.. W Xomen Kappa Alpha Theta house will hold a bridge tea at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon for the benefit of the Wo- men's league. Tables can be obtained for $3 or 75 cents a person by call- ing to reserve them. Chaperones for dances over the weel end are: 'Union-Miss Martha, Hills; Armory-Mrs. H. G. Berger; Packard-Mrs. H. B. Lazell. All women who wish to submit a drawing for the permanent pin for the -Michigan league should complete their drawings by March 21. The University Girls'.Glee club will meet at 4:30 o'clock Tuesday aftei- noon in the assembly hall of the Un- ion. Mortarboard alumnae, instead of the active members of Mortarboard as was previously reported, will hold a meet- ing at 8 o'clock Monday night at the Chi Omega house. All are requested to be present. Rehearsal of the entire cast and choruses for the Junior Girls' play will be held at 9 o'clock this morning at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet at. 2 o'clock on Monday afternoon. GREATER EFFCIENCY AIM 01, POINT SYSTEM, Greater efficiency for University women is the aim of the point sys- tem. At present th~e Women's league at Michigan is a iember of the Na- tional Women's leagues, but it cannot remain so unless a definite point sys- tem is established. This point system 'was adopted at Michigan in 1918, but it is just now being formally introduced. An accur- ate system will distribute the honors and duties of non-academic college life more evenly. and prevent an excess from falling upon a few women.' The plan of the point system is to give every recognized activity a certain value in points. For instance, the president of the Women's league re- ceives seven points, while the member of a committee of the Women's league receives one. Each activity is ac- cordingly accredited> Every girl is expected as -a matter of personal honor to limit the number of her points to not more than 12 in one semester. The committee in charge of the point system is composed of Elsa Townsend, '22, chairman; Marian Nichols, '22, Margaret Spalding, '22, and Mary 'Jameson, '24. "22 ZITS.NOTICE All members of the 1922 liter- ary class who have not yet paid their class dues are urged to do so at once. Checks are to be f mailed to the class treasurer at 1 2107 Washtenaw avenue. Names of senior lits whose dues are yet unpaid are now posted in the reg- istrar's office, according to Walt- er B. Rea., president of the class. SMat. Wed. ,SoC to $x 50 GAR RICK Nights - 5octo$25o DETROIT Sat. Mat. - oc to $2.o Zimbalist's Exquisite Musical Comedy "HONEY DEW" Opera -Musical Comedy - Spectacle . Drama AfRCAnDE Coming Soon SHUBERT. Mat. Wed. -- 5c to $1.0o MICHICAN Nights - - g500 to $200 (DETROIT) Sat. Mat. . - -5Soc to $1.50 "The John McCormack of Comic Opera" - WALTER SCANLAN in a comedy with songs "IRISH EYES" LAST TIMES TONI S ---- ----- -------- - ----.-...... t............ I. W hich Girl Did He Sa vi_, Don't let anyone sell you something "just as good"' There's No Such Thing! RON I A l AT THE THEATERS TODAY Screen i i Arcade-"Saturday Night," Cecil de 'Mille's production. Majestic-"Just Around the Cor- ner," a Famous Players spe- cial Wuerth-Marie Prevost in "Don't Get Personal." Orpheum-Hoot Gibson in "The Fire Eater." Rae-Thomas Meighan in "The Conquest of Canaan." SENIORS ANNOUNCE PLANS FOR SUPPER Tickets for the Senior girls' supper, which is to be held the evening of March 23, will be on sale early next week at Barbour gymnasium for 75 cents. All seniors should plan to se- cure these as soon as possible. Songs which are to be sung at the Junior Girls' play are being worked out and these will be rehearsed the evening of the supper. The collars for the graduating gowns have been ordered and will be on sale at University hall when they arrive. Everyone interested is urged by the committee to watch The Daily for more definite announcements con- cerning these matters. GLEE CLB WUONCERT PROCEEDS INCREASE CAMPAIGN FUNDS The concert given by the University Girls' Glee club Wednesday ecvening in .Hill auditorium, netted the club more than $75. The Girls' Mandolin club assisted the Glee club in the con- cert. The proceeds will be given to the campaign fund of the 1Michigan league. WALKING SHOES CHARLES (CHIC) SALE America's foremost delineator of rural types in "IS ,NIBS" Lives seven different Characters REMEMBER HIM IN VAUDEVILLE I An Exceptional Picture ALSO ETHEL CLAYTON - in - 'HER OWN MONEY" are the ORIGINAL muscle-developing Health Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Their famous "Nature s own" flexible-sb ank straight-inside-line con- struction is extensively imi- tated. But this construction is fully protected by patents. So imitations' are necessarily inferior. We sell Genuine "GROUND GRIPPE'?S' Ceci0l~ C'S,0 De'ftlv One woman-his wife. The other-te wife of hi! friends Now, when one must be left-which did hi really love? It is only one of the thundering sensations in this,,th latest, greatest picture by Cecil B. De Mille. Greatest in beautiful women-greatest in gowns any settings - greatest in 'heart-tug - greatest in thrill CAST INCLUDES: LEATRICE JOY - CONRAD NAGEI - EDITH ROBI JAiCK MOWER - THEODORE ROAERTS - JULIA I SYMPHONY ORCHES TRA SPECIAL ,MUSICAL SCORE ADDED. - -SPECIAL " WHY THEY LOVE CAVEME COMING SUNDAY I Campus Bootery 804,South State 4I Patronize Daily Advertisers.-Adv. THIS WEEK ,. Stage Garrick (Detroit) -"Honeydew," a mhsical comedy. Shubert ,Michigan (Detroit) - Walter Scanlan in "Irish Eyes." 4 Something for sale? A Classifed Ad in The Daily will find a buyer.- Adv. oa see' J tllflltltll :' ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. r i 1I r 111q r i1 III , i t 1 t , W. w . O r Mr Al " IY f Yid Iii it{ . tlli er AI !lam v W fly yM P r . rr . .n rw r wr wr nq qr + r w r t r r s s s w w a ..w, rt r - W w+w sr rw r .w rf err wee aw r .yr s., .. r rE ar rn sr ans sr r" a rr . nr. ssr sssr ww ssa rs wnl r [ ' r y . _ snr i s_ t . !l f i !1!!l111!!!!!!!!!!!!!lti111!l1111111lU!!11###11.!1111111#111#ill#1##i 4>. b r ap c fyg, at . hr t o p G y I V 5 0 i f # i i I TDF , Qi Dresses and Gown, Sections Our a er £ g Si ...., i Y {+ Offer A Distinctive 4 ssemblla g Of Springtime Styles FAIR AND WARMER! Followed by storms! . . . For Bachelor Ezra Potts had never had much fun-till a dare-devil spirit, hunting a body, spied him and entered in! Then holy cats! How the neigh- bors gasped at what that old bird did! A love story built on a rousing idea never screened before! Filled with amazing mechanical marvels and laughs to last a week! WHAT ( WOULD. YOUt ,DO IF YOU D AR ED?j 24 Hours of Laughter Squeezed into one! ' " exquisite iostumes fashioned from Pussy Willows, Taffeta, Krepe, Knit, Paulette Crepe, Crepe de Chine and Georgette. Models with long, modish waistines and lolk girdles or weighted ivith steel, garnet, crystal or opaque beads. Many are em- broidered, others combine laces, beads and embrdideries with niceties in hand-drawn work. Street, class room, afternoon, dinner and evening styles. Loi WEBEZR' -fe ////) L $ $3$4 25- 35- 45 and up 5Tisses and Women's Lost something? A Classified Ad in The Daily will find it for yov.-Adv. Read Michigan Daily Ads' and you will buy wisely.-A dv. k1t111' -, ml f w"ye arton eins' CORNER WOODWARD & STATE ONLY PLArC OF BMINE&& NO CONNECTION WITH ANY OCER SMRE DETR61T =11 iE1111[11111I Illllllilllllt~ltI11C 11111111111111 II mlI CLAIRE DUX OPERATIC PRIMA DONNA Tick( Choral Union AND Bronislaw Huberman, Violinist $1.5 ncert HILL AUDITORIUM--Tuesday Evening March 14 (APPEARING INSTEAD OF RAISA AND RIMINI)