L \ , _,rs , Sn. J ! t1 Y + y ' f * y " w-I s " /t "' '' A 1 1. . _. ,: w ..... ,4.. _..... ........_ ,. _.,.. .. ___ - .- ass toques from Daily Lost something? A Classified Ad In dv. The Daily will find it for you.-Adv. .** *0** Intramural Items The Intramural department has set aside definite periods on Monday night, during which the fraternities that have entered the foul shooting contest will have an opportunity to pick their best goal thrower to repre- sent them. It is suggested that fra- Sport t '. \ a7N'A :-- .*.U * m :S S- S ,* 0 S. Oxfords ternities owning their own basket- balls, use them if possible, and that they come exactly at the time set for them and limit their tryouts to 25 shots. This will help relieve the congestion which under such a schedule is apt to prevail. For the purpose of tlari- 'ty the baskets are numbered 1, 2, 3,1 and 4 beginning at the east end, so that each group as it appears on the floor may precede without confusion to the basket set apart for its use. The successful representative of each group must be entered in the Intra- mural office on Thursday. The sched- ule for fraternity tryouts for foul shooting contest is as follows: 8 to 8:30 o'clock, North, Kappa Beta Psi, D K E, Trigon, Phi Sigma Kappa; (Continued on Page Five) ARC A D Coming Soon WOLVERINE TRACK TEAM FACES T BGIDO ET O IM %1 S S * 00 *9** S-S-S. We are now showing two styles of sport oxfords One of gray buck, with gray kid saddle, fibre sole at $8.50. One of smoked horse, brown saddle, with leather sole at $8.00. Wahr's Shoe Store 108 South Main Street Michigan Athletes go to Evanston Next Sat. and to Ithaca the t Following Week , CORNELL HAS SQUAD WHICH, RIVALS ILLINOIS RUNNERS; Michigal's track Jteam faces the. two big indoor meets this month that will either make or break it. The Con-, ference indoor championship meet, scheduled at Evanston for a week from today, will find the Wolverine tracksters battling with the best ath- letes in the mid-west, while on the Saturday following, Coi'ell's track team, admitted by critics to be the, most powerful aggregation on the At- lantic seaboard, will furnish Farrell's men with an abundance of competition at Ithaca. Just how well the Wolver- ines perform in these two recognized classics will have more than a little influence on the general rating that will be accorded the squad as a whole this season. Michigan's chance of winning the Conference indoor championship next week are almost negative. On the basis of their performance in the relay carn- ival last week the Wolverines would not even be considered as having the slightest possibilities at Evanston,' but after all, the Illinois affair found the squad in bad straits and decidedly off color. Michigan has some excellent performers, and although the team can rntbe :expected to best the Illinois "wonder team" i the fight for prem- ier honors, it is hoped that it will be second to the Urbanites only. Prospects Against Cornell Dim Prospects for' the Cornell meet are not of the brightest. Thus far this season Cornell's track team has been sweeping everything that has come before it. Several weeks ago the Itha- cans won a triangle meet from Har- yard and Dartmouth, both. of whom boast of their track prowess, after a hotly contested fight, turning in- quite a creditable performance. Last week the Red and White athletes again asserted their ability by trim- ming Penn State, romping away with the meet with the overwhelming 73, 1-2 to 30 1-2 score. The Cornell track- sters have been showing class in their meets with representative eastern I tI =i -,' a e y L op l , C h c g t CHARLES (CH10) SALE America's foremost delineator of rural types in- "HIS NIBS" Lives seven different characters REMEMBER HIM IN VAUDEVILLEI An Exceptional Picture ALSO ETH LI CLAYTON -in- "HER OWN MONEY" teams this season that compares most favorably with that displayed by the Illini luminaries. Record smashing seems to be the strong forte of the eastern athletes. Though early in the season, several of the New York Staters have already clipped off some time from several old- time records. The Cornell team is es- pecially powerful in the running events, and but average in the field. Considered as a whole, the team has all appearances of being a well-bal- anted aggregation, capable of offering keen: competition for almost any ,col- lege outfit. Michigan has its work cut out. Much of the Wolverine chances depends upon the way the men take to their work during the next few weeks. Trials on Monday Trials for the Varsity track team to go to the Conference indoor meet at Evanston will he held Monday after- noon in the gym. The events to be settled then will be the 50 yard dash, half mile, mile, two mile, and 440 yard dlash. Captain Simmoi~s, Burke, Harvie, and Kelly will contend for the hon- ors in the 50 yard dash. In the half mile Gibson, Hattendorf, Douglas, Ey- erett, Dunklin, Morton, and Price will fight for the places. The milers are Standish, Arndt, VandeVisse, Cochran, and Rearick. In the two mile Davis, Penberthy, Chute, and Whittemore are the hopefuls. Lewis, a member of the "quarter mile squad of last year, who was temporarily held out of competi- tion by a technicality in the eligibil- ity rules is once more eligible and will take part in the 440 yard dash trials. He is incidently an "All-A" man. The other quarter milers are Thomas, Sie- mans, Rankin, Joyner, Walter, Chubb, and Davis. These trials are the last of the in- door season. The ;men will stand or fall by their showings Monday. The number of men to be taken to Evans- ton next Saturday and to Cornell a weel later will depend upon the show- ing in these trials. It is probable that five quarter milers will be taken, and three or less in the other events. Coach Farrell is having a small cin- der straight-away track built beside Waterman gym. He is leaving no stone unturned, to have his dash men in the best of shape for the Conference meet. The track at Evanston is built of'dirt and spiked shoes are used. The men were not accustomed to spikes when they went to the Illinois relay carni- val, but they will feel at home in. them when they get to Evanston. o NQSO N I I i M' r- eli Dressed Means I i . ' ', F Appropriately Dressed iat's the effect college men desire--that's the effect you achieve when iu select a suit here. The basic thought of our new clothing department Appropriate Clothes for College Men. 6AST .. TIME TODAY I I is why we decided. Langham Clothes re right for us-because they are so obviously appropriate. Spruce, upstanding thes with a wealth of style, and yet with an utter absence of exaggeration. day suits there are. Plain models with a distinctive look; and Norfolk styles that are unusual but not bizarre. Checks, plaids, stripes and inter- esting novelties. 91 $40 to $55 MARIE PRE VOST "Don't Get Personal" 1 t I CHARLES (OH!G) SALE LMEIR BENDER Son of "His Nibs" One of the Seven Different Types He Brings to the Screen In "HIS NIBS" REMEMBER HIX IN VAUDEVILLEI As you smile at lovable, old Theo. Bender, he ;will recall, perhaps, someone you once knew. ALSO ETHEL CLAYTON InE- "HER OWN MONEY" Come in and See Them All AN BOVEN & CRESS 1107 South University Ave. II . THIS i Mixer Extraordinary THE OTERNOON ALL CAMPUS MICHIGAN UNION BEST D 2:30 5:30 y GIRLS INVITED MENt73a