseball, winning let-
ters in each sport. With this year at
Hillsdale and the paste year of com-
petition at Michigan, Ely has one more
year of college competition, which he
will take next year as captain of the
Varsty h.a-kttea +m t ich ho sn_

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